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My Love Protect

Page 17

by Anna Antonia

  I stared off into the distance, trying to even my breathing but failing because just talking about that time got me so worked up.

  What if I’d betrayed myself? Him. What if I’d just picked up the first man I came across? What if I’d taken Steve up on his offer? Damian would’ve been forever lost to me.

  “Stop thinking about it.”

  Startled, I turned my head and looked up at him.

  “Stop thinking about anyone other than me.”

  His uncanny perception never failed to surprise. “I’m sorry. It’s just that it was so close. Too close.”

  Damian leaned down, blocking out everything but the sight of his gorgeous face. “I don’t care. If you moved on to someone else I would’ve just taken you away.”

  Nervous laughter escaped me. “You’re not serious. You have too much pride to take me back after being in another man’s bed.”

  His lids drifted down, shadowing his thoughts. “You’re wrong.” Damian’s gaze suddenly pierced mine. “You once told me there’s no room for dignity and pride when it comes to love. I know it’s true.”

  It was what I told him that last night in Denver, before he remembered me.

  “When it comes to you I’m stripped clean. I have no pride, Risa, if it gets in the way of keeping you with me. I won’t lose you again. I don’t care how stupid I look or what I have to sacrifice in this world—as long as I have you.”

  My fingers danced along the sharp edge of his jaw. “I’m never leaving you again. Ever. I belong to you, Damian Black-Price, and the devil himself couldn’t tempt me away.”

  Damian pulled me up by my arms. His fingers dug into the tender flesh, sharp as his tone. “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”

  “I do.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I belong to you.”


  “I belong to you, Damian.

  “Do you love me?”

  “Yes. I love you so, so much. You’re everything to me. The sun, moon, stars—you’re my universe.”

  Damian’s chest heaved. Emotion broke through, too quickly for me to identify. He kissed me and then I understood.

  Awe. Hope. Fear. Need. Lust. Obsession. Frustration. Most of all love.

  Glorious, shiny, holy love.

  Damian crushed me to him. His body shook. The words stayed trapped inside him, unable to give voice except through the softness of lips and silken thrust of tongue.

  I pressed closer, not wanting even a fraction of an inch to separate us. Damian decided then to break away, leaving me shaking for him.

  Visibly out of control, he watched me watching him.

  His hand moved across the bed towards me and then stopped. It was as if he didn’t know how to proceed. Our emotions were too raw.

  I knew then how to help.

  Slowly, I lowered myself over his lap and crossed my wrists at the small of my back. Damian snapped into action. He shifted his legs, settling me on them securely before taking my wrists in one of his hands.

  I let out a steadying breath. It’d been months since I’d really been disciplined. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but there was no question about my commitment.

  We both needed this.

  Damian’s hand landed. The loud crack jolted me clean out of my thoughts. I couldn’t hold back my pained moan.

  Every swing landed harder than the last. I kicked my legs out, but Damian didn’t let up.

  I endured because each strike measured my love for him.

  Then he spoke, punctuating the end of each sentence with a strike against my bottom or the tops of my thighs.

  “You’ve been a very bad girl, Risa. You took everything on your shoulders when they should’ve been on mine. You listened to someone other than me. You doubted me. Us. My love. You thought of replacing me nightly. You know what the worst thing you did was?”

  It wasn’t rhetorical. I sucked in air, doing my damnedest to not burst into tears just yet even though my entire lower half was on fire.

  “W-What, Sir?”

  Damian took his time answering. He smacked one burning cheek and then the other, going back and forth for torturous seconds.

  “You thought I never loved you. That, little girl, was the worst thing you did. You break my heart every time I think about it.”

  Throat closing up, I remembered how it felt on the other side. Every time Damian reduced my feelings for him, it was like taking a dull blade and driving it into my heart.

  I sobbed, feeling absolutely gutted over how much I hurt Damian with my doubt. He lifted me up, taking care with my reddened backside, and tucked me in his arms.

  I cried it all out, apologizing between wet gasps. Damian stroked my hair, kissing my hair, face, mouth, and chin.

  This was his love for me. It didn’t matter how messy, weak, or raw I was—Damian loved me anyways.

  Eventually I wound down enough to warble again, “I’m sorry.”

  “You’ve made that perfectly clear.” He tapped the end of my nose.

  “No! Not for that.”

  “For what?”

  “For crying all over you.”

  “I love your tears almost as much as I love you.”

  “Sadist.” Damian moved my hair so that it hung down my back. “I don’t hear you denying it.”

  “I won’t ever do that. Not in a million years.” Between hot kisses along my shoulder, he continued, “Because this is how you should always be with me, Risa. Stripped naked in every way.”

  Damian’s kisses followed my feminine lines until he nuzzled the corner of my mouth. I responded by parting my lips and letting his tongue coax mine to play. Honey-sweet pleasure flowed through my senses. The pain didn’t fade. It transformed, becoming sharper with sexual need.

  I felt gloriously alive.

  Damian’s kisses deepened until I bent back across the bed and clung to his wide shoulders.

