The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 7

by Richardson, James

  Your brother had been searching from something for a long time, though he did not know what it was at the time. When your brother first journeyed to this land he was frighten for the first coupe of days. From the unknown creature’s that lurked in the shadows, and a voice guiding his way. Even though he was frightened out of his mind, he never lost his composer in the mitts of this strange land. Draco did try to return to his world I could not allow this. I ask for your forgiveness,” Shadow Fang said lifting her head towards them. What for,” Cominus asked stunned at Shadow Fangs remark.

  It was I that took your brother away from you, it was my voice that led him to where I laid. I can not understand how you, and the rest of your family have dealt with the lost of a love one. I myself never knew my mother she was killed by the black dragon Secta. Draco has been a loving friend, and a caring companion throughout these long years. He has felled the void that was left by the murder of my mother. Though he can never fill the void as much as I like, Draco does the best that he can. That is why I will go to the ends of the earth, or to the bowls of the Underdark to keep Draco safe,” Shadow Fang said lovingly looking towards her partner.

  “Brother is that why you don't allow people in the hatchery because of what happen to Shadow Fang,” Cominus asked with a look of sorrow in his eyes.

  “She told you did she, that's not for me to complain about but yes that is why though. It is quite hard to train the new riders if they cannot see the eggs that hold their dragons,” Draco said feeling a little hurt that Shadow Fang had shared that with his brother.

  “Then why don't you change that then put guards around the hatchery when they are training,” Cominus asked trying to see if he could sneak into the training sessions.

  “There are many reasons why, I will give you one if I allow people into the grounds. The Doncer would find a way to sneak one of their people into the crowd. I can think of one thing that they would be after if they ever gained information on Shadow Fangs eggs,” Draco said looking down at the dragon eggs.

  “Which is what,” Cominus asked trying to understand his brother's reasoning. Draco did not speak he just pointed his finger at the lone white dragon egg.

  “Why would they bother with the white egg,” Cominus asked with a perplex look.

  “Because only a white dragon can track another white dragon throughout the world,” Draco said matter-of-fact.

  “I thought this was the only white dragon egg is there more then just this egg?"

  “What I said was true this is the only white egg in a thousand years. There is however one white dragon rider out there in hiding from the Doncer. You have no idea what comes with being a white rider in this godforsaken era. If the Doncer wins this war, Shadow Fang and I would become nothing more then prisoners. In the Doncer's black foreboding floating citadels above their hatching grounds,” Draco said a shiver ran throughout his body remembering the one time he was imprisoned there.

  “Why did the rider go into hiding?” “Five hundred years ago there was a massive battle at the gates of Shartar. The last of the white dragons and many other free riders joined the dwarf's in one last attack. From the intelligence that they had gathered weeks before the battle took place. The Doncer western and southern armies would converge on the gates in three weeks time. Runners were sent throughout the land, and to the elven lands seeking help. Upon the finale hour, no word ever came from the elves. This is one of the main reasons why elves are so loathed in this land. With the armies of dwarfs, and riders ready for the onslaught of the forces of the Doncer. Earthen ramparts were hesitantly made ten foot wide and five feet deep; trenches were dug twenty feet out from the wall and along the wall to slow their advance. Upon the day of the Doncer arrival darkened the planes of Yar. The dwarfs and riders alike knew then that this was a hopeless battle. Many of the dwarfs lost their life’s upon that blood soaked ground, their loses were nothing compared to the lost of the riders. Only one lone rider had survived the bloody battle. From what little written history is left of the libraries of the dwarfs, I gather that he headed southeast from the battlefield. At that time, the Doncer had not taken control over the area yet. I have spent much time in that area searching for any clues that would lead me to this man. Alas, I am no closer to finding him now, which means that the Doncer has yet to get their hands on this man. Though if it was me though I would have gone mad from all the time that he had spent in hiding," Draco said rubbing the back of his neck.

