The Change-Up

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The Change-Up Page 21

by Syd Parker

  Sawyer bought the thinly veiled threat. “Fine.” She grabbed her wallet and stuffed it in her back pocket. “Just promise me there won’t be any clowns.”

  “Uh-oh.” Kevin grinned wickedly. “Face-painting and clowns. It’s the only way to properly celebrate.”

  “So, you’re not going to give me any hints?”

  “Nope.” Bellamy unlocked her car and smirked over the hood. “You will just have to be patient.”

  “Fine.” Sawyer flopped into the front seat and pulled her seatbelt on without a word. Secretly, she was excited about whatever Bellamy had planned.

  “I need to run by your house and drop my bags off, if that is okay.”

  “Sure.” Sawyer’s leg bounced anxiously. “You guys staying for the game tomorrow?”

  “We’d like to, if you don’t mind having me around an extra day.”

  Sawyer scrunched up her nose. “I don’t know about that. You might need to get a hotel.” At Bellamy’s blank look, Sawyer started to laugh. She slid her hand over Bellamy’s and squeezed it. “You know I will take all the extra days with you I can get.”

  Kevin watched the two women from the backseat and shook his head. He couldn’t believe the change in his mom. She was smiling all the time now. He knew part of that had to do with the surgery, but a big part of it was due to her finally having the courage to let herself be with Sawyer. “I’ll make it easier. I’m going to stay with Cody. Then you only have one extra person to deal with.”

  Sawyer’s stomach flip-flopped. She and Bellamy hadn’t had a night alone since Bellamy’s declaration of love. She glanced sideways, trying to gauge Bellamy’s reaction to the announcement. She couldn’t be sure, but Sawyer would bet she saw Bellamy’s face flush. Sawyer had already decided she would not push Bellamy to move more quickly than she was comfortable with. She was in no rush. The past couple of months were more perfect than she could have imagined. Just holding Bellamy gave her life new meaning. And the kissing? Well, Sawyer could only describe it as intoxicating. “I have plenty of room for both of you, silly.”

  “But it would be nice to spend time with Cody, away from us boring, old fogies.” Bellamy glanced in the rear-view mirror and smiled at Kevin. “You really haven’t had a chance to see the guys since your surgery.”

  “That’s true.” Kevin missed the team. He missed hanging out on weekends in the dorms, acting like guys. This was the first weekend in months that he actually felt like himself. “Besides, I need to get reacquainted with the dorms, since I’m coming back this fall.”

  Sawyer listened to the exchange with barely concealed excitement. Obviously, Bellamy was anticipating their weekend alone as much as she was. “We’ll try to get the partying out of the way, so you can spend more time with the team.”


  Bellamy pulled into the driveway and hit the trunk release button. She hopped out at the same time as Sawyer. “I can get them. It’s nothing big.”

  “I got it.” Sawyer pulled a small suitcase and travel bag from the trunk then stood back as Bellamy shut the lid. She handed the bag to Bellamy and dug around in her pocket for her keys. “As long as we are here, I’m going to change my shirt.”

  Bellamy glanced down at the tight-fitting t-shirt and leered at Sawyer. “I like the shirt you have on.”

  “You should see how good I look without it.”

  Bellamy’s pulse quickened. “I’d like to find out.”

  Sawyer shivered, her body tight with pent up desire. “I think we can arrange a private showing.” She pulled her gaze away from Bellamy, afraid she would kiss her. Standing on the front porch, with Bellamy’s son in the car just feet away, didn’t seem like the appropriate venue to start something she wouldn’t be able to finish. Instead, Sawyer turned her attention to the lock, fumbling with the keys. She finally found the right one, undid the lock and pushed the door open.


  Sawyer nearly jumped out of her skin. Surprise was right. It took several calming breaths before her heart stopped pounding in her chest. “Good lord.” She turned to find Bellamy smiling at her. “You did this?”

  Bellamy fidgeted nervously. “If you like it, I did. If you hate it…” Bellamy pointed across the room. “…Tina did it.”

  Sawyer took stock of the people in the room. She zeroed in on Tina, trying to place the pink jacket and bobbysoxer skirt she was wearing. Coach Cline stood next to her, sporting a black leather jacket and worn-out blue jeans. Most of the guys on the team were there, plus a few other teachers, all wearing fifties getup. She finally spied the large Happy Birthday banner that spanned the opening to her kitchen. Her heart melted at the gesture. She kissed Bellamy on the cheek. “It’s “Grease”. I love it!”

