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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

Page 9

by Amy Miles

  “No?” Her lips peel back over her teeth as she counters his challenge, positioning herself an inch from Nicolae’s nose. His eyes widen but he holds his ground. Roseline pauses, taking in his strong stance and the muscles rippling under his shirt. “Who are you?”

  “I’m the guy that’s protecting Sadie,” he says, grinding the words out through clenched teeth.

  Roseline blinks, surprised. “You think I want to hurt my friend?” Nicolae’s jaw clenches as he nods. She blows out a breath, easing back onto the pads of her feet. So that’s what his whole stalker mode is about.

  “You may think you know me, but you are wrong,” Roseline says, leaning back against the wall to put space between them. “I give you my word, I would never lay a finger on Sadie.”

  “Your word means nothing me,” Nicolae growls. “I will be watching you.”

  He turns and steps back into his room, slamming the door in Roseline’s face. She stares at the closed door. Fear tickles her spine. Just how much does Nicolae know about her? Deciding there is nothing she can do about it, Roseline slips back down the stairs. Noticing William is still slouched in front of the TV, Roseline decides to join him.

  “Budge up.” He straightens, allowing her some room. “What are you watching?”

  “Phineas and Ferb. This show is awesome.”

  Roseline watches for a few minutes, amused by the platypus that is a pet by day and secret agent by night. “Creative.”

  “No kidding,” William nods, eyes glued to the screen. “It’s brilliant.”

  “Do you watch children’s shows often?” She fights to conceal her amusement.

  William switches off the TV and retracts his legs from the armrest. “Hey, I know what you’re thinking. What’s a genius like me doing watching a show like that? Well, let me tell you, missy, brainiacs need a break too, you know.”

  Roseline giggles as William thrusts his thumb into his chest. “I see. Wow, I didn’t realize I was in the presence of greatness.”

  William nods solemnly. “And don’t you forget it.”

  “Is he trying to hit on you again?” Sadie calls as she bounces down the stairs. Her usual spiked collar has been replaced by a dog choke chain. It clangs loudly as she lands on the ground floor. She wears jeans two sizes too big, drooped at the waist, and a Pink Floyd t-shirt.

  “Oh, not again,” William groans. “Aren’t you done with this phase yet?”

  “Nope. I’m still exercising my civil rights.”

  Roseline grins. “Protesting the school dress code on the weekend, too?”

  “You bet.” Sadie nods, slinging herself into the armchair. “Someone has to make a statement.”

  “Well, I’d say you’re covering that for the entire school,” Mrs. Hughes says as she carries in a plate of freshly baked biscuits into the living room. “Hungry, Rose?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I forgot to eat this morning.”

  “No kidding. It’s like five AM.” Sadie groans, shielding her eyes from the bright sunshine streaming in through the bay window nearby.

  “Oh, stop being such a sour puss,” William cries, tossing a pillow at his sister. “It’s at least seven AM.”

  “It’s a tragedy, that’s what it is,” Sadie says mournfully. “I never get out of bed before ten AM on a Saturday.”

  Roseline’s brow furrows, thinking over her words. “Then why are you awake so early?” Obviously, Sadie and William were awake when she arrived. A mischievous grin spreads across Sadie’s face. She glances over at William with a conspiratorial gleam in her eye. Roseline stares at the siblings with increasing suspicion. “Alright, what’s going on?”


  “How could you say yes without even asking me?” Roseline cries, leaping to her feet. When Gabriel stopped by Sadie’s house the night before to invite them to a party at his house she actually agreed. Roseline leaps through feelings of betrayal and straight into panic. This is the complete opposite of avoiding him!

  “I thought you’d be happy.” Sadie’s grin phases into a frown. “You sure seemed to enjoy talking to him last weekend.”

  “Yes, talking is fine…” Roseline agrees hesitantly.

  Sadie scans her growing blush. “But he wants more, doesn’t he?”

  William jerks upright, suddenly very interested in their conversation. Roseline tries to appear as if her shrug is innocent. “He asked if I had plans. That’s all.”

  “So what stopped you?” Sadie asks, leaning forward.