  “I need to be inside you, Risa. Now.”

  “Yes, now!”

  Damian shoved up off the bed. He stripped his clothes, scattering them on the ground in his haste. Propping up on my elbows, I melted when he was finally as naked as me.


  He took his magnificent cock in hand and stroked it once. “Spread your legs.”

  Excitement fluttered through me as I slid them open. Damian wasn’t satisfied. He grabbed my ankle and pulled them wider.

  “You have such a beautiful pussy, Risa. The prettiest there is.”

  “You say the sweetest things.”

  “Just for you.” Licking his fingers, he came closer and touched my clit. Instantly, I bowed my back from the slippery pressure. Damian still knew exactly how to stroke me to a quick orgasm.

  Fisting the coverlet, I bit my lip. Things had changed so much between us but certain things stayed the same. I didn’t come without Damian’s permission.


  Damian was right. I was a very bad girl.

  “Ah…fuck!” Lost, I rolled my hips and closed my knees against his arm. It felt so good, I almost didn’t regret losing control—even if he made me pay for it.

  Damian draped his long form over me, taking my lips for his own. “Naughty bitch.” One quick nip and then “Do it again, Risa. Do it for me.”

  Closing my eyes, I leaned into his kiss. Damian pinched my clit rhythmically, swirling his finger pads on either side. Soon I gasped, panted, and yelled my way into another delicious orgasm.

  I was so excited I felt like I could keep coming endlessly.

  Damian slid two fingers into my pussy and growled, “You’re dripping, love.” He brought them up and shoved them into my open mouth. “You ready for my cock?”

  Nodding frantically, I sucked his fingers clean.

  He smirked. Damian pulled his hand away and used it to gently part me open. Eyes locked on each other, I groaned when the large head of his shaft slid in. Damian slowly worked me, patient when I craved roughness.

  Kind in his cruelty.
  Working his hips back and forth, Damian drew the moments out. Madness burned. I wanted him to pound me until I screamed his name.

  A beautiful torture.

  Finally, fucking finally, Damian pressed into me until there was nothing more for me to take.

  Leaning over me, fingers entwined with mine, Damian whispered against my mouth, “This is where I belong, Risa. Always.”

  “Yes, yes, yes!”

  A thousand times yes.

  I gasped, moaned, and writhed like a mad woman. Every thrust was heaven, every withdrawal hell.

  Shameless, I begged for his cock. I begged for more, for faster, for harder. I begged for him to fill me up with his come until I dripped.

  I was quite dirty while he was…indescribable.

  Damian loved me with his mouth, tasting my pleas. He loved with me his hands, pinching my nipples with each stroke of his big cock. Most of all, Damian loved me with his words, filling my heart with all the things I needed to hear for so long.

  “I love you, Risa. I’ve loved you since I first saw you.”


  “You are my miracle. You stayed here for me. You never abandoned me even when I deserved it.”


  “I can’t live without you, my love. You are my life and my reason for being. You make me wish I was a better man.”


  “I promise I will spend the rest of my life making this up to you. You’ll never want for anything with me.”


  “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  Clutching his shoulders, I buried my face in his chest. I didn’t want him to see me crying from the sudden well of emotion but I should’ve known better. Nothing escaped his attention.

  Damian pushed me down on my back. He looked into my face, mouth turned down in a frown. “Risa, what’s wrong?” When I didn’t answer quickly enough he said, “Talk to me.”

  I closed my eyes, doing my best to calm myself before Damian decided to stop making love to me. God knew I didn’t want a repeat of the last time...

  I was naked, pinned down by Damian’s cock and hands, and I didn’t feel utterly vulnerable until right now.

  Until I said the words.

  “I didn’t think I’d ever have this again. You. Us. Your love. It’s a dream.”

  “Not a dream, love. It’s real.” Damian’s choppy breath deepened when he kissed my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere, Risa. Ever.”

  “I believe you.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I believe you.”


  “You’re never, ever going to leave me again.”

  “And what else?”

  “You’re never going to let me leave you again.”

  Damian looked down at me, sharp lines softened by love. “Brilliant, little girl. Absolutely…positively…brilliant.”



  Risa’s gaze brightened. Not with tears but joy. Her smile slayed me. Shy, happy, genuine.

  I loved her so damned much. I’d say she was my drug because I couldn’t get enough of being with her, but being with Risa didn’t fill me with shame.

  Only my past had the power to do that.

  Don’t want to think about it. Not now. Not when this moment is perfect.

  Wiping her tears with my thumb, I purred, “I’m not nearly finished with you, love.”

  “You better not be.”

  She giggled when I manhandled her. For such a little thing, she loved it when I used my size against her. But that was my Risa, incredibly brave and always underestimating the danger around her.

  This is why she needs me.

  Moving her onto her side, I lifted her toned little leg and put it over my hip. I loved this position and was reminded of why when I slid back inside her tight, wet pussy.

