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Hot on the Trail

Page 9

by Irena Nieslony

  After they’d had some very calorific desserts, David asked Eve if she’d like to go to the bar for a nightcap.

  “I don’t think so, do you?’ she replied. “I think a better idea would be to go upstairs to bed. What do you think?”

  “Oh, I think that’s a perfect idea, Eve, absolutely perfect.”

  Chapter 11

  Joanna woke up early the following day. She was feeling more positive and as she ate her cereal, showered, did her make-up and got dressed, she didn’t think about Charles at all. She had been determined to forget him and seemingly, she had put him out of her mind.

  However, Joanna was bored and couldn’t face staying in her rooms all day. She needed to get out and do something, but what? Her hair did make her look different; there was no doubt about that, but she didn’t want to get too close to other people just in case somebody did recognize her. In the end, she decided to walk around for a while and perhaps find a nice beach to sunbathe on. She’d keep her sunglasses on the whole time so that it would be even more difficult to recognize her.

  Joanna took a walk around Thompson Bay, looking in the shops and finally ending up having a coffee and cake in a cafe.

  Oh I have missed this. Self-catering isn’t for me at all. Perhaps I’ll venture out for dinner tonight.

  Finally, Joanna got up and left the cafe. She had noticed that there was somewhere to hire bicycles from and she had been thinking about it since seeing the sign.

  “Why not?” she finally thought. “I can ride a bicycle and it’ll be quicker than walking.”

  There were no cars allowed on the island so this was the alternative to walking. There was a land explorer bus which the tourists could use, but Joanna thought she would be taking too much of a chance of being recognized if she went on this.

  As soon as Joanna left the cafe, she went to hire a bike, feeling quite excited about being on two wheels again. However, when she got the bicycle, she wished she hadn’t bothered. It really had been a long time since she had ridden a bike. She reckoned the last time was when she had been about fourteen.

  As soon as Joanna got on and started to peddle, she fell off. She glanced around to see if anyone was watching and was relieved to see that nobody was in sight. Joanna, however, was not a woman to give up on anything, so she got back on the bicycle and this time managed to cycle a few turns of the wheel before coming off. She felt proud of herself and felt that she was already making progress. She got on another time and then time and time again until she was riding like she used to. In fact, she thought she was quite brilliant.

  Eventually, Joanna cycled back to her rooms and made some sandwiches in case she got hungry on her trip and there nowhere to stop and eat. Then she got back on her bicycle, looking forward to a pleasant day cycling on Rottnest Island.

  * * *

  Meanwhile, David and Eve were finishing their breakfast at the Rottnest Lodge. Eve too was looking forward to cycling that day. She hadn’t bothered on Crete mainly because she thought the Greek drivers were terrible and you took your life in your hands every time you went out onto the roads. She thought it was more dangerous driving on Crete than in London, even though London was always packed with traffic. However, here on Rottnest Island, no cars were allowed and Eve thought it would be safe to cycle. She would then be able to take in the beauty of the nature around her.

  David, however, was not so keen. He hadn’t cycled in years and had never been that sure of himself on a bicycle. He was certain he was going to show himself up and probably fall off.

  “What’s wrong, David?” Eve asked. “You’re very quiet this morning.”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.”

  They had had such a lovely afternoon and evening the previous day, but now David was quiet and he looked miserable. Was he regretting giving up on Sophie?

  “No you’re not fine.” Eve continued. “Have you had second thoughts about us? Do you wish you had gone back to Sophie?”

  “Heavens above,” David exclaimed. “Of course not. To tell you the truth, I’m just a bit worried about the bikes today. It’s been so long since I’ve ridden and I’m sure I’ll make a fool of myself.”

  “Thank goodness!” Eve sighed with relief. “I was so worried. I know I should put Sophie out of my mind, but it’s a little raw at the moment. Don’t worry about the bikes, David. I won’t laugh at you and we can go at any pace you want. Anyway, I’m sure it’ll all come back to you once you get in the saddle.”