  “Besides you, you mean?” William snorts. His face takes the brunt of Sadie’s couch pillow missile.

  Dozens of reasons flood Roseline’s mind. Like the fact that she’s an immortal with a husband who has a vicious jealous streak and will happily rip Gabriel’s limbs from his body? Or because Gabriel is a mortal and totally unsuited for her life? Or that simply by being around him, she gets all warm and mushy and her predatory senses are shot to pieces? Or maybe it’s that she can’t even figure out why she is so drawn to him. This fact alone is enough to make her want to run and hide.

  Roseline stares pointedly at Sadie, choosing the only excuse that won’t make her sound like a lunatic. “He has a girlfriend and that is where I draw the line.”

  William grins triumphantly but Roseline ignores him. His enthusiasm over her decision makes her groan inwardly. Although she has given him no reason to hope for a relationship, apparently those dreams are still burning strong.

  “It’s just a party, Rose,” Sadie says, throwing up her hands. “I’m not asking you to marry the guy.”

  Unable to remain seated any longer, Roseline rises to pace the room. She hates how unsettled Gabriel makes her feel. Just thinking about him is bad enough, but after a week’s worth of dreaming about him, she is afraid she will jump him the instant she sees him.

  “What if you went with a date?” Sadie suggests, breaking into Roseline’s thoughts. “That way you wouldn’t be tempted to break your moral code.”

  “A date?” Roseline laughs. “Where could I find a date on such short notice?”

  William trips over his own feet trying to stand. His arm shoots straight into the air. “Me. I’m free.”

  Definitely need to discourage this, she sighs inwardly. “Thank you, William, but I will be fine.”

  “Are you sure?” he asks, his face drooping with disappointment.


  William is cute, no doubt about that, but he needs to take a hint. He has brother vibes wriggling all over him!

  Roseline turns on Sadie, still trying to find a loophole to get herself out of the party. “I thought you hated the in-crowd. What is with the change of heart?”

  “Oh, don’t give me that look,” Sadie pleads. “I know what you’re thinking and, yes, you’re right. Partying with snobs isn’t exactly my scene anymore…but it’s the first time since freshman year that I’ve been invited. I gotta go, Rose.”

  “I don’t know.” Roseline chews on her lip. Sadie buries her head in a pillow, wailing dramatically.

  William rolls his eyes. “I don’t see what the big deal is, Sadie. She doesn’t want to go, so she shouldn’t. We can chill out here, or something. We can rent a couple movies, pop some corn, and snuggle.” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.

  Roseline laughs at Sadie’s horrified expression. “Are you insane? There will be girls there. Girls!”

  William cuts a glance over at Roseline. He shrugs. “I’m good here.”

  “Un-freaking-believable,” Sadie cries out, thrusting herself back into the couch cushions. “All I’m asking for is one night of teenage bliss. You two hate me.”

  “Oh, don’t be like that,” William says.

  “No, she’s right.” Roseline lets out an exaggerated sigh. She cannot fault Sadie for wanting one night to fit in, but that doesn’t mean she thinks it’s a good idea. “Don’t forget that you have spent four years rebelling against these people. I hate to think you would give all of that up just for one stupid party.”

nbsp; Sadie’s upper lip tucks behind her lower lip, creating a pathetically endearing pout. “You think I don’t know that I will still be the leper of the party? I do. I get it, but I still want to go. Can’t you give me just one night to live out my delusions?”

  Roseline drapes her arm over Sadie’s shoulder. “According to your own advice, the in-crowd is just a bunch of miserable drug addicts, alcoholics, and sluts. You really wannabe like them?”

  “Well now that you mention it…” Sadie trails off, grinning mischievously.

  Roseline laughs. “You are shameless.”

  “And proud of it.” Sadie crows, not looking the least bit contrite. “So what do you say?”

  “Are you in on this too?” Roseline glances over at William, whose pout over her rejection lingers.

  He shrugs before stuffing another biscuit into his mouth. “Yeah, it could be good. I’m game.”

  “I don’t have anything to wear,” Roseline protests, knowing it’s such a pathetic excuse that Sadie will shoot holes through it in an instant.