  As Draco finished he turned his attention back upon Shadow Fang, who's humming had grown softer and sweeter towards her children. There came a motion from the corner of his eye it was gone before Draco could focus on it. Cominus on the other hand knew what it was, it was the white egg it had shifted five inches in the nest. The top of the shell was now pointing right at Cominus. Not knowing what to make of this was the baby dragon trying to communicate with him. Then came something that neither of them were expecting a cry from with in the shell, rang throughout the hatching chamber. Shadow Fang raised her massive head sniffing the white egg. Shadow Fang could hear the little one growing restless within the shell. The only time Draco knew of a dragon doing this is in the presence of its rider, as did Shadow Fang when she called to him. Unsure what to make of this Draco withdrew from the commotion, Draco turn his gaze upon his brother.

  “Wait here,” said Draco.

  Before Cominus could answer him Draco jumped from the balcony, the sound of Draco’s dragon scale boots echoed throughout the hatchery and hallway. Startled by the noise the guards turned around seeing their master was nowhere to be seen. They put there hands on their weapons ready to strike Cominus if harm had come upon their master. Cominus motioned to the guards that Draco had jumped of the rail of the balcony to the floor of the hatchery. Just as they began their attack on Cominus they sheath there weapons and returned to there post. Hearing the commotion on the level above him Draco thought nothing of it. Draco studied the white egg as best he could without talking to the baby dragon. When Draco learned all that he could he turned to Shadow Fang.

  What do you make of it my dear?” From what I can tell you choose right in picking your brother as her rider. As you know when you first came into this world, I called you to me. As well she will call upon your brother if she has not already begun to do so,” Shadow Fang said her head brushing along Draco's leg.

  Pondering what to make of this Draco turned his attention to his brother. As Draco watched Cominus could not take his eyes off the white dragon egg. For Cominus it felt like hours had pasted since the egg had cried out to him. So engrossed in the moment Cominus had not noticed his brother walking out from a hidden door within the wall, Draco placed a hand on Cominus's left shoulder.

  “Let us go, your room should be ready by now. We have much to talk about but that will have to wait until the morning.” Taking his brothers arm Cominus was unwilling to move from his spot over looking the nest. Draco dragged his brother half way down the hall before Cominus came to his senses once again. Exiting the hatchery Redbird gathered and stood before his lord and bowed.

  “I hope that everything is in order in the hatchery,” Redbird said inclining his head to the two brothers’.

  “Quite my good dwarf. You will see my brother to his room, and have the kitchen send breakfast to him in the morning. When he has eaten his fill, bring him to my chambers,” Draco said patting his brother on the shoulder. To have Cominus here was a blessing even if the white dragon didn't chose him.

  “Aye my lord I see to it,” Redbird said leading Cominus down the corridor to the northern end of the castle.

  As the two of them turned the corner and were out of Draco's sight. Walking for minutes before they came upon a heavy wooden door. Redbird took a silver lined key from his breast pocket as the door slowly open, Cominus studied the satin curtains that hanging in the window. A medium sized round table set in the center of the room. On top of the table stood a three-pronged candle stick, a large fire was roaring in the fireplace that heat
ed the room very nicely. The warmth was very much to Cominus liking. Cominus had always been a cold nature person and a castle was no place for him to be.

  “In the morning a dwarf name Hagar will be stationed at your door. I will take you to Lord Draco when you have eaten breakfast,” Redbird said closing the door behind him.

  As Redbird turned to exit the room, Cominus took notice of his surroundings. Cominus didn't know how long he would be here for, so it is best to get the lay of the land before anything happens. As Cominus prepared for bed, a voice began to enter his mind. Cominus could not make out what it was saying at first for it was just a whisper. The whisper was with him when he fell to sleep in the feather stuffed bed. Cominus began to dream a dream were he was in a long dark tunnel heading towards a voice that seem to come out of know were.

  Who’s there I can’t hear what your saying,” Cominus said trying to draw closer to the unknown voice.

