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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 5

by Richardson, James

  The men stood at four feet and five inches tall were the woman stood at the same height as Cominus. Knowing he was in a bad place to be when these creatures’ attacked him. Cominus was not about to be at the mercy of these things. As he once had been when the ruby golem battled his brother. Cominus lunged for the small male to his left hoping that this would cause some confusion. Catching the male off guard punching the male in the throat dropping his sword. With sword in hand the lack of weight of the weapon nearly throwing Cominus off balance. Righting himself the silver flash arched though the air. As the light weight metal plugged into the males chest hearing his death cry the other two were driven into a berserk fury.

  Now that Cominus had a weapon in which to defend himself. Cominus hoped that his brother was on his way, he knew he could not hold them at bay for to much longer. The two creature's watched in fury as a large shadow passed overhead. Cominus could sense they were displeased at this shadows arrival. They turned their attention to Cominus guarding himself he knew what the shadow meant. A shadowy figure dashed out from the forest, with a sword drawn he charging straight towards the woman. As Cominus watched the two fighting at speeds that seemed like a blur. Returning his attention back to the male which had closed the gap between them. Knowing he could not mach his speed Cominus drew upon what skills he had with a sword to guard himself from the male’s blows. Seeing his brother in trouble Draco reaching into the depths of his unholy strength. As the young female Drow fell with a single swing of his blade. Running at full speed the arch of the male Drow arm caught his attention. Unaware to Cominus defending his left side with the sword he had taken from his first opponent. Cominus didn't notice the Drow's reaching around his back clutching a steel dagger. Ready to drive it into Cominus's liver until his brother came to his rescue stepping in between the fatal blow. With the males gaze upon the figure, Cominus drove the sword though the males right eye. The sword pulled from his sweat-covered hands Cominus as his body fell to the ground.

  “Where have you been they could have killed me,” Cominus said gasping for breath. Yet was glad to see his brother once again even under these circumstances.

  “I came as fast as I could,” Draco said trying to draw the dagger from his flesh yet the dagger was beyond his reach.

  “So this makes us even then, so just what in the hell were they?”

  “Drow,” Draco said nudging the dead body of the dead male at their feet. “You mind pulling this out it buggers me to no end." Looking down Cominus saw the knife that was meant for him, lodged into his brothers back were his kidney was. Reaching for the bloody dagger Cominus was amazed that his brother was still standing from this serious wound.

  “Sure hold still this may hurt a bit,” Cominus said yanking out the dagger and throwing it to the ground. “So what would the Drow want with me,” Cominus asked tearing his shirt to stop the bleeding.

  “No need I will be fine thank you for your jester though.”

  “You could have told me that before I ripped up my damn shirt.” Draco scanned the woods to see if any were lingering within there shadows. Cominus watched his brother as if he knew something was there. Yet his own eyes could not see no more then a few feet into the crowded woods.

  “You need to pack a few things that will last you for a few days,” Draco said calling Shadow Fang. Cominus could not get use to the new image of his brother, he looked more like a vampire from those horror movies his brother so enjoyed. The sound of her wing beats on the air got his heart racing. Would this be the day when his world would change, or did his brother have something else in store for him. Would a thing of legend really allow him to ride such a powerful being. Cominus had to bite down his anticipation of the events to come.

  “Why what's going on,” Cominus said trying his best to hide his eagerness from his little brother. Though it was hard when just moments ago you very life was in the balance.

  “The Drow came here for you I do not know if they have found out your connection to me or not. I cannot protect you all the time so the best choice I have is to take you with me,” Draco said motioning him to retrieve what Cominus would need from his home.

  “So what will happen to the rest of my things?” Not eager to leave behind the things that meant so much to him he looked at his brother who had done the same thing.

  “I will send some one to collect the rest of your things when we reach my home.”

  “All right give me a few minutes,” Cominus said running into his home. Throwing together enough things into a backpack to get him though the next few days. Looking though the closet for a very thick coat to wear on his ride knowing it would be freezing. Pulling on a toboggan and a pair of gloves, slinging the backpack over his shoulder and closed the door of his home.

  “You ready,” Draco asked standing beside Shadow Fang. As Cominus approached Draco could see the look of sire joy upon Cominus face.

  “As I will ever be,” Cominus said taking a step onto Shadow Fangs front fore leg. Cominus watch Draco as he buckled his right leg into the straps mimicking his brother’s actions.

  “Hold on tight,” Draco said nudging Shadow Fang. With her riders touch unfurled her wings. With three beats of her mightily wings Shadow Fang cleared the wooded area. Circling the house she searched for a thermal vent to gain height for it would be a long flight back to the castle. Feeling the chilling wind against his cheeks Cominus was glad he spent the time to find his coat. Soaring high above the city that had been once his home, Draco turned Shadow Fang towards home.

