The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 31

by Richardson, James

  elf from the village of Tellar. As the story goes,

  it was attacked by a patrol of Doncer. He

  stayed behind to defend his home along with

  the other remaining wood elves there. The

  women and children got to safety thanks to

  their efforts. Word reached one of our towns in

  the area. A patrol of dark elf rangers and spearmen were dispatched to the village of Tellar.

  Among the rangers was a woman named Ellis

  Shadowmare. Upon reaching the wood elf village the only survivor was Valor.”

  “Ellis was the one that had found him

  under the remains of the scorched home. Valor

  was on the verge of death when Ellis found him. The patrol party founding no other survivors, they transported Valor to their town were Ellis treated his wounds for months. As time went on Valor and Ellis grew to care for each other. However Valor could not give into his love for Ellis, when he knew not of the fate of

  his wife. "

  “Fearing that he would leave her and never

  return to her, Ellis went to the elders and

  pleaded for the renicky. Hearing her plead the

  elders thought on this for many a night. A

  month had pasted since her plead; Ellis finally

  received word that she had granted what she

  sought. Relived to hear the news Ellis rushed to

  Valor’s dwelling. She recounted her tale to

  Valor in hopes that he would conceit to the renicky. Valor thought long and hard on this Ellis

  grew increasingly agitated. Four days pasted

  with no word from Valor on the morning of the

  fifth day. Ellis woke to find Valor sitting on her

  bed stroking her hair. There joining was the

  talk of the town for many months.”

  “Years had pasted for Ellis and Valor they

  had two children of their own. For Valor’s wife

  had learned of his survival of the attack on

  their village. Anna set out to find her lost love

  many miles and dangerous roads she trekked to

  find the dark elf town. Winter had set in when

  Anna stepped into the town. Her travel's were

  not kind to her when she had arrived she was

  malnourished. When Valor had learned of her

  arrival he rushed to her side.”

  “Ellis knew not what she could do, she could have let her love go with Anna, or they could choose to live as one. Not much remains from our records what happened after that. While others say Anna left the dark elf town heart broken others say, Ellis was the one who had lost the battle of love,” Aryl said trying to still her nerve's. All the while Brenda set in her chair listening to Aryl tale. Brenda had heard of the attack on the village of Tellar for no one has ever. Returned to the site of the slaughter to rebuild the village, for fear the Doncer had

  placed a curse upon the land.

  Never would she thought that their worlds

  were so intertwine. If she went along with

  Aryl's proposal once again their races will be

  intertwine with the world. Brenda also had to

  think about her own standing with her own

  people. Would her outcast title diminish Cominus own standing with his own race, she could

  not let her own worries defeat her in this decision. If this is what it took to gain the man that,

  she and Aryl wish to be wed to. Then so be it

  she would not let her own peoples hatred of his

  race rule her. She knew that Aryl and herself

  would shield him from whatever crossed their

  path this she vowed to herself.

  “I conceit so how do we go about getting

  your elders to allow us to wed Cominus,” Brenda asked her nails tapping on the table's surface.

  “I will ask Siphon for her conceit for the

  ceremony,” Aryl said walking towards the door

  with determination. That she would not lose her mate joy spread throughout her heart. That Cominus would still be hers even if she had to share him with another. What Aryl feared now was Siphon would not give her conceit to the ceremony. As Aryl reached for the handle Brenda began to speak more friendly then be


  “I do hope that we can get along together I

  would hate for our own anger for one another.

  To get in the way of our love for Cominus,”

  Brenda said with a smile. Aryl knew that whatever hardships they would endure would not be

  of her making. With a nod Aryl agreed with

  Brenda's thinking she just hope that Cominus.

  Would agree to this for it would shatter her

  world if he did not. Upon reaching Siphon

  chambers Aryl knocked three times on the

  wooden door. Waiting for a response to enter

  Aryl stood there as if she were a statue of


  Not moving until she had her say as the

  minutes went by Aryl began to think. Siphon

  would not hear her plea fear, and doubt began

  to form in her heart and her mind. Just before

  her doubt and fear eroded her composer, Siphon's door began to creak open.

  “Ah, Aryl what brings you to my door,” Siphon asked rubbing the sleep from her eyes. “I beg your pardon my lady for waking

  you from your slumber. I have a request that I

  would ask of you my lady," Aryl said showing

  the Siphon the due respect her station earned


  “What is it that could not wait until I arose

  from my slumber,” Siphon asked annoyed for

  being awoken for something that could have


  “I would like your conceit to perform the

  renicky ceremony my lady,” Aryl said with authority. Shock felled Siphon's face for the ceremony had not been performed in over a thousand years. Aryl watch as shock was replaced

  by a smile on Siphon face.