  David smiled, but he wasn’t quite as confident as Eve. Still, he shouldn’t feel embarrassed in front of her, should he? After all, they were going to be man and wife.

  * * *

  After about half an hour, all David’s cycling skills had come back to him and he was riding like he used to. Eve, however, still thought he was a tad slow and she wished she could overtake him and ride at her own pace. She had suggested that he rode out in front for the very reason that she wouldn’t be tempted to ride faster and leave him behind.

  They decided to head northwards and go around the island that way, stopping off at whatever sights they wanted to see. Reaching Geordie Bay, they stopped for a rest and to eat one of their sandwiches and have a drink.

  Afterwards they cycled on. Shortly after leaving Geordie Bay, David saw a bicycle in front of him going reasonably slowly.

  At last, someone slower than me. A chance to overtake.

  However, he misjudged the distance and clipped the front wheel of the other person’s bike with his back wheel. He heard a scream and he stopped quickly and looked back. The woman was lying on the ground, the bicycle on top of her. David rushed back to help her.

  “I am so sorry. Are you alright?” he said, pulling the bicycle off the woman.

  ‘You could have killed me,” she said angrily. “Do you really know how to ride a bike? I should sue you.”

  David started panicking, but as he looked into the woman’s eyes something looked familiar, and then there was her voice.

  “My God, I know who you are. You’re the woman who kidnapped me, Joanna Neonakis.”

  David went to grab her arm just as she punched him in the stomach. She was surprisingly strong and David fell back. Eve had just put her bike down and was walking over, but she was too late. Joanna jumped up quickly, got on her bike and rode away as fast as possible.

  “It was Joanna,” David called out to Eve.

  “I’m going after her,” Eve cried out, turning back to get her bike.

  "It’s too dangerous,” David replied, but Eve was already on her bicycle and well on her way.

  David shook his head, but he wasn’t surprised by Eve’s actions. He picked his bike up and went to the side of the road where he called Detective Chief Inspector Dimitris Kastrinakis. David also had the detective’s direct number, having needed it in the past when Eve was in trouble. He wasn’t keen on calling him as he knew Dimitris would be cross with Eve, but it was essential the police got to the island as soon as possible.

  “Inspector,” he said. “This is David Baker, Eve’s fiancé.”

  “Oh yes, what has she done now?”

  David was a little angry to hear Dimitris speaking like this about Eve, but he wasn’t surprised knowing Eve’s history with the man, so he said nothing.

  “Well, we’re on Rottnest Island. We hired bikes today and I bumped into another bicycle and knocked the woman off her bike. It turned out to be Joanna Neonakis. She managed to get back on her bike and get away, but Eve is following her.”

  “I’ve told Eve not to get involved,” Dimitris said sharply. “The woman is dangerous. We will come to Rottnest as soon as possible. I will alert the ferries to look out for her.”

  “She looks different again. She has short spiky hair and it’s a darker blonde.”

  “My God, that woman. I think her hair will fall out soon with all this coloring.”

  David tried not to laugh.

  “Keep me informed of what is going on, Mr. Baker, and we’ll be there as soon as po

  When the call was over, David got straight back on his bike and started riding. He hoped that they were keeping to the road and wouldn’t be going inland or anything equally dangerous. Joanna was a crazy woman and he didn’t want her near Eve. Unfortunately there was little chance of that not happening.

  * * *

  Eve was cycling very quickly behind Joanna, but she didn’t seem to be able to catch up with her.

  That woman’s a good cyclist; I’ll give her that. I’m starting to get tired, but I’m not giving up. She’s not going to get the better of me.

  After riding for about four miles, Joanna suddenly stopped. Eve wondered what this was all about. She decided to stop next to her, but feared it might be a trap. Still, there wasn’t much else she could do.

  “Are you giving yourself up, Joanna? There’s nowhere to run. David’s probably rung the police by now.”

  Joanna stared at her and then pulled out a gun.

