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Life of Crime

Page 25

by Kimberley Chambers

  ‘Oh, wow, Trace! Really?’ Melissa gushed, hoping she sounded shocked.

  ‘Yes. I only found out earlier this week myself. I kept being sick, so did a pregnancy test. I was gobsmacked at first, wasn’t sure if I wanted to be a mum, but now I’ve had time to digest the news, I have decided that it’s meant to be.’ Tracey couldn’t remember the exact date when she had last slept with Simon as she had been inebriated most days on their cruise, but she guessed it was little more than a couple of weeks before she had slept with Jason. She intended to pretend the baby was overdue and was sure she could get away with the lie. Simon wouldn’t be coming to her appointments with her; neither did she want him there when she gave birth. Mel could be her birthing partner, and the midwife and doctors would not be allowed to discuss her medical records with anybody, Simon included.

  Jason was stunned, couldn’t speak. Simon had always wanted to be a father. How could the bitch do this to him?

  Simon held his head in the palm of his right hand. ‘I don’t know what to say. I have a new woman in my life now, Tracey, but obviously I will support my child and be there for you,’ he muttered.

  Melissa glanced at her husband. He looked shell-shocked and she knew why. It had brought Bobby’s death back to him, just like it had her. She squeezed his hand. ‘You OK, Jase?’

  Knowing he had to pull himself together, Jason forced a smile, lifted his can of Stella in the air, and looked in turn at both Tracey and Simon. ‘I’m made up for the pair of ya. Congrats, guys,’ he said weakly.

  Tracey grinned. ‘Thank you, Jason. I know me and your pal Simon aren’t an item, but I’m sure he’ll make a wonderful daddy. Won’t you, Si?’

  Still flabbergasted, Simon lifted his arms and shrugged. ‘Well, I’m forty next year and I’ve always wanted kids. So yeah, bring it on.’

  Donte Brooks was not a happy lad. Furious with his mother for not telling him the truth, even though he genuinely needed the information for a school ‘Family Tree’ project, Donte had rung his grandfather. Unbeknown to his mum, he and Shay had visited Johnny in hospital after he’d been shot, and Donte had kept in touch with him on the phone ever since.

  Feeling nervous, yet also incredibly excited, Donte clicked on to the internet site ‘Friends Reunited’. He typed in ‘Joel Wright’ and lots of men popped up. Donte’s heart beat wildly. Was one of them his dad?

  His teacher had recently quoted, ‘Every child has a right to know who their mother and father is,’ and Sir was never wrong. His mum was bang out of order. No way would he forgive her for lying about his dad’s surname. Not ever.

  After another sleepless night, Jason was mentally drained. He had a busy day ahead and would have to pay that bitch another visit later. What the hell was she playing at? Was the kid his? Simon’s? He would demand a DNA test when it was born before he shelled out any money, that was for sure.

  Unaware he had been followed all morning by an array of vehicles, Jason drove to the small car park that was situated opposite the Camelot pub. He’d sorted the slaughters now, had the keys to both properties, and Craig had wanted to meet him in person.

  First to arrive, Jason got out of his car and stretched his legs. His thoughts turned to Darlene. He was devastated she had terminal cancer, couldn’t get it out of his mind. She might be a lot older than him, but she was the nearest to true love he had found. He’d rung her earlier and was taking her out for the day tomorrow. Melissa didn’t know he was bunking off work, so she’d be none the wiser.

  The screech of tyres made Jason jump. Craig pulled up beside him in a big flashy black jeep that was anything but inconspicuous. He jumped out. ‘Let’s walk.’

  ‘Bit loud, that motor, ain’t it? I take it you don’t mind being spotted wherever you go?’

  Craig opened the back door and two Rottweilers leapt out, nearly knocking Jason over. ‘Don’t bother me, being followed; I never get my hands dirty in the first place. Meet Ronnie and Reggie. Love a rabbit and a squirrel, they do. Reggie even killed a deer recently. A baby, it was – he ripped its throat clean out,’ Craig laughed.

  Noticing one of the dogs salivating at the mouth while giving him the evil eye, Jason averted his eyes from the creatures and fell into step beside Craig. ‘The slaughters I rented are perfect, I think. One is in a block of flats not far from the Cross Keys in Dagenham; the other is in Barking, but on a busy road. Both are small blocks of privately owned flats. I viewed a few houses, but they were a bit iffy. One was on Scrattons Farm Estate and as soon as I pulled up I had a gang of kids hanging around asking me questions. Too much like the Mardyke, Scrattons is. Everybody knows everybody, and if you’re a stranger you’ll stand out a mile.’