  “Enjoy the ride it be a long one,” Draco said against the wind. Letting Shadow Fang have her pick of the best way to cross the void of the two worlds. The swirling mist of pink’s, blue’s, red’s that was the only thing that told the world of its existence. The void created in the fire’s of Terra Drago’s near destruction, created by the god’s to separate the realm of man from the realm of magic. The paths one takes to cross the void were not stable at any given point of time. Many have fallen to its deadly pull when the mist closed in around those foolish enough to transverse the void. Though Shadow Fang and Draco had traveled though the void countless times they knew of it's nature. Shadow Fang could tell when one path they had used to get to Second Earth would close as soon as they entered the void. They made a habit to take another even if it would take longer to return to the land of Sol.

  As Draco and Cominus began the trip back to the castle, the emissaries had begun to arrive. Upon hearing Redbird's statement, the elven emissaries were in uproar. Never in their history had any one left them waiting for the host to return. To them this was inexcusable in elven educate the host of the delegations were to be present upon the arrival of the emissaries. The wood and dark elves did not hold true to this very old and mundane tradition. The High elf's however were the bearers of the old ways, and saw this as a slip in the face to them.

  As Redbird directed them to their waiting chambers where Draco had prepared for them. Redbird could hear their questions to one another about the disappearance of their host. Reaching their rooms Redbird waited for their comments of the conditions of the accommodations. With no objections to their quarters Redbird bowed and walked down the hall. Taking his post at the end of the hall encase there was any need for him. Taking his post he began to think how this would hurt his lord’s chance to gain the elves help in this war. Then he began to question this if they came to his lord then maybe they need him more then he needs them. "Maybe the elves would not hold this against his lordship," Redbird thought to himself. Exiting the void Draco nudged Shadow Fang with his left knee that would take them home. As the brother's approached the floating land mass. Cominus could see bird like shapes coming and going from the land mass. In the far off distance, large group of the bird like shapes circling around something.

  “Are all those dragons!” Cominus let out a gasp of joy when he looked upon those mighty creatures. However why they were so far into the mountains of the land, and not over the castle Cominus could not fathom.

  “Yes, they are let me welcome you to Terra Drago well what’s left of it.” Draco said sadly.

  “Is this all that is left or is there more place like this.” Cominus could not believe the destruction upon this world. "How would any one let this happen to their world," he asked himself.

  “I can’t tell you that what I am doing boarders on breaking the rules of the council.” Draco knew that the council had more worries at the moment then this little infraction of the rules.

  “So if the Drow had not attacked then I would not be here so what's going to me now.” Cominus hoped his brother would not place him in room not to venture out into this extraordinary world.

  “Yes you could say that for now you will stay with me or until the council reprimands me for my actions. However, in these dark times I highly doubt they do anything to harsh,” Draco said as the land of Sol sped below them. With the war with the Doncer, the council’s power had waned in the five thousand year war.

  “What is that suppose to mean,” Cominus asked over his brother shoulder. He hoped that his brother had not gone off and done something very foolish in his years away from home.

  “Lets just say the only thing that stands between them and the Doncer is me,” Draco said with a smile upon his face. Cominus was about to asked another question, however he knew his brother would not or could not answer his question. Therefore Cominus was content on staying quietly, and watching the dragons in the distance as they dance across the sky. As they approached their destination Cominus could see a large castle looming before him. Was this his brother’s home who ruled here, or was it the council that Draco spoke of. "Was this were some dragon lord ruled and was his brother in his command," Cominus asked himself. The dragons that had been circling had broken off their patrol to allow Draco to land. Shadow Fang circled the roof of the castle a few times before she decided on her approach for a landing. With five mightily flips of her onyx wings she slowed to a hover, her huge tree trunk hind legs touching the stone roof. Her front legs landing softly to ease her weary passengers, laying her massive head upon the stone. To allow the inexperienced rider an easy dismount. As the two brother's dismounted, Redbird came running up to his lord and bowed.

  “Welcome back my lord the emissaries are waiting in their chambers shall I tell the men to take them to the council chamber,” Redbird said eyeing the strange passenger ever ready to jump to Draco’s side if the need arisen.

  “Lord! A lord,” Cominus said laughing so loudly falling to the ground grasping his chest. As the guards and Redbird reaching for their weapons at Cominus’s outburst. Draco raised his hand to steady his men.

  “Yes master dwarf tell them that I have arrived and shall only be a moment there. Redbird I have a new position for you this man here will be in your charge. I want him guarded around the clock he is my much honored guest in my house see that he is treated as such,” Draco said turning to Cominus about to slap him up side of his head yet restrained his hand.

  “Yes my lord I will see to it that he is treated as such and I will see personally to his room,” Redbird said bowing to his lord and his guest his pride was beaming from his face. At the fact that his lord had chosen him for this honor this day, he was a very proud dwarf.

  “So what am I to do now?” Looking at his brother in a new light yet his smile never left his face.

  “For now you'll come with me I do not have the time to wait for your room to be prepared. When we get into the council chamber, you will take the seat behind me. You will say nothing during the meeting unless you need food or drink. They maybe angry with me, and that you a human should not be standing on these grounds much less alone at these meetings. They will voice there displacement of this do not let that bother you. Cominus they will know soon enough why you are here,” Draco said with a sneaky smile across his lips.

  “Then why am I going then if it be such a problem?” Not wanting to be apart of a problem for his brother when there was much to explore.

