The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1) Page 32

by Richardson, James

  beast, monster would never touch him. “I to vow not to let any one know of this

  even on the pain of death,” Brenda said with


  “It is good to hear that my brother has

  strong willed women at his side,” Ishtar said

  raising her glass to salute their resolve. “Hear, hear well brother it looks like you

  can't chase these women off if you wanted to,”

  Draco said laughing as his fist pounded the table. Feeling embarrassed Cominus stroked the

  back of his head to divert there attention away

  from his glowing red face.

  “Look daddy uncle's face is red as a

  cherry," Maya said giggling behind her hand. A

  few seconds pasted in silence then every one

  burst out in laughter except Cominus. Who felt

  two inches tall at the time as he looked around

  Aryl, and Brenda looked at him as if he could

  do no wrong. For the first time Cominus noticed Ishtar dropping her formalities and showing a softer side. That he never saw when he

  was in the high elves city of Shadleel. His

  brother showing that he had chosen right in this

  matter saluting him with his golden goblet.

  Seeing the decanter low on morning honey

  mead Draco walked over to the armoire. “So Brenda I would like to hear why you

  chose to become a rider,” asked Ishtar. “For revenge on the bastard that killed my

  parents,” Brenda said placing her goblet on the

  table. Cominus could see the seething anger behind her cobalt blue eyes.

  “I’m sorry for your lost it must have been

  terrible for you when did this happen,” Ishtarsaid patting her arm.

  “Two years ago word had reached our village of a man resisting the Doncer's rule. My

  mother and father debated for many weeks on if they should go or stay. Then one fatefully day while I was out hunting a stag that had been eating our crops. I saw smoke in the air as I made my way back to my home. By the time, I got close to tell what was happening. The village had been sacked by the Doncer. Standing over the dead bodies of my parents,” Brenda said tears formed in those cobalt blue eyes. “Was a man in crimson dragon scale armor laughing wickedly. As I drew closer to the village, I saw that he had a crescent shape scare on his face. His dragon had almost the same scare on its long neck...,” the shattering of the decanter on the marble floor interrupted Brenda. As the conversation came to a halt, Cominus knew whom Brenda spoke of. As Cominus looked upon his brother, he could see the hate

  building in his brothers silver eyes.

  No one moved a muscle when they saw the

  look that had formed on his face. Even the

  cheerful Maya was stopped in her tracks when

  she looked at her father. Running to her mother

  for shelter from her fathers pending anger. Ishtar tried to soothe her husband but his rage had

  dulled her voice.

  As the minutes passed, no one made a

  move to calm him Cominus knew better then

  that. As the minutes went by, there came a roar

  that shook the castle all the way down to its

  foundations. Shadow Fang ran into her alcove

  projecting her mind to every one, waves of anger, rage washed over them. Balo came in after

  Shadow Fang attempting to calm her. It was to no avail Shadow Fang swung her massive head towards Balo. Snapping at Balo, Shadow Fang released a low growl showing her arm thick dagger like teeth. Jumping from her chair Ishtar ran to Balo to shield him from Shadow Fangs growing wrath. As Ishtar stood there, Shadow

  Fang did not attempt to press her.

  “What has anger you so, why do you come

  in here with anger in your heart,” Ishtar asked

  fearful that Shadow Fang would tear though


  You have no idea what pain that man has

  caused us,” Shadow Fang said looking at Draco with her massive red eye. Looking towards

  her husband for answers yet none was forth

  coming from him. Ishtar looked back to Shadow Fang for answers all Ishtar could hear was

  crying from the mighty dragon. Finally after

  what seemed like hours to them Draco finally


  “I should have killed that bastard when I

  had the chance,” Draco said with hate in his

  voice. All turn to him looking for answer still

  none was forth coming. This time hate was replaced with sorrow and gilt. Gilt for allowing it

  to happen, and for not being strong enough to

  protect her from the pain that rider had caused

  her. Sorrow for ever allowing her to be put in

  that position. Draco held out his arms to Maya.

