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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 20

by Richardson, James

  As the squeaking hinges of the inns doors swung open Lanshina turned to see if it was the man her plans hinged on. As the sunlight bathed the elf in its warm light, his golden hair floated on the wind. His elven yew bow tucked unstrung in his leather quiver. Filled with elven arrows made for the white bark pines that populated their land. His elven hearing picked up the murmurings of the tavern goers. Looking for the cause of their distress, his red eyes fell upon the fallen princess.

  All knew of the princess fall from grace though he was not at all pleased with leaving their land for the Doncer to lay waste to. He could not deny the facts that they where placed in a trouble situation. Her golden hand called to him, he agreed with the princess ideals yet he would not betray the Queen. Bowing to Lanshina as he drew to her side Argan was curious to find out what she wanted from him.

  “Please will you join me for a meal, honorable ranger,” Lanshina said offering the empty seat to her right. “Why does the ex-princess of Shadleel seek my serves?” Taking the furthest seat so none could say he was giving aid to a fallen princess.

  “I am told that the Queen has given you position within the group that had formed around the human rider.” Not hiding her disgust for Draco’s shear stupidly for allowing this human to join with a dragon. All had hoped that the white dragon would choice another preferably an elf.

  “Yes, what of it.” Growing tried of the conversation he never was one to live by the old ways most high elves seem to adore to.

  “I would like for you to keep me informed of the humans actions, and if you can put an end to this fool of a dragon rider. We all know the danger of having a human within the realms he could only lead to our races end.” Her fork plunging into the steaming potatoes to vent her anger, how she had waited for this day.

  “What about Lord Draco, lets say I agree to do this, what would he do when he finds out about the death of his brother.” Cold fear flashed in his red hued eyes, he had fought against a great many things that roam this land. Yet to have a very angry rider on his tail was not what he wanted to face.

  “Worry not Argan five thousand gold pieces will be yours if you accept this request. Draco will not be of any concern for you I have a plan that will deal with that one.” Argan doubted she took in account for their dragons’, or what they would do to those who sought their riders’ deaths. Argan could not pass up the money the amount alone will keep him hidden for the rest of his life.

  “How will I contact you when the deed is done?” Lanshina looked up with a smug smile sliding a polished silver lined mirror across the table.

  “I have enchanted the mirror it will allow you to contact me from any distance. You will know it is truly I that speaks to you through the magical spell.” Leaning into his ear Lanshina whispered the magical password that would allow him to speak with the princess.

  Taking his leave of the princess, a cloud of doubt formed in his troubled mind. Was this the right thing to do so far none has seen any hint of evil in the man’s heart. Yet he had given his word to the princess, and the amount of the reward for the human riders head was too much to pass up. However a sickly feeling formed deep in his chest that this would the end of him if he pulled off this feat. Whether from dragon fangs or the blade from an assassin.

  After her meal was finished, Lanshina headed for the site where the new council building was under construction. She knew not all the Lords and Ladies agreed with her mother’s decision to leave their homeland for the rule of Draco. Even if he did save them from the attack by the Drow, she was still confident that her own people could repeal the attack. As she approached the stone palace, that would serve as home to the ruler of the high elves and the chambers of the council. Lord Shurin stood in the afternoon light conversing with the manger of the construction of the palace. Seeing the princess he sent the man along he was grateful, for the dwarfs help in building their new homes in this land. He never trusted the race or the man that drove them from their homes.

  “What can I do for you my princess?” Shurin asked bowing to Lanshina her smile widen at the man.

  “I have a question for you my Lord,” Lanshina said returning the bow.

  “Yes, how can I be of services to you my lady?” Shurin asked ushering her to a more private area where unwanted ears could not overhear their conversation. As they entered the shadows of the alleyway, Shurin wondered what she had in store for him. “Now what is this all about my lady?”

  “How many council members dislike the fact that my mother has up rooted our people.”

  “Including myself, only two or three others not enough to force your mother. To change her ruling on the matter my princess,” Shurin said after a few moments.

  “Good, I have a plan that will allow our people to return to our land and leave these foul creatures' behind,” Lanshina said a look of relief flashed across his ageless golden face.

  “What can I do to help my princess?”

  “I want you to gather those that side with me to meet me in two weeks. Then I will tell you of my plans for our people, and how I will take control of the throne.” Shurin tried to hide his smile from the princess but he doubted she cared.

  Chapter Eight

  For two weeks, Cominus had sparred with Ergan and Aryl in their mock battles. Though he was growing stronger in his use of magic, Cominus barely won the battles most of the time. He always kept an eye out for Aryl’s retribution, for her imprisonment in his magical web during their first sparring match. However she given no hint of she meant him harm, though it did not stop him from looking over his shoulder.

  As he readied himself for their days training a soft knock came upon his door. Darjin lifting her head from the stone floor no longer the size of a cat. She had grown in two weeks time to the length of ten feet. How she missed the days where she would curl her tail around her riders neck while she rested on his shoulders. Cominus was surprised how fast she had grown he wondered when it would be time for them to ride into the sky.

