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My Love Protect

Page 10

by Anna Antonia

  I’d have to charm my parents into being okay with my decision to leave.


  This wasn’t going to be easy.

  Checking my watch, I accounted for the time difference. If my math was right, my mom would definitely be up. My dad? Probably. Besides, if he wasn’t then he’d definitely wake up once my mom shook him awake with my news.

  There wasn’t any point in dawdling. I picked up the phone and dialed.

  “Hello? Mom?”

  “Risa, what are you doing calling this early?” She smothered a yawn. “Is anything wrong?”

  “No, no. Everything’s all right. Good even.” Big smile time. “Listen, I’m calling to let you know I’m in Spain right now.”


  That got her attention.

  “Yeah, I just got here so I don’t have much time to talk, but I left my job in Denver.”

  “Risa, are you crazy?”

  Laughing to put her at ease, I denied it because truthfully? Yeah. I think I was.

  “No, I’m not. It’s just that I got a job offer I couldn’t refuse.”

  “That sounds ominous, Daughter-Dear.”

  My cheeks started to ache.

  You’re going to hell for being such a liar.

  “I promise it isn’t, Mother-Dear. I’m back working as Damian Black-Price’s assistant.”

  My mother made an impressed sound deep in her throat. “Really? I thought that was just a temp position. Like an internship.”

  “It was. I guess Damian decided he couldn’t do without me. He, uh, flew to Denver and…uh…” Saved my life. Proved my love for him isn’t shelved and done like I tried to do for a minute. “Well…he took a meeting with me. It was out of the blue, but we talked and he laid out a great proposal…I mean, he just made a phenomenal offer and I jumped on it.”

  “It sounds like that indeed. Congrats. Spain, huh? What’s it like?”

  “I haven’t seen much of it. Just got here actually.” No. Wait a minute. What were the time zones again? Five hours ahead? Or six? Shit. “I mean, we’re six hours ahead of time—”

  “Seven. We’re Central, remember?”

  Thank God I was close enough.

  “That’s right. I guess I’m still used to Eastern. Anyways, I checked in late last night but from what I saw the hotel is really nice.”

  At least I’m guessing it was. Fuck if I knew.

  “Where are you staying?”

  “The Westin Palace Madrid.”

  I was so glad I thought to ask Damian ahead of time otherwise I’d be screwed. There was still a possibility if my Mom thought to call the hotel to try and get ahold of me. But she wouldn’t, would she? I mean, she had her own life and had always given me my space.

  But what if? God, this was getting way too complicated.

  “Sounds fancy.”

  “It is from what I’ve seen. Not that I’ve really seen much other than the lobby and elevator and bed. Jet lag, you know?”

  Now I was rambling. I definitely needed to pull it back.

  “I’m happy for you, Risa. You’re going to the next level.”

  My shoulders relaxed. My mom wasn’t questioning things too deeply. In fact, she was pleased at my good fortune. I hoped it stayed that way.

  Worrying my bottom lip with my teeth, I wondered if I was being a good daughter by keeping not only my troubles secret, but neglecting to tell them to be careful.

  But if I tell them then they’ll want to know why. Which is totally fucking reasonable.

  I inhaled until my lungs felt fit to burst. What was the right thing to do? Could I just gamble with their lives like this? I wanted to tell them to watch out, to be careful of their surroundings, but I couldn’t say one without the other.

  Maybe they won’t be a target at all. Besides, I’m not the target. Damian is. Right?

  Right. That was why an armed man was waiting for me in my apartment. One who’d purposely bumped into me that last night in New York. I played back the moment when Damian stood over the body and pulled the trigger.


  Fear snaked inside me, turning me into a giant shiver. Just who were these people that could turn Damian into someone so ruthless? They were dangerous beyond words.

  And now so is Damian.

  No. He wasn’t.

  Damian was just trying to protect us both from these lunatics who thought they had the goddamned right to hurt him and anyone surrounding him. They were the true monsters.

