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Page 11

by Abigail Myst

  Athen gave the pair a once over. “You’re alive. Good.”

  Zenik stepped up to him. “I have reclaimed my honor.”

  “Your honor was never lost in my eyes.”

  “Where is my cat?” Clover demanded as she shoved past the wall of green bodies.

  “Sornam is a fierce warrior in his own right. He-” Zenik began before getting cut off.

  “His name is Data,” Clover interjected.

  “I do not understand the female propensity to give undignified names.”

  “Where. Is. My. Cat?”

  "He is resting within."

  Clover didn't wait a second more before charging around Zenik and up the hatch ramp only to come up short when Bright mysteriously appeared in the entrance. Clover took a step back.

  "Who the hell are you?"

  "You smell of Orth." Bright inhaled deeply and then embraced a stunned Clover, pinning her arms to her side.

  "Oh, by the way," Jane called. "We found your mother-in-law."

  "Wha- What?" Clover stammered. Bright had yet to let go.

  "Sweetie. We will be the best of friends," Bright assured her.

  Clover looked skeptical. News traveled like lightning because before Bright had even let go, there was a green flash sprinting toward the pair. Scrubs pulled up just short of them and performed a little bow. Bright extended one arm and Scrubs wrapped his arms around both women.

  "Mother. I am very glad you are not dead."

  "She has killed many Suhlik devils!" Zenik announced loudly.

  "Then she is more than welcome, full daughter of Etlon," Athen announced. A cheer went up among the warriors and their wives joined in. Despite his efforts to the contrary, Athen was becoming quite the statesman.

  Kave on the other hand, was not.

  "Look, Jane, look!" He shoved Humility in her direction. "She's getting fat with my son!"

  "Mazel Tov," Jane said flatly as she exchanged a wink and an eye roll with Humility.

  "That is an inappropriate salutation unless Humility believes in a Hebrew god," Scrubs said from behind Jane. They must have actually exited the hug.

  "She was being sarcastic," Clover explained.

  "She is not happy that Humility has been impregnated?" Kave asked.

  All three human women sighed at the same time. Then, they all started to laugh, which completely baffled the warriors.

  Jane punched Kave on the shoulder and he broke into a grand smile. She knew well enough that a slug on the shoulder was a universal male sign of acceptance.

  "I should hope that she is happy," Scrubs said. He had whipped out that damned scanner and was giving Jane a once over with it. "She is also impregnated."

  Jane's breath caught in her throat. She knew that was the plan, to have a baby, but such an abrupt confirmation left her completely off her center axis. It didn't matter, because Zenik sensed it and stepped up behind her, wrapping her in his arms. He hugged her tightly and leaned down for a kiss which Jane promptly returned. She was glowing.

  "Mazel Tov!" Humility shouted.

  "Mazel Tov!" Clover added.

  Suddenly warriors and wives alike were all shouting the traditional Jewish greeting as if it was what they always did. She had started a trend.

  The group that had formed dissolved away as the daily routine of the camp was resumed. Odette appeared with a baby in arm, apparently left behind due to the risk of craft landing near the camp. Jane caught a flash of Meadow with another green baby, most likely Clover's, since Clover didn't have a little one in her arms when she came to reclaim her cat.

  "You are just in time," Odette said. "We're having the naming ceremony the day after next. Etlon is supposed to be here. It's apparently a big deal."

  "A moment," Zenik said to Athen who was only too eager to get a full briefing on the mission.

  "You are good?" Zenik asked Jane hesitantly. He was anxious to brief Athen but only after he was assured of Jane's well-being.

  Jane smiled at his tone. "Yeah. I'm good. Go."

  The warriors disappeared off to the command center.

  "You haven't named him yet?" Jane asked Odette. "What have you been calling the little tyke?"

  "He will be given two names. A mother name, and a Mahdfel name," Bright said, stepping in. "One will prevail, or he may choose when he is older."

  "What was Scrubs's other name?" Jane asked.

  "He needed no other name. I am of Etlon." A hint of a smile flashed on her face and Jane knew she was thinking of her stint as an Etlonian princess.

  Obviously Scrubs had felt the need to choose a new name, but Jane was not in the mood to insult Bright.

  "I've been calling him James. As far as a Mahdfel name goes, well, we haven't quite settled on that one yet."

  "I have some suggestions," Bright offered.

  Jane bit her lip to keep from smiling. "Well, Bright, don't you want to go see your grand baby? I think I spotted him over there. He's getting named too, I suppose?"

  Bright's face lit up as Clover's darkened. Jane mouthed the word ‘sorry’ just before Clover turned to run after Bright.

  After a bit more chitchat, Jane was free to return to her quarters. They were just as sparse and clean as she had left them. The only sign that she had been gone was the vase of dead plants in the center of the table. Maybe it was the apparent emptiness of the place or her nesting behavior already at work but Jane's head began to fill with changes to make.

  No matter how many times she reminded herself that she had nine months, she just couldn't stop herself from making a list. She sat down at the table, marking a tablet with all the little things she could think of that she needed to sort, question, ask. Changing a diaper, for example. She'd seen it done. As for laying a kid down and actually performing the stinky act, she was a complete novice.

