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Hot on the Trail

Page 5

by Irena Nieslony

  Entering the room, David saw Eve sitting on the bed reading. For the umpteenth time that day, guilt surged over him. How did men manage to have affairs? He had done nothing particularly wrong yet he felt like a real scoundrel. How could he have done this to his darling Eve?

  She looked up at him and smiled, making him feel even worse.

  “I’m so sorry about this morning,” she said. “I could have left going to the house until another day. We have plenty of time.”

  “No, I’m sorry,” David replied, meaning he was sorry for so much more. “As you say, we have plenty of time and that means for sightseeing as well.”

  Eve jumped off the bed and ran to hug David.

  “I’m so glad everything is alright between us. I had an awful feeling I’d blown everything/:

  “No, of course not,” David replied, his lips meeting hers.

  There was no way he could tell her now about his day with Sophie. Everything was fine between him and Eve now and that’s how he wanted things to be. If he told her, she’d be hurt and angry and she might not accept that it was just a platonic day out.

  I’ve been very foolish. How on earth did I let myself get led astray by Sophie? But never mind, I stopped before any real damage was done, thank goodness.

  “So, darling,” Eve continued. “Dinner out tonight I think. I’ve narrowed it down to a few restaurants that would suit me. You can make the final choice. You can tell me about your day at dinner.”

  My goodness, Eve is actually being a little flexible about the restaurant venue. She never stops surprising me. But as for telling you about my day, Eve, I’ll tell you where I went, but not who with.

  Chapter 5

  The following morning, Eve and David tucked into their gourmet breakfast in the Club lounge. Their evening had been perfect and David had almost forgotten that he had nearly thrown away the best relationship he had ever had for a past memory. How could he have been so stupid? Spending the last year with Eve had awakened his emotions. He had always been a very laid back sort of guy, but now he had become more passionate and was willing to try more exciting things in life.

  Is it a good thing though? he asked himself as he was getting ready for their evening out the previous night. I’m starting to become like Eve. I’m doing things on the spur of the moment and we only need one person to be like that. The other needs to have his feet firmly on the ground. .

  David knew Eve thrived on conflict and yes, the making-up could be wonderful, but sometimes there could be too much discord in a relationship.

  However, when they had got back to the hotel after a thoroughly enjoyable dinner out, their lovemaking was more ardent than it had been for a long time. His straying from the right path had brought out a fervent and passionate man that Eve didn’t really know. She had no idea why he had become so hot-blooded that night, but she didn’t care. Perhaps their argument was the cause, but whatever it was, she liked it. At last David had let loose and had become the man she knew was lurking under that cool and calm exterior.

  However, this morning Eve had other things on her mind. She needed to tell David that Dimitris had called. She had been good and hadn’t pursued Joanna, but she was sure that even talking about the case would infuriate David. Still, Dimitris might want to see her when he arrived, so she had to mention him now.

  "David,” Eve began nervously.

  David looked up, wondering what was wrong. Eve looked as if she was going to break some awful news to him, but he wasn’t worried. Whatever she had to say couldn’t be nearly as bad as what he had decided not to tell her.

  “Yes, darling.”

  “Dimitris called from Athens airport yesterday. He’s on his way over here.”


  “You’re pleased?” she asked incredulously.

  “The sooner that woman’s arrested the better. She put us both through hell.”

  Eve was surprised by his attitude, but also relieved.

  “I must say I’m pleased you feel like that. I just hope that Joanna doesn’t get wind of the Greek police before they’re able to arrest her. She’s too clever by half.”

  “Yes, there’s always that possibility,” David paused for a moment. “Do you think the police will want to see you when they arrive today?”

  “I don’t know, David. Why?”

  “I was thinking that they might do, so perhaps we’d better stay in the city and do some sightseeing locally just in case. We can go farther afield on another day.”

