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The Terra Drago Chronicles: The Sacrifice (Rein of Fire Book 1)

Page 49

by Richardson, James

  Though he had hoped, only he would have to use the hearts of the slain golems. With a flick of his wrist, Cominus watched as the stone shimmered then disappeared all together. Turning towards the now visible doorway, Cominus got the idea that they were to follow.

  As they climb the spiral stairwell Cominus could only wonder what lay at the top of the stairs. It only took moments for the six of them to ascend the stairs. Draco was waiting at the top standing in front of a metal door. What kind of metal he could not tell though in truth what lay beyond the door was far more important then the metal door.

  Though there were no locks that he could see he could sense the door was sealed with magic. Cominus watch as his brother’s pale finger ran down invisible lines in the metal. Drawing patterns in the metal, which he could not discern their meaning if they had any.

  Growing impatient with his brother Cominus thought this was a waste of their time. Aryl’s hand touched his shoulder those silver eyes of hers told him there was indeed something that even she could not fathom. As the magic released its hold on the door, a small crack had formed they all could fell the magic seeping from the room.

  What did Draco have behind that door were even the elves were too fearful to venture into. That should have been the first sign to Cominus that they were not welcome there. He looked to his brother yet he seemed unaffected by the mysterious magical energy flowing out of the room. His silver dead eyes fell upon the five of them, he could see that the magic was doing them ill effect. Which would make sense seeing how they would only listen to the one that had control over the hearts.

  Cominus heard his whisper yet he could make out nothing of what his brother had said. He turned to Aryl to see if she had caught any of words he had whispered. Her midnight blue skin paled, as she knew of meaning of the words of power. However she could not fathom why he would use such a spell.

  “What I am about to show you shall remain between us. No one is to know of this room, or what lies inside of these magical walls. Am I understood!” Though he hated that his brother was ordering him to secrecy. However if Draco thought it wise to hide what lies behind the door then he would keep his word.

  With their word Draco opened the door, the room’s magic had quite down since it's opening. Cominus could fell the hatred beating down on his shoulders. Cominus peered into the unnatural darkness even the elves had trouble seeing into the darken room. Yet his brother walked right into the mist of the vale with no trouble. No one moved fearful of what may lay within that ungodly darkness.

  Draco’s words filled the entrance, was he talking to some one or something, or has his brother really gone insane. As he continued his conversation with whoever dwelled within this magical room. The vale of darkness lessen the narrow stone walkway appeared before them. Cominus was the first one to step into the room, as the darkness lifted so did the hatred that was raining down upon them. As the vale thinned, five lights glowed in the distance. They heard the call of there master their energies subsided as his will pressed onto them.

  Cominus could have sworn that the lights pulsated at his brother’s commands. How could lights seem to be alive though in the land ruled by magic anything is possible. As Cominus drew closer to his brother, the lights began to take on color. White, red, blue, green, and black burned though the haze. “No it could not be,” Cominus said to himself. He remembered how his brother had taken the hearts from the two golems he had slain. Could his brother think that he was going to unleash these beasts upon the Doncer. Would those things really heed to his brother’s call, or would they run wild though each armies ranks. Could they be sent back to once they where unleashed.

  “As you all know few golems have powerful enough hearts to call the beast back from the elemental planes. These five I have gathered here for that very reason. The Doncer thinks it has the magical password to travel freely though the Hop gates. And they would be mistaken, true if not for the high elves that were enslaved in Tholosh stronghold. We would not know of her treachery. Thanks to their courage I was able to augment the Hop gates.”

  “Now Redbird, Ergan you will serve as liaisons for your race's. While Cominus and Ishtar will face the off with the other riders. You will relay orders from the ground to help hold their forces at bay along enough for Aryl to summon one of these golems to aid our forces.” Aryl could not believe Draco was leaving her to handle such powerful magic’s. Cominus hands wrapped around her slender waist to steady her weaken knees. “Listen to me Aryl it takes a strong will to bend their minds to your will. I have no doubt that you can overcome their evil to aid us.”

  “I shall do my best my lord.” Aryl expanded her mind, as it brushed against the hearts, their evil seem to envelope her. Her will alone not to let her lord nor her love fall to the Doncer hands held the hearts at bay for now at least.

  “What pray tell my husband will you be doing while all of these things are taking place,” Ishtar said narrowing her eyes at the man. She knew he had some tick up his sleeve that she would not find pleasing.

  “Fighting Tholosh it would seem someone has ordered my capture and he has been sent to retrieve me.” They looked at him with worried eyes was this the last of time they would see their leader. Who’s sole mission was to stop the Doncer at all cost even with his own life if need be. Was this the last time Ishtar would see her husband. All knew of the power the demigod for his feats where even told with in brother’s ranks.

  “Then if you know of this then why you brother,” Cominus asked he would rather it be him then his brother fighting that man. Even if it meant meeting their end at the end of the black rider’s sword. To long has his brother been fighting these fiends with no one there to fight for him. Cominus was damned if he would let his brother face this man alone. He would not lose his brother again not after all that they had gone though.

