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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 37

by Richardson, James

  you for what you did for my daughter a noble

  thing,” she said placing her knotted muscled

  hands on her shapely hips. Walking over to

  where Cominus had taken his place on the

  stoll. Herya leaned into Cominus placing her

  thin by full lips on his blushing cheeks, “And

  without a shred of armor or a weapon at your

  side,” boosting Herya.

  “I only did what I thought was right,”

  Cominus said trying to down play his actions. “I will not hear it you have acted honorable and with courage in your heart. How, oh

  how, should I ever repaid such kindness,” Herya said teasing Cominus. Cominus did not

  think his actions were worthy of reward. If he

  had to do it again he would without second


  “I shall make your swords the talk of

  legends and song, even the beauty of your

  brother sword will not match yours,” said Herya. Well he could not be surprised by the fact

  that they already knew his relation to Draco.

  Herya's double Dutch doors swung open the little elven girl he had meet in the garden stood

  on the wooden steps. Running to her mothers

  forge, she stopped in her tracks when she saw

  Cominus sitting on the wooden stool.

  “Those Doncer's will think again if they

  think I will make another sword for their

  riders,” Herya said more to herself then any

  one there. Her daughter tugging on her heavy

  leather apron as she shielding away from Cominus, the girl’s starlight hair hid her rosy cheeks.

  “What is it my child,” Herya asked bending

  down to let her daughter whisper into her ear.

  “Yes that is an excellent idea Andra why don't

  you ask our friend,” Herya said gesturing her

  shy daughter towards Cominus.

  “Um, Um Mr. Cominus if you’re hungry

  would you like to come inside,” Andra said

  fumbling with her small hands. A smile formed

  across his face he could not figure why any one wanted to hurt such a lovely child. Rising from his stoll, Cominus accepted her gesture of kindness. Bowing to Herya for her gracious offer to

  allow him entrance into her home.

  “I will have none of that my young rider,

  from now on you're a friend and welcome in

  my home. You shall stay here while your

  swords are made, and when you return to our

  village my home is open to you. Whether you

  are fleeing the Doncer, or the gods themselves.

  Now if you will escort my daughter I shall join

  you momentarily,” Herya said waving her hammer at Cominus. Wrapping her small hands

  around his Andra tugging him into her home.

  As Cominus entered Herya’s home it felt more

  as if he was back on Second Earth. No formal

  air hung about the home as did when he had

  helped Durchin and Lilty. They where the only

  exception to his rule about the high elves. He

  began to wonder how the elven woman was

  faring after her ordeal with the illness Draco

  had healed her from.

  As they came into Herya’s dining room,

  set out upon the table was warm fresh baked

  bread, bowls of star fruits, apples, pears. A

  summer ham sat nestled on a silver platter juices running from its steaming holes. The smell

  of the meal brought back memories of his

  meals with his family. Pulling out a chair for

  Andra giggling as she settled into the wooden

  chair, Cominus took his place across from Andra.

  “Mr. Cominus tell me about your world, what is it like, are there people like you,” An

  dra asked biting into a star fruit.

  “Well there are many people of my world

  ranging from many parts across the land. All

  have their own ways that they follow and many

  different religions. Though there is good in my

  world but there is also evil,” Cominus said

  craving into the ham.

  “What kinds of animals are there,” asked


  “There’s loins, tigers, bears, monkeys, and

  many more too many to name,” Cominus said

  smiling glad to have a reprieve. Their conversation went on for what seemed hours to him.

  Andra asked any and every question she could

  think of. To Cominus the star elves had were

  more accepting of him. If there was no war

  Cominus thought he could live out the rest of

  his life here in this small village. “Maybe when

  this is all over Aryl and Brenda would agree to

  move here,” thought Cominus. Thinking of Aryl made his heart wept for what was to come in

  the future. “Why am I worrying about the future we all could die tomorrow,” said Cominus

  to himself.

  As their conversation continued Herya had

  slipped into the washroom. Washing the grime

  from her labor from her body Herya had finished for some time. She had been listening to

  their conversation with joy for her daughter

  knew nothing of the outside world. She knew

  her daughter would not stop in her questioning

  of Cominus. She was grateful that he allowed her such questions. Walking into the dinning room Herya smiled to Cominus and hugged her daughter. Taking her place at the head of the table Herya filled her plate with meat, fruit and


  “If I may be so bold Herya were is Andra

  father,” Cominus asked frustrated that he

  would allow any harm to come to this child. A

  shadow appeared over Herya's face Cominus

  did not wish to bring up a painful memory. “He had passed into the realm of the

  gods,” Herya said somberly.

  “I’m sorry I didn't mean to bring up painful memories,” said Cominus. Herya reached

  over placing her hand over his.

