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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 47

by Richardson, James

  “Redbird I know you are angry and you have every right to be. When this is all over I will help your people reclaim that city.” Redbirds head shoot up his eyes narrowed wondering if Cominus had lied to ease his anger. Shaking off the thought Redbird could not keep the smile from his lips. How this would bring joy and pride to his chieftain ears. To once again to travel the halls of their ancestors’. Their people may be homeless now with the help of Cominus and Darjin. Those troll's will think twice when claiming a dwarfen city for their own.

  As he watched the two slowly drift off to sleep. Redbird could not imagine what those dark halls would look like in the light of dwarfen magic. “How these brothers are so willing to help those not of this world. It’s a shame that he may no longer return to his own world,” Redbird silently whispered. As Aryl, retired next to the sleeping Cominus Redbird would stay and watch throughout the night. He knew they would soon need every bit of strength their rider could give them. As the night turned into predawn light no signs of the pursuing troll's were seen.

  Blowing a sigh of relief, they would have to find another way back to the land of Sol. As much as Redbird would have liked to travel back into the ruin city of Nagaren, after the hours on watch had cooled his anger. He knew his friends were right about leaving that fallen city. When this glorious news of the finding reaches Helen, Redbird had no doubt. That Ogar and Wodan would send their armies, to take the ancient dwarfen city back from the troll's. Oh to have their once great city back under their control would bring peace amongst the warring dwarfen clans. Redbird hoped that this new era would bring the clans into a peacefilled union.

  He had seen what the war with the Doncer had cost the dwarfen nation. Mistrust and fear ran rampant through the dwarfen ranks. Until one man stood against the evils that the Doncer had sought to bring upon this world, Redbird smiled into the raising morning sun. Thinking back when he first had seen Draco and his mighty dragon. Alone they had saved those poor elves whose only wish was to be free from the Doncer rule. How he is now tormented by the curse that his own ancestor had placed on his own shoulders. Yet he is still willing to give every thing he has to free the peoples’ of this world. Who would shun him as quickly as they are to accept his protection.

  As the others began to stir from their bedrolls Redbird began to prepare the morning meal. As midmorning dawned on the adventures, a sense of foreboding fell upon their shoulders. Were they indeed walking into a trap, or were they being stalked by another evil that calls this land home. They dared not to have Darjin seen flying so far in Doncer’s controlled territory. For the rest of the journey northward was uneventful except for the storm that forced them to take shelter for a day. During that time, they knew there were on the right path. Darjin could sense that Heavens Wing was near. That gave the weary companions a much needed morale boost. As the storm wore on plans were formed and quickly dismissed, they all agreed Draco must be told. Before they did anything, further yet it was not his brother who had contacted Darjin.

  “I sensed that you are near young one. Why have you dared to travel this far into the enemies land? Don’t you know that if you were to be captured that you be imprisoned?” said the strange male dragons voice. Darjin related his words to Cominus who was equally confused by the voice. Was Heavens Wing a male dragon yet his brother had told him that white and black dragon were queens. Was his brother wrong in that aspect of the dragon’s long forgotten history, or was their history destroyed for this propose. Was this dragon just an oddly in nature.

  “Hello strange one I am called Darjin as my rider so named me. We know of the danger to us in the attempt to free you from the Doncer hold. We are not afraid to face the dangers that are placed around you. You have friends among those that are free thanks to the deeds

  of my mother and her rider.”

  “Who is the dragon that sired you?” Intrigued Heavens Wing had hoped that one day he, and his rider would be free to soar through the skies once again.

  “My mother is Shadow Fang, her mate is

  Balo.” Heavens Wing had heard that name

  whispered throughout the keep. Where he had been imprisoned for the past three hundred years. Spreading his seed to those dragons to tainted by the Doncer’s evil, to know the wrongs they have committed in their name. Heavens Wing would have torn that place asunder if he were alone here. They made sure that his rider and dear friend was close enough to keep him docile. How he wished that these people would free Chad of these horrors that had plagued them. His body could not help but tremble at the thought of being free after all these years.

  “I have heard of your mother much grief has she and her rider caused the Doncer. However your brave actions will only lead your

  own deaths.” “Why ancient one?” Darjin asked unable

  to give up this close to their goal.

  “The last of the human riders that had sur

  vived the destruction of the world calls this

  place home along with his black dragon.” Dar

  jin was taken back to live all these years not to have succumbed to the ravaging of time, or the battles this man had fought in. Darjin’s fear flowed into Cominus he to voice his own concerns about this quest. Were they doomed to failure no he could not think like this. Too much is riding on them for this to end like this. “We thank you young one and your rider for this brave attempt to free us. We cannot allow you to sacrifice yourselves for us. Now please return to your home and never come here


  As their connection came to a close they pondered what to do next. Moving over to Aryl, Cominus asked if she could perform the same spell that his brother had once used to contact them. Either she did not have the ingredients needed to perform the spell, or she just never heard of the spell. She would not have his handsome face marred by the scowl that was forming on his face. Aryl told him she could perform a scrying spell that would perform just as well as that spell his brother had used. As her magic stilled the water in the clay bowl, the image of his brother’s room came into view. Was there no one within the room Cominus wondered.