  “Because Cominus can you or Ishtar match the might of a demigod. If I am to fall in this battle, I must know that you all survive even if I do not. My time is nearly at an end I know that you and Ishtar will lead these people in the years to come.” Tears formed in her emerald eyes, could she live without the man she loves.

  “No you mustn’t talk like that you know of the stones that Marcus is making for you. All you need is to hold on to yourself for a few more months.” Her tears marring her ageless face Ishtar would not listen to any thing about this.

  “I wish that were true my love but the fight with the human rider pushed my body too far. I can not hold off the darkness no more then I can stop the sun from rising.” Cominus would hear none of it here was his brother ready to give up. No, he would not watch his brother sink into the darkness that he had felt on that day. If his brother could not hold back what the gods had placed on his shoulders. Then he would place Draco into a deep sleep after this battle was over.

  “We are wasting time here we must prepare for our guest, and see to it that none forget that this day marks their end,” Draco said knowing they would not listen to his warnings. Yet he could not help fell comforted in those few days he had left with the ones he loved. Walking out of the chamber leaving behind those that had fought, and would continue to fight for those who could not.

  What would history tell of their feats as the ages passed. Would history be kind to these few, or would the evil that stalkes this land corrupted every thing that it touches. Would any one remember the sacrifices that would and will be made in the come years. Would their lessons be passed down to those willing to fight against injustice. Would their deaths be nothing more then foot notes in the pages of history.

  Argan the spy for the now living stone Lanshina came upon the western Hop gate that would lead into the land of Sol. It was his hope that he could sneak back into the land, to live in the city of Leel without bring any undo attention to himself. He just hoped that word had not reached the Queen's ears of his deception. After his attempt to contact Lanshina, Argan had ran off into the forest of Twilight. He had spent days in those dark woods avoiding Cominus and his pa
rty. To his surprise, they did not follow him, as he would have thought the human would.

  As he studied the Hop gate, dust clouds formed in the distance. Formed by the thousands upon thousands of booted feet, the armies of the Doncer marched on the land of Sol. Fearing his life would be endanger if he returned to the high elven city. Argan true to his form ran for the safety of the shadows of the small grove. As the hordes come into view, there in the sky riders circled, the ground forces eager to sink their blades into dwarfen flesh. The grunts and snarls of the hobgoblins and orc’s that made up the Doncer army carried on the wind.

  As their forces went to the task of setting up their camp, the overwhelming stench floated through the grove that he had taken refuge in. The rotten meat that clung to their greenish skin nearly made the elf choked on his own vomit. How he could side with these brutes, he could not understand. Was he to enthrall by the princess words to see the wrong that she had brought about. Yet where was she this was her doing he told himself. He had forsaken all ties with Ishtar and Lord Draco. For he to believed that her logic was sound yet seeing the masses that she would seek to side with he began to doubt her logic.

  As darkness began its descent over the land. Argan prepared to take flight from the hordes that waited to descend upon the land of Sol. Where could he go that no one would know of his treachery to the Queen. There was one place no one from this world would look for him though; it made his skin crawl by the thought of living the rest of his life amongst those people. How would he breach the void that separated there two worlds. He had a plan and that was all he needed he would think of a way to reach his goal. After he got clear of the hordes of orc’s, hobgoblins that sat out there waiting for their battle.

  As he readied for his departure from the land he once called home. His back struck something solid when he knew that no tress were behind him. Turning to face what he deemed would be his end. His ebony skin blended perfectly into the darkening woods. His polished scale armor mirrored the night shy. His sword hanged perfectly on his slender elven hip. In his hand an elven steel dagger, he had stripped from its former owner. Tholosh wondered why a high elf was so far from the safety of the land of Sol. Was this elf spying on his forces to warn his leaders of the attack that would be launched upon the land.

  If he was, Tholosh could not afford the elf to return to warn Draco of his coming. As the elven blade slid, through his golden flesh Argan reached for the man. As the life slipped from his body, Argan could have sworn that he heard a god laugh. Was it Tholosh or some death god come to collect his soul. Exiting the grove Tholosh looked to the land where the man that frighten him as much as any thing in this world had ever done. His dragon the youngest of the Doncer black dragons would this be the last day he would see his dragon in this world. There nestled on the rear of his saddle was the quiver and the bow that his mother had given him.

  His mother had told him that the arrows would weaken the man. Yet from what he had witness during the fight with the last of the human riders of old. He very much doubted that he could best the man. Was this his mother’s way of ridding her self of him, why would she he had been a fateful son. Heeding her call when she sought his service, had he not performed every tasked to his mother’s pleasure had he not done every thing she asked for. Then why would she send him on this death mission. Tholosh could not fathom his mother’s logic. Since she had ordered this man’s capture, she had shown something that he had not seen. Which troubled him greatly yet if this man did fall to his blade would his mother punish him for his death.

  He had no fear of death he knew long ago he would met his end on the battlefield. What he feared was his mother’s wrath would trail him into the afterlife. He had seen what happens to those unfortunate to displease his mother. There eternal suffering were shouted to the masses in every mass in his mother’s temple. Still the thought of his mother visiting him in death’s embrace did not sit well with the Drow demigod.