  “Don’t be he passed many years ago defending over village from an emerald golem,”

  Herya said pointing to the mantle of her fireplace. Cominus saw the heart gleaming from

  the fire of the forge. It was magnificent sitting

  there cradled in a golden horn stand.

  “So that is what a heart looks like,” Cominus said to himself. “That is a mighty feat,”

  Cominus said walking over to the heart. “Yes I am proud of him for he had saved

  many lives that day,” Herya said walking up to

  the mantle placing her slender hand on Cominus back.

  “What the hell is going on is she coming

  on to me or is she being polite,” wondered

  Cominus. “First Helen, then Aryl, Tarisha then

  Brenda what's next a Drow! Does this have

  something to do with being the bridge Erdan

  talked about,” pondered Cominus.

  “The first time I saw a golem it came into

  my parent’s yard. As it fought against something, or someone I could not see. We were

  herded out into the yard by things that

  shouldn't exist. I could hear the battle raging on

  around us but the fighter was losing. Then

  there was a voice in my head urging me to

  being it to its master. As the veil lifted from my

  eyes there stood something that came from the

  books of children and dreams. Again, the voice

  asked me to take it to its master. As the shock

  wore off I looked around little dark green

  things holding crude spears and sw
ords. Encircled my family again the voiced asked me. I

  was stunned when it was a sword talking to me

  this “This just doesn't happen,” I said to myself.”

  “I knew I had to do something if not I

  would not be standing here today or my family

  living their life's. Therefore, I broke away from

  the creatures that encircled us retrieving the

  sword, that was lodged in the post of my mother’s porch. I eliminated two of the creatures

  with this dark knight’s sword. I did not attempt

  to draw the breast attention to myself. When I

  knew the time was right to strike using his

  sword I cut through the beast lower leg. Falling

  to the ground, I free the knight from its grasp.

  The knight proceeded to slay the beast as the

  thing lay dying the knight was holding its heart

  in his hands,” said Cominus.

  “What kind of golem was it,” Herya asked

  intrigued. “It was a ruby golem that is not the only

  one he has killed,” Cominus said matter-offact. Startled Herya could not believe Draco

  could have killed any more then one of the


  “How many more do you know of that

  your brother has disposed of,” Herya asked

  skeptical of such feat's.

  “The only other one I know of is the Shadow golem that attacked the city of Shadleel,”

  Cominus said returning to his chair.

  “You jest good sir,” Herya said not believing a word.

  “I saw it with my own eyes.”

  “But that would require the help of the

  gods to kill such a vile evil thing. That serves

  the dark daughter of Zekiele and Zephaniah,”

  Herya said slamming her fist into the table. “Wait you don't mean Liltlih the goddess

  the Drow worship,” Cominus said remembering his lessons. Herya could not give a verbal

  answer she just nodded.

  “Tell me Cominus how did he performed

  such a task,” Herya asked cooling her anger. “Aryl told me it was an ancient spell that

  calls down the light of the gods. On our way

  here to Sandsabar Draco told me how to perform the spell.”

  “How much land did he your brother destroyed in the process,” Herya said shooting

  Cominus an angry glance.

  “None he narrowed the magic so that only the golem would be destroyed,” Cominus said

  trying to clam Herya.

  “So it is true then what the wind tells us

  about Draco.”

  “What!” Cominus asked with a curious

  look in his eyes. Hoping that his brother curse

  would not damage his standing with these people. That it would leave his brother in a desperate situation.

  “That he is the second son of the long dead

  and almost forgotten Aacole. Which would

  make you the first son the bearer of the rune of

  betrayal,” Herya said pointing to Cominus

  gloved left hand. Cominus could not fathom

  the words how could she know about this when

  no other elf other then Ishtar, Aryl, and Brenda

  knew about it. “Fear not young rider I do not

  rank you with your fallen ancestor,” Herya said

  with a wink that unnerved him. “It just makes

  you very interesting,” Herya said running her

  slender hand over his. Andra giggling all the

  while Cominus could not help but think this is

  like Aryl's proclamation.

  “I can’t have another woman chasing after

  me this is insane,” Cominus said in his mind. “Tell me my rider who is this Aryl a lover,” Herya asked with a tantalizing look. “Yes we are to be wed,” Cominus said trying to hide his rosy cheeks.

  “But she is not the only one you are to be

  wed to is she not?”

  "No another wishes to be my wife,” Cominus said looking away.

  “Don’t look away,” purred Herya. Cominus saw the lust forming in her silvery eyes. Cominus was content with two elven women as

  his wives yet this was for from normal. “Yep I'm so going to hell,” Cominus

  thought hanging his head. Herya placed her

  soft let muscled hand under his chin.

