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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 15

by Richardson, James

down so easily.

  “Shall we go inside,” Cominus said holding his hand out for Aryl. With a smile, Aryl

  took his hand wrapping her arm around his

  right arm. Allowing him to feel the heat coming from her body, the softness of her skin, the

  smell of her perfume how it tormented his

  mind. It took all his control not to take her into

  his arms and embrace her in a sweet passionate

  kiss. Aryl noticed that he was fighting some internal conflict.

  Giggling to herself, she brushed her breast

  against his arm allowing him to feel their curvature. After moments of her teasing him, she

  rested his arm in the hollow between her

  breasts. With Redbird back among them, the

  trio continued into the wood elf temple. Unlike

  the statues in the stone temple of the dwarf's

  were they had been carved from native stone.

  Here in this forest temple the statues of the

  wood elf gods stood as living wood. Placing

  his hand on the nearest statue, Cominus

  thought he felt a heart beat as if the statue

  could spring to life.

  “That is the Thenaa the goddess of wisdom

  and stories we dance to her every new moon. You should see it my lord I think you might en

  joy it maybe too much,” Aryl said with a wink. “Why what happens at this ceremony." “Why men and women dance naked under

  the stars until the sun touches the sky,” Aryl

  said cocking her head to see his remark. Cominus was flabbergasted for he couldn't form a response. However in his mind he pictured Aryl

  alone naked dancing in the warm spring air. Aryl knew that it would put her in his mind for

  some time to come.

  “This is Merhes the god of animals he

  watches over all the forest of the land. Making

  sure that we do not take more then we need to

  live in comfort. Here stands Polalo the god of

  light bane to those who dare walk as the undead. Susdyion the god of the harvest, Sera the

  god of war and strife wicked and cruel this one

  is,” Cominus noticed Aryls discomfort when

  this god name passed her lips. “Phroadite the

  goddess of love, Rtaemis sister of Merhes she

  is the goddess of the hunt and archery." Cominus stopped in his tracks when he

  came upon a statue that seems to be of stone instead of living wood. Cominus moved closer

  until his eyes came upon the face of the statue.

  He was taken back when he saw that the gods

  face was no more then a blasted hole.

  “What happen to his face,” Cominus asked

  stun to see such hatred for a god.

  “Sad isn't it, it is said that when the war

  came to a close and the elves that had left. Isaban could not bear to see his people leave for the wilds on their own. Isaban travailed along with the displaced elves, when they were not heard from every icon of Isaban turned to stone and his face was no more. As if a god of old was no longer among us,” Aryl said with remorse.

  "I sorry for bringing it up,” Cominus said rubbing his hand along her arm. Aryl taking his hand to her lips and kissed it gently. Continuing with Cominus in tow behind her, Redbird wondered if Cominus knew what Aryl’s attentions where.

  “Ephaestus the lame god of metal and stone, legend says in a drunken rage confronted Eusz. Eusz threw him from the heavens down to the earth. Upon awaking his body was broken from the force of Eusz punch. It is said that he never returned to the heavens, instead he travailed to a mountain in the Ogre Mountains. There for the rest of time he has spent his life working on his craft. When Aher his mother learned of his fall she came to earth in search of her lost son.”

  “Angry with her husband she would not return until she found him. For years, she wondered the land until one day she heard the pounding of metal. Making her way though the brushes and trees of the forest that surrounds his forge. When she arrived to her son's forge, she saw the injury to his body. Aher recoiled at the sight that her husband had caused to her


  “In her rage Aher rushed to the heavens demanding he right the wrong he inflicted to their son. Eusz had not allowed his anger to cool he would not hear his wife's pleas. She vowed that if he would do nothing for their son she would see to it that he is whole again. Eusz rushed to his wife demanding that she do nothing of the sort. Aher would not hear of it for Eusz is king Aher is queen. Aher returned to her son offering to restore his body Ephaestus would not hear of it.”

  “He knew it was his fault that had turned him this way and would not allow is mother to fix what he saw as his place to fix. Ephaestus told his mother he would return when he could make the must marvelous piece he could ever make. As atonement for his crime against his father, his mother would not hear it for she knew it was impossible to complete the task. Eusz would never accept anything unless it was godly so Aher rushed back to the heavens. There she continues to this day to change his mind but to no avail.”

  “Eidsopeon the god of the seas and youngest brother to Eusz. Ehadas second brother of Eusz ruler of death and the afterlife. It is said that when the gods gained control over the forces of darkness. Ehadas had betrayed his brother's to the dark forces. For his betrayal Eusz and Eidsopeon cast their brother into the depths of the underworld.”

  “Here stands the mother of the gods and us Aher for she is the goddess of the home and music. Lastly we come upon Eusz the king of the gods, he controls the sky and weather,” Aryl said gazing up at the statute. Cominus could not help but notice the dwarfen gods and the wood elf gods sounded as if he heard of them from some where. Nevertheless he could not put his finger on it. As the trio walked out of the temple, they came upon the high elves temple.