  You know who I am we have meet once before you will know when the time comes we will make a great pair,” said the mysterious voice.

  As the voice veered off Cominus bolted up from his slumber, the voice that had once been in his mind his now gone. "Who the hell could have been, and what was the meaning of the message the voice had left him," Cominus asked himself. Did it have to do with the dreams he had before coming to this place. All this weighed heavily on his mind it was still dark as Cominus tried to fall back to sleep. It was to no avail seeing this as a good chance to explore his new surroundings. Approaching the door the voices of the two guards outside his door caught his attention. Redbird and Hagar spoke in hushed whispers so not to awaken their charge. As Cominus listen closely they were arguing about some one. Placing his ear against the door Cominus began to notice that they were talking about him and his brother. Eager to find out what the argument was about Cominus foregoing the night to explore the castle.

  Eavesdropping on others conversation was not Cominus’s forte, seeing how it was about him he saw no problem with it this time. Cominus was also eager to find out what secrets his brother was hiding from him. Cominus hoped that some of these questions would be answered by listening to their conversation. Cominus knew Redbird was a proud dwarf from the way he carried himself through the halls. From what Cominus could gather from his short, stay was Redbird was given this new title. Redbird must have been brimming with joy when his brother gave him such an honor. Drawing himself back to their conversation Cominus concentrated back to the ensuing argument.

  “Why must we baby sit a lowly human,” Hagar asked in a huff.

  “One our Lord order us to, second he is the Lord's brother and deserves our respect,” Redbird said though he did not agree with his lordship in this matter, however Redbird would do his clan proud.

  “I know that still it does not feel right to have a human walking these halls. Much less alone this land of ours they were thrown out of our world for a reason. Humans cannot be trusted with our secrets I say we should be rid of him,” Hagar said with a wave of his hand.

  “Stay thy tongue Hagar do you wish for the master to hear your words. If it were not for his lordship, our people would have fallen to the Doncer five years ago. When the Doncer were on our doorstep it was not the elves that came to our rescue but Lord Draco himself. He and Shadow Fang alone drove the Doncer from our doorstep long enough for us to retreat to our ancient home in the Dauber mountains. He has earned our respect so why is it that you cannot see to it to respect his guest,” Redbird said in dismay. He had never seen this side of Hagar before he began to fear if he made a mistake in his judgment of his friend.

  “You are just full of yourself there Redbird ever since he promoted you think your better then us. I give him the respect for what he has done for us in the past yet what has he done for us so far. Our clan was the first to join his rag tag group. So why is it that we have to work ourselves to death just to improve in rank? We have the right to be in the officers’ rank along with the other races here. I think that Helen has a thing for this human from the way Ogar said. She was eyeing that human intensely I fear she will breed with this human and bring shame to our clan,” Hagar said angrily. As Cominus heard this, his cheeks began to blush from Hagar's last statement.

  “It is true this man has yet to prove himself worthy of his station. The shame it would bring onto our clan if Helen were to pursue this man. I agree with you in this, I however do not agree with your statement that we deserve the rank of an officer. Just because we were the first to join his army. If our lord did such a thing, how would he know that he could trust that person with the responsibility to lead his men into battle? If they were just given the title of such rank if they have not earn such right. If you spent as much time doing your duties as you do belly aching you could move up in rank,” Redbird said in disappointment. With a huff Hagar tugged on his beard for a few minutes before continuing the conversation.

  “I tire of this pointless talk let us change the conversation,” Hagar said not wanting to come to blows with his old friend.

  “What do you have in mind old friend,” Redbird said eager to end the pointless argument as much as Hagar did.

  “I heard from Ogar and Helen that when this man entered the meeting chambers that he told. Every one that he himself was human at on time, I wonder what he could be now I for one thought he was an elf. The first time I laid eyes on him if he was human then. I can only think of one thing in our world that would change him as such,” Hagar said eyeing his friend. Ah, finally our young hero can find some answers to very difficult questions.