  “Well do come in I will not have our conversation broadcast for all to hear,” Siphon said

  gesturing for Aryl to enter. As Aryl took her

  seat at the main table in the room Siphon went

  to her armoire. With two glass goblets in her

  hand a decanter of elderberry wine. Siphon

  poured the contents into the two goblets handing Aryl a goblet Siphon took her place across

  from Aryl.

  “So tell me why I should grant you such a

  ceremony,” Siphon said enjoying the sweet

  taste of he wine on her tongue. Aryl began to

  tell her Siphon of her feelings for Cominus and

  his feelings towards Brenda. Aryl told her

  about the talk she and Brenda had and the tale

  about Valor. Siphon listened to all that Aryl

  had to say keeping her smile hidden as Aryl

  continued. Aryl told her Brenda had conceited

  to the ceremony.

  “Oh young love, two women for one man,”

  Siphon said with a chuckle. Aryl's chinch her

  fist around her knees eager to hear the answer

  to her question, as Siphon clinked her nails against the tables surface. For Aryl did not have long to wait for her answer. Siphon would not do that to her friend though she would

  make her pay for waking her.

  “To have a rider joined to our race is an

  honor are you sure this is what you want Aryl,”

  Siphon asked reaching across the table. “Yes my lady I do not wish to lose him

  even if it means I must share him,” Aryl said

  with convection.

  “Then go knowing you have my blessing,

  and may your years be felled with joy,” Siphon

  said with a smile to her old friend. Si
phon saw

  the joy filling Aryl's silver eyes with the knowledge that she longed to hear. Bowing to Siphon

  Aryl made her way back towards Brenda chambers. Were upon reaching her room Aryl commence telling Brenda of Siphon blessing for

  the ceremony. Aryl to saw the joy in Brenda's

  cobalt blue eyes as Siphon saw in hers. Aryl

  and Brenda left her chambers heading towards

  where their betrothed rested.

  Returning from the dining hall Cominus,

  Redbird, Ergan were eager for some much

  needed rest. Saying farewell to his friends

  Cominus was eager to relieve himself of his

  sweat soaked clothes. As the fresh cool air hit

  his exposed chest glad that his brother had given him his own bathing pool. The warm soothing water called to him. To his surprise Cominus heard laugher within the bathing pool.

  Reaching for one of the twin swords Cominus

  inched his way towards the door. As quite as he could Cominus placed his hand on the handle

  of the door.

  Before he could turn the handle the heavy

  wooden door swung open. Standing before him

  was Aryl dripping wet from her time in the

  pool. Aryl stood in shock for her beloved was

  not to see her in this way before their wedding

  day. Reaching for a robe covering her naked

  skin Cominus could not have missed. Aryl's

  pink nipples, nor could he ignore the white

  patch of hair covering her pink velvety lips.

  Blood and heat raced to his face along to his

  groin. Veering his gaze away so not to show

  his enjoyment of seeing her naked body. Cominus began to think of the numerous magical

  spells repeatedly to regain his composer. “Forgive me my lord we didn't think you

  would be here so soon,” Aryl said pressing her

  robe to her chest. Trying his hardest to hide the

  bulge that was forming in between his legs

  every attempt ended in failure. Then it hit him

  “We, who is this we,” Cominus thought to himself. With the sound of water, rippling though

  the bathing pool Cominus angled his head.

  There in her naked glory was Brenda water

  trickling down her naked form. “They would

  never believe this back home,” Cominus said to


  “Why my lord do our forms please you

  so,” Aryl said noticing the bulge. That was

  growing between his legs, her fingers tracing

  the outline of his manhood. Unable to answer

  right away thoughts and images were running unbridled through his mind. When he was finally able to bring himself back to reality, he

  noticed Aryl waiting for him to answer. “I would be a lair if I said they did not,"

  Cominus said as Aryl's naked body still playing

  in his head. “May, I ask why are you two are in

  my bathing pool. Don't get me wrong its just I

  would never expect two beautiful elves here in

  my room."

  “Why not beloved we are to be wed why

  not share in the delights of a private bathing

  pool,” Brenda said with a seductive smile. Taken back Cominus knew not what to do was he

  to be married to these two beautiful elven


  “If I am then I am so going to hell. Well at

  least I will have fun before going there,” Cominus thought to himself.

  “Yes where we can teach you the joys of

  elven love. Yes beloved Brenda, myself and

  you will be joined in wedded bless in the renicky ceremony,” Aryl said her hands running

  down his bare chest.

  “The what,” Cominus asked confused. So

  Aryl recounted all that had transpired between

  the hours that he was training. Aryl gave Cominus the details of the renicky ceremony.

  Stunned that they would wish to be with him

  though he did not know how wise it was. At

  this point he did not care Cominus was having

  the time of his life. Nothing in this world could

  take this away from him. Two hours had pasted

  since their steamy encounter the three of them enjoying the privacy of the bathing pool. They climbed into bed together to share in their bless

  with one another.