  Cupping her breast with one hand while finding her clit with the other, I buried my face in her neck. Risa was pure pleasure. I wanted to make this last forever.

  No past. No future. Just now.

  She worked her hips, clamping hard on my dick with every stroke. Risa turned to look up at me, mouth wordlessly begging for mine. I gave in without hesitation. Whatever she wanted, whatever she needed was hers for the asking.

  Except the truth.

  I shook my head, angry that I couldn’t seem to let it go.

  Now was the silken slide inside Risa. Now was Risa moaning my name. Now was the tension building between us.

  There was no place for doubt. I’d made my decision. I had nothing to feel guilty for. I wasn’t betraying my love. I was doing what was necessary to keep her safe.

  I had nothing to regret.

  Risa tore her mouth away with a lusty curse. She begged me to come. Once I would’ve drawn it out. Once I would’ve enjoyed seeing her face redden with need and frustration. Once I would’ve kept her on edge just because I could.

  Now was different.

  Risa wanted and I gave.

  “Come for me, love.”

  She threw her head back and screamed my name. Her beautiful body rolled with delight. I clamped my hand harder over her bare pussy, holding her in place as I came deep inside while yelling the most beautiful name ever created.

  “Risa! Risa! Oh fuck, Risa!”

  Collapsing over her, I kissed her neck and shoulder as my heart hammered in the aftermath.

  Risa’s body softened. She stretched and ran her toes against the back of my calf.

  “I love you so much, Damian.”

  My sins may never be absolved, but those blessed words made my stay in hell worth it.



  I was happy.

  Nothing had changed on the outside.

  We were still hiding out because some madman wanted Damian to suffer and was willing to kill me for it. We didn’t know exactly how much longer it would take nor could we accurately predict the ramifications of our actions.

  Right now it didn’t matter.

  What mattered was I was here with Damian, in his arms, and nothing bad could ever touch me when he loved me like this.



  The world felt perfect with Risa tucked against my side, her leg slung over mine and her head on my chest.

  I ran my hand lazily over her luscious hip. Sated but far from finished, I anticipated the minutes until I had her stretched out beneath me. Everything was always better when I was inside Risa.

  She slept, her soft exhales against my skin reframing my life because of how close I came to losing her. It was enough to make me go numb every time I allowed myself to scratch at the memory of finding the gunman in Risa’s apartment.

  The world wasn’t safe for Risa until this was over. Maybe not even then.

  I loved her too much to take the chance. I’d keep her caged forever before taking a chance I could lose her. My arms tightened involuntarily, nearly crushing her.

  Risa awoke speaking before her eyes even opened.

  “Seriously, Damian, there’s a question that’s been weighing on me.”

  “Just one?” I teased as if nothing weighed me down. Untrue. I didn’t want Risa pondering this damned situation. I wanted her safe back in her dreams.

  She clicked her tongue. “Okay, one of many. Where are the others?”


  “Where is everybody? Security. You know, the people you have watching this place. Your security in New York was good at giving us space, but I still saw them.”

  “Why? Are you worried somebody heard you as you begged for my cock?”

  She slapped my chest once. “Only if you’re worried that anybody heard you yell my name. Three times at that.”

  “Bad girl.” I swatted her luscious backside twice. “You should’ve been too busy coming to keep count.”

  “I can multitask, you know.”

  I rather we kept talking about inconsequential things rather than have her come back to topic. Alas, it was not to be. />
  “So?” she prompted before covering her mouth and yawning.

  I calculated and weighed the odds of how Risa would react to hearing the truth. So far it wasn’t good, but considering the lies I perpetuated I owed her veracity whenever I could afford to give it.

  “We’re alone here.”



  She stiffened. “No bullshit?”

  Risa was above such crudity. I gave her a quick pop on the hip to remind her of it. Unrepentant, she stuck her tongue out. Incorrigible…


  “But they’re on the property?”

  Once again I carefully calculated. This time there was no doubt which way I should answer.


  Risa mulled my answer over. “Damian, I’m not trying to question you but are you sure it’s the best way?”

  “Yes. I told you we’re simply taking advantage of this solitude for an impromptu vacation because it’s that safe.”

  Certain lies were for the greater good. How many times did I need to remind myself of the fact?

  “We don’t have backup? No one here to guard your back?”

  “It’s just you and me on the estate, Risa.”

  “But what if someone comes? What if that man has found us and sends someone here?”

  I hated hearing the quiver in her voice. Hated the lies I kept weaving for her. Hated worse that the consequences of my life made it I could never be completely honest.

  “No one knows of this place, little girl. It’s secret. There’s no paper trail to prove I own it.”

  Other than dizzying array of shell companies, none of which had my name on it. A last gift and command from my father because he knew what was coming.

  “Are you sure this is the safest place for us?”



  There was so much danger in lying like this. I couldn’t watch Risa every second of the day. She might decide to take a stroll by herself…

  No. The security system wouldn’t let her open any doors without my fingerprint. She was as good as locked up.

  Unless she decides to throw a chair through the window and sees it’s impossible to break.


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