  She is wrong. William jumps first. “No problem. Sadie has a load of clothes that she never wears. I’m sure she has something that will fit you.”

  Roseline’s gaze darts toward Sadie, not wanting to be rude. Sadie giggles. “I don’t always dress like this you know. I do own some normal clothes.”

  “I didn’t say a word,” Roseline holds up her hands in mock surrender.

  “You didn’t have to,” William chuckles. “Why don’t we pick you up after dinner? That should give you about an hour before the party starts to get ready.”

  “Like that’s gonna be enough time,” Sadie scoffs, grinning conspiratorially at Roseline as she ushers her friend toward the front door.


  “Sexy,” Sadie says, grinning as Roseline hesitantly steps out from behind the bathroom door. She walks lightly, careful not to twist an ankle on the mountains of clothes that have been carelessly discarded around the room.

  Roseline smoothes her hands along the tight black strapless dress. It hugs her figure with perfection. For the first time since she became an immortal, she feels overly self-conscious about her looks. “You’re sure about this? It seems a bit over the top.”

  Sadie’s smaller stature means every outfit Roseline tries on is a tad too short. This little black number is no exception. The dress falls along the upper portion of her thighs, revealing far more than she would have preferred.

  “Oh yeah!” Sadie grins, giving her an enthusiastic thumbs up. “Gabriel will love you in that one.”

  “That is exactly what I am afraid of,” Roseline groans, reaching behind her to unzip the dress. Sadie shrieks and shoves her hand away.

  “Don’t you dare,” she commands.

  “Why not?” Roseline tries to use her arms to cover her slender waist. The tight boning is beginning to dig into her side. Not that she can’t handle it. She has worn dresses much tighter and heavier than this, but that was a long time ago. In Roseline’s opinion, the invention of the jeans and t-shirt look was the best thing since electricity.

  Sadie shoves Roseline in front of the mirror. “Because you look freakin’ amazing.”

  A knock at the door startles Roseline. She grinds her teeth at letting someone slip up the stairs unnoticed. Her concern over the dress has made her lose her edge. She has to find a way to stop thinking about Gabriel.

  “Are you girls ready yet?” William asks through the door, checking for the third time in ten minutes.

  Sadie throws a hiking boot at the door. “Go away. We’re not done.”

  Roseline smirks as William lumbers back down the stairs, not making the slightest effort to hide his exasperation. She can sympathize. They have been playing dress up for nearly two hours now and Sadie shows little sign of tiring.

  “So…strappy or closed toe?” Sadie holds up two pairs of black high heels. Roseline chews on her lip. She would normally go for the strappy, but they are a bit too sexy. “Definitely closed toe.”

  “I thought you would say that.” Sadie rolls her eyes as she yanks her window open and chucks the closed toe shoes straight out of her second story room. Her cat, Patches, howls as they land nearby. Sadie giggles and holds out the strappy ones. “I think we need to work on your fashion sense.”

  “Look who’s talking.” Roseline jabs a finger at Sadie’s mix-matched outfit. She is wearing a shredded Metallica t-shirt over a purple tank top, green feather earrings, bright yellow mini skirt, and red flip-flops. Her normally spiked hair is tamed and braided with black leather straps. Sadie looks like the rainbow threw up on her. “No offense, but that outfit is horrid.”

  “You think you can do better?” Sadie challenges, spreading her arm towards her walk-in closet. “Be my guest.”

  Roseline disappears into the messy room. “You really need a maid.”

  “Tell me about it. I have been begging for months but Mom thinks it’s a waste of money. Can you believe that? All you have to do is take one look at my room and see the value.”

  Moments later Roseline reappears, a triumphant grin lighting her face. “This is perfect.”

  Sadie’s eyebrows rise as she nods appreciatively. “Rose, you’ve totally redeemed yourself.” She grabs the outfit from her hand and dances off into the bathroom. Roseline perches on the edge of the bed and begins winding the straps of the high heels around her ankle.

  She is still trying to find a way out of attending the party when the bathroom door creaks open. Roseline glances up and whistles as Sadie twirls in the doorway. “Oh, you look smashing.”