  As the new morning arises, Draco entered

  his brother’s room Aryl was the first to wake.

  Covering her body Aryl nudged Cominus to

  awaken he stirred in his bless filled sleep. Not

  wishing to awaken, hoping that it was all but a

  dream. Again, Aryl nudge him to awaken from

  his slumber again he did not wish to. With the

  third, nudge Cominus finally awoke to find his

  brother standing in the doorway. Cominus saw

  that his brother's smile on his face. When his

  eyes finally adjusted to the light filtering in

  from the door hating himself. His brother most

  have known about this, and said not a word to


  “I see that you took my advise Aryl, well

  do come to my chambers in say twenty minutes,” Draco said with that he closed the door.

  Cominus could hear humming down the hall

  knowing his brother will have a field day with

  this. As Aryl rolled out of bed Cominus

  watched as she walked to the chair were she

  had placed her robe. Watching Cominus could

  not take his eyes off her naked form.

  Brenda stirred next to him flashing a smile

  to him to show that the pleasure they shared

  last night. Meant the world to her as she rolled

  out of bed. As she walked to where her elven

  clothes lay, as he watched her walk Cominus

  studied every curve of her naked body. There came a knock on Draco's door as the door swung open Cominus noticed. Maya had answered the door dress in a sundress with yellow ribbons tied throughout her blond hair. Cominus saw her face light up his brother must have told Ishtar about what happen. Blood rushed to his face filling embarrassed, Maya lead them to a long rectangle table made out of red pine. As they entered a fine assortment of fruits, cheeses, and elven forms of pancakes. Made from wheat, honey and acorns that smelled so heavenly his stomach voiced it ap


  “Ah good you all came Aryl, Brenda, I

  would like you all to meet Ishtar queen of the

  high elves, and this is my daughter Maya,”

  Draco said nudging Maya to say hello. “Hello,” Maya said ducking back behind

  her father’s legs. Cominus wondered if it was

  wise for his brother to let Aryl and Brenda

  know of Maya existence. Stepping out from

  there bedroom Ishtar stood at the threshold

  wearing a gown made of butterflies wings. As

  the light hit the incandescent wings the gown

  shimmered as a prism. As the light struck the

  tiny scales, Cominus, Aryl, and Brenda were

  awed inspired at her beauty.

  “Thank you my lord and lady for gracing

  us with this fine meal, and may I add you look

  as beautiful. In this fine morning light my

  lady,” Aryl said bowing to Ishtar.

  “Thank you Aryl this is a special day for

  our family has grown,” Ishtar said nodding to


  “So she does know,” Cominus said to himself. Cominus could not help but think his brother had given his blessing towards their


  “Please sit,” Draco said gesturing for them

  to take their pla

  “Brother are you sure it is wise,” Cominus

  said pointing towards Maya. Aryl and Brenda

  looked at each other wondering what he had

  meant by that.

  “I’m sure that Aryl and Brenda would keep

  this quiet, why shouldn't Maya not see her

  aunts,” Draco asked knowing his brother meant

  well but it infuriated him as well.

  “Yes I agree with my husband it would do

  Maya some good. If she can run around with

  other people other then myself and Draco,” Ishtar said stroking Maya's hair.

  “You mean I get new friends,” Maya said

  jumping down from her chair. Running over to

  Aryl, she reached down to pick Maya up into

  her lap. As she did Maya's hair fell behind her

  ear revealing her heritage. Seeing this Aryl began to study Draco and Ishtar trying to determine his transformation. Aryl's attention went

  back to Maya as see began playing with Aryl’s

  silverware Aryl caught a glimpse of her rune. Aryl knew what the rune meant she looked

  to her lover. Aryl reached her hand across the

  table to Cominus left hand. There it was the

  rune of betrayal, Aryl could not believe it she

  had chosen to wed a descendant of Aacole.

  This did not change her feelings for him no it had answered some of the questions she had

  about Lord Draco.

  “From the look on your face Aryl then you

  know our heritage. I would ask you not to look

  at this as an evil thing. For I know my brother

  would never bring harm to this world like our

  ancestor. If you know who we are then I assume you know about the second part of the

  curse. I hope that you know what happens to

  your children if this curse is not broken,” Draco said with sorrow in his eyes. Ishtar reached

  her hand across the table to embrace her lover

  in her arms. She wished that she could banish

  the pain that plagued his heart.

  “I would never be that trivial I love your

  brother nothing can change that. You have my

  word that none shall hear it from me of the

  rune and your cruse my lord. I only hope that

  we can endure such pain and heartache as you

  and Ishtar have,” Aryl said looking to Cominus

  to reassure that her heart could not be swayed

  so easily. Brenda was at a lost during this conversation but she knew she felt the same as Aryl. Nothing so horrible could make her leave

  her lover. Even if the Doncer were at their

  doorstep she would stand beside Cominus. Facing death along side him and Aryl for no man,


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