  “Take your bike to the side of the road and put it down,” she said without any emotion in her voice.

  Eve hesitated.

  “I mean now, not tomorrow,” Joanna added.

  Eve walked very slowly to the side of the road and Joanna followed her with the gun still pointing at her. There was a bench and Joanna told her to sit down.

  “Now, what should I do with you? You’ve ruined my plans time and time again. Because of you, I may end up in jail for the rest of my life. You really do need to be punished. It would give me great satisfaction to kill you.”

  Eve noticed how cold and without feeling Joanna’s voice was.

  “You don’t want to be done for another murder, do you?” Eve asked. “That would be crazy.”

  “Why? I’ll get life whatever I do now, so I might as well get rid of you. It would give me great satisfaction to kill you......or perhaps I should kill him. That would be very upsetting for you, wouldn’t it?”

  Joanna pointed her gun briefly at David who was cycling towards them. When he screeched to a halt, Joanna jumped up with the gun firmly placed at Eve’s head.

  “Don’t try anything,’ she shouted at David. “Otherwise I will kill her. I’ve nothing to lose and as I’ve just told your fiancée, it would give me great pleasure. She’s ruined so many of my chances to become a rich woman.”

  “Joanna, I’m not going to do anything,” David spoke as calmly as he could. "I’m at a disadvantage. I have no gun, so it would be silly of me to take any action, wouldn’t it? However, I have rung Dimitris Kastrinakis and he is coming with the Australian police, so you’re not going to get away.”

  He wasn’t sure, but he thought he saw Joanna’s hand shake a little. Perhaps she was finally losing her nerve and had realized that it was all over. But she could still kill Eve.

  “Come on, Joanna,” David continued. “Put down the gun. It really is over.”

  Eve was amazed at how calm and collected David was. He really was her hero today and she fell in love with him all over again.

  David continued to walk a little closer towards Joanna and Eve and he could see Joanna getting agitated. Suddenly, she turned the gun on him.

  “Don’t come a step further or I will shoot you, mark my words.”

  However, at that moment Eve and Joanna saw two cyclists coming towards them. Joanna quickly put the gun in her pocket.

  “Don’t say anything or the gun will be back out in a flash and I will shoot you and those cyclists.’

  Eve and David had no doubt that she meant it. She would shoot them all and think nothing of it. However, with the gun down, Eve thought she might have a chance to do something, but what? The two cyclists went by and waved and then Eve had an idea. She knew it could go horribly wrong, but it was the only chance they had. She turned her head slightly and saw Joanna getting out her gun again. As quick as a flash, Eve pushed Joanna over, falling on top of her. In the midst of all of this, the gun went off. As Eve looked up, she saw David lying on the ground.

  “Oh no, David, has she shot you? I’m so sorry. I thought this was the only chance we had.”

  “No, darling, I’m fine. I threw myself on the ground, hoping to miss any flying bullets. Are you Ok?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “Well, I’m not,” Joanna said angrily. “I’ve shot my foot and it hurts like hell.”

  Eve tried hard not to laugh at this turn of events. She got up quickly and saw that the gun had fallen quite a long way from Joanna’s reach. She dashed to get it and then stood over Joanna with the gun, making her even angrier.

  “Aren’t you going to call an ambulance for me?” Joanna snapped.

  “But that’ll mean you’ll end up in jail?” Eve said. “Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  “It’s probably safer in prison than being out here with you.”

  Eve smiled while David got his mobile out to call Dimitris. He needed to bring him up to date with what had just happened and to tell them that an ambulance was needed.

  . It wasn’t long before Dimitris arrived by private plane. Stavros was with him and a few members of the Australian police force. The ambulance services weren’t long after them.

  “Well, Miss Masters, you had a lucky escape there,” Dimitris said to Eve a little later.

  “I did indeed, inspector. You must admit that here in Australia, I wasn’t even looking for Joanna. She’s just kept appearing wherever I was. Lucky for you really.”

