The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 6

by Richardson, James

  “You will speak in this tongue not every one here knows the elven language.”

  “As you wish my lord,” Siphon said turning her gaze at Cominus. Knowing he was the reason that she had to speak in such a crude language. Knowing he was the cause of this discomfort Cominus made sure he did not, do any thing else that would cause his brother any more harm. Cominus sat in the large wooden chair waving at the servant girl for some wine and bread. The servant girl approached Cominus with a tray of food and a pitcher of wine. Cominus thank the young girl for the food he caught a glimpse of the girls right ear. Turning his attention back to the conversation he could tell the dwarfs regarded his brother with awe and respect. What could have happened in the past five years that would lead to his brother drawing this much honor from the dwarfs. What hardships had the dwarfs suffered to make them so easygoing around his brother Cominus wondered. If he could not wander around the castle then he would find out what was going on around here. Cominus was still skeptical of his brother hadn't turned evil, or was he fighting to defend himself these questions plagued his mind for days to come. “My lord my leaders have agreed to your terms, and asked that if you have any extra men. Would you see to it that they provide an escort for our exodus,” Diniks said with a hint of remorse leaving his homeland.

  “My leaders have also agreed and wish that the land of Edos be made available to us,” Siphon said straightening her back. All Lanshina did was sit elegantly in her chair snorting at her kin at their disregard of the old ways. Draco knew now that the high elves would never agree to his terms. Draco was pleased to see the dark and wood elf's were not so engross in their old traditions. To see that times had changed and they could no longer afford to stay hidden. “Edos is a fine place for the dark elf's to settle is there any thing that would make your transition easier,” Draco asked looking at Siphon and Diniks.

  “We would also like a place on Talnos we know there is a large forest there we like to make it our new home,” Diniks said hoping their new home would comfort them in the coming days.

  “Done I will send ten riders and five hundred men to each of your lands to help and protect you on your way here,” Draco said thanking Siphon and Diniks for there understanding in this matter.

  “I Lanshina of the high elves must inform your lordship that we will not abandon our lands. We regret that we have wasted your time and hope that future relations between us was not harmed. I will take my leave of you and return home,” Lanshina said hiding her smirk. Gathering herself she stood and poised herself and headed for the door.

  “I hope that you are right Lanshina, however I fear the high elves will learn that they have been mistaken very soon,” Draco said narrowing his eyes. Cominus was stunned at his brothers comment was he planning something. Did Draco know something that they did not was there some disaster about to befall them. Cominus looked at the dwarfs and the other two elves that remained seated at the table. They were shocked at his words just as Cominus had been.

  “How would you know of these things unless you are in league with the Doncer, or do you have some intelligence that we don't?” Lanshina asked she had always been distrustful of Draco. She knew what he was in her mind it was folly to follow one such as he.

  “How dare you accuse me of lining myself with those bustard's’! I given your people information on the Doncer when your people have never lent a hand to our cause,” Draco growled angrily.

  “Is this how you would treat your friends,” Lanshina asked accusingly.

  “Since your arrival you yourself have looked down on every one here at this table. Even as a guest in my house, you sought that you were the lord and master here. I will not tolerate such disrespect in my house I have treated every one here as they should be. You high elves think you are above every thing in this world, when will you people learn that you are apart of this world. If you high elves were not so high and mighty then you would notice that the Doncer have push their way to your city of Amsher. Even as we speak, they ready themselves for the attack the mighty city,” Draco said allowing the news to setting on their shoulders. There was a horrified look on Lanshina's face when she heard this disturbing news.

  “How do you know of such things,” Lanshina asked her suspicion growing.

  “Shadow Fang told me of this when we arrived here.”

  “How would she know of this when we have kept it silent from all the rest?” Lanshina demanded as she stared Draco down.

  “How could you keep such a thing from the rest of us? If Amsher falls to the hands of the Doncer, they will learn of the other elven cities. You had no right to keep this from us you high elves have overstep your ground! Our people are at even more danger now my lord with your permission we would like to start right away with the exodus. We have no time to lose since our kin sought to keep this information to themselves,” Diniks said as he looked upon Lanshina with anger in his eyes.

  “Yes by all means do what you can to save as many of your people as you can. I will send my men there as soon as possible for now let two of my riders escort both of you back to your lands,” Draco said trying to sooth his anger. Siphon and Diniks stood and bowed in respect to Draco and his kind gester. As Siphon and Diniks walked pasted Lanshina, they gazed at Lanshina with mistrust and distaste for her actions. With this turn of events the high elves were no longer in favor of holding the secrets of the dwarf nation or there own kin.

  “You still have not answered my question lord Draco,” Lanshina demanded.

  “Nor will I elf the ways of dragons are not for those unbounded,” Draco said staring at the high elf with anger in his eyes.

  “I have every right to know how you came about this tidbit of information,” Lanshina said balling her fist.

  “Would you have told this council of the attack on Amsher if it were not for me? Your actions have already told us that you would keep this a secret to all those you call friend. It is a wonder that you high elves have any friends left since you think so lowly of us,” Draco said with a confident smirk on his lips.

