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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 8

by Richardson, James

  “Why is it so wonderful.” Confused Cominus knew of the special nature of the white dragon yet thought it had nothing to do with him.

  “It means that the mighty white dragon has chosen her rider. Oh, how we wished for this day to come all the clans will feast on this day,” Redbird said grabbing Cominus left arm. Cominus watch the dwarf is his joyous praises of the white dragon Cominus was to caught up in his dream to join in. Is this one of the reasons Draco brought him here, is that why he would put up with the insults. Which were flung at him by the elves, and the sneers at his reason for his being here. Did his brother know this would happen, or did he just guess at it.

  What does this mean how would this change his life. Was he ready to become a rider like his brother did he even want to be a rider. From what his brother told him all the white riders were dead expect one. Was he ready to be the most hunted person in this world. If he was to be a rider, could he kill those who wish to harm him and his dragon. Would his brother ask him to join his cause if he was to be the white dragon’s rider. Could he bring himself to kill in the name of justice, or would he falter when it came down to it.

  Cominus would have to sort all this out before he would take up the mantle of dragon rider. All, these questions plagued Cominus's mind was he up to the challenge. He would find all this out in due time, or he will fall to the blade of his enemies.

  “Here, my lord you are just standing there when this is a time of celebration.” Wondering if Cominus was well enough to see his brother Redbird could not guess.

  “All is well master dwarf shall we continue our walk.” Still deep in thought of the dream and the questions he had for his brother.

  “As you wish my lord,” Redbird said spinning on his heel setting the pace towards Draco’s chambers.

  “My I ask master dwarf were did you get your name,” Cominus asked to breaking the silence. Continuing throughout the corridors of the castle their voices ranged out along the stone hallways.

  “That is a great story to tell, to long to tell for our short journey. Though I will shorten it this time but once this is over you, and I my friend will feast like there is no tomorrow. On the day of my birth in the mighty city of Dragons bane. A redbird a symbol of our harvest goddess Ogaris few into the window of my nursery. My mother took this a sign that I had been bliss by her touch she named me after the redbird that sat in my window. So hence forth I became known as Redbird of the stone clan,” Redbird said taking pride in honor of being named after his most beloved goddess.

  “Wait is you telling me that gods are real!” Flabbergasted Cominus could not believe what Redbird was saying. Never in all his life had he seen one hint of a god or any others.

  “Why yes many of their offspring walked this land though many have fallen in battle with the Doncer. Those of the dark evil gods sought out the Doncer to join their cause. These people are doomed to fall in battle for the only chance they have. To enter the realm of the gods is to gain enough honor, and glory for themselves to assure their seats in that heavenly realm. However their power has weakened some when Aacole destroyed Terra Drago,” Redbird said sadly. “Why do you humans not have gods were you come from?”

  “We do they are not as interactive with our world as yours are,” Cominus said still the idea of demigods and gods themselves rubbed him the wrong way.

  “I can understand that seeing how your world as no magic in it. I can see why they do not interact with your world as they do ours. I am not a scholar so I cannot say for sure that is reason why,” Redbird said his index finger pounding on his hairy chin.

  “So how many gods are there in this world,” Cominus asked offhandedly.

  “We dwarfs have eight major gods and ten minor ones. Depending on which elven races you wish to talk about. The high elf's only have two the wood elf's have as many as ours if not more. The drow, that lowly evil race only as one the Dark Snake Queen that we know of, and that is all we wish to know about their race. If you wish, I can have our high priest tell you about our gods and our ways if you wish,” Redbird said glad that this human would be so interested in their world even if he may or may not be here for long.

  “I would like that when all this over I would gladly take you up on your offer. I have another question I would also like to ask can any one gain the favor of the gods,” Cominus asked from all the ancient tales from his world it seemed logical to ask.

  “If any one is willing to go though the hardships of finding where the gods’ rest. Those are to few and many have long since gone in the catastrophe of this world. Why do you ask are you thinking of looking for these gods?” Redbird hoped this human was not so foolish to go off and seek what has not been found in so long.

  “Just curious plus it would not hurt to have a god on your side in battle would it not,” Cominus said looking away.

  “That it would,” Redbird said slapping Cominus on his back as he chuckled. “We are here my lord,” Redbird said knocking on the massive wooden door to lead into Draco's sitting room. As Redbird began to knock again the wooden door squeaked on its massive iron hinges as it opened. There stood his brother draped in black silk garments his long blonde hair cascading down to the middle of his back showing off his strange features. Light reflecting off the stone walls shadowing his brother an eerie sight.

  His silver eyes glowed in the darkness as he looked upon his brother and the master dwarf. The conversation Cominus overheard between the two dwarfs came back into his mind when he looked upon his brother in this way. Coldness flowed over him as if death was staring him in the face. The two brothers looked at each other for a minute or two before Draco started to speak.

  “Are you just going to stand there or are you coming in?” Stepping to the side to allow his brother to enter he had much to do and little time.

  “I shall wait here my lord until you are ready to return to your quarters,” Redbird said eyeing Draco to see if Hagar was correct.