  Not him. Never Damian.

  For all his flaws, and they were many, Damian wasn’t like those people. No one could convince me in a million years Damian was dangerous like them.

  Autocratic? Yes. Ruthless? Sure. Psychotic? Never.

  “Risa? Hello, Risa? Are you still there?”

  Her worried voice sucked me back into my reality. “Sorry, Mom. What did you say?”

  “What about your apartment? Are you going to be back in New York?”

  “I assume so. But you don’t need to worry about the apartment. My boss is taking care of it.”

  “Daddy and I can come up there to pack up your stuff while you’re gone.”

  Just the thought of my parents having anything to do with that crime scene made me feel panicked. Sick.

  I forced my voice to come out calmly. Bigger smile. Crinkled eyes. “No, that’s okay. Really. It’s going to be taken care of this week and I don’t want you guys to go through any trouble. Besides, you know how much Daddy hates to drive through there.”

  “True. Hold on.” My mom’s voice sharpened as she pulled the receiver away. “Richard! Risa’s on the phone. Yes, this early. Hurry! She doesn’t have much time left. Why? Because she doesn’t.” My mom came back on the line. “Risa, here’s your dad. I have to get ready for work. Listen, if I don’t get a chance to talk to you again I want you to know I’m so proud of you. Good luck and call us soon. Love you!”

  “I love you too, Mom.”

  One parent down. The next one was going to be harder to convince. And a thousand percent harder to lie to.

  “M’hija? What’s going on?”

  My dad sounded out of breath and worried. Guilt proclaimed me a shitty daughter. The worst. A liar.

  “Hi, Daddy. Did I wake you up?”

  “No, no. I needed to get up early anyways. What’s going on?”

  The worry in his voice truly made me wish none of this was happening. My daddy didn’t deserve my lies. He didn’t deserve to be kept in the dark. This was the man who raised me to tell the truth no matter what. He taught me how character was what you did when no one was looking.

  He’s going to be so disappointed in you if he ever finds out.

  That was never going to happen. I smiled so wide my face was going to split.

  “Great news, Daddy. I’m back working at Bridgewater National.”

  “How’d that happen? I thought it was just a temporary job. Like an internship.”

  Bigger, wider smile. So, so wide. The biggest smile I ever made.

  “It was. Mr. Black-Price decided he wanted me to be his PA permanently. He offered me a fantastic offer and I jumped on it.”

  “That’s good news, m’hija. It’s just…”

  Oh no. That trailing silence wasn’t good. “Just what?”

  “Well, shouldn’t he have known you were irreplaceable while you were there?”

  I winced. Damian should’ve but he didn’t. Bastard. No, no. Now wasn’t the time to reopen the wound. Definitely not.

  “I guess he thought he could work without me and realized he was wrong.”

  “Mmm. Well, people do make mistakes. What’s important is that he recognized the value in you and got you back.”

  Oh, Daddy. If it was only that simple. I really wish it was.

  “You’re right.”

  “What happens next, m’hija? When do you leave your job?”

  “I already left it.”

  “Como? What about your notice?”

p; “I had to give it abruptly.” Knowing what he was going to say, I rushed in with “But it’s okay. I hadn’t been there that long and I wasn’t the only new hire.”

  “Risa, I don’t know if I like that.”

  Of course, he wouldn’t because he was a responsible man who valued his word and raised his daughter to be the same. I wouldn’t leave a job without notice, no matter how great an offer came my way.

  And I never did until now. Well, New York wasn’t a real job. And Austin wasn’t exactly my fault completely…shit. I guess I wasn’t as clean as I thought I was.

  Or maybe it’s Damian.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I needed to take responsibility for my actions and not push them off on Damian. I chose my path when I chose Damian and now wasn’t the time to second-guess them.

  I was with Damian to the end. No matter what.

  There was only one way this conversation was going to end and that was with convincing my family of my lie and trusting Damian to keep them safe. Regardless of what had occurred between us during those tumultuous New York months, Damian was there for me last night. He protected me and I knew he would protect them.