  “Can you forgive you foolish father for scaring

  you,” Draco asked in a claming voice. Maya

  looked up to her father with tears forming in

  her emerald green eyes. Maya ran into his outstretch arms sobbing into his eleven linen vest. “Yes,” Maya said with quick heaves of her small chest. Cominus, Aryl, Brenda let out a small sigh knowing that Draco had come to some of his sense. Draco picked up Maya in his arms walking towards Shadow Fang who was still simmering in her own anger. Ishtar came to his side Draco placing his daughter in to her arms. Ishtar knew that some horrible event had to occur after she had left for Shadleel. Taking her daughter back to the table, she left Draco to soothe Shadow Fang.

  You must clam your self Shadow Fang,”

  Draco said rubbing Shadow Fangs lower jaw. As Draco continued to soothe Shadow Fang, Draco began to hear whispers coming from the table. Draco did not care what they said all that matter at that moment was Shadow Fang. Draco had forgotten his surroundings as the minutes went by. As he attended to Shadow Fang Cominus had walked over to his brother.

  “Are you and Shadow Fang better, I know how painful this is for you,” Cominus asked placing his hand on his brother’s shoulder. To show his concern for him and trying to hide his own anger at the man.

  “As well as we could be that will change when that man lies dead at our feet,” Draco said Shadow Fang gave her agreement will a nod of her massive head.

  “No doubt about that my brother I think they should know why this man angers you so,” Cominus said. Knowing that his brother spoke the true Draco let Cominus tell the tale. Draco could not bring himself to speak of the horrors that Shadow Fang sulfured by the hands of that man. As the tale went on, all eyes were on Draco and Shadow Fang. Ishtar ran to Draco throwing her arms around him. Whispering to him that if she had known this she would have rode out to the fortress and set it ablaze. A smile formed on Draco's face when Ishtar spoke those words.

  “I have no doubt my love that you would do just that,” Draco said embracing Ishtar in his arms. Maya ran to her father Draco picked her up into him loving arms. Maya wrapped her little arms around her father’s neck reassuring her father all is well. When Draco and Ishtar returned to the table, Maya ran over to Shadow Fangs alcove. Shadow Fang made no move to stop Maya for she had fallen for Maya. Maya set down next to Shadow Fangs massive head. Maya began to stroke the small scales behind Shadow Fangs left eye. Draco turned in his seat feeling Shadow Fangs mood lifting from Maya's caring and sweet whispers. As her mood lifted, Ishtar could see Draco's mood lighten as if a veil had lifted over his eyes.

  “My love I think our daughter is in love with dragons,” said Draco. Peering into his eyes Ishtar she had regain the man she feel in love with. She sore to herself never again would she allow him to face this pain alone. Rising from her seat, she walked over to Draco sitting herself in his lap. Creasing his head in the crease of her breast looking to her daughter, she agreed. To herself she would make a fine rider if she chose to. With his wife on his lap, Draco cleared his throat.

  “I know your training is not complete let we do not have the time for proper training. Tomorrow you and I shall travail to the star elf village in Sandsabar. Were you shall receive your proper rider sword before we go you will meet some one on the roof. He will test your skill with the blade so you should ready your self. For he will test your dexterity, stamina, and your ability to think on your feet,” Cominus wondered if it would be Ergan but then again he would be outclassed in this fight. “You will meet this person at midday so prepare any spells you think you may need in this mock battle. Now with that said you are free until then to do as you please,” Draco said placing his empty goblet on the table. Sliding off Draco's lap Ishtar straightened out her dress as she stood, she looked as once did when Cominus first meet her in Shadleel.

  “Now that you Aryl and you Brenda will soon be my sisters I would like to ask you. If you would stand beside me during our wedding,” shock then glee formed on their fine elven faces. “We are formality announcing our marriage to the people. We would have done this along time ago if I were not so foolish. The wedding will be held when Draco and Cominus returns from Sandsabar. It would be a great honor to me if you would accept,” Ishtar said folding her hands before her. Aryl and Brenda's face light up like the morning sky. Then they looked to Cominus all they saw was huge smile on his face as he look to his brother. The two eleven women began to giggle as if they were schoolgirls again.