  “Thank you Redbird for bring him in such a timely matter,” Draco said smiling down at Redbird. Redbird bowed to the two brothers and closing the door as he exited the room.

  “Why have you called me here at such a late hour Draco?” Yawning to show his brother he did not like being disturbed at such a late hour.

  “I assume that Redbird has told you what has transpired earlier tonight has he not,” Draco asked arching his eyebrow.

  “That he did something to do with the white dragon egg. That she roars to announce that she had chosen her rider.” Eager to return to his slumber and ask the questions that plagued his mind.

  “So you are up to date on the event's I see good saves time. Would you like something to eat or drink while we talk you must be hungry.” Offering Cominus a tray of meats, goat chesses and fruits that came from the forest of Sharr that grows in wood elves forested land. As Cominus bit into the elderberry the tangy juice ran down his chin.

  “That be great I'm starving I haven't eat since the council meeting,” Cominus said his stomach voicing it's approval. Wanting his favorite drink to go with his meal he knew there would be none here in Terra Drago. Knowing his brothers discomfort with the lack of his caffeinated drink, Draco pulled a bottle of it from armoire that set next to the dumb waiter system. Cominus's eyes widen as he looked upon the bottle with glee. Wanting to ask were did he get it yet that was not important at the time. Cominus had questions that needed to be answered and he would not take no for an answer this time.

  “I have many questions that I need answered before we go any further,” Cominus said eyeing his brother Draco knew that something's were better off left unanswered. “If I can what is it that you wish to ask,” Draco said looking at his brother wondering what Cominus had in mind.

  “First off I been having this dream were first off I was on the back of a black dragon. I thought it was Shadow Fang at first then all of the sudden it became a white dragon,” Cominus said as he dug into the tray of roasted meats. Stunned at his brothers look that was on his face at the t
ime, wondering why his dream shocked his brother so much. “Just before Redbird came to wake me I had the same dream but it was different this time.”

  “How so,” Draco said curious if his hunch was paying off.

  “The dragon talked to me in my dream.” Was this what his brother wanted to hear. Cominus could not get the idea of him being a dragon rider out of his head. It was nonsense there were far better people able to take the role of a rider long before it was offered to him. Then again he thought of his brother was he ready when shadow Fang called to him.

  “What did it tell you?”

  “It gave me her name and the name she would be called when she was joined,” Cominus said popping another berry into his mouth. Placing his hand on his chin Draco was silent for a few minutes before speaking again. “How long has this dreams taken place?” Keeping his emotions from his face though deep down he had hoped for this.

  “Since you left a week ago, why is this happening?” There was no way he was to be a rider there was just no way, Cominus understood why his brother became one. Nevertheless to be what his brother is the elves already loath him for what he is, how was he to fight along side people that hated him so.

  “You remember what happened in the hatchery yesterday.”

  “When the white dragon within the egg cry out, what about it you think the dragon is trying to tell me something?”

  “Did she give you her name?”

  “Yes, she said her mother called her White Fang,” Cominus said growing irritated repeating himself. Draco fell silent for a good long while pondering his brother's dream. “You think she has chosen me as her rider.”

  “I had a feeling that she would.”

  “This has been your plain all along hasn't it?” The table tilted as Cominus rushed from his seat. His brother’s cold silver eyes bored into him cold sweat ran down his spine under his gaze.

  “Not until I returned home.”

  “So why couldn't you feel me in on your plains,” Cominus said accusingly.

  “What if she didn't why should I tell you what may or may not happen,” Draco said he knew he hurt his brother but it was better this way.

  “Fine have it your way,” Cominus said wondering how to talk about his brother’s changes that had occurred to his body. “I over heard Hagar and Redbird talking outside my door last night, they said some strange things about you."

  “What did they say?” Draco asked his eyes narrowing at the thought of his curse coming out into the light of day.

  “That when Hagar first saw you that he took you for an elf. Then Ogar told him what you told the elves and the other dwarfs that were at the meeting that you were human. Hagar also told Redbird that a when a human is joined with a dragon the changes. Are not as drastic as your appearance is, so what happen to you that changed you so much. That you no longer look like the brother I once knew,” Cominus said staring down his brother. For a short time, the two brothers sat in the lavish room in silence. Neither one willing to talk at first Cominus was growing impatient, from the lack of his brother’s willingness to tell him the whole truth.

  “What happen to me is my greatest failure and my greatest triumph. That is all that I am willing to talk about it,” Draco said pain feeling his silver eyes. Accepting his brother’s answer for now Cominus was willing to back off the question when he saw the pain of in his brother’s eyes.

  “So what happens to me when I and White Fang join? Are you going to train us,” Cominus said sinking into the rich leather of he chair.

  “You will be taught to use magic by the dark elves. You will be taught how to make your own dragon scale armor if you wish by the master armor smith Bojanks. Then you will be taught in the way of the sword how you chose your fighting stance, is how your sword will be made,” Draco said popping a small cherry into his mouth.

  “Why can't you teach me magic is there some rule against you teaching me?” Cominus asked not wanting to be under the guidance of any elf, not after they had shown their feelings towards him.

