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Beautifully Unnatural: A Young Adult Paranormal Boxed Set

Page 102

by Amy Miles

  Bruce climbed to his feet and, with shaking hands, lifted the sword and walked to Alexander.

  Alexander stiffened.

  “It’s okay, son. I’m not goin’ to use this.” Bruce held the sword out to him. “Take it. Do with it what you will. Gabby will give you the pistol as well.”

  She retrieved the gun from where it lay on the ground then placed it in Alexander’s hands, running her fingertips along his thumb. Every nerve in his body stood at attention. How pathetic was that? A simple touch and his body went on high alert. He wanted to grab her hand, yet he stepped back as she turned toward Bruce. This was the way it was supposed to be. She had her father back.

  Alexander faced Boon at his sister’s side, the love in the demon’s gaze almost bringing him to his knees.

  Boon pulled Sammy’s tiny frame against him. “I thought we were going to lose you there for a minute.”

  “Wow,” Bruce said, staring at the happy couple. “I thought I’d seen everythin’ in my line of work, but this?”

  If only Alexander had the honor of being an ancient angel who had sacrificed himself for the good of the world—then maybe Gabby would look at him the way Sammy looked at Boon. He forced down the lump in his throat and placed the sword and gun near Boon, knowing he’d have a better idea of what to do with them. He turned and headed for the path to the beach.

  A hand rested on his shoulder. He didn’t need to look to know who it was. His body only responded to one person that way.

  “Alex.” Gabby’s voice caressed his ears and danced in his head. “Where are you going?”

  He took in a long breath and steadied himself. “Away.”

  She raced in front of him, blocking the path. “What? But why?” she asked, her voice cracking.

  Dear God, could she still care for him?

  He blinked, fearing the water in his eyes would betray him. “I thought…I thought you wouldn’t—”

  “My crazy brother’s trying to tell you he still doesn’t think he’s good enough for you.” Sammy’s voice rang out across the graveyard, loud and obnoxious as always. But she was right.

  “Is that true?” Gabby cupped his cheek, her touch erupting a fire inside that still scared him.

  She rested her forehead against his and whispered, “Alex…I love you.”

  Unable to restrain himself, Alexander wrapped his arms around Gabby. He pressed his body against hers and their lips met. His wings fluttered out as they rose toward the sky. Lost in the wonder of her, he forgot all about her father, his sister and Boon, and Grace. Wrapping his wings around her body in a feathery cocoon, a dull pulse echoed through him.

  His tongue caressed hers and she quivered. As their kiss deepened, a wave of heat covered him from the tip of a white wing to the depths of his soul. He forced himself to bring them back to Earth, afraid he’d lose control and be found guilty of behavior unacceptable for even a demon.

  When their feet touched the ground, they glanced around the graveyard, but everyone was gone. Holding each other, Alexander took off again for home, the taste of her cherry lips still teasing his tongue.

  They landed on the beach in front of the house. Everyone sat on the front porch including Patronus, who was stretched out on a stair, snoring.

  “Nice of you to join us,” Sammy giggled, curled in a white wicker chair.

  Grace lifted a crystal pitcher of lemonade from a silver tray and poured some into ice-filled goblets. As she passed the glasses around, Alexander let go of Gabby’s hand and went to sit next to her.

  “Mom, I have to tell you something.” His insides twisted with guilt and he wasn’t sure how to say it. He looked into her eyes, barely able to face the pain he was about to cause her. She was the woman who’d taken him in when he’d fallen from Heaven. She had guided him through the transition, and kept him from making more grave errors in judgment since being on Earth.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Forras, the young angel you told me about, the one I kept cursing and wanting to send to Hell…” His eyes cast down.

  Grace stroked his face and lifted his chin. “It’s all right, Dear. He’s at peace.”

  “How do you know?”

  She looked up at the hint of light breaking through the darkness overhead. “I just do.”

  Bruce looked between them, his eyes laden with guilt. “I think I played a role in him becomin’ a demon. You see, I thought I was protecting the world by hunting earthbound creatures. The people I work for will stop at nothing to annihilate all supernatural beings. There was never a thought that one creature could differ from another. Now I know there are difference between you and demons.”