  “Thank God, I was worried you would hate it. I’ve been scrambling for ideas. When we watched the movie and you said you liked it, I thought it would be a great birthday idea.”

  “It is.” Sawyer wrapped her arm around Bellamy’s shoulder and held her lips to Bellamy’s temple. She felt Kevin behind her, and she cut her eyes in his direction. “You were in on this?”

  “Yep.” Kevin beamed. “The whole team helped. Happy Birthday, Coach. I know it’s a bit late, but things got in the way.”

  “It’s perfect.”

  “I’m glad you said that.” Bellamy pulled away. She zipped the travel bag open and pulled out a leather jacket. “You’re Danny.”

  “I suppose that makes you Sandy.” Sawyer curled her finger and motioned for Bellamy to follow her. “I think we should change.”

  “Hurry up, you two. No fooling around back there.”

  Sawyer smiled mischievously in Tina’s direction. “Danny’s a bad boy. I can’t promise he won’t misbehave.”

  “You can save that for after. Get changed and get your butts out here. We’re having a party.”

  Sawyer nodded solemnly, her eyes twinkling devilishly. She pulled Bellamy into the bedroom, closing the door behind them. “You’re safe for now, but you’re in a lot of trouble later.”

  Bellamy’s eyes darkened, not missing the meaning in Sawyer’s words. She felt her knees tremble. “Is that a threat or a promise?”

  “A promise.” Sawyer narrowed the distance between them. “And I never make a promise I can’t keep.”

  Bellamy trembled again, her body responding to the mere thought of Sawyer’s touch. She pulled away before she could do anything reckless. “I’m going to change in the bathroom. Otherwise, I’ll never keep my hands off of you.”

  “Is that so?” Sawyer stepped even closer. “We could have our own celebration in here.”

  “Uh-uh.” Bellamy side-stepped Sawyer, clutching her clothes against her chest. “Stay.” She backed into the bathroom slowly, Sawyer’s bemused expression following her the entire way. She closed the door, hiding behind its safety. Her breathing came in rapid, shallow gasps. She realized she could not control herself around Sawyer. It was exhilarating and scary at the same time. If the last couple of minutes were any indication, Bellamy was beyond ready to take their relationship to the next level. “Good Lord.”


  “Nothing.” Bellamy looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was flush. She ran her fingertips across her abdomen, picturing Sawyer’s hands on her body. She tingled with anticipation. “Soon, Bellamy, soon.”

  When she stepped out of the bathroom, Sawyer was already changed. She stood in front of the mirror, smoothing out the bumps in her hair. The collar of her leather jacket popped up. Bellamy sucked in a breath. Sawyer oozed sex in the outfit. It fit her to a T. “God, you are hot.”

  Sawyer spun around. “You think so?”

  “I know so.” Bellamy slipped her arms around Sawyer’s neck and kissed her longingly.

  Sawyer broke the kiss before it was too late, her eyes telegraphing her apology. “We should get back out there. I’m sure they already think we are knee deep in hanky panky.”

  Bellamy nibbled Sawyer’s bottom lip. “So
? It’s the truth.”

  Sawyer pulled Bellamy’s arms from around her neck. “Bell, you planned this amazing party for me, with all these people, who are standing out there staring at this door, thinking all sorts of sordid things about us. I want to be neck deep in hanky panky, but without the audience.”

  Bellamy’s bottom lip jutted out. She knew Sawyer was right. The only problem with her birthday idea was Sawyer, dressed as Danny, turned her on more than she anticipated. Bellamy was this close to kicking the party goers out, but the voice of reason nagged her politely, and she gave in. She pulled the door open, pausing before she went out. “You’re safe for now, but you’re in a lot of trouble later. And, that’s a promise.”

  Sawyer followed Bellamy outside. Now that the initial surprise had worn off, she was able to take full stock of her house. In addition to the banner, old vinyl records hung around the room. She followed Bellamy outside to find a table set up with a huge cake shaped like a pink Cadillac, bowls of various types of punch, hor d'oeuvres, and party favors. Her assistant coach was manning the grill. “How did you pull this off?”

  “It was not easy.” Bellamy went into the elaborate details of Tina getting Sawyer’s keys and making a copy. They had come over that morning and decorated, glad that Sawyer was practicing with the team. “Oh, and here’s your extra key.”

  Sawyer put her hand up. “Keep it. I was going to give you one anyway. I was hoping you’d be visiting more often.”