  Committed to my path, I said with a breezy voice, “Daddy, you know how sales goes. It can be a high turnover field. People come and go all the time.”

  “Be that as it may, I think if this Mr. Black-Price respected you, he would’ve respected you doing things the right way. This is your career, Risa. You can’t go burning bridges like this. What if he decides you are replaceable down the road? What then?”

  How did my dad manage to find my secret fears all without even trying?

  Shaking my head, I had to chalk it up to parental ESP. Besides, that was the past. Damian and I still had to work through the finer details of hurt and pain, but we were a team and as a team we would get through it.

  And if he doesn’t? What if Damian keeps on acting as if it wasn’t that big of a deal because it wasn’t him when it absolutely still was? What then?

  “Then I’ll just have to replace him. I mean, the job. He’s not the only boss to work for, right? And having Bridgewater on my resume opens a lot of doors for me.”

  My dad seemed to approve of my sassy attitude.

  “That’s right. And if he makes the mistake of not seeing the value in you for a second time, then he deserves everything he gets.”

  This time my smile was a hundred percent genuine. “That’s right.”

  “Okay. I take it you’re moving back to New York then?”

  “That would be the most logical assumption,” I teased. “Otherwise, that would be a crazy commute.”

  “Hmm. I guess it would be. When can we come up?”

  I ran a finger along the edge of the mahogany desk. This was going to be a huge hurdle to jump over.

  “Actually, I’m in Spain.”

  “Que? You’re where? Spain! Are you kidding me?”

  “No, Daddy. I’m not.”

  He snorted. “And so it begins.”

  “Daddy, don’t. You know this is for my career.” I had a lot of nerve lecturing him, but I’d have done it if this was real. He’d expect me to. Meek acquiescence would’ve raised his antennas.

  A heavy sigh and then “I know. I just don’t have to like it that much when this boss of yours takes you from your family and works you like a dog. So much so you can’t even make time for a weekend visit with your parents. I’m a lab rat and even I have a life outside of my research.”

  I needed to diffuse my father’s growing hostility towards Damian. Once this was all said and done I was going to have to introduce Damian to my father. We were that serious and to pretend otherwise was a waste of time.

  Besides, I know what I see when I think of forever. It’s Damian. No matter how mad he makes me at times or how much he hurts me without meaning to—I still see him. I always will. Until the end…

  Oh, I did not want to think about that when I was on the phone with my dad otherwise I’d burst into tears and I wasn’t sure I had the ability to lie that well.

  “I like working, Daddy. You know I always have.”

  “Yes, I know. It’s just…hold on, Risa.” I heard my father semi-cover the phone and talk to my mom. “Lila, I’m not trying to baby her. I am being reasonable. What kind of company doesn’t understand employees have a life outside of work? No, I’m not getting in her way, Lila!”

  My chest tightened. My parents’ bickering was a bit of beautiful familiarity. I’d heard it growing up and knew even then it was just their way. It didn’t mean they were really mad at each other.

  It was the spice to their marriage and a perfect reason to hug and kiss afterwards.

  I have to protect this and them. I can’t let anything happen to my family because of my love.

  I’d counted on them for so long, knowing no matter what I needed they would always be there for me. Now because of me, because of my love for Damian—one I’d never willingly give up without a fight—I’d brought an element of possible danger to their lives.

  I couldn’t go to them to fix this. It was up to me.

  I’d do whatever it took to keep them safe, to not let them worry or know just what danger I’d gotten involved with. If I had my way, and I was sure I would, they’d never know. They’d never know about this side of my life with Damian.

  We’d get to keep the façade and then we’d bury this skeleton so far in the ground even the damned devil would never find it. Damian and I were going to go back to our real lives after this was over.

  We just had to make it through.

  Although my eyes were glassy with sudden tears, I managed to keep my voice steady and lighthearted.

  “Well, listen. I’ve got to run, Daddy.”

