The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 30

by Richardson, James

  to leave for the training field. For she had

  wished to see that young crimson dragon again,

  Cominus felt her enthusiasm roll over him like

  waves on the sandy shore. Before he could ask

  Darjin left her alcove before she would let him

  guess of her interest.

  Walking to the door, he made sure that

  everything was order before setting out. Cominus made a declaration to himself “I will show

  the world that I and Darjin belong here,” he

  said under his breath. As the door opened to the

  stone corridor there stood Aryl. As the new morning light hit her midnight blue skin Cominus noticed her in a new light. The light played across her beautiful face making her shine, as she was the goddess of love. When the light hit her eyes sparkled, as if they were diamonds of every color. Cominus watched the light play across her, he could not take his eyes off her. “Well if we are to be mated then I am one lucky man to have caught, the gaze of one so

  beautiful,” Cominus thought to himself. Aryl knowing her lover eyes were upon

  her blood rushed to her face not attempting to

  hide. Her rose color cheeks she knew that he

  would want to she her in this light. Her mind

  raced of the pleasures that they would have together as man and wife. Their wedding would

  be the envy of all the land. For her these mattered not for all in the world she had chosen the

  man that could save their race. They would

  have stayed in that single position if it were not

  for Ergan.

  “My lord we should get to the field,” Ergan said coughing. Aryl shoot him an evil glare

  for interrupting the moment. Cominus looked

  to Ergan watching his blood flow out of his

  face. It was Redbird bursting out into belly

  slapping laugh that broke the tension.

  “Who knew a single look could make an

  elf look as pale as a ghost,” laughed Redbird. “I'm just have to make sure she never gets

  angry for I do not want her upset with me,”

  thought Cominus. With a nod, the four made

  their way to the training field. Cominus knew Darjin was near darting to and fro above the castle. Just outside of the gates, Cominus turned to Aryl. Reaching out a hand to her Aryl

  slid her small hand into his.

  Cominus felt her soft skin press against

  his, Aryl's face light up as she wrapped. Her

  slender arm around his left arm pure joy eradicated from her face. As her body pressed

  against his, her scent filled his senses heat ran

  throughout his body. Cominus's head shot up

  as Darjin released a mighty roar that felled the

  morning air. As they came to the training field

  Cominus noticed the elves staring with utmost

  hate in their eyes.

  Since his training had begun, one elf had

  made it his job to belittle him at every chance.

  Cominus took his insults with a gain of salt.

  However that would not stop him when they insulted Darjin or his brother. On cue, Dingin

  made his way over to him. Rolling his eyes

  Cominus waiting for the onslaught of his cruses. Cominus could not tell how old this elf

  was, he stood a little over six feet. He was

  more muscular then he himself was with starlight hair.

  Cominus knew that he was a high elf,

  which made his hatred for Dingin even more.

  Cominus could not forget the first encounter

  with their race, nor the other encounters he had

  with that foul race. Since their exodus from

  their homeland. There arrogance has yet to be

  humbled. For it was thanks to his brother that,

  their race did not face extinction on that day. Still they held to their ways Cominus had to ad

  mire their determination.

  “Well if isn't the hero come to let us commoners bask in his gory,” Dingin said for all to

  hear. With a cocky look, Dingin eyed Aryl as

  she held her place along side Cominus. “What do you want Dingin,” Cominus said

  weary of this daily harassment.

  “Well look at this it looks like you some

  disease redden dog on your arm. Why don't

  you come over here,” Dingin said reaching out

  for Aryl. A blue spark arched though the air

  knocking Dingin to the ground. Stunned Dingin looked to see Aryl still standing.

  “Why you dark skin whore,” Dingin said

  under his breath. Jumping to his feet Dingin

  shaping his right hand into a fist, in mid-fight

  Darjin placing her massive head between the

  two. Rising her upper lip showing Dingin the

  upper rows of her dagger like fangs releasing a

  low growl. Cominus placing his hands on the

  twin blades his brother had given him. Fearing

  an escalation Cominus had no intentions to

  face this elf. The young crimson dragon twisting his head to better hear her growl. The

  young dragon unfurled his wings and with one

  massive leap into the air, the crimson dragon

  glided over to Darjin.

  Leave now elf I have had enough of the

  bile that comes out of your mouth,” Darjin said

  projecting her thoughts for all to hear. Blood

  rushing out of his face Dingin took one dry

  gulp, eyeing the two dragons that stood in his

  path. “What’s this rider have you no courage to

  face me? Or are you a coward that hides behind

  his dragon and a woman's legs,” Dingin said

  gathering whatever courage he could. Cominus

  could fell the twin blades inching out of their

  scabbards. Insulting him was fine he would not

  allow no man, elf, or other to insult Darjin or


  “Watch your tongue elf for you will not

  have it for long,” Cominus said anger fill his


  “Enough of this Dingin return to your post

  I will not have allies turning on each other

  under my watch,” said the elf commander. Before Dingin turned to leave he shot Cominus a

  wicked glance. Knowing that eventually Cominus would have to deal with Dingin. Though

  Cominus knew the high elf would not fight him

  fairly, so he had to keep an eye out for any subterfuge. For the first time Cominus had noticed

  Brenda and her dragon standing to their left. “Well my lord you do seem to make enemies were ever you go,” Brenda said from her

  saddle. Aryl noticed the look in Cominus’s

  eyes turning her gaze back to the elf Aryl

  showed her detest at the display.