  ‘Yeah. I get that. What’s the comings and goings like at the flats?’

  ‘OK. Most people are at work all day, so my pal reckons. Probably better to get the lads to park away from the buildings, that would be my suggestion. There were no nosy bastards lurking about any time I pulled up there. I thought they had a good feel about ’em.’

  ‘OK. I trust your judgement. Got the keys on you?’

  Jason handed over an envelope.

  ‘Good man.’

  ‘Look, Craig, I can’t keep doing this. I’m sorry. But it’s making me ill. I’m not sleeping of a night.’

  Craig grabbed Jason in a headlock and chuckled. ‘Get some sleeping pills then, ya nutter. What am I gonna do with you, eh, mate? You’re such a fucking pansy, you really are.’

  Not knowing what else to say or do, Jason chuckled too. Little did he know at that point, his complicated life was about to get a whole lot worse.

  Jason was just about to lock up the shop for the day when he heard the door open, and a distinctive voice. ‘What do you want?’ he snapped.

  Mickey Two Wives picked up a DVD player. ‘No need to be fucking rude, is there?’

  ‘I need to be somewhere. Was just leaving.’

  ‘Not before you’ve listened to what I’ve got to say, ya fucking don’t. You got rid of it yet?’

  Aware that Mickey meant the Van Gogh, instinct told Jason to say, ‘Yes.’ Those Irish gypsies were horrible bastards and he didn’t want them turning up on his doorstep.

  ‘See it on Crimewatch?’


  ‘Well, I got a warning for ya. Those mushes don’t mess about ya know. One whiff of you opening your fucking trap, they’ll torture your wife and kids in front of ya, before chopping you up in segments.’

  Finding it difficult to swallow all of a sudden, Jason nodded. ‘I’m no snitch. As I said it’s gone. Not even in the country any more.’

  ‘Good. How much is this?’ Mickey still had the DVD player in his hands.

  ‘It’s marked up at forty. Thirty to you, if you want it.’

  Mickey Two Wives dropped the DVD player on to the floor, then obliterated it with the sole of his Dealer boot.

  ‘What the hell are you doing?’

  Mickey pointed at the mangled piece of equipment. ‘If I find out you’ve lied to me, that’ll be your fucking head.’


  Jason Rampling drove towards Darlene’s with the weight of the world on his shoulders. Melissa was refusing to speak to him this morning. She’d got paralytic drunk last night and demanded he sleep with her as she wanted another baby.

  Jason sighed. It had been like shagging a floppy rag doll, but he’d done it to keep the peace. Now she was blaming him for taking advantage of her when drunk. He had never taken advantage of a woman in his life, would never dream of forcing a female into having sex. It had really pissed him off that his own wife should say such a vile thing, and what’s the betting she would tell that bitch Tracey too.

  When Jason had asked Darlene where she would most like to go for the day, her answer had been ‘Margate’. She used to go there once a year on a beano with a crowd from the Silver Hall and said it reminded her of happier times.

  Jason forgot his woes the second he pulled up outside Darlene’s house. T
he July weather was scorching and she was standing on her doorstep looking a picture. She’d ditched the headscarf for what he presumed to be a long dark wig, and placed on top of that was a huge straw hat. She was dressed in denim jeans and waistcoat with a long mauve vest top and trainers. Jason got out the car. ‘What you got in there?’ he chuckled, as he spotted an ice box and woven basket.

  ‘Food and drink. I made us a picnic,’ she grinned.

  Seeing the nosy bastard who’d been pretending to wash his car the other day peering out the window, Jason decided to give him something to look at. He put his arms around Darlene’s waist and kissed her gently on the lips. ‘You never fail to amaze me, Dar. When God made you he most certainly broke the mould, girl.’

  ‘You come straight home from school, do you hear me?’ Melissa Rampling shouted as her sulky son picked up his school bag. She’d caught Donte searching for his father yesterday, had smashed up his phone in temper and confiscated his computer.

  ‘Lay off him, Mel. And where is my dad? I heard you two frolicking in bed last night like silly teenagers. It isn’t going to work, you know. You’re messed up in the head,’ Shay smirked.