  “What do you mean Hagar I thought it was because of the change he gone through,” Redbird said young in age for a dwarf. Redbird had spent must of his young life in the libraries of their clan.

  “From the ancient text in our halls it tells of when humans became riders. They did take on elven traits of their pointed ears and almond shaped eyes but that is it and nothing more. However it cannot be what I think it is for there has never been any dead bodies spotted since we arrived here,” Hagar said chewing on his lip.

  “You can't mean that one of those ungodly creatures’ do you,” Redbird gasped. Shocked by there conversation Cominus's mind began to ponder what this meant. If his brother was not changed due to his joining with Shadow Fang, then what was the cause of his transformation to what he is now. Cominus was eager to talk to Redbird about what he thought were these creatures’ he so disgusted.

  Cominus questions about his brother grew more and more by the second, yet it gave him no answers to these questions. What was the cause of his brother’s pointy ears and silver eyes that seemed to look into ones soul. "Was his brother cursed by someone, or something, or was it by Draco’s own choosing," Cominus asked himself. It was late into the night and it had been a long day felled with wonderful sights, amazing experiences. As Redbirds and Hagar’s conversation, turn into dwarfish

  Cominus crept to his bed not to make a sound. So the two dwarfs would not know that their conversation had been spied upon. Cominus was no where prepared to face a dwarfs anger, so he would wait until the morning to ask his brother what had happen to him. Cominus had made up his mind that Draco would answer this even if he had to beat it out of his brother. Cominus ready himself for bed plunging in to the fur lined bed. Hoping that he wouldn’t die from the cold for the fireplace never got the room as warm as he liked. Drifting off to sleep Cominus had the same recurring dream yet different. For he was on the back of the same white dragon unlike the other times the dragon began to speak to him.

  I can feel you, you are so near. Soon, very soon, we will be joined together as one,” said the Dragon.

  Who are you, why have you been in my dreams,” Cominus asked as he tossed in his bed.

  My mother calls me White Fang I prefer Darjin when we become one,” White Fang said. Before Cominus could answer back he was awakened by the cold splash of water hitting him in the face. As he jolted out of bed Redbird was standing over him holding a bucket in his left hand.

  “You are one strange human you know that, you were talking to yourself in your sleep. I have come to collect you for your brother would like to have words with you,” Redbird said placing the bucket at the foot of the bed.

  “All right give me a minute to put on my clothes and I will meet you out in the hall,” Cominus said wiping the sleep from his eyes.

  “As you wish,” Redbird said exiting the room. Cominus hurried to put his clothes on now he would get the answers to his questions. In addition, he had to ask his brother about the dream he just had and what it meant. A few minutes later exiting the room, Redbird was waiting quietly to the right of the door wilting a piece of wood. Redbird must have been at it for some time, pieces of wood lay on the stone floor. Cominus was curious of what Redbird was making and who for.

  “May I ask who are you making that for master dwarf,” Cominus asked as they began to journey towards their destination.

  “For you my lord," Redbird said placing the wooden figure in his breast pocket

  “You don't have to call my lord you can just call me Cominus.” The title which his brother had taken never sat well with him.

  “I can not do that for what has happen in the hatchery this night,” Redbird said glee dancing across his sea green eyes.

  “As anything happen to the eggs or was there an attack on the hatchery themselves,” Cominus asked worried that something had happen to his brother trying to defend it.

  “No need to worry yourself my friend. It was something wonderful," Redbird said his meaty hands spreading out in joy as he spoke. "The white egg that is the cause of the ruckus at this hour.” Redbird debated whether it was wise to tell Cominus all that he knew.

  “Why what has happened to the white egg?”

  “The baby dragon that sleeps within the egg let out an ear ringing roar. That rang throughout the hatchery and half of the right wing of the castle. It is the must amazing thing I tell you,” Redbird said beating is hand on his stomach.


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