  Dimitris didn’t reply, knowing she wouldn’t like what he had to say.

  “I must say I am pleased that she’s been caught.” Eve continued.

  “So am I, Miss Masters. I don’t like to leave a case unfinished.”

  “So you’ll be going back to Crete now?”

  “Yes, it won’t be long. There is paperwork to be done first. And you?”

  “Oh, it’ll be a little while yet.”

  Dimitris inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. He could hopefully have a few weeks peace and quiet. However, he did look at the Australian police force with a certain amount of pity. He had heard that Eve’s house in Perth had already been burgled and had the shed set on fire. Was this another mystery? One thing he knew, he was glad he wasn’t going to be part of it.

  * * *

  The rest of the day proved to be very different to what Eve and David had expected and planned. They weren’t able to continue with their cycling tour of Rottnest as they were taken back to the mainland to give their statements. They were also asked to do short interviews for television. Eve was in her element, hardly able to believe that this was happening at last. She had wanted and dreamt about doing an interview relating to one of the crimes on Crete for a long time and it didn’t matter that it was happening in Australia. In fact, it was preferable. It would probably have a better chance of being shown in England. She didn’t see why not as Joanna was English and so was she.

  Eve felt on top of the world standing in front of the cameras answering questions about where she had first met Joanna, about David’s kidnapping and finally about that day’s incident. She tried to make herself out to be humble, but she couldn’t help but end up as the heroine of the story.

  “Well, after the two cyclists had gone by, Joanna was getting out her gun again and I knew it was my only chance, so I pushed her over. She fired her gun, but shot herself in the foot. I’m sure if I hadn’t done this, she would have killed us both.”

  When Eve and David finally returned back to Rottnest Island, it was much too late to resume cycling, not that either of them felt like any sort of exercise after such an eventful day. They decided it would be far preferable to use the spa and then have a leisurely evening with a lovely dinner and cocktails. Then the next day they would stay longer than intended and sightsee before going back to Perth.

  “It’s a pity that our time on Rottnest Island didn’t turn out quite as I had hoped,” David remarked.

  “No, it wasn’t very nice being held at gunpoint,” Eve said, shivering a little. “Plus it was a pain having
to go back to the mainland and give a statement, but I’ve still enjoyed the hotel and I’m sure dinner tonight will be wonderful, David, thank you. You really did spoil me.”

  Eve deliberately didn’t mention how much she had enjoyed giving the television interview as she didn’t want to appear too self-centered, but David, of course, was well aware of how much she had loved the experience. However, he decided to say nothing.

  “I’m glad you did enjoy it despite all the problems. I know I had a good time when Joanna wasn’t around, but at least she’s now been caught. I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I’ve never said anything to you, but I’ve been worrying that she might come back and take her revenge on you. After all you seem to have played a major role in ruining her chances of making a fortune.”

  “I’ve been thinking the same thing. I thought she might leave it a while, but I always expected her to come back to Crete and pay me back for everything I’ve done.”

  “Well now she can’t.”

  “Hopefully not, but while it can be proved that she kidnapped you, they have no proof she killed James Anderson or was behind the plot to kill his aunt.”

  “Perhaps someone in the hotel in Athens will remember her.”

  “I doubt it. She’s used so many disguises and I’m pretty sure she looked different in Athens to what she looks like now. It was a while ago as well,” Eve said. “We can but hope that someone at the hotel was observant enough. With a murder charge she should definitely get life. I don’t know what she’ll get for kidnapping.”

  “Come on, Eve; let’s forget about her for now. Whatever happens, I’m certain she’ll go away for a long time, so we can relax. What do you say we put her behind us and we have a proper holiday?”

  “I do have to go to my house again, David, though I’m worried that something else awful has happened to it.”

  David wrapped his arms around Eve.

  “Don’t worry, Eve, I’m sure it’ll be fine. It’s probably all just a coincidence. Why would somebody do this? I mean, you hardly know anyone here in Australia, do you?


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