  "What are you doing? You look, worried," she heard from behind her. Jane's head snapped up to see her husband standing in the doorway.

  "I'm having a baby."

  "No, we are having a baby." He grinned and took a place on the other side of the table.

  "Yes," Jane corrected herself. "We are."

  They both stared at each other for a long moment.

  "The naming day," Zenik finally stated. It was as if he was working up to saying something.

  "Yes. The day after next," Jane prompted.

  "A time for a child to be claimed by the clan and receive their first tattoo. It is also customary for warriors who have distinguished themselves to participate."

  Was her husband actually asking for permission to get a tattoo? The thought that he needed her permission was laughable, considering the rest of the Mahdfel were bedecked with tattoos out the yin yang. She knew he had originally been the same, until Dan and his evil henchmen had nearly filleted him alive.

  "You've reclaimed your honor. Now you plan to reclaim your tattoos."

  "And I ask you not to interfere."

  "Why would I do that? You earned all that ink. You should have it back if that's what you want."

  "I mean during the Naming Ceremony. But show me your list," Zenik said, clearly thinking that this conversation was over. Jane let it go and handed over the list.

  "What is a spit rag?" he asked, perplexed.


  Meadow’s hug was bone crushing. She must have been stalking Jane’s front door because she swooped in the minute Jane stepped out. “Oh, my God, you do not know how much I have missed you. I didn’t know how worried I was about having an alien baby without a bestie until you up and disappeared. I mean, seriously, how could you leave and not tell me?”

  “I missed you too,” Jane gasped, still in Meadow's tight embrace. Meadow finally took a step back and eyed Jane from head to toe.

  “I hear you’re pregnant too! Maybe I’ll have a boy and you’ll have a girl and then they’ll get married.”

  “I hate to break it to you. We’re all having boys, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah. I forgot for a minute. Kinda takes the
air out of the gender reveal parties, huh?”

  “Those things are silly.” Jane had not actually been to one but had heard stories. There weren't that many other female soldiers in her unit and none would let themselves get knocked up.

  “It is kind of fun when they get the cake and you cut it, isn't it? Or the balloons that you pop with the pink or blue confetti. I suppose we could use green confetti. Do you think they’ll all be green?”

  Jane was hardly adept at reading people but could clearly tell that all of this was a diversion by Meadow to distract her from other thoughts.

  “Meadow. What’s wrong? You only ramble when you're trying to deliver bad news,” Jane said..

  Meadow sighed. “You just got back. Get some rest. We'll talk later.”

  “Let's talk now. I'll sleep when I'm dead.”

  “And see, that’s why you’re my bestie. You are my bestie, right?” Meadow’s pleading eyes looked up at her. Jane really hadn’t considered what effect her decision to crash Zenik’s mission would have on Meadow. She was the sweetest, most hardworking member of their new colony, but somewhere in her past, she’d been neglected and degraded.

  “Of course you are. Just don’t tell Kave. He’ll get jealous.”

  Meadow stifled a giggle and then got serious. “It’s Charlette.”

  “Of course, it’s Charlette. She’s been trouble since Day One.”

  “With you gone…” Meadow started.

  “I’m hungry,” Jane interrupted. She’d already eaten breakfast with Zenik, but after returning to their quarters, he’d eaten her, and that could really work up an appetite. Plus, she was now eating for two.

  Jane walked across the quad with Meadow straggling behind her. She replicated some oatmeal and sat down at the table right across from Charlette.

  “That spot is taken,” Charlette said, glaring at Jane.

  Jane looked around, eyeing everyone nearby. No one seemed anxious to claim that spot. Meadow sat down beside her with a similar bowl of oatmeal.

  Charlette let out a disgusted sound and scowled. “You are not in charge any more,” she snapped.

  “What makes you think I was ever in charge to begin with?” Jane kept her tone neutral, unemotional. That just seemed to piss Charlette off more.

  “You’ve been strutting around here like you make the rules since the day you arrived.”

  “If that’s what you think.”

  “Yes. That’s what I think.”

  “Let me tell you what I know,” Jane said, putting a spoonful of oatmeal in her mouth and taking her time before she continued.

  “I have a friend in intelligence. He owed me a favor after I made him look good catching one of the universe’s most wanted.” The way Charlette’s face fell told Jane she was onto something. “I know,” Jane said quietly. “I know how and why you got here.”

  “How?” Meadow asked.

  Jane looked at Meadow and then back at Charlette. “For now, that’s just between the two of us. But if Charlie here can’t keep her claws in, I might think twice about spilling the beans.”

  Charlette huffed and opened her mouth to comment, but thought better of it. Instead, she swiveled and left the table.

  “Is it really that bad? I mean, most of us here have declared the past the past. This is a fresh start. It would have to be pretty nasty to keep her in line. What did she do?” Meadow asked inquisitively.

  “I have no idea, but she’s just so much the narcissistic personality to think that I’d actually check her out that I figured that would work. But you bet your ass I’m going to check her out now.”

  “You are one hell of a badass, Jane.”