  “What should I wear,” said Brenda. “I know we should go to the market,” Aryl said giving Cominus an evil look that made his skin crawl. Ishtar raised her hand to stop her soon to be sister’s in law.

  “No future sister of mine will wear anything from a market to my wedding,” Ishtar said with a wicked smile. “Now if you would come with me we shall have a seamstress prepare dresses for you,” Ishtar said giggling as she ushered the two women into hers and Draco's room.

  “You never told me that you were getting married,” Cominus said trying to hide his laughter.

  “Oh you laugh now you bigger problems when you get married brother,” Draco said trying to hide his own smile. Walking over to the communication pipes Draco asked for the best tailor come to his chambers. Seeing how he knew better to interrupt Aryl and Brenda Cominus said his goodbyes to his brother. Cominus wondered who his opponent would be, he knew better not to let his doubt enter his mind. Cominus went to Ergan's room seeking knowledge of his opponent. To his dismay Ergan knew not who would face him.

  Half an hour later the tailor that Draco had asked for arrived. With her assistants, they brought in rolls of silk, lace, and the best elven cloth in the land. As the tailor entered the room, Draco could hear the screams and laughter of the women. Draco called for Maya to came to his side.

  “I need you to be my eyes and ears in there can you do that for your daddy. Don't let your mother know that I ask you to do this,” Draco asked in a loving voice. Wide-eyed Maya nodded her head for she to was interested to learn what was going on in the room. Skipping to the room Maya lifted her small hand to knock. Before she could get one in Ishtar opened the door to let her daughter in. Ishtar shot Draco a glance to let him know she was on to him. She did not care though with a smile she shut the door.

  As midday arrived, Cominus made his way to the roof of his brother’s castle. Sweat gathering on his hands nervous at the prospects of what his test will conclude. As he neared the top, Cominus saw Ergan standing in one corner of the roof. Along side, him sat Redbird carving on a new place of wood. Cominus walked over to where his friends were.

  “What you doing here,” asked Cominus. In his mind he knew they had come to see him fight, he just hoped they were routing for him.

  “We would not miss this for the world my lord,” Ergan said sitting on the knee high wall.

  “Its not often that we get to see him fight much less alone against another rider,” Redbird said looking up from his carving. Cominus saw the eagerness in his friend’s eyes. He knew this would be his biggest challenge to show the elves that he belongs here.

  “So where is he at, Draco told me to be here at midday,” Cominus said scanning the skies.

  “Don’t worry my lord he shall be here soon enough,” Ergan said with a smirk. As he finished there came a Thud! Another Thud! Cominus knew it was a dragon that made the sound. Cominus continued to scan the sky for his opponent. Thud! Grew louder as the minutes passed as the wind tugged at his jet-black hair, Cominus still could not see his opponent.

  “He is here,” Ergan said lifting himself off the wall.

  “Where I do not see him,” said Cominus. All Ergan did was point upward Cominus lifted his head. There hundred feet above him was his opponent, as the figure grew closer. The color of the dragon was black his brother was to be his opponent.

  “You’re my opponent,” Cominus said stunned that his brother would be his final test.

  “Do you not see me as a worthy opponent if you don't it will cost you,” Draco said pulling his sword from his sheath. Snaking her head around her rider as Draco walked towards his brother. With a mighty roar, Shadow Fang let Cominus know it would not be wise to underestimate his brother. In response to her mothers call Darjin released her own thunderous roar. For this was a test for her as well as Cominus. With a running start, Shadow Fang leaped off the roof to meet her daughter in the air. As the two dragons circled each other, Cominus opened his mind to her.

  Did you know about this,” growled Cominus.

  Mother asked me not to say anything to you,” Darjin said trying to soothe her riders growing frustration. Cominus let it all melt away knowing it will just distract him from what he has to do. Draco was dressed in his armor while Cominus had only his leather armor that had been given to him to train in. Already at a disadvantage Cominus knew he was no match for his brother’s speed. Therefore he had to tire his brother out just how was he going to do that.