  “Brother we must talk,” for minutes he sat there staring into the bowl. ”Darjin see if you can contact Shadow Fang.” Within moments of her mental pleas to her mother, Draco’s doors slammed open. Sitting in front of the mirror Cominus could not miss the glow coming off his brother’s skin. Looking to Aryl for answers when none were forth coming he returned his attention to his still glowing brother. Sitting patiently for his brother to explain why he had called him. “Are you well brother?”

  “I am fine though I hope this spell was not used to check up on my health.” Eager to hear what Cominus had found in his travels, he had noticed the change in his brother’s demeanor since his departure from Sol.

  “Of course not Draco I am merely concern about your well being.” “Thank you Cominus at least some one other then myself is,” Ishtar said from across the room.

  “Greetings Queen of the elves.” Bowing though he doubted that she could see him form her position. Cominus could not help but be unsure that his brother was as well as he had claimed to be.

  “I will not have family stand on formalities on my account.” Could this be the same woman that he had met so long ago in the city of Shadleel. Her voice had no undertones of her races arrogance, or was it the fact that she had regained what she had lost by her own actions. “Please continue Cominus I to wish to know why you have contacted us in this manner.” He debated whether to tell his friends about his conversation with Marcus Moorwind. His encounter with that female vampire that seemed too interested in Draco. Brushing those doubts from his mind Cominus recounted their tale though Twilight forest. The encounter with Marcus, their discovery of the ancient city of Nagaren, and Darjin’s conversation with Heavens Wing.

  “Interesting,” was all his brother had to say. Ishtar was more nearly bursting with joy at the news of the stones.

  “Do you think this man can do what he says?” Pushing her way into
the mirror not hearing anything from his brother. Cominus wondered if Draco even cared that it would stave off the effects of the beast taking hold of his body. Did he not wish to be free from the evil that lurks within. Was he to late had his transformation already began to take hold of Draco.

  “I do not see why he would not hold up his end of the deal. We only have to wait a few months for the stones to be ready, can you hold back the beast long enough till then Draco.” Draco did not answer his brother’s question for he himself did not know that answer. Already the evil had shown itself, how could he hold back the tide when he could barely contain the hunger. “So what is our next move, should we continue on, or should we return to Sol,” Cominus asked never taking his eyes off of his brother in hopes to see what his emotionless face would not show.

  “Yes I will create a diversion to allow the five of you to slip into the hold. If all goes as planned then they will send out every rider they have to capture me.” Seeing the concern look on Cominus face. Draco knew his time was running short and this war needed to end before his madness over took him for good. “A risk that will prove of great value to us if we succeed in this.”

  “When will you arrive?”

  “I and fifty others will depart in the morning we should be there around mid afternoon. You have until then to get to his castle before the attack begins. So keep yourselves safe until then I will be very upset that you had fallen to the Doncer. I would hate to have to raze a perfectly good castle to free you from their prison.”

  “I know brother I will be careful so just hurry your ass up.” Leaving the view of the mirror Draco sent for Commander Glenn. Running through the most seasoned riders he had Draco knew some might never return to his land. If they stayed in the high winds, his riders would go undetected in the Doncer’s land. Yet he could not bring himself to see a way around the coming battle. If what Darjin said was true could it be possible defeat this man who has seen the rise and fall of so many races. Many of them at his own hands, a small voice told him yes he could however that voice was not to be trusted.

  “Would you like for me to inform Helen of your discovery Redbird,” Ishtar said unable to keep the emotions of the promise from Marcus Moorwind, from affecting the tone of her singsong voice.

  “Yes my Lady you are to kind it would give my people great hope in this dark time.” His red beard filling the scrying mirror, as he bowed to the Queen, Redbird had to force himself not to tear up in front of the high elf Queen.

  “Indeed it would master dwarf, it would seem young rider that were ever you go the course of history changes in your wake.”

  “Thank you Ishtar, but I am not the only one to do so.” Her eyes fell upon her husband as he discussed the battle plans on the Doncer keep.

  “It would seem that you are right Cominus, how two humans from a world long forgotten by us. Would come into this world and end what we ourselves could not do.” Cominus could not believe his ears. Was the Queen of the most arrogant race admitting their failure to end the Doncer’s rein. He was beginning to like this side of her no longer did she show a bit of superiority, or the arrogance that went along with it. He had never heard any elf praise their deeds, or the world they come from. Saying their goodbyes Aryl steamed the flow of her magic into the bowl of water.

  Though the rain was still coming down in sheets they had no choice. To venture out into it if they wish to arrive before Draco launched his attack. Spinning an illusion around the four of them, Aryl's magic cloaked them in the disguise of Drow elves. If they were stopped by the enemy soldiers their presence would not set off alarms they hoped. As the cold rain ran down their water logged cloaks, nature seemed to be against our valiant adventures. Thunder roared overhead treating them as they traveled deeper into Doncer land.