  As the three-inch wooden door opened, there standing in her glory was Aryl. Dress in her best mage robes, Cominus thought this odd attire for a day of training. As the morning, rays hit her silver eyes how they shined. The way she moved under those silken robes, her honey, rose scented perfume sent his heart racing every time she was near.

  “My lord I am sorry to inform you that today we will not be training as you have,” Aryl said catching the look in his eyes. She knew there was something between them though she would not push the subject yet.

  “Why not has something occurred that would cause our training to stop?” Cominus asked having grown to enjoy the bouts between Aryl and Ergan. Many of the castles guards had come to witness the event many times. He even had seen money changing hands several times. For who they where betting on he had no clue, Draco even came when the affairs of this war would allow his brother time. When he did attended their practices scissions. Cominus knew his brother was routing for him, the way he smile when he got the better of the two elves.

  “I am sorry to inform you that I must travel to Edos to restock my magical ingredients. Also I must meet with my master something that I must see to right away.”

  “Would you care for some company on your travels, me, and Darjin would love to see this land my brother has come to call home.” Turning to Darjin those blue eyes voiced her need to be free from the confines of the castle walls even if it was only for a day. Aryl had hoped that he would offer to come, this would give them much needed time alone.

  “I would like no other by my side,” Aryl said her silver locks falling to hide her blushing cheeks. Though it was only a half a days walk to the Hop gate that would send them to the floating island of Edos. Cominus would not go unprotected, though he had mastered some very destructive spells. Cominus relied more on his twin blades then magic alone.

  Darjin let my brother know that we are headed to Edos,” Cominus said through their shared mental link.

  “ He said have fun and watch your back,” Da
rjin said as his hand ran along her lower jaw. However Draco did not have to warn him with all that happen so far. Cominus could not blame his brother for begin cautious. With the Char attack on their way to Shadleel, the attack by the Drow at his home, and the attempted poisoning. Cominus could hardly lower his guard in his world until he was fully trained.

  As the three walked through the halls of his brother’s castle. The guards that he had first meet no longer held the distrust nor the loathing looks in their eyes. They view Cominus as a curiosity, or in awe for what the fates had in store for the human rider. As they neared the gates of the castle, Redbird and Ergan waited for the three. Though they knew Aryl wanted to be alone with their friend, yet with the treats so close they could not allow the two to go off on their own. Aryl shoot the two a glance, but she knew they were right blowing out a defeated sigh. With the companions rejoined, setting off southeast towards the Hop gate to Edos.

  ******** Lanshina had waited patiently for two weeks, it would not do for her to allow her impatience to work its way into her mind. No it would not bold well for her if her plans were discovered this early. If they found out after the matter of Draco’s death that was little to no concern for her. Her foolishness was Lanshina never saw dragons as intelligent beings. So she had no fear of Shadow Fangs retaliation for Draco’s death. The fact that he was to die and his little alliance would dry up with him. Those foolish enough to side with the undead thing made her smile.

  She had booked this room under a false name so that this meeting. Would not raise unwanted questions that she did not want to answer just yet. As she paced her room her soft sole boots scraped across the wooden floor broads. The time that Shurin and Lanshina had agreed on was growing near. This plan had to go off perfectly the people where still loyal to her mother, and Draco for whatever spell they had draped over their eyes. A soft knock came upon the door startling the princess.

  “Who is it,” Lanshina said leaning against the door.

  “It’s Lord Shurin we have come as you have asked my lady,” Shurin said in a low whisper. Opening the door a fraction of an inch Lanshina viewed the visitors not knowing if Shurin would keep his word. Seeing no guards, she opened the door to better view her guests. True to his word, three other elves stood behind Shurin. Two she already knew and one was far too young to be a council member.

  “Come in,” with a wave of her hand beckoning the four treacherous elves to enter. As the four filed into the small room, taking the four empty chairs at the pain table. Lanshina eyed those at the table as she picked up, the silver pitcher pouring the everberry wine into the pewter goblets. Her emerald green eyes studying the four elves that had come to her call. To her left was Lord Shurin the oldest of the council members. He had been a valiant supporter in their effort to keep the high elves out of the war with the Doncer. To his right sat Lady Arilyist her support would help keep the people in line, she held the second largest force of the high elves. To Lanshina left sat Lord Dertemale head of the trade in the city. He would keep the supplies routes open when riots were bound to erupt in the coming days. As her emerald eyes viewed the boy no older then she was, would he truly support her.

  “This is Brehminas son of the late Koulious we will miss his wit in the council meetings. Nevertheless the boy here has shown his loyalty to his father and his race. You should have no fear of him betraying you for he thinks like us as his father did.” The news of Koulious death brought tears to her eyes. She remembered the days when she spent in his study at the palace in Shadleel. When her mother was to busy in meetings, and to busy chasing after Draco to pay attention to her.

  “You have my condolence Brehminas your father was a great man I idolized your father,” Lanshina said bowing his head Brehminas was grateful for her kind words. “Now to why I have called you here today, allow me to lay out my plans to take the throne from my foolish mother. First, I have set in motion the spying and the death of the human rider that Draco had sought to bring into this world. I believe that you all will agree with me that man has no business in this world. Much less alone to a dragon that should have gone to one of our people.” With ferment nods they all agreed, the human rider needs to be gone from this world. “Good they see that I am right,” Lanshina said to herself.