  Though decorated as richly as the dwarf's and was as stunning as the wood elves temple. Cominus felt something was wrong with the temple. It felt as if there was no heavenly presence within stone of the temple. He let his feelings known to Aryl in a whisper. She snuggled up to him replacing his arm into the hollow of her chest. Resting her head on his shoulder

  whispering, “I know.”

  As the trio entered the vaulted temple

  Cominus saw only two figures sitting on gem

  crested thrones. Cominus leaned over to Aryl

  in a whisper he asked why there was only two.

  Aryl could only shrugged in response for she

  never had stepped foot in the temple before. As

  the three stood there studying the two gods,

  when they felt that their time had ended they

  turn towards the exit. As they neared the exit, a

  door opened from a hidden passage along the

  left hand wall.

  From behind the sitting gods came a female

  priestess of the order. Her robe was translucent

  with star shape designs along the robe. Cominus could not help but notice the lovely shape

  of the high elves form. Aryl noticed this to and shot Cominus a scowl that diverted his gaze

  from the priestess.

  “Welcome to the temple of Zekiele and

  Zephaniah, how can I be of service to you,”

  said the priestess her eyes never leaving Cominus. Cominus could see that she did not condone him within her temple.

  “We were showing our lord here around

  the temples, and telling him of our ways,” Redbird said bowing in respect to the priestess.

  This did not over impress her in one bit she

  could not understand why he was allowed to

  wonder their city.

  “I see this way please,” said the priestess.

  Ushering them towards the sitting gods to

  Cominus the male elf god did not look like he

  belong within the temple.
br />   “This is Zekiele our king,” waving towards

  the stone god. Cominus was lost in thought for

  he was imagining Aryl in the robes of this order. He could not help but blush at the thought

  of her naked body. Aryl looked up to him wondering what he was thinking about.

  “Here seats in her majestic glory Zephaniah the mother of the elven race,” said the


  “Excuse me mother of the elven race can

  you explain that,” Cominus asked with all the

  respect he could give in such a holy place. The

  priestess looked to Aryl and Redbird showing

  her distaste of the human that stood before her. “It is said Zekiele and Zephaniah saw the

  world barren so they laid together for a night bring life to the water. However, the land still remained barren and lifeless so they made plants. Yet they saw it was still to lonely upon the world, and set out to make animals of all kinds. Though pleased with their work Zephaniah felt it needed something else. She went to her husband asking him for one more task. He did not see the need to pour more of their energy into the world after many years and long debate.”

  “Zekiele conceded to his wife that night they went bed together. As they made love, they gave birth to the star elves. They populated the world giving birth to the high elves and wood elves. Though we are not as perfect as our cousins we starve to be like them,” said the priestess. The trio thanked the priestess for her time and made there way to the door. Before they could cross the threshold, the priestess called to Aryl. As Aryl approached the priestess, a scowl forming on her fine elven face. Aryl had wondered when her kin would

  spit out such vile underhand conversation. “I can not believe that you one of our kin

  would bring such an unclean creature into our

  must holy places. Much less alone throwing

  yourself to this human,” said the priestess acrimoniously.

  “Should I have to remind you priestess of

  who that man is? Seems I have to, that human

  is an emissary for the kingdom of Sol. On a

  personal mission for his Lord Draco as an

  emissary he should be treated as such. I doubt that my elders, or Ergan's leaders, or Redbird's chief woman nor his lordship would find it pleasing. To find out how this man has been treated. I doubt that Queen Ishtar would look kindly to her people for such poor manners to a visiting guest. You should watch what you say to those who are at a higher standing in this world. I don't think his dragon would much appreciate your words towards her rider,” Aryl

  said angrily.

  “The dragon must have been bewitched to

  have joined with that human. I bet it is a lowly

  brown dragon such pitiful creatures’,” said the

  priestess with a smugness.

  “Darjin is not brown she is white and if I

  hear another word spew from your mouth. I

  shall make known your actions this day to Ishtar and my lord, and allow them to deal with

  the likes of you,” grabbing her delicate robe

  bringing the priestess to her nose "Whoever I

  chose as my mate is none of your business

  priestess! You should be wise in choosing your

  next words carefully high elf,” yelled Aryl. Releasing the high elf from her grasp the frighten

  priestess fell at the feet of her gods.

  Before the priestess could udder, a word

  Aryl stormed out of the temple. As Aryl approached, Cominus and Redbird wondered

  what had happen in the temple to cause her to

  be so upset.

  “Come I tire of this place,” growled Aryl.

  Not wanting to be on the blunt end of her anger

  Cominus, Redbird came in tow behind the angry Aryl. Enjoying the fine dinner that had been delivered to their room the four friends set around the table telling their tales of the day. When it came to the conversation Aryl had with the priestess she would not say. Knowing he meant well Aryl shot Cominus a smile to let him know all was well. As the night wore on the companions retiring to their rooms’. Cominus walked to Aryl's door unsure if he could relieve her discomfort yet he had to try. With a knock, no answer came from with in the room. Cominus waited for a minute before knocking again.