  “Welcome Brenda I thank you for the help

  though I had hoped that it would not turn into

  blows,” Cominus said smiling up at her. Darjin

  nudged his right arm Cominus turned to her

  seeing what was disturbing her.

  What is it,” snapped Cominus.

  You’re doing it again ,” Darjin said looking at Aryl. Cominus turned his attention to the dark elf. He saw the scowl that had formed on her face. Cursing to himself for not thinking before he leaped. Aryl turned to Cominus flashing her anger, Cominus knew that this would not end well for him.

  “Way do you look at her as you do, you are my betrothed! Does that mean nothing to you,” Aryl said storming off the field. Knowing that he had caused this he looked to Ergan, and Redbird for advice but they could give none. Brenda made her way to his side pressing her body against his. Cominus could feel her warmth though his armor it stirred his body like nothing he had
felt before.

  Cominus felt the rolling waves of emotion crashing over him. It seem like time had stop for him. Fighting though the haze Cominus felt the emotions were linked to Darjin just as it was linked to him. Trying to pull himself out of the haze, he noticed that Brenda and her dragon were in the same state. Urging himself to climb into his saddle Cominus urged Darjin into flight. As the two climbed higher into the clouds the haze, lighten the further he got from Brenda.

  Aryl racing back to her chambers tears steaming down her face. She felt such a fool for allowing herself to fall for that man. As she neared her room crashing into Lord Draco. Catching her in his arms, he could hear the slobs. Startling her, Aryl brushed her tears away with the heel of her hand.

  “I beg your forgiveness my lord I should watch were I am going,” Aryl said trying to control her breathing.

  “There is no need for that, tell me. What has pained you so Aryl,” Draco asked his hand running down her arm. Escorting her to his private chambers where they could talk without fear of benign over heard. As Aryl enter his chambers she noticed that Queen Ishtar, and a girl of three played happily in front of the leather chairs. Aryl never thought of her lordship having a relationship with the Queen of the high elves. When her senses came back to her she made the courteous bow to Ishtar. In return Ishtar made the same gesture to Aryl.

  Turning to her daughter Ishtar, ushered Maya into the next room so the two could have some privacy. Aryl walk to the round wooden table slumping into the velvet cushioned chair, she folded her arms on the table's surface. Placing her head on her forearms, and continued to weep silently. Draco took two silver goblets from the cherry cabinets, and a decanter of Dwarfen ale. If what the star elves tablets foretold this then they were in unexplored territory. Draco did not know how to help Aryl.

  Placing one of the goblets in front of Aryl, Draco poured the contents of the decanter into her goblet. Placing the stopper back into the decanter, Draco placed the ale in the center of the table. Knowing it was better for her to get it out before continuing. Draco seat patently for her to clam herself before continuing her tale that as he already knew what troubled her so. Draco thought he knew what caused her grief. As her slobs became less and less Draco knew, her ordeal would be at an end soon. Aryl pulled herself upright rubbing the tears from her eyes. Regaining her composer Aryl straighten herself out so she would not disgrace herself in front of her lord.

  “I am sorry you had to see me in such a state my lord,” Aryl said sipping on the ale before her.

  “There’s no need for that Aryl tell me what troubles you so,” asked Draco.

  “He does not want me,” Aryl said trying to still her sobs. Draco's eyes flared at her statement to reassure his guess.

  “That crimson rider he wants her not me even though he accepted our betrothal,” Aryl said hanging her head in depression.

  “I dare say she has chosen her mate,” Draco said more to himself then towards Aryl. Aryl looking at Draco with a confused look as if he already knew. Why Cominus played with her heart which took her into a deeper depression.

  “Who chose a mate!” Aryl asked slamming her hands on the table spilling her drink. Raising an eyebrow Draco said nothing until she clamed herself. Fearing she had overstepped her place, Aryl settled back into the velvet cushion chair.

  “What do you mean,” Aryl asked with confusion showing in her eyes.

  “It means Darjin has chosen a mate that will fly with her when she is ready,” Ishtar said stepping out from Maya's room. Aryl glanced at Draco and then to Ishtar she could see that they both loved each other ever so much. Her heart pained her so she wanted to fell that way with Cominus.

  “So my affections with go unanswered,” Aryl said dropping her head.

  “Do not give up hope Aryl I am sure my

  brother feels same as you do. When Darjin

  choose her mate, he is infused with her emotions. It is the same for the crimson rider and

  her dragon. If you still wish to be my brother’s

  wife then you must put aside your anger towards this woman. However, this decision is

  yours to make it be an honor to have you as a

  sister. Though how he is going deal with two

  elven women...,” Ishtar gave Draco a look that

  stopped him in his tracks.