  “The elves think it be unwise for me to teach you the arcane arts. It is not that I do not want to teach you Cominus with the elves one must tend lightly,” Draco said wearyingly.

  “Why do you bend over backwards for these people,” Cominus asked he could understand the need for an alliance, but with those people it just didn't seem wise.

  “One of the stipulations of the alliance with the elves was to turn over the training of the new riders to the elves.”

  “Why must elves teach the new riders?”

  “They were the first ones to become riders and the oldest race that knows all the words in the ancient language.”

  “I don't get it but then again I may never understand all of this,” Cominus said arching his arm though Draco’s sitting room.

  “I know it annoys the piss out of me too brother,” Draco said in his mind Shadow Fang agreed with Cominus.

  “Tell me about dragon scale,” Cominus asked if he was to become a rider he wanted to know everything that would be of great use.

  “What would you like to know about it?”

  “Does the armor only protect you from fire or does it have other abilities interwoven in it. How long does it take to make, how it’s attached to one another?”

  “All good questions it is true dragon scale has the natural ability to protect the wearer from fire. When you begin to make yours, your armor may have only three spells interwoven into the scale mail. It will take you many months to collect all the scales you will need for your armor. In which time you will learn a great deal about magic and its rules. The months leading up to, gives you time to think about which spells you wish imbued in your armor. When your dragon begins to molt it would be wise to save the scales from her last stage of growing. "

  “For your size you my need three thousand half- dollar size scales these will fit in the places were you would like to have the most mobility. Then you may need around two thousand fist size scales for the rest. How they are made is the master smith will give you thick heavy leather jerken to attach your scales to. With the help of your dragon, you begin the process of weaving the scales into place this will take you a month or two.”

  “Do I have to use a sword?” Remembering the hilt of the drow’s sword in his hand on that morning. Yes he had killed but that was only for self-defense.

  “No you don't most riders prefer a sword to any other weapon when they fight on dragon back.”

  “Who will be my teacher in this,” Cominus asked eager to begin his training if he was to be a rider.

  “Master at arms Gillink a wood elf of high standing in their realm. If you pass his training then I will take to Sandsabar a star elf village, where your rider sword will be made. I warn you now the other races that have been joined, and who are about to be joined will not look kindly on my choice of making you a rider.” “Why must we travail to Sandsabar, why can you not make the swords here?” He knew of the magic that resided in his brother’s sword. Yet it could not be so difficult to make a riders sword.

  “They're the only race that has made the rider swords since dragon's began to fill the skies of Terra Draco. Those are the star elves, their ways are handed down so no outsider can ever learn how to make their weapons. You must remember this Cominus when we arrive in their village. Do not to draw your weapon or pick a fight with our enemies,” Draco said sternly.

  “You not telling me that the Doncer go to these people as well. Do they not see them as a treat to their way of life,” Cominus asked he just could not believe that the star elves would, supply the enemy of his brother and the other good races of Terra Drago.

  “Much is not known about the star elves what we do know is that. They are a neutral race, who will never enter this war even if the Doncer conquers them. Though if they were to attack the star elves they would lose their only means of arming their riders. In addition, the trip to their land will be your first long voyage. This is meant for you and your dragon to learn how to ri
de the wind currents,” Draco said leaning on his arm.

  “What are you talking about,” Cominus asked perplexed.

  “Think of wind tunnels back at home it is similar to that just a hundred times faster. This makes travailing much faster then flying with out it. Enough of this talk you need a bath I will have Redbird take you to the bathing pools. You must be clean-shaven for the ceremony tomorrow. The elves also would like for you to do the same when you are taught in the up coming months,” Draco said with a silent laugh to himself.

  “I not done talking to you yet,” Cominus said thinking his brother was trying to force him away.

  “We can not talk any more this day for if you wish on taking part in the joining ceremony tomorrow. Then you must go for the preparation for the ceremony takes over half a day to prepare,” Draco said knowing well enough that his brother wished to push the subject of his curse. Draco called for Redbird who had been standing outside the door.

  “You call for me my lord.” Redbird said as he bowed to Draco.

  “Yes take my brother to the bathing pools so the hand maidens may dress him and shave him for the ceremony tomorrow,” Draco said smiling inwardly. Cominus did not miss the twitch in Redbird’s face when his brother not out right. Yet plainly put it that Cominus was going to be a dragon rider.

  “As you wish, my lord,” Redbird said restraining his voice. Redbird bowed and waved his arm for Cominus to take the lead. As they exited the room, the massive wooden door squeaked closed. Redbird began to mummer under his breath.

  “What is he planning I wonder,” Redbird said under his breath.

  “What’s wrong Redbird,” Cominus asked wondering how far his brother meant to aggravate his allies.

  “It’s nothing my good man," Redbird said hiding his displeasure. However Cominus could see the looked of worry under his red eyelashes.

  “You don't agree with my brother’s decision do you?” He would not have people close to him keeping secrets from him not if he depended on them.

  “It is not my place to question his orders. I have to warn you my lord that the other dwarfs and elves will see you as a treat to their way of life,” Redbird said pondering how to ready his charge for the days to come.


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