  “Lila, hold on. Risa has to go. M’hija, is there anything you need from us?”

  “Oh no, Daddy. I’m good.”

  “What about your place—”

  “You don’t have to worry about it. It’s taken care of.”


  “I already told Mom. Just talk to her. Listen, Daddy. I’ve really got to go. There’s tons for me to catch up on and my boss is going to be in meetings off and on all day. I just wanted to let you know what’s happening and that I’ll try to call you later this week. But if you don’t hear from me, then know it’s just that I’m super-busy. I love you both.”

  “We love you too. Try to make time for us, okay?”

  Dagger to the heart. Once this was all over, then I’d do better by them. I wouldn’t take my normal life for granted. I’d give thanks for just how normal it really was.

  “I’ll do my best. I promise.”

  “I know you will. You’re my girl. Bye, m’hija.”

  I smiled, feeling my heart burst with so much love for these two wonderful people. “Bye. Tell Mom I said bye and I love her too.”

  “She already knows.”

  “Okay, bye then.” I hung up and closed my eyes. I then let myself have the luxury of tears.

  It didn’t matter what happened between me and Damian. We were forever because I loved him with all of my heart. I also loved my parents with all of my heart.

  Yet, I had to keep the two worlds separate from one another and pray to God they never collided because Damian and I failed.



  I set the phone down in its cradle.

  Risa wouldn’t have appreciated me listening in on her conversation, but I wouldn’t apologize. I needed to make sure I accounted for any inadvertent mistakes she made. But of course, my Risa was near-flawless. She handled the situation beautifully.

  Although I had no regrets about listening in, I wasn’t stupid. I would keep this to myself if I could help it.

  Risa’s interaction with her parents gave me much needed insight. Clearly, she was beloved by both. There was no doubt they would die for their daughter.

  It was my responsibility to ensure they didn’t have to.

  Richard didn’t hold me in h
igh esteem. That would hardly change if he were to know the true circumstances of my dealings with his daughter. Besides the ugliness of now.

  I attempted not to dwell on the fact that I didn’t like the secrecy of my importance in Risa’s life.

  It made perfect sense. After all, we’d only had a month together before I kidnapped her. From there, the failed assassination attempt didn’t really give Risa time to introduce me to her family.

  Clearly, this was a situation that had to be remedied. Once I eliminated my enemies then I’d get to know Richard and Lila. After all, they would be my in-laws…

  I heard Risa’s footsteps as they came down the stairs. I left the library and met her at the base.

  “Did it go well?”

  She smiled, brightly and with all the sincerity of a well-told lie. “Yep.”

  I didn’t call Risa on her deceit. I shared her worries and couldn’t fault my sweet girl for trying to keep it together.

  Later, however, would be a different matter.

  It wasn’t Risa’s responsibility to coordinate her family’s security nor was it her responsibility to keep me from worry.

  It was mine. Just as it was mine to protect her and keep the unpleasantness of the world at bay.

  Reaching out a hand to Risa, I waited until she put her palm against mine. “Are you hungry, my love?”

  She shrugged, but then seemed to second-guess her reaction. “Actually, I think I am.”

  Progress. “Good. Let’s go into the kitchen and make something.”

  “No staff to serve his lordship?”

  I took her gentle teasing in stride. “Not this time. Do you think I can’t handle one little girl’s appetite?”

  “I don’t know. You didn’t cook in New York. Maybe you forgot you knew how.”

  “Not likely.”

  I didn’t care for the reminder of how much I failed Risa in New York. She couldn’t be faulted if she decided to make a new life with Steve Holland or anyone like him.

  I deserved it as much as I deserved Risa to shut me out of her life forever. However, what I deserved and what I’d accept were two different things.

  Thankfully, I’d yet to have to prove the point.

  The kitchen was large and equipped with every modern convenience. I picked Risa up and set her on the edge of the island. She kicked her feet and watched me with a bemused expression, one that softened her eyes the longer she looked at me.


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