  “Do not be ashamed you are the bridge

  that will restore peace to this world. It is only

  natural for the women of the races to lust, for

  your touch how did you think that will happen,” Herya said stroking his face. “Well I

  must be getting back to work,” Herya said leaving Cominus flustered. “Oh Andra do show

  Cominus to his room he must be tried from his

  ordeal,” Herya said giving Cominus one last

  lustful look. Jumping down from her chair Andra ran over to Cominus tugging him to follow. “Wait I must tell my brother that I am


  “No need Mr. Cominus Sardra has already

  been sent to his room at the inn with the message,” Andra said tugging Cominus up the

  stairs. Cominus tried to straggle against her

  pull to his surprise she was far stronger then he

  thought a young elf could be. Walking down

  the hall, they came to a halt at the third door to

  the left. As the door opened, the room was spacious with a washbasin in one corner. With a

  four pillar post bed with lace curtains to shade

  the sleeper from the morning sun. With a high

  backed dresser lined the wall as Cominus

  walked over. Opening one of the drawer's there nestled in the chestnut dower were tunics of every color. Cominus turned to ask Andra if these were meant for him. However Andra was no longer there Cominus could hear her foot

  steps on the stairs.

  Surveying his surroundings Cominus felt

  as if he had not slept in three days. Disrobing

  Cominus slid into the cream colored silken

  sheets. A rope hanged to his left wondering if it

  was how the curtain operated. With a gentle

  tug, the lace curtain fall into place blocking out

  the dimming light that filtering though the windows. The pounding of Herya hammer seemed

  to Cominus as it was singing him to sleep. For

  it was not long before his head hit the pillows

  that he was floating into the dream world. As the moon reach its zenith the door of

  Cominus room creaked open on the old hinges.

  Standing there in the pale moonlight was Herya

  in a translucent silk gown. As Cominus stirred

  he propped himself up on his elbow. As the

  moonlight shone though her gown, Cominus

  saw that she wore no garments underneath. Allowing all to see every crave of her womanly

  shape. Cominus thought he was dreaming for

  she was a thing of beauty, if this was some

  kind of dream he did not wish to wake from it.

  Herya made her way across the room pushing

  back the curtain allowing Cominus to she her

  in the moonlight.

  “I can not I am betrothed to another,”

  Cominus said groggy.

  “Shh, my love there's no need all is taken care of,” Herya purred brushing his hand over her naked thigh. Herya slipped the gown off her shoulders exposing her naked form to the cool night air. Herya pushed the lace curtains aside to allow those in the mirror to witness what is to come. Cominus felted the magic permeate the air of the room. All his senses were heightening as Herya laid beside him. As her naked form pressed against his, as their passion reached its climax. The ancient link that once

  joined their races together was reformed. As Cominu
s awoke from what seemed to

  be a wonderful dream he could not help but ask

  was it real or not. There sitting on the dresser

  were fresh garments for him. Inspecting the

  clothes that Herya had set out a fine silk tunic

  embroidered with silver and gold, light leather

  leggings to allow the cool air of the village to

  cool him in the warm hours of the day. As he

  entered the dining room of Herya's home there

  seat a plate of food waiting for him. Cominus

  seat down to the meal that waited him yet

  something was missing he could not hear Herya’s pounding on the anvil. “Was she done,”

  thought Cominus. Forgoing his meal Cominus

  walked to the door that led to Herya's forge. The fires of the forge no longer hungered

  for the coal that fed the beast. All that was left

  of the fires of the forge was the embers of the

  coal cooling in the morning air. Working at her

  workbench Herya placed one of his swords in a

  vise grinding the edge of the sword with a

  whetstone. As he watched the elven woman no longer would he be a rider in name only. Now

  all must see that he belongs to their world. The sounds of the stone sliding over the

  welded metal seem to sing to the young rider as

  he watched. Resting himself on the wooden

  stoll Cominus watched the muscles in her arms

  move under her skin. She moved with such

  grace it seemed more of a dance then a simple

  task. Herya knew his eyes were on her looking

  though her star light hair, the morning sunlight

  silhouetting him as he watched her work. All knew of the prophecies of the two forgotten sons of Aacole. Herya could not have

  fathom that she herself would play into it.

  However she did enjoy her time with Cominus

  last night. Her skin still remember the way his

  touch felt. Her body yearned for that touch to

  have him fill her once again. She was conflicted true her husband had died many years

  ago. She felt that it was a dishonor to his memory. Yet she felt the gods were pushing her towards him.

  Could she leave her home to follow this

  man back to the land of Sol. What would the

  elders think of her if she followed her heart.

  Yet as her eyes meet his she knew the answer.

  Laying down her grinding stones on the workbench Herya let out a quite sigh.

  “I must talk to Erdan,” Herya said under

  her breath. As she walked passed Cominus, her

  slender hand brushed across his chest. His body


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