  Alexander winced. He’d be dealing with these people in the future. Were they the same people Bruce worked for? Would they come after Bruce or Gabby when they learned he’d quit?

  Bruce nodded at Boon. “I, too, followed orders like a good soldier and when I chased him down, he lost control. That’s why the young woman died.” He looked down at his hands clutching the goblet. “It was my fault.”

  “No, Bruce. It wasn’t your fault.” Grace patted his hand. “You did what you felt was necessary. We each make our own choices in life. Things happen that will help us grow and hopefully prevent future mistakes. Maybe Forras, in a way, saved Alexander. All of these events have brought us together for a reason. Only Heaven truly understands our purpose. You don’t think it’s a coincidence we all ended up in this small town together, do you?” Grace’s eyebrow lifted.

  “I’m so confused.” He leaned forward and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Boon, you said somethin’ when we were back at the boathouse. Somethin’ about you once being an angel, but you didn’t fall?”

  “I’ve been on Earth a long time,” Boon said. “I was sent to fight a human who had gained so much power he threatened both Heaven and Hell. An army of angels fought, but few survived. Some were cursed to remain in death between two worlds, others to remain on Earth as demons.” He paused, the furrows between his eyes deepening. “After all seemed lost, a special angel came to me and helped provide insight. She’s an incredible angel, who sees the good in everyone.”

  Good in everyone, Alexander repeated the words in his head. Grace. That was how she knew Herak and Boon. No one on Earth or in Heaven thought like Grace.

  “The fight was lost but a new tactic emerged,” Boon continued. “I went and reasoned with the human and convinced him to give away his powers. When he agreed, and I placed him in a land under a curse of his own making, Earth was saved. However, the damage had been done, the curse unbreakable. Those who knew us back then voluntarily came to Earth to support us. We pray that someday we can free the ones stuck in the dark realm of death.” Boon squeezed Sammy’s hand. “The angels that returned to Heaven never forgot us. Their love is as strong now as it was before the war.”

  Alexander’s heart ached at the realization of what Boon had been through, how he, himself, had treated him, and how Sammy loved him. How could he remain cursed and not display an ounce of anger toward the man who’d ruined him?

  “But why doesn’t Heaven break the curse, enabling you to return and free the ones in darkness?” Bruce inquired.

  “I don’t know.”

  “All this time I’ve spent hating fallen angels because I thought they were cast from Heaven, yet due to a screw-up never made it to Hell. I thought they were a threat to us all.” Bruce shook his head and looked at the ground. “I’ve been so wrong.”

  “Grace, how did you convince Herak to help?” Alexander asked.

  “I wasn’t sure he would, but I took a chance.” She smiled deviously.

  “Were you cursed by Herak, too? Is that why you are on Earth?” Alexander didn’t think that was the case, but he couldn’t think of any other reason why she’d remain here rather than return to Heaven.

  “No, son. I chose to descend to Earth during the Herak War and I have been here since. I haven’t been called back to Heaven yet, so maybe my work here isn’t done. For whatever
reason, I was meant to stick with all of you.” Grace gestured to everyone on the porch.

  Alexander wiped Gabby’s tears from her cheeks with his thumb. “What is it?”

  “I’m the one who killed Forras. I didn’t know he was important to anyone other than his clan. Grace, I’m so sorry,” Gabby whispered.

  “It’s okay, Dear. It was his time, the will of Heaven. You did what you had to do. You’re a special young lady.” Grace lowered her head. “You are a vessel, marked as a prophet and a warrior.”

  Sammy glanced at Grace. “Prophet? Warrior?”

  “Yes, the scar on your knee is a lion’s mane, which means prophet. You can see what has not yet come to pass. And the mark on your abdomen from Forras means demonic warrior.”

  Alexander’s head spun with confusion. “What of the symbol on her shoulder?”

  Grace set her glass down with a clink. “I’ve not had the time to research that one. Boon and I were hoping Herak would mention it to you.”

  Alexander stood and placed his goblet back on the trey. “No, he said nothing.”