  Eve stared at David. For once, she was speechless, wondering what had happened to him. He was being reasonable about her involvement with the Greek police and she couldn’t understand why. This wasn’t like him and she felt that something wasn’t quite right. What was David hiding from her? Whatever else happened, she was definitely going to find out.

  * * *

  While Eve and David were eating their delicious breakfast at the Duxton hotel, Joanna Neonakis was having hers at the Hyatt Regency. She had a dreamy look on her face and was practically oblivious to what she was putting into her mouth.

  Charles had gone to Adelaide on business the previous afternoon and wouldn’t be back until the next day, but he had taken Joanna out to lunch before he had left for the airport. Despite her intentions to keep her feet firmly on the ground, Joanna had been unable to and when he had kissed her again, she had felt as if she had died and gone to heaven.

  It was another perfect date. We had so much to talk about and it was very easy to speak to him. I think I’ve fallen in love. I wish I hadn’t, but unfortunately I think I have. Charles is in my thoughts constantly and I’m counting the hours until I see him again.

  Joanna sat in the restaurant for a long time until she realized she was the only person left in the room and the time had long since past for breakfasts being served. She got up, wondering what she was going to do all day. Usually she had no trouble occupying her time, but today all she could think of was Charles. Perhaps she should go out and find him a gift.

  Joanna first went back to her room and lay down for a while, thinking about Charles. Then she tried to read a little, but she couldn’t concentrate. She looked through her guide book to see if there were interesting places to visit in Perth, but then decided she didn’t want to do any of these things without Charles. Eventually, she decided to go and get a drink in the bar before going shopping. By this time it was already almost two o’clock. She couldn’t believe she’d wasted so much of the day dreaming.

  As Joanna came out of the lift she started walking towards the bar, but then she stopped suddenly. At the reception desk she noticed two men and was certain she knew them. She thought hard for a moment before it dawned on her.

  My God, one of them is Dimitris Kastrinakis. How on earth did he find me here?

  Joanna had absolutely no idea what to do. She stood still for a moment, knowing that if either man turned round, she would be in serious trouble. She stepped back a few paces and stood behind a pillar. Peeking round it a moment later, she saw that Dimitris and his companion were still talking to the man at the desk.

  Right, it’s now or never.

  Joanna turned round and walked very quickly to the hotel’s front door and went straight out. She kept walking until she came to a taxi rank. She got in a cab, but had no idea where to go.

  “Can you think of a good hotel I could stay at?” she asked the cab driver. “Not the Hyatt. Been there, done that.”

  “The Duxton is a pretty nice hotel,” he replied. “A bit pricey, but you get what you pay for.”

  “Great, take me there.”

  * * *

  Both Detective Chief Inspector Dimitris Kastrinakis and his assistant, Stavros, were tired. They had travelled economy class to Australia without any stop-overs and neither was able to sleep much. Unlike in first class, the seats didn’t fold down to become beds and both of them had trouble getting comfortable.

  Once they landed in Perth they went straight to their hotel. Unfortunately, it wa
sn’t of the same class as the Duxton or the Hyatt Regency, but the Greek police force would only fork out for a budget hotel.

  They showered and changed quickly and then decided that sleep would have to wait. There was no time to waste so they went immediately to sign in with the Australian police force. They knew they were coming, but Dimitris thought that they were very unhelpful and slow with the paperwork. He guessed they didn’t like foreigners coming into their territory, but thought he’d probably feel the same if the roles were reversed.

  Finally, with all the formalities sorted out, Dimitris and Stavros arrived at the Hyatt Regency hotel. They went to the desk straightaway and asked the clerk if there was a Joanna Neonakis staying at the hotel. The clerk answered in the negative after looking through the register.

  “She might have used another name,” Dimitris said, getting out a photo of Joanna.

  The clerk studied it carefully.

  “Yes, yes I think we do have this woman staying with us. Her hair is a different color, but I’m sure it’s her. She’s very attractive, so I couldn’t help but notice her.”