  Ignoring Shay, Melissa yelled, ‘Donte, I swear if you don’t come straight home, I will pick you up from school every day until you break up for the summer holidays.’

  Donte spun around and stuck his middle finger up. He hadn’t known his mother and Jason had slept together last night. That made him despise her even more. ‘Fuck you. And if you think smashing up my phone and hiding my computer is going to stop me searching for my father, you are very wrong. I’m going to find him and get away from you.’

  ‘What do you want to do first?’ Jason asked, holding Darlene’s arm to steady her. She was very thin; he could feel her bones rubbing against him.

  ‘Can we go to the amusement arcades? When I was growing up my aunt had a caravan in Great Yarmouth. I used to love the one-arm bandits, couldn’t wait to visit her to play them again. I can’t walk far now, so I thought after that we’d plot up on the beach for the afternoon. Are you expected home at a certain time?’

  ‘Nope. I’m all yours.’ Jason stopped outside a shop, picked up a hat with KISS ME QUICK written on the front and placed it on his head. ‘Well?’

  Laughing, Darlene stood on tiptoes and pecked the only man she had ever truly loved on his luscious lips. Jason Rampling was far more of a help to her illness than that bloody chemotherapy had been. He made her feel young and vibrant again.

  ‘Oh, hello Si,’ Melissa said. She was expecting a delivery and had thought it had arrived.

  ‘I can’t get hold of Jason. Don’t know where he is, by any chance, do you? He isn’t answering his phone and is not at the shop. I was passing, so thought I’d pop by on the off chance. I actually wanted to talk to you about the Tracey situation.’

  ‘Come in, I’ll put the kettle on. I’ve no idea where Jason is, I’m afraid. He went off in a huff this morning and it’s all my fault. I feel terrible now.’

  Simon sat down at the kitchen table. ‘Do you want to talk about it?’

  Without going into great detail, Melissa explained about Donte wanting to track his real father down. ‘So last night, me being me, I downed two bottles of wine to forget the awful day I’d had, and Jason and I ended up in bed. I felt an idiot this morning, like a desperado, so I accused Jason of taking advantage of me. He looked horrified and now I feel dreadful. I’ve tried ringing him, but his phone’s switched off.’

  ‘Did you leave a message?’

  ‘Yeah. I just said I was out of order and I didn’t mean what I said. I find it so hard at times, Si, to forget what he did. I’ve been having horrible thoughts today. For all I know, he might be round at bloody Charlotte’s house now. I want to trust him and I just hope that in time I do.’

  ‘No way will he be with Charlotte, so get that out of your head. I’m his best mate, he tells me everything and I can assure you you’re the only woman he has eyes for. He seriously wants to make another go of things, and is genuinely sorry for how he hurt you. If you give him a chance, he’ll make it up to you, I promise.’

  Putting two steaming mugs of coffee on the table, Melissa sat opposite Simon. ‘What I want to know is why he is suddenly short of money. I’ve asked him and he’s very vague. He said it’s only a temporary blip, so has he got money owed to him?’

  Simon shuffled uncomfortably in his seat. ‘The one thing I can’t discuss with you is his finances, Mel. I’m sorry, but as his accountant I’d be breaking the law. Jason trusts me and I’d never betray him.’

  ‘I know. Sorry for putting you in an awkward position, but do you think his finances will improve in the long run?’

  Thinking of the painting, Simon smiled. ‘Yes, I think you’ll be absolutely fine in the long run. But I can’t say any more than that, OK?’

  Relieved, Melissa smiled. ‘Thanks for putting my mind at rest. So, when you seeing Tracey? She said you had to cancel going out for a meal.’

  ‘I did. To be honest, I needed some time to get my head around the news. It was a bit of a shock, to say the least. Mel, if I ask you something could you please be truthful with me? Whatever you say, I will never repeat, I swear.’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘You obviously know Tracey better than anyone else. I need to know if there is any chance this child might be another man’s. I’m not thick; I know Trace wasn’t that into me, so I wondered if she was seeing anybody else around the same time as me?’

  ‘Absolutely not,’ Melissa said confidently. ‘Tracey tells me everything where men are involved and she’s not slept with anyone else. No way did she cheat on you, she wouldn’t be able to keep it secret, would have definitely told me.’