  “Second I have already set out to end Draco’s rule here in this world. You need not worry yourself about the man for he will not live for long. Lastly, my mother, I will kidnapped my half-sister and use her. This will bring my mother to reason, when my mother hears that her beloved half-breed has been stolen from her. She will do whatever she needs to get the child back. Fear not I shall not harm the child unless it is needed. When I have the crown I will lead my people back into the lands that are ours. Where we will hide ourselves from this war that we have no part of,” Lanshina said waiting for their questions.

  ******* The city of Edos, far different then the city of Shadleel, as Cominus entered the newly constructed city of the dark elves. He was not met with the capacious looks he had received when he was in the high elf city. Here children ran up to him with wide eyes and joyous cheers. Their little hands tugged at him to come and play in their gardens and parks. Those brave enough ran up to Darjin wishing to pet the mighty dragon. For none other then those dark elves newly joined with their own dragons had ever been seen in the city. With her consent, they ran their tiny hands over her bright scales. Cominus felt the hum of her dragon song filled their shared link.

  Picking up the nearest boy Cominus placed the child in the hollow of her neck. As the boy sat upon Darjin as the companions continued down the paved street. Acting out imaginary battles as they passed elves waving and laughing at the sight. This made her dragon song reverberate though the cities air. The gang of children began to surround their brave rider as the three companions did with Cominus. As their imaginary battle took place the four took, seats watching the battle unfold. As goblins, orc’s, hobgoblins, even a giant came into the fray. Darjin roaring her challenge to the foes that would dare harm her rider and companions.

  Cominus could only smile at the sight of the battle. How he dreamed to spend years in this place. How easily the dark elves accepted him compared to their kin, as the brave warriors fell to the blades of their enemies. Their champion fought on until all stood dead in his wake. Climbing down from Darjin’s shoulders the boy rider knelt down beside those brave warriors that fought by his side ushering them into the afterlife. Clapping filled the air as their brave hero had won the day. Taking her bow Darjin wanted to give the boy a gift for his bravery, Cominus knew not what to give the boy. Darjin reached down to her underbelly plucking off one of her soft scales. As the scale fell into the boys palm his silver eyes light up at the gift. Wrapping his arms around her neck, he would never forget this day.

  “That was a kind thing you did," Aryl said placing kiss on her scaly snout. Well the boy fought bravely and honored his fallen comrades,” Darjin voiced for all to hear.

  “Still the battle of Ashishle will be on the lips of children for years to come,” Aryl said scratching her soft scales behind her left eye. “But let us continue on to the market.” As the companions ventured down the cobblestone streets, the shear beauty of the city overwhelm Cominus.

  Flowers lined the streets and windows of the homes, of the people that came to call the city home. As the trees swayed in the gentle breeze, the sweet scents of freshly baked cakes and bread filled the air. Bird’s sung their songs to their mates, chipmunks chattered in the knots that lined the everberry trees. Laughter filled the air as mothers and children played in the gardens in the afternoon sun. Hammers and chisels cut away wood as elves engraved signs for their awaiting customers. Sounds of merchants shouted out their wares to passers by. As the companions came to the magical part of the market square. The scent of magical herbs, oils, and things better left off not saying filled their senses. As Aryl came upon the stall that she knew and most frequently shopped at. The silver hair elf viewed the group in awe.

y, oh my Aryl such fine company you seem to keep these days,” said the shop owner.

  “Thank you Oris allow me the honor of introducing Lord Cominus the rider of Darjin,” Aryl said turning to allow the old shopkeeper a better view at the rider.

  “Well if my own eyes don’t lie to me! A white rider it seems that you do indeed travel fine company my dear. Now what can old Oris do for you this fine day.”

  “Blood root five should be fine for now, an ounce of nectar from the blue rose, and lastly the ash of the gobay tree,” Aryl said unrolling a small piece of parchment. Turning to Cominus how those silver eyes seem to pull him into their depths. “Though you have no need of spell components, seeing how Darjin is your channel of your magic. It will do you well to learn each one of these ingredients,” Aryl said as Oris slipped though the curtain to fill her order.

  Cominus watched and listened as Aryl pointed at the hanging herbs and there description in the spells they were used for. As they came to the barks of the native trees of the land, the oak bark caught his eye. As his fingers ran over the rough bark thoughts of home ran through his mind. How his family must be worried about him. How he wished he could share this experience with them. How he found Draco, and how he became a leader of these people. Seeing his woe her soft hand graced his forearm. How she wished she could ease his pain, though she was not ready to embrace him as her mate. As Oris return with her ingredients, as the spell components clinked onto the table.

  “I’m sorry to inform you Aryl that the price of the blue rose nectar has gone up some. Do the Doncer’s ingress into the flowers native valley few dare to enter. I am sorry I have to raise the price ten more gold pieces,” Oris said with a sorrowful look.

  “I understand many of the ingredients have become so expensive in the past few years. I will take these, but if you can find a substitute for the nectar please let me know.”


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