  Dimitris and Stavros looked at each other with relief. Dimitris had hoped that their search would be fruitful after that awful journey. He hated flying at the best of times, but being confined to a plane in such a restricted area for so many hours, had been hell for him.

  “One moment and I’ll look up her room number. It shouldn’t be difficult to find as I booked her in myself,” the clerk continued.

  “Here we are,” he said a few moments later. “She goes under the name of Victoria Castle and she’s in room 202.”

  Dimitris and Stavros rushed to the lift as if they didn’t have a moment to lose. However, when they got to the room and knocked a few times, nobody came to the door. Dimitris sent Stavros down to the desk to get someone to come up with a key. The clerk didn’t think he was allowed to do this, so the assistant manager was called and eventually, when threatened with the Australian police, he brought a key upstairs.

  Entering the room, Dimitris was surprised at how tidy it was. Joanna had everything in her suitcase and all her toiletries were in her wash bag as if she were ready to make a quick getaway.

  “I suppose we shouldn’t be too surprised at that, should we?” Dimitris asked Stavros.

  He shook his head, too tired to say anything.

  The assistant manager of the hotel had followed them in, looking very concerned.

  “This is all very irregular.”

  “We wanted to check that the woman wasn’t in here. She could have been refusing to open her door,” Dimitris said, frustrated at the man’s attitude. "You have been told that she’s wanted for kidnapping and possible murder, haven’t you?”

  “Yes, but I’d be happier if our own police force were here.”

  “Feel free to call them,” Dimitris snapped, his tiredness getting the better of him. “We’ve just come from them and we do have their authorization to be here”

  “I don’t think that’ll be necessary at the moment,” the assistant manager backed down. "Well, Mrs. Castle, or Neonakis as you call her,” he continued, now trying to be helpful, “did sign for breakfast in the restaurant this morning. It was late as well, about ten forty-five.”

  “Has she given her own key in?” Dimitris asked.

  “No,” the desk clerk answered very quickly. “I checked before I came up.”

  “Damn” Dimitris said, “It could mean she saw us and did a runner.”

  “What about her stuff?”

  Dimitris went and looked in her case. There was nothing in it but clothes. They searched the rest of the room, but there wasn’t anything of importance there.

  “Damn,” Dimitris said again. “She might come back for her clothes, but she obviously carries any paperwork, like her passport or passports with her. I’m sure she’s got a few of those. We need to get the Australian police to circulate her photo to all airports and ports to make sure she doesn’t escape. I can’t believe she’s given us the slip once again.

  * * *

  Joanna Neonakis walked into the Duxton Hotel. It wasn’t far from the Hyatt, but she wondered if this might be an advantage. Dimitris Kastrinakis would probably search all the hotels in Perth, but perhaps he might think that she wouldn’t have gone somewhere so close.

  She headed straight for the rest room. They were very plush and she was impressed, but all she was really interested in was deciding what character she was going to play next. Joanna found it exciting being different people and this time was no exception. She thrived on the chase and her adrenalin was already pumping, but as of yet, she hadn’t thought about Charles.

  Joanna always carried a large handbag with her in case she had to make a quick exit from a precarious situation. In it she carried everything she needed for such a getaway; fake passports, credit cards in her different names and even hair colors. She had three choices; one was blonde, another black and the final one, a light brown. .

  Joanna didn’t have to think for long. She had to become a blonde this time as it made her look the least like herself. However, for now she had to get past reception without them knowing she had auburn hair. Joanna opened her handbag and pulled out a scarf. She tied back her hair and rolled it into a bun, sweeping every bit of it off her face. Then she put the scarf on, tying it up at the back so she didn’t look too much like an elderly woman. She retouched her make-up, sorted out the right passport, took a deep breath and walked out to the reception desk.

  “Good morning. My name’s Mrs. Adele Costello. I’d like to book a room please.”

  Joanna took out her fake passport and gave it to the desk clerk. She filled in the appropriate forms and then went upstairs to her room. Just as she shut the door, further down the corridor, Eve and David came out of their room ready to go out for the afternoon.