  “Because you have more enemies here then Redbird can protect you from for the moment. In order to keep you safe you are better off with me for the moment,” Draco said placing his hand on his brother’s shoulders. As Draco turned towards the stone stairway. Cominus watched Shadow Fang fly off towards the cliff faces below the far right wall of the castle.

  “Were is Shadow Fang going she's not going with us?” A hint of remorse filled his voice he had hoped he would get more time to be with her.

  “She is going to the hatchery she has her opinion about these meetings. Cominus she knows you love dragons, and eager to be around them she will only stand you as long as you behave yourself,” Draco said eyeing his brother knowing what his mischievous mind would get him into.

  “What the hell is that suppose to mean?” Cominus asked raising his voice, Draco turned to his brother stopping him in his tracks.

  “It means you can’t run up to every dragon you see, and hope that they treat you the same as Shadow Fang has. Shadow Fang has treated you as such is because she knows you are my brother. The others will see you as an invader and treat you as such without taking into account of who you are. So no wondering around the castle alone,” Draco said knowing that is what his brother intended to do when he was alone.

  “Fine I will stay out of trouble for now but I want a tour when this is over,” Cominus said in a huff crossing his arms like a child being told no so many times.

  “I thought you just wanted a ride,” Draco said sarcastically. As they neared the door to the meeting room inched open foreign languages’ plucked at his ears. Draco motion for Cominus to be silent during the talks, as they entered the room the guards bowing to them as they passed. Cominus saw one of the guards eyes look at him with distrust. Cominus looked upon the room and saw three dwarfs’ two men and one woman at the left hand side of the table. There were two women and one man on the right side of the table Then Cominus notice that one of the elves had the same skin color as the Drow that had attacked him earlier that day.

  “Drow,” Cominus said under his breath hoping no one heard him. Draco looked back at him almost to say you idiot they can hear you.

  “How dare you call me a Drow they are cold blooded and loathsome creatures’. What would you a lowly human know about a Drow anyways? May I ask my Lord Draco why this human allowed to be here,” Siphon asked slamming her fist into the table. Draco looked at the rest of the emissaries in the room he knew he would have to explain this eventually he just wished it was later. Before Draco could speak, Cominus stepped forward.

  “I meant no disrespect towards you I was attacked by three Drow just a few hours ago,” Cominus said bowing towards Siphon.

  “I will explain all of this,” Draco said motioning Cominus to take his seat.

  “Is this why you were not here, to greet us upon our return?” Diniks said his forest green eyebrow rising in a questioning look.

  “Yes you see four days ago I received a report of a ruby golem on Second Earth so I set out to dispatch it. While I was battling it this man's family was taken hostage by dark goblins. I was within the grip of the golem if it were not for this man brave actions I would not be here today. I can only assume that the Drow were watching this fight and they learned his connection to me. Three Drow were sent to either capture him or kill him so I set out to repay a debt that I owed him,” Draco said approaching his seat. Studying the faces of the emissaries to see how they would react to the news of Cominus was his brother.

  “You would have us believe that you alone kill a ruby golem,” Diniks said with disbelief.

  “What he tells you is the true though I was not there to witness the killing blow. I however did see the ruby heart that Lord Draco had in his procession,” Lanshina said her tongue felt soiled with siding with Draco. A nagging feeling plagued Cominus he sore he heard this voice before but where.

  “Fine that explains why you were gone that, however does not explain why he is here,” Siphon said cutting Cominus with a look of
sheer hate.

  “No it doesn't," Draco said plausing for breath. "This man here he is my brother,” interrupted by gasp and stares not at Draco but at the man behind him.

  “You say he is your brother yet you yourself are not human care to explain that,” Lanshina said giving Draco a questioning look knowing the truth about him. As Cominus listened to the argument taking place, he was stunned to hear that his brother was not human. Cominus thought the changes that had taken place within and on his brothers body was due to the joining with a dragon. If the elf like ears and the silver eyes were not part of the bonding process then what happen to him. Is that why Draco did not brother with a bandage when he was terrible wounded. Cominus had notice that the wound on his brothers back was now a pink welt.

  How dare you question my rider if it was not for him you elves would have long been enslaved to the Doncer!" Shadow Fang said her voice booming though every ones mind. As Shadow Fangs presence withdrew Draco thanked her for her timely assistance.

  “I tell you the truth that this man is of my blood, I brought him here because the Drow would have used him to get to me. The best choice was to bring him with me and keep him safe within my walls. I know my actions dangle on breaking the rules though I do not think I have. For two reasons he was allowed to weld my sword and Shadow Fang allowed him to see her. Though these are debatable, I see no reason why the council will have any say to the matter,” Draco said knowing he is poking a hornet’s nest.

  “Fine we will leave that matter up to the council,” Diniks said his eyes scanning the two brother’s faces to see the similarities that the two men shared.

  “Shall we get back to the topic at hand,” Ogar said leaning forward in his chair. Eager to be done with this meeting for Ogar had no love for elves. They were to set in there ways to see that times were changing and they had to fight in order to live. Siphon began to speak in elven tongue before she could finish Draco stopped her.


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