  More then once they had to take cover from the pelting of fist sized hailstones. Lighting striking the ground around them setting small fires that were quickly put out by the drenching rain. As they continued on throughout the night the storm overhead would not let up on its barrage on the companions. Their cloaks no longer offering its protection from the cold rain. The coldness of the rain ran down their spines, as their teeth began to chatter. With no stars to guide them, it was hard to tell how far they had traveled.

  The outline of a lone stone building was their reward for braving the storm. Darjin’s blue eyes peered into the darkness of the storm. Feeling Heavens Wings presence, she knew this was the place. As they debated on the best place to breach the wall of the castle when Draco launched his attack. Eastward they traveled to a small grove of trees stretched across the eastern wall. It would give them shelter during the night, and keep unwanted eyes off them until the time was right. Returning to her natural form Darjin spread her wings as far as the trees would allow.

  Taking cover under her silver wings, they were all too happy to have the sting of the rain off their shoulders. Drawing forth globes of clear water Aryl held them aloft so they could refill their depleted water skins. Sending the rest of the globes out into the forest when their thirst was sated. With the ground now dry thanks to Aryl’s magic. The companions settled down for some much need sleep. Relaying on Darjin to wake them long before anything or anyone could stumble upon their sleeping forms. Visions flashed in his sleeping mind, of places that he never seen, people that inspired fear in his heart. Of a man standing on the roof of some stone structure, holding his hand out preparing to cast a spell. The world trembled, pulsating lights flashed in his eyes. As the light assaulted his eyes shielding them from their intense hate.

  The remains of the land of Terra Drago began to reform into its former greatness. As he watched in horror as the spell began to eat away at the human world. Cominus rushed to stop the man from destroying his home world. His legs moved underneath yet he was gaining no ground, towards the man bent on the human world’s destruction. Turning his head Cominus let out a gasp of disbelief as the face of his brother came into view. Was this his doing or was he trying to stop the destruction of the human world. As the spell neared the end, Cominus felt a sharp tug on his arm. Attempting to rid himself of any unseen forces that would hamper his attempt to stop his brother. Sharp pain laced though his side; his eyes flew open as he stared that Darjin’s silver scales.

  He could not believe it was all a dream, or was it. Was it some god coming down from the heavens to give him some foretelling of future events. Cominus could not wrap his head around what he was just shown. If his brother was the cause of second earth’s destruction, could he really stop his brother. He doubted that Draco had already proven that before they left for the star elf’s village. Then if he was the destroyer then how could he stop him. How many lives would be lost if he did not try in this world or the human world. Yet what if his brother was trying to save the human world. What would happen if Cominus interfered with his brother’s spell casting.

  There was too many what if’s floating around his mind to think straight. Darjin’s blue orb was there to greet him from his slumber. Was she there in his mind when those damn visions spun in his mind Cominus wondered. If she was she did not mention it to him. Those blue orbs looked at him with such love he knew he would never wish to part with her in all his life. He could not fathom how his brother decided on separating with Shadow Fang, if the time ever came when he grew harmful to those around him.

  “He is near a good hour out still wake the others we must be ready when the time is

  right.” Scratching the soft scales around her

  left eye as he had seen his brother do many times. Darjin seem to purr in his mind at the touch of those soft scales. Nudging Aryl from her sleep Cominus sent out to awaken his friends as quietly as he could. With his help, Ergan’s plate armor fastened to his body without much a hint of the metal squeaking. As the mithral mail flowed over his dwarfen body Cominus had to hold in his laughter at the sight. The mail nearly reached his ankles.

  Why Redbird what a pretty dress you

  have on,” voiced Darjin for
all to hear. Comi

  nus cupping his month to contain the laughter as did the other two elves. His face turn beet red at her remark Redbird was too flabbergasted to think up a response to Darjin’s remark. Which just made it worst for the three of them never had they seen, their friend so stunned that no comment was forth coming. “Oh look how it shines in the light you must be

  the bell of the ball.” Placing her right paw over

  her maw to keep her throatily laugh from giving away their position. Cominus nearly doubling over in laughter if she kept it up Cominus was not sure how long his mouth would stay shut.

  “Why yes my dear that I am.” Redbird no longer dismayed at her remarks decided to join in on the fun. “Now we mustn’t keep our host waiting.”

  “No we shall not it would be bad manners to do so.” Taking on her humanoid image the companions crept closer to the eastern wall. Eager to be out of these lands as fast as they could. Draco was still twenty minutes out waiting in their little hide away. Cominus could not believe their luck no patrols came either through the grove of trees nor along the wall. Did they not fear an attack so deep in their own lands. A smile came to his face at the images of the Doncer caught off guard. As Shadow Fang rained fire down upon their heads, or was this a trap to bring Draco and his dragon.

  His questions would soon be answered, as the heat of the day picked up. Sweat pooled in the nape of his neck, his palms grew sweaty from the anticipation of their work let to come. Was he ready to face the hordes of Doncer that wait behind those stonewalls. How could he not they had already attempted to kill him twice. Why not bring them the same worry onto their own heads. With Darjin by his side, he was sure that none would get past them. Feeling her mother’s presence, Cominus moved them into their awaiting position. They had agreed to wait for ten minutes after Draco’s attack to assure every enemy rider had taken to the air.


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