  Joanna sat on the bed and sighed. She looked in the mirror and thought how awful she was going to look with blonde hair, but it had to be done and the sooner the better. Joanna took the box of blonde hair color out of her handbag and went into the bathroom.

  Forty five minutes later, when it was all done and her hair was dry, she looked in the mirror.

  Well, it’s not quite as bad as the last time I did it. At least I don’t look anything like me. Oh yes, Dimitris Kastrinakis, I’ll give you a run for your money. You won’t catch me as easily as you think.”

  But then she thought about Charles and she suddenly felt very low. It was all over. That wonderful relationship which she had imagined having with him was gone. She could never see him again and it was breaking her heart.

  * * *

  Eve and David were walking around the Western Australian museum in the Perth Cultural Centre when her mobile rang. Eve got her phone out of her bag and answered it excitedly when she saw that the caller was Dimitris.

  “Chief Inspector, are you here in Perth?”

  David’s heart sank when he heard who it was, but then he thought that perhaps Joanna had already been captured.

  Wouldn’t that be wonderful? I could rest easy for the remainder of the holiday.

  Eve became quiet as she listened to Dimitris. Then she spoke and David started to worry.

  “You don’t know that Joanna’s done a runner. She probably always goes everywhere with all her important documents. She might still come back to her room.”

  “Well, I have left Stavros guarding her room just in case she does return, but I’ll be going round the other hotels in Perth with her photo to see if I can find her. By the way, have you the address of the office you saw her coming out of. I’ll pay them a visit too.”

  Eve duly gave him the address, telling him that the office she came out of was at the opposite end of the floor where her solicitor was.

  “Now, Miss Masters, if by any chance you do bump into Joanna Neonakis, phone me immediately. Do you understand? Do nothing yourself.”

  “It could mean her getting away.”

  “That doesn’t matter. She’s
a dangerous woman.”

  Eve grunted, but still agreed.

  “Has Dimitris not managed to arrest Joanna then?” David asked Eve as soon as she ended the call, even though he knew the answer.

  “No,” Eve replied. “Dimitris thinks she’s given them the slip, though she might still come back to her hotel room. Perhaps, however, she did see them and ran away.”

  “If Dimitris gets her picture on T.V., he’ll hopefully get some calls about her,” David said. “I’m certain lots of people have seen her.”

  “That is, if she hasn’t changed her appearance again. She’s a clever woman, David.”

  “I know, and a ruthless one. I can’t imagine what she’d do to us if she found out we were here. Probably try and kill us.”

  “Oh David, let’s forget about her and continue looking around the museum.”

  “I think I’ve seen enough. Why don’t we go and find this kitchen you want?”

  Eve was more than surprised that David actually wanted to go with her to look for the kitchen. He hadn’t been keen on her keeping her cousin’s house, but now he was encouraging her. Eve decided she’d better take advantage of his change of heart, so they left the cultural centre and got a cab over to the shopping centre.

  * * *

  After sleeping for about an hour, Joanna got up. She looked in the mirror and decided that a change of hairstyle would help her appearance as well. She’d also need some new clothes as she’d left all of hers at the Hyatt. It was a pity about them as she had brought some lovely clothes with her, but there was no use crying over them now,

  As Joanna went to the door, her mobile started ringing. She picked it up and looked at who the caller was. Her heart missed a beat when she saw it was Charles. Why couldn’t he just forget about her? It would make life so much easier. If he wasn’t interested anymore, she wouldn’t feel so bad. No, it wouldn’t be as terrible if he gave up on her rather than the other way around.

  Chapter 6

  Eve and David wandered around a few kitchen showrooms and to David’s surprise, Eve narrowed the choice down to two very quickly. After going through the pros and cons of each one, Eve made her final decision and then an assistant from the shop went to the house with them to measure up. Eve was very impressed that he could come straight away and that once he got there, he was thorough in his job.


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