  “People keep telling me that.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  Warriors do not get nervous. Zenik’s mantra wasn’t helping calm his nerves when he stood in the crowded command center with Athen, Kave, and largest of all, Etlon, Athen’s father. Do your duty. Don’t make waves. Killing the Wine Merchant had definitely made waves. That is why he was standing in a room with the leader of his planet. And he was not nervous. Because warriors who have done their duty do not get nervous.

  Etlon did not spend time on small talk. Few Mahdfel did.

  “The execution of the Wine Merchant is a great victory for the Mahdfel. Your service has been exemplary,” he told the others.

  “Jane helped,” Kave added.

  “Despite their reputation, I have discovered that Terrans are quite resourceful, but that is not why we are here. We have decided it is time,” Etlon replied.

  “I am not going back to Etlon,” Athen stated. Zenik would have never even dared to speak to Etlon, much less contradict him in such a manner. He would have expected to be tossed across the room, but being his son, Athen was given more leniency, even if it was met with an icy stare.

  “It is time to expand the Noven 90 camp into a more permanent settlement. I’ve brought with me an architect, Davin.” That must have been the serious and rather sour-faced Etlonian that had come off the ship with their warlord. “Kave shall have charge of him.” This was news to Kave, whose emotions rippled across his skin. He was surprised and not exactly pleased with the news. “We will begin with one city with full production capability, followed by at least three more in the coming years.”

  “So if I choose not to go to Etlon, you plan to build it here?” Athen asked.

  “It will no longer be a pure Etlonian colony. The compound is much too important to be left to one clan, and the plant that grows so plentifully here has not taken well to transplant.”

  Noven 90 was also well away from the front lines. It was relatively isolated, and it would be easy to spot anything larger than a battle cruiser heading for the planet.

  “But if you are referring to the position as planetary commander that you already hold, you will remain at your post. Kave may recruit his own clan, but he will still answer to you.”

  It would require negotiation, splitting off the clan, but it was often done when one grew large with decorated and experienced warriors.

  “That is all. It is time for me to inspect my new little warriors.”

  Zenik felt he could breathe again once the occupancy of the room shrunk to just Athen, Kave and Zenik.

  “I did not know that was going to happen,” Kave said quickly. He looked up at Athen to gauge his reaction to his father’s latest commands.

  “It is what must be done. I suppose you will be needing a pilot. Zenik. I might order you to serve under Kave, but I’d rather have your will.”

  So Zenik could refuse. He could separate Kave and Jane. A momentary thought of keeping Jane all to himself flashed through his mind. No. Jane was a warrior in her own right, and if she wasn’t being useful, she would be unhappy.

  “I will serve under Kave.”

  Athen nodded. “Then I shall leave it to him to talk you out this foolishness.” Athen left, leaving the two of them.

  Kave eyed Zenik from top to bottom. “I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this foolishness.”

  “You will not.”

  “Then I will leave it at this. Don’t tell Jane that I was the one with the power to stop you.”

  “As you wish, Warlord.”

  “That is going to take some time to get used to.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  The day of the naming ceremony arrived and true to Odette's prediction, it was a grand production. Etlon of Etlon arrived with all the pomp and circumstance of a world leader and was escorted first to the command center for a chat with his son and then to the center of camp. It was apparently a standing room only ceremony, for which Jane breathed a sigh of relief. That meant it would be short.

  Jane stood back and watched the drama surrounding her husband and the two babies, both seeming intent on outcrying each other. Athen and Scrubs were beside themselves, new fathers, warriors caught between wanting to comfort their sons and acting like tough warriors. It took a mother's touch t
o quiet them, finally. The moment Clover took her son into her arms, he started cooing like a happy pidgeon. Odette's baby did the same.

  Zenik just stood there between the two babies, looking awkward the whole time. It made Jane smile. The rest of the warriors seemed to be taking this naming ceremony very seriously. Everyone had even turned out in their formal uniforms for the occasion. The only shirtless Mahdfel to be seen was Zenik, and he definitely was not feeling comfortable in his own skin. It was more than just the babies. He was worried about something else too.

  "No matter the ceremony, you will not interrupt." Zenik had made her promise earlier. The third time he asked, Jane was tempted to ask if he trusted her. She knew in her heart that he did, but there was something that told her their baby was the least of his worries today.

  Jane herself was feeling queasy anyway, due to her own little package she was carrying. But she would take her morning sickness like a champ. She'd hurl her guts up with the best of them and then get right back to work. There was so much to be done around camp. Being gone for a few months had led to a power struggle, but she still was expected to play sherriff the moment she landed on the planet.

  Finally, through some signal of Athen to his warriors, everyone fell immediately in line. The warriors formed a tight circle and the wives, a little less sure of what was going on, milled about in the center, until all focus was on Athen and the instrument he bore in his hands.

  "As Warlord, one of the duties that falls to me is the Naming Ceremony. It is one that I have not performed as of yet, but I do intend on repeating the honor many times in the coming months," Athen began. The warriors let out a collective ‘Huah!’ like the well trained military group they were. Some of the wives jumped. Others clapped.

  "My own son, the first of many!" Athen announced.

  Another loud cheer and Athen wasted no time in placing the device against his son's pale green chest.


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