  “May I remind his lord that we elves have been fighting this war longer then any one here,” Lanshina said with authority.

  “For the past three thousand years, you high elves have hidden behind you walls and wards of your cities. The only ones who have been really fighting this war have been the proud dwarfs. How dare you take their victories in your name have you no shame!" Draco said shaking his head in disgust. Lanshina said nothing she just turned about and walked out of the room. The dwarfs that sat at the table had smiles beaming across there face. In recitation of Draco's praise of the few victories in the early years of the war, many clans were lost or push to extinction in the early years of the war. For many years, the dwarfs had been at the elves expanse but no longer. There newfound friendship with Draco meant that a new era for the dwarfs. No longer will the elves look down on them, or clam what victories as there own. Ogar, Helen and Wodan lifted themselves out of their chairs and bowed to Draco. Just before they left the room, he turned to the three great and honorable dwarfs.

  “I would like to ask that you send some of your own warriors along with a company my men. To show that we are an united force and to so that dwarfs and elves can get along with one another,” Draco asked .

  “I see no problem with your request I will send a hundred of my men,” Ogar said nodding his head in agreement.

  “As will I,” said Helen and Wodan at the same time.

  “I thank you all for coming,” Draco said addressing the group of dwarfs.

  “Whither you are human or not it is no concern of mine for what you have done today is a great feat for us dwarfs. We will not forget the kindness and loyalty you have shown us on this day. For this day forward, you are now a dwarf to us and will be honored as such. When your time comes to be buried in the Halls of Algand,” Ogar said saluting Draco as he bowed. As Ogar departed the room, Cominus could see Helen looking at him with lust in her eyes. This made Cominus uneasy at first trying t
o hide from the chieftain woman's gaze. Cominus knew that know that he was the brother of a dragon rider he would have to get use to this. When everyone had left, the rooms Redbird entered to the room, bowed to Draco and Cominus before speaking.

  “My lord all is ready for your guest shall I see that he is comfortable in his chambers,” Redbird said though it was his job to protect the lord’s guest he did not trust him.

  “No that is alright my friend I have promised my brother a tour of my castle will you care to join us,” Draco said his shoulders sagging with the weight of the talks over. Redbird jaw dropping at the news, that this man was his master’s brother. Redbird would have never expected that they shared the same blood. “Yes my friend he is of my blood I hoped that you see that no harm comes to him while he is here.”

  “It will be an honor my lord,” Redbird said saluting Cominus.

  Hours past, as Draco showed Cominus around his home until they came to a hallway guarded by six men. Dressed in heavy plate armor, armed to the teeth with swords on their hips and pikes in their right hands. As they approached the men came to attention as their commander came into view. Eyeing the unknown visitor they keep their hands on there pikes and the hilts of the swords on their hips. Not knowing if he meant there master harm or what laid beyond the hall.

  “What’s in there?” Cominus asked staring down the torch lit corridor.

  “That’s were the hatchery is located at.” Eyeing his brother would his own hunch pay off if he took his brother into the hatchery.

  “Is there any other way to get to the hatchery other then this hallway?” Well if his brother had a dragon then maybe, I could at least see where these majestic beast hatch Cominus thought to himself.

  “Why do you ask that's not for any one to know?” Eyeing his brother knowing his curiosity would only lead to trouble.

  “If you where attacked wouldn't the easiest way to stop you is to destroy the dragon eggs. I am just asking if there would be another way to get to the eggs.”

  “Shadow Fang guards the cave entrance if we were to be attacked they would must likely come here then to face her head on.”

  “Do you have a contingence plan in case they attacked here?” Cominus asked eager to see the eggs. Draco said nothing to that effect. He just smiled at his brother, which Cominus knew Draco had something up his sleeve.

  “Let’s just say that if the time comes and they do attack then the Doncer will be sorely mistaken.”

  “Indeed,” Cominus said not knowing if he could trust his brother.

  “Shall we go to the hatchery then?”

  “Is it wise to show this man such a holy place,” Redbird said eyeing the human. Though from the tales his mother and her mother had passed down, Redbird knew not what to expect from this man.

  “It is fine master dwarf if I know my brother he would find a way to get there. This way he will not cause any harm,” Draco said peering at his brother from the corner of his eye. Staring at Cominus with a grin on his face knowing Cominus was growing impatient.

  “You will stay here Redbird and wait for our return,” Draco said taking hold of Cominus arm. The guards parted to allow them to pass, the brothers walked a few yards down the torch lighted hallway. Before long, they came upon a two-story room at the far end lay Shadow Fang singing to her young. Cominus stared down at the large nest, the colors of the eggs amazed him. There were ten red colored eggs, ten blue, five purple, four green, and a single white dragon egg.

  “How many colors can a dragon lay?” Cominus stared wide eye at the array of colors of the shells that housed the sleeping dragons’.

  “All the colors of the rainbow it just this time she only laid these colors in this time.”

  “Who was her mate?” Why he asked Cominus could not say some just nudged him to do so.

  “A rose colored dragon,” Draco said matter-of-fact. However it meant nothing to Cominus who stared at his brother with a confused look on his face.