  As the sun rouse upon the land of Terra Drago Cominus felt the edge of his blade. Would he fall in this battle, would his brother be no more then a memory to them. Shaking the doubts from his head he could not let the thoughts distract him from the battle yet to come. As he dawn his dragon armor his hands ran down the armor that his brother had made with his own hands. His tan fingers ran over the gems that stored the vast energy that Draco had poured into the belt before their trek to the star elf village.

  As the metal peg fitted into the leather hole in the sword belt that Herya had made for him, Cominus traced the diamonds that were housed in its pummels. “How far my old life seems to me,” Cominus said under his breath. Tucking his helmet under his arm he headed for the roof were Darjin awaited. Aryl had spent must of the night in that magical room to bend the hearts to her will. Ishtar had spent the night arguing with Draco about his decision to take on this Tholosh by himself. Cominus could not blame her he wanted as much as any one to be by his side.

  Draco would not have it he had forced him out of his room with magic only saying, “You will need your strength.” Stopping at his brother’s door Cominus thought back to the first day his brother had brought him into this world of magic and wonderment. How these people loath him as much as the Doncer that has raped their land and people. Now well he was not fully trusted by the people Cominus could hardly blame them. Elven memories are long and hard to forget those he has come into contact with. He had fought long and hard to earn their trust.

  As his hand ran over the engravings that lined the door, Cominus thought it best to leave his brother to Ishtar’s anger. What would they do if Draco did fall in this battle. Could he lead these people as his brother has done for the past five years. Cominus was still content to put his brother to sleep when this was all over he had talked with Ishtar and she had agreed with him. She hated to go behind her husbands back yet he left her no other choice. She would not lose him once again. Her departure had torn apart her heart for she never felt whole with out him.

  How could the gods be so spiteful to allow the man to fade into the shadows. The one man that had brought the peoples of the land together once again, were they blind to the needs of the people that cared about him. If the gods sought to answer her prayers, they would say they cared not for the man. That they had fully left the peoples of Terra Drago to their own devices’. In the early morning hours Draco had spent much of the time making sure all was in order for his little surprise for the armies of the Doncer.

  Standing on the roof of the castle, he had come to call home. Draco looked out upon the land that would push back the tide of their evil, or succumb to their overwhelming might. As Cominus watched the sun dance across his brother’s form. How he seem so content to allow himself to fade into nothingness. His blood ran hot at the gods so blind to see that his brother, was trying to save the world that saw fit to create. How could they not see that they were nothing like their power hungry ancestor.

  If the gods would not see to releasing his brother from his cruse, he would make them see. Even if it cost him his life, his very soul to open their stubborn eyes. He would make sure his brother’s sacrifice was not in vain. Those who have shun his brother will know this day forth they owe their very lives to the man.

  Feeling his brother’s presence Draco turned to see his brother ready for the battle. That would free the world from their iron grasp, or condemn them to the fires of the Doncer. With a nod, the brothers’ climbed onto their awaiting dragons. Flying towards the northern Hop gate, “This is how it is suppose to be,” Cominus said into the wind. Since his joining with Darjin, Cominus would fly along side his younger brother. Into battle that once Draco had faced alone but no longer. Cominus vowed to protect his brother even if his brother did not wish it. Oh, he would fight Tholosh and win Cominus hoped however he would never take his eyes off his brother.

  Ready to aid his brother if the demigod proved too powerful even for Draco. As they neared the appointed battlefield of his brother’s making. The armies of the good races clad in
their shining metal armor. Not for thousands of years has the races of Terra Drago stood together against their common enemy. Dwarfs in there plate armor stood ready to drink in the defeat of there most hated enemy. The four Dwarfen dragon riders pulled together to cast the most powerful magic’s to aid their kin in this battle.

  Cominus looked into the mass of bodies to find his friends that he had come to trust with his very life. As the sight of her white form filled the sky over head Ergan and Redbird lead their kin in cheers and chants to the two brother’s. Shadow Fang’s thunderous roar signaled that the battle was at hand.

  “Be careful brother,” Cominus said as he watch Draco veered off to draw the half god away from his riders. As the shimmering surface of the Hop gate began to ripple, all knew what was to come. As the first of the Doncer, forces exited the portal they were met with arrows and magic that ripped though their bodies. Joining Ishtar with the main force of his brothers’ riders Cominus felt Darjin’s anticipation. His brother’s voice echoed throughout the battlefield fueled magically.

  “Come Tholosh let us end this here and now.” Cominus watched as the black dragon veered off from the main force of the Doncer rider’s. Dropping their cloak of invisibly Cominus leading his group of ten other riders headed into battle. Aryl watched from the confines of the chamber Draco had told her to wait to call upon the hearts. He did not wish to call upon their power unless he need to.

  As she watched her betrothed fly into the mass of evil riders. She saw the look of confusion on their faces it seemed that Draco’s plan was working. Tholosh had planned to bring his force though the western Hop gate. Draco had placed a spell upon every gate to transport those using the magical password gained from Lanshina’s treachery would be sent to the northern gate. Where their own forces could pick off the Doncer easily compared to an all out attack.


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