  Bellamy slipped the key into the pocket of her pink jacket. “I’d like that.”

  “I’m thoroughly impressed. You weren’t kidding when you said you were going to make this a birthday to remember.”

  “I’m just getting started.” Bellamy held Sawyer’s gaze, hoping she understood her meaning. When she saw Sawyer eye her hungrily, she knew she’d made her point. In the background, a slow song started and Bellamy held her hand out. “Shall we?”

  “We shall.” Sawyer spun Bellamy around then dipped her over. The sessions with Bellamy were paying off. Hours later, Sawyer wished the last of the guests good night. She shut the door and leaned against it, sighing tiredly. She pushed off the door and joined Bellamy on the couch. “Yo, Sandy.”

  “Yes, Danny.” Bellamy batted her eyelashes.

  “That party was peachy keen, jellybean.”

  “Tell me about it, stud.” Bellamy ran her fingernail up Sawyer’s arm before trailing it down her side. “So, you liked it?”

  “I loved it. I guess I didn’t realize how much fun a birthday party could be.”

  “Told you.” Bellamy snuggled into Sawyer’s side and laid her head on her shoulder. “You make a really hot Danny.”

  “And…” Sawyer kissed the top of Bellamy’s head. “…you make a really sexy Sandy. The blond wig sure did beat all.”

  Bellamy squeezed Sawyer’s arm. “I heard blondes have more fun.”

  “Hm.” Sawyer cupped Bellamy’s chin and tilted her head up, her lips covering Bellamy’s in a sweet kiss. “I am not so sure about that.”

  Bellamy’s lips tingled from the short kiss. She wrapped her hand around Sawyer’s neck, pulling her close. She captured Sawyer’s mouth against hers. She slid her tongue over Sawyer’s lip before brushing her tongue against Sawyer’s. Her free hand moved underneath Sawyer’s shirt. She felt Sawyer’s muscles flex beneath her palm. When the small contact was no longer enough, she crawled into Sawyer’s lap, pinning her to the couch, mindful of her tender side. Soon, her body was on fire. She broke the kiss and leaned her forehead against Sawyer’s, barely able to catch her breath. “Make love to me, Sawyer.”

  Sawyer trembled beneath Bellamy. Every inch of her skin was on fire from just a kiss. She’d waited months to hear Bellamy say those words. She tilted Bellamy’s head back so she could see her eyes. “Are you sure? We don’t have to rush.”

  “I hardly think eighteen months is rushing.” Bellamy scooted off of the couch and stood in front of Sawyer, her hand extended.

  Sawyer took a deep breath and clasped her hand, allowing Bellamy to pull her off the couch and lead her to the bedroom. She swallowed nervously. For all her experience, she felt as though this was her first time with a woman. She prayed she got this right. She wanted Bellamy’s first time to be perfect. She paused at the door, uncertainty plaguing her. “Bell.”

  Bellamy put her fingertip to Sawyer’s lips and silenced her with one look. “I’ve waited so long to feel you, Sawyer. Please don’t make me beg.”

  Sawyer’s stomach fluttered. She needn’t look any further than the hungry look in Bellamy’s eyes to know that she would beg if Sawyer made her. The need shattered the last of Sawyer’s willpower. She cupped Bellamy’s cheeks in her palms and kissed her softly. Her lips moved over Bellamy’s mouth, swallowing the moan that escaped her lips. She pulled Bellamy’s lower lip into her mouth and nipped it gently before sliding her tongue into Bellamy’s mouth and brushing her tongue against Bellamy’s. The contact, while familiar, alluded to their lovemaking now, where it hadn’t before, and Sawyer’s knees buckled beneath her.

  Bellamy smiled against Sawyer’s mouth. “I still make you tremble.”

  “And then some.” Sawyer pulled Bellamy’s palm to her chest. “Feel this.”

  Bellamy could feel Sawyer’s heart pounding beneath her palm. “Mm. You make my heart pound, and my…” She couldn’t bring herself to say the phrase she was thinking, so she pulled Sawyer toward the bed instead. “Undress me.”

  Sawyer closed her eyes, her body trembling uncontrollably. When she opened them, she met Bellamy’s eyes and held them, wanting to see everything she felt. She brushed her fingertips along Bellamy’s neck and down the vee of her shirt, stopping just above her breasts. Sawyer hesitated then brushed her hand over Bellamy’s nipples, amazed at how quickly her body reacted. She watched Bellamy’s eyes darken with desire. She held Bellamy’s breast in her palm, before kissing her hungrily. Sawyer’s tongue wrestled with Bellamy’s, neither one relinquishing control.