  Gabby took his hand. “Is it okay to go off on our own now? I mean, all the other demons will flee now that Forras is gone, right?”

  “Yes, Dear.” Grace nodded.

  “Boon, you want to take a walk on the beach?” Before he could respond, Sammy grabbed Boon’s hand and led him away. “See you later,” she called out over her shoulder.

  Alexander shook his head.

  “What is it?” Grace asked.

  “I can’t believe I’m dating the daughter of a hunter,” he chuckled.

  “I’m sorry for hunting you. I never knew…” Bruce trailed off and he glanced at the floor.

  Alexander walked over and laid his hand on the man’s slumped shoulders. “No, please. If anyone understands, it’s me. I’ve spent years hating Forras, his friends, Boon, and most of all myself. No apologies necessary.” The air caught in his throat. Why was he so nervous? He’d faced death numerous times today, yet when faced with Gabby’s father, he about lost his nerve. “But I have a favor to ask,” he choked out. “Can I take Gabby out on a real date? Our last one was, um, well, interrupted.”

  Gabby shifted in her chair. If Bruce knew the truth about their last date, he might not ever give his permission.

  “Have her home by midnight,” Bruce said, climbing to his feet. “Angel or no angel, she’s still my daughter and you’re still a teenage boy.” Bruce slugged him on the shoulder then hugged Gabby. He released his daughter and sat down next to Grace. “There is one thing. Could I ask for a favor, Grace? Could Gabby stay with you for a while?”

  “Dad, no.” Gabby took a step forward. “Aren’t you through with all that? You’re not going back to—”

  “Calm down, Gabriella. I’m not gonna hunt again. I just wanted to know if you could stay with Grace. I’ve my own demons to battle and well, I need some professional help.”

  Gabby clutched her father’s shaking arm. “Your hands? Oh Dad, you’ve been drinking again, haven’t you?” Alexander flinched at the disappointment in her voice.

  “I was forced to drink by Forras, but honestly, it didn’t take much convincing. I’m gonna go through detox again. This time, I want to make sure it sticks. So, would it be okay, Grace, for Gabby to stay here?”

  “Of course, Bruce. Don’t worry about anything. I promise to keep a close eye on these two.” Grace pointed a finger, shaking it at them, then grinned at Gabby’s giggle. “I’ll make sure she does her homework every day, too.”

  “Okay, okay. I promise to be good,” Gabby said then her eyes lit up. “That’s right, school’s starting soon.”

  “Great. School.” Alexander rolled his eyes but the truth was he looked forward to a normal day of classes and hanging out at the beach with Gabby. It made him feel more human.

  “Thanks so much, Grace,” Bruce said. “I want to be the father my G-Bear deserves. I have a lot to make up for and I want to do it sober.” He gave Gabby another hug. His chest rose and fell before he pulled back and stroked her hair.

  “Concentrate on getting well so we can be together again.” She kissed his cheek. “Oh, I almost forgot. Alexander and I have a Christmas present for you. We’ll give it to you as soon as you get home.”

  “Um, Gabby, about that,” Alexander muttered. “Can I just buy a new one? I kinda don’t know anything about fixing boats.” He gave her a sheepish look.

  “Boats? What made her ever think you knew how to fix anything?” Grace chuckled.

  “It’s a long story.” Alexander grabbed Gabby’s hand and tugged her toward the beach to watch the waves come in with the morning tide.


  Gabby lifted Sammy’s birthday cake and carried it to the dining room. Alexander was right. Grace made the most beautiful cakes. Pale pink roses adorned the corners of the square cake, with two matching pompoms in the center. A darker shade of pink swirled along the edge and Happy Birthday, Sammy was written in a smooth script across the bottom. It reminded Gabby of the cakes her mother made for her birthday.

  Grace kissed Sammy’s forehead. “Sorry it’s a day late, dear, but I’ve been a little busy.”

  Everyone gave a half chuckle as the birthday girl blew out the candles.

  “What did you wish for?” Gabby asked.

  “Nothing. I already have everything.” Sammy reached over and grasped Boon’s hand, a sparkle dancing in her eyes.