  “Do come in my lord,” Aryl said Cominus knew not if he would enjoy what he found given the tone of her voice. As Cominus entered her room, Aryl sat on her bed dress in a silken lace night grown. Reliving more of her womanly shape then Cominus had seen in passing days. Cominus knew if he did not make this short, he would never leave her room.

  “How did you know it was me,” Cominus asked asked keeping his distance from Aryl. “I can smell you my lord,” Aryl said smiling mischievously. Walking seductively over to Cominus wrapping her arms around him, allowing him to fill her soft delicate skin. The warmth that had sped between her legs, rubbing her nose against his neck. To entice him to taste the forbidden fruit this would be her night of bliss. Cominus knew he could not take any more if she kept this up. Clearing his throat Cominus stuttered as the words came out of his mouth. “My lord is something wrong are you feeling well, come lay down I shall make your illness fade way,” Aryl said patting the bed se


  “Well since we returned from the high

  elves temple you seem not yourself...,” Before

  Cominus could finish Aryl shot her hand up to

  stop him.

  “Think nothing of it I am touched by your

  kindness now it is late I must have my sleep,”

  Aryl said growing cold towards Cominus. Confused Cominus nodded and made his way to

  her door. Turning back to her, he could not

  understand why she became so cold so quickly.

  With Darjin on his shoulders, Cominus made

  his way towards his room ready to leave this

  city for his new home. Alarms shot out in the

  predawn hours.

  “What's going on,” Cominus yelled over

  the ensuing explosion's.

  “That's the high elves battle call,” Ergan

  said jumping from the chair he had fallen

  asleep in rushing towards the weapon rack

  were his sword lay.

  Seeing the look Ergan gave Cominus without questioning grasped the twin long swords

  his brother had given him. When the four were

  ready, they ran as fast as they could to help in

  any way. Halfway though the city people were

  running to and fro to their shops securing their

  livelihood's. Encase what was outside their

  walls broke though. Cominus stopped in his

  tracks feeling something looking upward to see shadow figures in the sky.

  Darjin can you tell who they are,” Cominus asked biting down his growing anxiety. Its mother and ten other dragons,” Darjin said craning her neck. Trying to catch up with Redbird and the others Cominus told them that his brother was here. They were as surprised to hear the news as Cominus was. Was his brother attacking the high elves, or was he trying to defend them from whatever waited for them beyond their walls.

  Darjin let me talk to my brother,” Cominus commanded. Unsure how she could perform the task her rider asked, she asked her mother if it could be done. Shadow Fang agreed that it could be done within moments the two brothers were in touch since Cominus went on this journey.

  What is it brother I have no time for idle banter,” Draco said scanning the ground. Cominus could feel the rush of energy gathering in his brother’s body though the link.

  What the hell you doing here,” Cominus asked looking up to the sky.

  What does it look like defending the elves from the Drow, and their Shadow golem,” Draco said Cominus could feel the magic gathering in his brother's body and it was overwhelming. They have one of those things,” Cominus said stumb
ling backwards. Seeing their rider stumble Aryl reach out to catch him in her arms. As she held him, Cominus could feel the softness of her skin, the sweet scent of her perfume, the shape of her breast. As she held him in her arms she began to view him as not as a human but a noble warrior. He alone save them from the Char ambush even when they had fled, he stood his ground against the mighty beast. As the two caught each other’s eyes

  blood began to rush to each other’s face. “What's going on my lord who is it in the

  sky,” Redbird asked rushing to Cominus’s side. “Draco is here he says that the Drow are

  here and they brought a Shadow golem with

  them,” Cominus said stepping out of Aryl's embrace.

  “Are you sure that's what he said a Shadow

  golem,” Ergan said grabbing Cominus by the

  shoulders with a look of fear in his eyes. “Why what is the matter Ergan.”

  “Have you never seen one of these beasts


  “Yes a ruby one Draco killed that monster

  a few weeks ago,” Cominus stated.

  “Then you know these beast can not be

  killed by normal means,” Redbird said tugging

  on his beard.

  “I know that so what the fuss is over this

  one golem.”

  “The shadow golem are the rarest ones that

  walk this land. The ruby your brother killed

  was a walk in the breeze compared to an shadow,” Aryl said childhood nightmares came

  flashing into the forefront of hr mind.

  You four done talking or you going to

  help the elves,” Draco asked dodging arrows as he and Shadow Fang poured dragon fire on the attacking Drow.

  What you want me to do,” Cominus asked hoping his brother would send them into battle just to be out of this city.

  Go and protect the Queen if I fail then make sure she escapes through the Hop gate,” Draco ordered.

  You can't mean that you’re going to fight that thing.”

  Yes, I'm the decoy while the other riders take care of the Drow,” Draco said motioning Shadow Fang into a steep drive towards the go


  “You can't you be killed!” Cominus said

  shouting to the sky yet his brother had already

  began battle with the mammoth beast.

  Oh I didn't know you cared so,” Draco

  said laughingly has he drew his sword. Worry not little one I shall not let this


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