  Sawyer finally pulled away, her eyes flashing almost black with desire. “I need to go slow. I want your first time to be perfect.”

  Bellamy took Sawyer’s hand and pushed it between her legs. “There’s plenty of time for perfection. I need you to touch me.”

  Sawyer stilled, trying to restrain herself, but the hunger mirrored in Bellamy’s eyes was her undoing. She grabbed the lapels of Bellamy’s shirt and ripped the buttons apart, exposing her soft skin. She barely registered the surprised ‘oh’ as the buttons scattered across the floor haphazardly. She traced the delicate lace of Bellamy’s bra with her fingers, before undoing the clasp. Sawyer was mesmerized.

  Bellamy broke the reverie and pulled Sawyer’s hands over her breasts. She barely recognized herself. The need to be touched, ravaged, owned by Sawyer, beat through her veins with white-hot intensity. “Now, Sawyer.”

  Sawyer nodded. She rolled Bellamy’s nipples between her fingers, feeling them harden at her touch. She bent down and pulled Bellamy’s nipple into her mouth, alternately nipping it gently with her teeth and flicking it with her tongue. Bellamy’s moans told her to keep going. She shoved her hands inside the waist of Bellamy’s skirt and slid it down her legs. Pulling away, Sawyer’s eyes trailed down Bellamy’s body, realizing that Bellamy’s panties were the last remaining vestige of protection. Sawyer’s questioning eyes found Bellamy’s, and when Bellamy nodded her acquiescence, Sawyer knelt before her and laid her head against her waist. She waited motionless, attuned to Bellamy’s rapid heartbeat. Soon, the scent of Bellamy’s arousal took control and the hunger, once quelled, consumed Sawyer. She pulled Bellamy’s panties to the side, exposing her lips. Sawyer ran her thumb along the swollen skin, brushing against her clit. She brushed the pad of her thumb in circles, feeling it harden beneath her touch. Overwhelmed by the need to taste her, Sawyer flicked her tongue over the taut bud, eliciting a delicious moan. She felt Bellamy’s body tremble against her, which only served to fuel the animal within. “So perfect.”<
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  Bellamy’s hands pushed through Sawyer’s hair, pulling her mouth against her body. Never in her life could she have imagined that she could feel so alive. She threw back her head. “Yes!”

  Sawyer held back, knowing she would take Bellamy right there if she let herself. She put distance between them, but only enough to remove Bellamy’s panties and toss them to the floor. She stood up and kissed Bellamy, letting her taste herself on Sawyer’s lips. She wrapped her arm around Bellamy and guided her to the bed, her lips never leaving Bellamy’s mouth.

  Bellamy responded hungrily to the kiss, her tongue moving against Sawyer’s, teasing, exploring, eventually possessing her. Her hands roved over Sawyer’s body, touching every inch of bare skin. She finally broke the kiss, displeased that she couldn’t feel Sawyer’s skin against hers. “Take these off now.”

  Sawyer started at the commanding tone in Bellamy’s voice, not prepared for the need she saw in her eyes. She moved away and slowly removed her shirt.

  Bellamy watched Sawyer move, her eyes never leaving her body. She watched Sawyer pull her shirt up, revealing small, perfect breasts. She inhaled loudly, her mouth watering at the thought of pulling Sawyer’s nipples into her mouth. Gone was the timid, reserved woman she knew, replaced by a stranger so wanton that she knew if she didn’t touch Sawyer she might die. She ran her palm up Sawyer’s stomach, smiling as her abdomen tensed at the contact. Her fingers slid over Sawyer’s nipples, mirroring the way Sawyer had touched her only moments before. Her fingers hummed with electricity. She closed her eyes and exhaled, completely overwhelmed at the feeling of finally touching the woman she loved. When she opened them again, her fingers moved down Sawyer’s side and over the red scar on the side of her body, the only mar on an otherwise perfect body. She ran her finger over the dimpled flesh, falling a little bit more in love with Sawyer. “You’re the one. My miracle. You saved me.”

  Sawyer captured Bellamy’s hand and kissed her fingers softly. “We saved each other.” She kissed the palm of Bellamy’s hand then moved away and off the bed to remove her jeans. She shook nervously, unsure of Bellamy’s reaction to her body. She glanced down before flicking her eyes up hopefully.


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