  “Do you love the man,” Ishtar asked ignoring Draco's last comment.

  “Yes,” said Aryl her chest still heaving. “Do not let this man go with out a fight.

  Make him want you just as much as you want

  him. Knowing that Darjin has chosen her mate

  then you must deal with her sharing him. She

  may come and go but you will always be there

  beside him. It will be you that he will love

  more then anything in this world. Therefore, you must wipe your tears and follow your heart for if you do not. Then you will miss out on the best years your life has ever known,” Ishtar said saying more to herself then to Aryl. For it was her misfortune that she had missed the last two and a half years of her lover’s life. Since her arrival, she had cherished the time she and Draco had shared. Aryl watch the two reunited lovers in awe, and knew what she had to do. She would not let this woman have her mate to herself. It would be difficult in the beginning for her, however she was determined to see this


  “Thank you my lord and lady for your help

  in this matter. I should not bother you with

  these minor problems...,” before Aryl could finish Draco waved his hand and shock his head. “We are to be family soon think nothing of

  it whatever advice I can give I do so freely,”

  Draco said nodding his approval. New found

  resolve course though her veins Aryl push herself out of the chair bowing to the two, and

  made her way out of Draco's chambers. With

  Draco's consent, he had given her the boost she

  would need. Every one she past though out the

  stone halls viewed her in awe as she passed to

  face this woman.

  She had no idea what she would do when,

  she got there but that did not matter to her. She

  would not let her affections towards Lord Cominus go unanswered. Aryl stopped at the third

  floor guard post she asked if he knew were she

  might find this woman. The guard told her room was located one the first floor and that she kept to herself. Aryl handed the man a piece of silver for his troubles and headed towards the stairs. Aryl stood in front of her door unable to bring herself to knock. Just as she raised her hand the door, swag open. Brenda and Aryl stood there in silence for what seemed

  hours to Aryl.

  “Can I help you,” Brenda asked wondering

  why this woman was standing at her door. “Yes we need to talk,” Aryl said trying to

  hide her anger at this woman.

  Brenda gestured for Aryl to enter as the

  door closed Aryl stood until she was offered a

  chair. Brenda knew not what this woman

  wanted, yet she knew that she travailed with

  Lord Cominus. She had grown to care for the

  man was this an invention to join his bed

  thought Brenda. If so then why would Lord

  Cominus, send this woman to express his intentions wondered Brenda as she studied the dark


  “What is this about,” Brenda asked eager

  to get this over with.

  “I wish to know what is your attentions towards Lord Cominus,” asked Aryl.

  “Why is that any of your concern,” Brenda

  asked scornfully.

  “Because we are to be wed so I ask again

  what your attentions are,” Aryl commanded.

  Shocked Brenda never would have thought she

  was in love with this man what should she do.

  What is she to do her feelings and those of
Brendol her dragon for he wishes to be Darjin's


  “I to wish to be with him as well as Brendol wishes to be joined with Darjin,” said Brenda. Aryl knew that was what she wanted but to

  hear her say it astounded her. Her knees

  buckled out from under Aryl reached out a

  hand to steady herself. Aryl sank into the plain

  wooden chair her face buried in the palms of

  her hands.

  Aryl controlled herself enough so her rival

  would not see her weak. Ishtar's words rang

  though out Aryl's mind pondering on her

  words. Trying her best to figure out what was

  the best course of action to take. Aryl knew

  that she could not face her in battle for as

  powerful as Aryl was she was no match for a

  rider. She could not make Cominus love her for

  love spells never held up to its expectations.

  No a love spell was not want she wanted, she

  wanted him to love her as she was. Not fooled

  by magic to love her no that would only lead to

  heartache. The only choice left for her is to let

  Cominus chose which one he wished to wed, or

  that is what she told herself.

  “I may have a solution for us both,” Aryl

  said with hope. “Oh what could that be,” Brenda said sarcastically. “We both wish to be with this man. Your

  dragon wishes for Darjin as a mate and you

  care for him to as I do. Then the simple thing to

  do ask for the renicky ceremony, I do not know if you know the details of it for it. Has not been used among the dark elves for a thousand years,” Aryl said taking a breath. Seeing Brenda intrigued in what she was saying Aryl con


  “Though we dark elves practice monogamy. Our mate can chose to take another mate

  as long as it is not with in our own race. On the

  other hand, there are other conditions like our

  situation for example. We both love this man

  will you conceit to the ceremony,” asked Aryl.

  Brenda did not say a word she seat quietly for

  minutes Aryl thought there time had ended. Aryl gathered herself not knowing if things would

  turn out has she would hope. As she neared the

  door, Brenda spoke.

  “Who was the last person to under take

  this,” asked Brenda.

  “His name was Valor Moonshade a wood


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