  “From were did her mate come?” “He was from her very first clutch of eggs,” Draco said his eyes never leaving Shadow Fang.

  “Where did her first mate come from then?” Cominus asked growing irrate as the conversation began to go in circles.

  “I can’t tell you that.” Cominus took a deep breath to restrain himself from strangling his brother.

  “Why is there only a single white egg among rest of the eggs? What makes the egg special that there would be only one egg?” Cominus hoped that his brother would be more forthcoming with answers, yet the more he learned the more questions he had. More about his brother then this world in which he been brought to.

  “A black or white dragon can lay either colored egg however just one at a time which makes them very rare. The reason that a white is so special is that it can control the lighter colored dragons. Were as a black dragon can control the darker colored dragons these dragon are what we call queen dragons.”

  “So only a rose colored dragon can make a white dragon then what colored makes a black dragon egg?” “A crimson colored dragon which I hope there will be one within one of the eggs,” Draco said staring down into the nest lined with hay to keep the eggs off the cold stone.

  “So can we go down there,” Cominus asked with glee in his voice.

  “Shadow Fang will allow no one other then me down there until the joining ceremony,” Draco said he saw the look of melancholy on his brother’s face.

  “So can other dragons mate or is it just the black and white dragons,” Cominus asked leaning against the railing.

  “Yes they can, they just can’t birth a black or white dragon.” Draco looked down the corridor seeing no one. “Now that there are no eyes watching us Cominus here in this grand carven,” waving his arm out. “I will tell you something that I know that plagues your mind brother,” Draco said looking over to his brother. As Draco bent over to rest his elbows on the edge of the stone wall Shadow Fangs melody tugged at his heart. Draco had become to engrossed in Shadow Fangs song Cominus realize that he was speaking of things Draco was forbidden to.

  “Which is what,” Cominus said eager to know everything. That had transpired in this world and why humans had been banished from this world.

  “It is about the fall of man from the magical world. When Terra Drago was formed from the fires of creation, many races populated the earth. From the elves to the dwarfs, and ogres, to centaurs, and gnomes, and us humans. To all the magic creatures’ that you can imagine, and many more though many have perished throughout the ages. For a time humans live peacefully with their mystical neighbors until a human called. Aacole the Unwise, the man had grown jealous of his neighbors of their power and immortally. Aacole set out to uncover their secrets in which he would make his own. Aacole approached the human dragon riders to offer them lands and power in his new order. Many of them decline the offer a few on the other hand. Joined his cause many of the riders that had joined Aacole were from noble houses. They saw that the elves unwillingness to share their power drove them to Aacole's arms. The ruling council at the time saw this as a prelude to war. The council gave the riders that had joined Aacole a choice to give up their quest or face begin striped of their powers and their dragons. Outraged at the ultimatum that the council had given to the riders, they race to their dragons before the guards could act as they reach them.”

  “The riders did the most unthinkable thing any rider at the time could do. They turned on their brothers killing the riders that were station at the council with dragon fire. The traitors raced back to Aacole's citadel hoping their lord would protect them from their cowardice act. Aacole saw this as chance to launch his plans to dominate the races of Terra Drago. With this unprovoked attack Aacole gain a large amount of the land, govern by the mystical races. Unable to unlock their secrets Aacole went mad as old age came upon the man. Aacole began to exterminate the races since he could gain nothing from them. Unable to control the world Aacole's empire shrank to back to its original size. Aacole grow infuriated at th
is turn of events, then Aacole turned to the dark magi that lurked in the shadows. They offered their serves to Aacole at a price. Twenty years passed the magic that was work on that night. It was so powerful that the magi could not contain the magic within the spell. Little by little the magi fell to their death thus causing the spell to run wild though the core of Terra Drago. Before the magic could do any real harm. The gods saw that all creation was in danger, they brought down their divine might to try to stop it. However the magic had already done its work earth began to slip into two. The gods used there vast knowledge of magic to rebuild their civilization. The gods cast the humans down to Second Earth as their punishment. This is why we are not allowed to tell non-magic users of our existence,” Draco said becoming lost in Shadow Fangs melody.

  “So why tell me now don't get me wrong it irritates the hell out of me when you won't give me a straight answer. Though I cannot blame you I myself would be hesitant to give all this up,” Cominus said looking down at the dragon eggs.

  “I tell you this because no one would dare listen in, Shadow Fang she would rain down death upon those who tried. Who tread where they are not suppose to be, but then again who would not want to listen to her sing,” Draco said in a dreamlike state. Cominus could not hear anyone singing though he did hear humming coming from Shadow fang. Did his brother mean that his brother gone crazy from the bonding wondered Cominus.

  I have never heard any one going insane from join with one of us though if they're not prepared for it then. The rider would be devoured by the dragons mind and all that would be left is an empty vessel. The rider would be nothing more then a puppet for the dragon. Which is why we dragons choose the best partner to the dragons liking, or we will sleep until that person revels themselves to their dragon,” Shadow Fang said her voice rippling though Cominus’s mind.

  So then why did you choose my brother if I may,” Cominus asked having his mind penetrated by her vase mind it was unnerving to say the least.


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