  Alexander covered his mouth with a napkin. “I’m gonna be sick.”

  Grace hit him upside the head with the spatula before handing it to Gabby.

  “I’m just kidding.” Alexander winked at Sammy.

  “I see we’re right back to the obnoxious big brother routine.”

  Gabby snickered at Sammy’s remark.

  “Time for cake,” Sammy said, helping Gabby serve everyone a piece.

  An hour later, Alexander gave Sammy a small square box wrapped in satin pink ribbons. “Happy Birthday, Sis.”

  Sammy tugged the ribbon off the package and squealed as she lifted the lid. Gabby’s skin crawled as the memory of the night the diamond earrings were purchased flashed through her mind. She ran her hand down her arm just to make sure it wasn’t bubbling. Taking a deep breath, she pushed the memory back where it belonged, in the past.

  “I know it’s your birthday, Sis, but do you mind if I give Gabby something?” Alexander reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out another small box, giving a nod and wink to her father.

  With her mind still clouded by the memory, she didn’t realize at first what he held, but a moment later her hands started to shake.

  “I know you said it was too much, that your father might have an issue with you having it, but I talked it over with him. When he saw it, he agreed.”

  Alexander squatted down in front of Gabby and pulled a gold ribbon from the tiny box.

  Gabby’s mouth went dry at the sight of him in front of her, box in hand.

  “I know you’re too young for a proposal.”

  Her dad coughed from across the table in confirmation.

  Alexander took the white top off the box, pulling out a small crimson velvet case. “Instead of a proposal of marriage, this is a promise ring.”

  She wasn’t sure if she felt relief or disappointment at the clarification. Sure, she was too young to get married, but so were many other epic lovers.

  Alexander cleared his throat as if to get her attention again. “A promise that no matter what happens I’ll always do the right thing. A promise I’ll remain by your side. I promise I’ll respect your wishes. But most of all, I vow I’ll love you always, no matter what happens.”

  Gabby tried to say something, but for once, her mouth couldn’t form any words. Her father sat a few feet away, watching, but didn’t threaten to kill him. How did Alexander do it?

  “I don’t know what to say.” She looked down at the platinum band decorated with small diamonds, surrounding a larger one in the middle. Her breath caught in h
er throat. She’d been so nervous on their first date she hadn’t really looked closely at the ring. It didn’t just look like her mother’s wedding ring. It was her mother’s. Her eyes misted as she looked between her father and Alexander.

  “I’m embarrassed to admit it,” her father said, “but I sold your mother’s ring when we moved here. I hope you don’t hate me, but I wasn’t in control. There’s no way I would’ve parted with her ring voluntarily.” Her father cleared his throat. “I know your mother would want you to have it. I wasn’t much older than Alex…well, I guess older than you, when I fell in love with her. But that doesn’t mean you two should rush into anything,” he added, his tone firm.

  Alexander slid the ring from the satin lining. “Do you want to be with me, Gabriella Moore?”

  He looked so vulnerable, squatting on the floor with the ring in his hand. It might not be a marriage proposal, but it was a declaration of love. To her, that meant everything. The sun, the moon, and the stars.

  “Yes, Alexander Lorre. I want you by my side no matter what happens.”

  He held her shaking hand as he glided the ring onto her finger.

  “Woot! Woot! Woot,” Sammy shouted, clapping as Boon walked over and punched Alexander on the shoulder.

  Her father came over and squeezed her tight. “Just remember, it’s a promise, not a proposal.”

  “I know, Dad. Don’t worry, I’m in no hurry.” She reassured him, but knew deep down they would marry someday.

  Once everyone had their fill of cake and the plates had been cleared from the table, Alexander grasped her elbow and said, “We’re gonna head out for a swim. We’ll be back in a bit.”

  Grinning, they raced from the room before anyone could stop them. They made their way to the beach, the sun bright overhead. He pulled her onto the sand in the same place where he’d rescued her that first morning. So much had happened since that day. She had an angel for a mother, an earthbound hunter for a father, and demon blood coursing through her veins.

  The demon blood frightened her most, along with the edgy feeling it created. It was an intoxicating power that could easily control her.


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