  “Prepare yourself brother your test begins now,” said Draco. Closing the distance between him and Cominus in three strides, knowing he could not get his swords up to block his brother’s blow. Rolling to a crouch, swinging his swords to strike his brothers exposed back. With lighting reflexes, Draco caught the swords with the edge of his shield.

  “Nice try, good taking advantage of an opening,” Draco said forcing his brother backwards. Cominus saw this as an attempt to see if it would anger him. If he had any chance at winning this thing, he would need a clear head. As the two brothers wage on with thrust and parries, Shadow Fang battled her daughter in the air not with dragon fire. However with aerial flight patterns to see how well her daughter could judge the air currents.

  The ringing of metal on metal could be heard all the way to the lower levels of the castle. Those not in attendance of this glorious fight where in envy of those on the roof. As Cominus came in high, Draco catching one of the long swords with his shield. Thinking he could pull the same move, he had done with Ergan. Yet his sword met with the grinding sparks of his sword against Draco enchanted blade. As the fight wore on nicks were forming on the edges of Cominus twin long swords. He would have to finish this before his weapons were beyond repairer. How could he do that to Cominus it seemed that his brother was holding back. Cominus arms felt as if hundred pounds weighted them down. His thrust and slashes had grown sluggish it would be only a matter of time that his body would give out.

  Putting the rest of his remaining strength into the downward trust move Ergan had thought him months ago. Thinking Draco could not block this however he was wrong. Before he lost track of his brother he had seen a smile on Draco's face. “This wont be good,” said Cominus to himself. Cominus woke up to a sword at his throat his twin blades that had severed him well. Lay broken on the stone roof Draco stood over his brother still wearing the smile on his face.

  “Good brother Ergan has thought you well,” Draco said leading a hand to his fallen brother. As he regained his footing, Cominus head began to pulsate as his blood rush to his head. Cominus placed his right hand on his jaw and flinched as he t
ouched the newly forming bruise.

  “Sorry about that looks like I put to much strength into that,” Draco said wincing at the sight of the bruise. Placing his hand over it Draco chanted the words of magic as the bruise faded away. Draco saw his brother begin to relax from his pain. After his brother healed him, Cominus walked over to grab his broken weapons. “Do not pick those up,” shouted Draco. Turning to face his brother Cominus wondered why his brother was yelling at him.

  “Why not,” Cominus asked with a confused look.

  “Because tomorrow you shall be a true rider not just in name, you shall never pick up another blade as common as that one. If ever you lose your sword and need another you would be must likely be dead,” Draco said matter-of-fact. Cominus did not agree with his brother for those blades had saved him and his friends. He could not see going to battle without them on his side. He knew it would be better not to argue with his brother.

  “I see,” said Cominus.

  “Plus those swords did not fit your fighting style you did well to adapt them. No what you need is a proper weapon say twin scimitars. Yes I think that will conform to your fighting style perfectly. I have gifts for you seeing how you were not able to make your dragon armor. I went ahead went and made you a set,” Draco said with a wave of his hand. Two elven children came running up the steps carrying two wooden chests. Coming to a stop Draco gestured them to put the chests down on the stone. When their task was done they made a quick bow and made their way back to the shadows of the stairs.

  Taking off his leather armor Cominus knelt before the two chests. As he opened the container's there before him was his very own dragon armor. As he ran his hand over the diamond and onyx colored scales, Cominus knew there was power within the armor. The time and care it took to make sure every scale had the flexibility, protection, and how the armor moved. Cominus was in awe of the detail his brother had put into making his armor.

  “Thank you brother,” said Cominus.

  “Don’t thank me yet thank me when it saves your life. You will have no fear of fire when you wear this. I have enchanted the gloves with a minor spell of strength. Your boots have a minor spell of speed, while the chest has a minor spell of stamina. Once you put this armor on you will notice your energy will drop greatly. I also present you with this belt were you can place your excess energy into,” Draco said handing over the diamond crusted belt. As Cominus, fingers ran over the jewels he felt the surge of enormous magical energy was stored within the stones. Cominus knew that his brother had been filling the belt since his training had begun.


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