  Simon breathed a sigh of relief. ‘Thank you. Only Christine hasn’t taken the news well at all. She isn’t maternal and thinks we should call it a day. I’ve explained to her that I’m not interested in getting back with Tracey, but she’s standing firm. She reckons a child would complicate things and I suppose she has a point. We haven’t even been together that long. I am gutted though, I did really like her.’

  ‘I know you did. What a shame. But there’s plenty more fish in the sea and there’s no point being with a woman who won’t accept your child. I actually reckon when the baby’s born you and Trace might get back together. Kids change everything.’

  Simon shook his head. ‘No way. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt. She’s a very pretty girl is Trace, but too much of an airhead for my liking,’ Simon chuckled. ‘Obviously, I will support her and the baby though. That kid will want for nothing. I’m gonna be a dad. I keep pinching myself to make sure I’m not dreaming.’

  Melissa smiled. Simon had such a kind face and nature. ‘You’re going to make a fantastic father. I’m made up for you, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.’

  ‘Jesus, Dar. You’ve brought enough grub to feed the French Foreign Legion,’ Jason mocked. Chicken legs, pork pies, quiche, French sticks, two big lumps of cheese, ham, pickles, tomatoes, cocktail sausages – she’d literally thought of everything.

  ‘I fancy a cold beer. Want one?’ Darlene asked.

  ‘Does the Pope pray?’ Jason laughed. He was thoroughly enjoying their day out. It was a welcome release from all the other shit going on in his life. He’d woken up in a cold sweat thanks to a nightmare, early hours of this morning. Mickey Two Wives and the Irish gypsies had him tied up in some barn and were torturing him.

  ‘Take your T-shirt off. You can top up your colour. Not that you need to, you’re as brown as a berry anyway. I often wondered when you were a kid if your dad was Spanish, as you used to go so brown. Don’t get many blond Spaniards though, do you?’

  ‘I inherited the dragon’s hair colour. Shame I never knew my old man. I reckon he must have been a cool dude as I certainly never took after my mother. Then again, he must have had a screw loose to give her one. Either that, or he was blind drunk,’ Jason chuckled.

op it,’ Darlene laughed. ‘I can’t eat any more, I’m full already. Poxy disease takes away your appetite. I barely ate anything when I was having the chemo. Everything tasted of metal to me.’

  Jason took his T-shirt off, rolled up his faded jeans and propped his elbow up in the sand. ‘Are you not having chemo now?’

  ‘No. I can honestly say I have never felt so ill as when I was having that. It would’ve only prolonged my life for another six months or year anyway. Who wants to spend their last year or so on earth feeling like shit? And I lost all my hair. Broke my heart, that did. It’s started to grow back now, but I look like something out of Bad Girls.’

  Jason squeezed Darlene’s hand. ‘You look beautiful with or without hair, and anyone who tells you any different will have me to deal with.’

  Darlene felt comforted by his hand holding hers. Jason was a beautiful man inside and out. His blond gelled-back hair glistened in the sun, and his eye colour matched the sea. ‘I know I’ve already said this, but I truly am sorry for being such a bitch to you. Whatever must your wedding guests have thought?’

  ‘It’s forgotten, honest, Dar. And let’s be honest, it was funny. Not often you see the groom getting a blowjob at the reception,’ Jason winked.

  Darlene chuckled. ‘How is Mel? You getting on OK since you moved back in?’

  Desperate to tell somebody his woes, Jason sat up and held both of Darlene’s hands. The beach was busy and Jason could tell people were watching them, probably gossiping about the age gap. Jason was his own man, had never been bothered about other people. They must lead sad lives if all they had to do was stare at him and Darlene. ‘I need your advice, Dar, in more than one area of my life. I know I can trust you and I don’t know who else to turn to. You must never mention anything to Craig though. I know how close you and him are.’

  ‘We’re not that bloody close. Honestly, Jason, whatever you tell me I’ll take to my grave with me.’

  ‘I need to get out of the situation I’ve got myself in with Craig. I’m in over my head. I’m not a drug dealer, babe. I’m a Del Boy. I got roped in and it’s started to keep me awake at night. Do you think you could have a word with Craig for me? You know full well I can be trusted. I don’t know that much about what they’re up to anyway, but I would never breathe a word about what I do know. I just wanna walk away, quietly like.’


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