  Her friend smiles shyly as she spins back around. The bright pink and black zebra-striped dress is an amazing match to Sadie’s pink braided hair. Black teardrop earrings dangle from her earlobes, gently caressing her pale cheeks. “You think so?” she asks, her voice unusually soft as she blushes.

  “Definitely,” Roseline assures her, throwing a pair of black knee-high boots at her. “You are definitely gonna turn some heads tonight.”

  “Not if I’m standing next to you,” Sadie snorts, shoving her feet into the shoes and zipping them. She stands back up, smoothing out her dress. “All set. Let’s go before William breaks down the door.”

  Sadie takes the stairs at a breakneck speed. Someone is way too excited about this party, Roseline silently muses. She has barely touched the final step when Sadie howls indignantly. “You have got to be kidding! No way is he coming with us.”

  Standing less than a foot from the front door, Nicolae winces, shifting back and forth nervously. His buttoned-up shirt looks rumpled, his glasses slightly askew. He appears less than thrilled at the idea of going to a party, but the moment Roseline hits the bottom step his spine straightens and his defiance leaps to attention. He stares her down with open hostility but the electric chemistry in the room that Sadie has created covers their silent showdown.

  “Sadie, don’t be rude to our guest. You know Gabriel invited everyone to his party,” Mrs. Hughes calls from the living room. The smell of popcorn filters throughout the ground floor. Apparently, Sadie’s parents are planning a date night of their own and judging by the tone of her voice she is not about to let her teenage daughter spoil it.

  “I cannot believe this,” Sadie growls under her breath. “Fine, just try not to act like a loser.” She grabs Nicolae by the arm and yanks him outside. He splutters and stumbles after her, nearly tumbling as she races down the front porch steps.

  William holds the door for Roseline, grinning stupidly as he eyes her dress. “Wow, Rose, you look amazing.”

  “Thanks,” she blushes and ducks out onto the porch. Unwilling to hang around while William openly ogles her, Roseline rushes across the side yard and directly onto Gabriel’s front driveway. She still cannot believe that Sadie actually lives next door to the one guy in all of Chicago that she is trying hardest to avoid. Isn’t she already being tortured enough?

  Roseline comes to a grinding halt behind Nicolae as the door opens. A feeling ak
in to that of a battering ram slams into her stomach as Gabriel emerges from the dim interior. Why does he have to look so gorgeous?

  “Sadie, Nicolae, how nice to see you. Come on in,” Gabriel smiles. Sadie drags Nicolae over the threshold, apparently unaware of how intensely Gabriel gazes at Roseline. She blinks, wishing she could break the hypnotic stare. “Are you coming in too?”

  Roseline flushes and nods as she shuffles past him into the beating heart of her first high school party. It is louder than she could have imagined, which is really saying something since the speakers aren’t even in sight as she skirts along the wall. Gabriel starts to close the door behind her, but a hand shoves through the gap. He pulls open the door to reveal a perturbed William.

  “Will, nice to see you could join us.” Roseline smirks at the rough edge to Gabriel’s voice.

  “Sure thing. Wouldn’t want to miss a famous Gabriel Marston party. I’ve heard so many great things.”

  He lets that loaded statement hang in the air. Gabriel clears his throat, shifting uncomfortably in the awkward silence.

  William saunters up to Roseline, inserting himself between her and Gabriel. “Would you like me to grab you a drink?”

  “Uh, sure. That would be great.” Roseline blinks, severing her connection with Gabriel as William brushes past. Although his commanding eyes no longer fixate on her, she still feels drawn to him.

  “I’m glad you could make it,” Gabriel says, letting his eyes flicker down the front of her dress only for a moment. He swallows and turns to close the door.

  “It was really nice of you to invite us,” she says, darting a glance over at him as he leads the way into the foyer. Her stiletto heels clack against the tile entry. The instant they meet up with the newly waxed wood floor she releases a small cry of alarm. Her legs fly apart as she reaches out for the wall to stop her descent, but Gabriel grabs onto her first.

  The feel of his hands on her arm only increases the fuzziness of her senses. Her Jell-O-filled legs refuse to obey as Gabriel’s free arm wraps around her waist to hold her upright. “Are you okay? You haven’t twisted your ankle, have you?”


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