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Vanished Without A Trace

Page 8

by Nava Dijkstra

  "I do not care if the information is true or not. It just scares me you've invested your money just because you felt good about the man. That’s not the way to do business.”

  Karina smiled to herself. She could not tell Gilad the truth. She knew how it would sound to him.

  The phone rang. He picked it up and after a while he said thanks and hung up.

  "How much money is it?" He asked.

  Karina pursed her lips.

  "There is no such woman as this. She didn’t enter and didn’t leave. We have to go to Kowalski.” He picked up the phone again and asked for Kowalski’s phone number. After a while, Karina heard him introducing himself as a police inspector and explained the matter to Kowalski. He hung up, took his coat and dragged her by the arm gently.

  She pulled her hand away. "I do not think you should go to him, at least until I talk to Daniel", she tried to dissuade him from his actions, "I promised him not to tell anyone."

  "Sweetie, I'm worried about you, not Daniel, or even Kowalski. I want you to understand someone fooled you and you will be able to save at least part of your money."

  "No, drop it," she said, refusing to depart from the happiness that flooded her over the last couple of days. "He's a serious person. He is a contractor who sells cabins in Brasov. He is not deceiving me."

  "Karina, do me a favor, come with me to Kowalski. You have nothing to lose."

  She felt stupid sitting in Kowalski's office as the two men were explaining to her she had been victimized by a crook. Kowalski was absolutely convincing in his claim he'd never met Julia and her son and never heard of them. She sat across from him, angry with herself. How did she dare to believe Daniel’s story?

  "Now, you make sure the lawyer in Romania will withdraw all your money. I hope it didn’t create too much damage. I will personally arrest the guy the moment he sets foot here," Gilad said, as they left Kowalski’s office.

  "Okay, I heard what you said, now let me think about it." Karina did not know what feeling was more flaring- the two men who revealed her stupidity, or actually the fact she had been stupid enough to let her heart influence her financial decisions.

  She lay in her bed, turned off the phone and asked her secretary not to contact her for the next three days. She was ashamed to admit she was willing to pay a lot of money for a moment of grace with him, with the crook who stole her money and her heart.


  Just as soon as the agreement with Karina was signed, Daniel found it necessary to tell Mikhail the news and reassure him the Romanian funds are assured and safe. He called Mikhail and asked him to come to the office. When Mikhail arrived he sat in front of him, suspecting the intention was to discuss the bungalow project, despite telling him clearly he did not want to hear anything about it, and they would eventually pay a heavy price.

  "I need you to manage the project I told you about," Daniel opened.

  "Did you produce the money?" Mikhail asked in an attempt to refuse elegantly.

  "It’s beyond that," Daniel sent a clever smile to Mikhail. "Let's just say we don’t have a problem on the budget anymore." Daniel outlined in detail the deal he signed with Karina. Things sounded surreal for Mikhail. He was sure Daniel made his way fast while he himself preferred to deal with small projects where the risk was lower. With all the love he had for Daniel, he was afraid of complications on the project and decided after the project with the Romanian, he would work with more serious people who were older than Daniel.

  "Look, I'll check what this is all about and if I am interested in the job at all. At the moment, I have a lot of options and I want to check what is best for me. I haven’t made a decision yet regarding my future plans because I want to finish the Romanian project just as I promised."

  "Mikhail, what options are you talking about? You belong here. You're my partner, and now we have an investor. It's not time to leave and look for a job elsewhere. You are safe here." He laid the bungalow project on the table. "Look at the plan. Tell me that you do not like it."

  Mikhail couldn’t understand how this was happening to him again. For days and nights he had been racking his brain on how to tell Daniel he was planning to leave him, and in one moment, Daniel turned everything upside down. He studied the plans, admitted to himself he would be happy to manage such a project, but he answered Daniel with reserve, "Well, I'll think about it," attempting to give his decision a touch of serious consideration.

  Daniel smiled. "Good ... I knew it would convince you , so do not give me the nonsense of ‘I'll think about it’." He stretched out on the chair. "It is not just about selling and renting cabins, but it’s about a tourist site, recurring revenue."

  "I just hope that the investor is okay." Mikhail said, who was still in doubt of this woman who invested the money.

  "This woman, Karina, is ready to buy all the land you see in the plan and also the land next to it. You have a job for life. You have to understand the site belongs to us. Everyone who wants to ski will have to pay an entrance fee. It is not just the sale of cabins, but as a recurring income. We already completed step one and tomorrow we will begin with step two, so there is a lot of work that awaits you."

  Towards the weekend, Daniel went to Alexander’s bar, as usual. It was crowded, but that did not prevent Alexander from noticing him and putting a glass of beer from the barrel in front of him almost automatically, as he yelled and shouted impatiently to the customers.

  "I see there is a lot of work to be done. Is it because of Solly?"

  "You mean because of her food, not because of her. This woman still gives me a heart attack. She forgets who the boss is."

  Daniel laughed, as he recalled Sultana’s dominance. He had never been bothered, but he thought to talk to her about it as soon as possible, knowing there was room for improvement.

  After drinking, he went to the bank to withdraw some money that was supposed to pay for the contractors.

  "Sir, you have no money in the account", he heard the clerk, "the funds were withdrawn by an attorney through a power of attorney of Mrs. Karina."

  Daniel was surprised. He knew the contractors were waiting in the office to get their money. He hurried to call Karina's lawyer and the lawyer explained he was asked by her to use the given power of attorney to withdraw the money from the account.

  "It doesn’t make sense. Why would she do such a thing?"

  "Ask her. I actually tried to clarify things, but she did not elaborate," the lawyer said.

  Daniel hung up the phone and called Karina, but there was no response. He tried again and again, he left messages, but she did not get back to him.

  Two hours later, Mikhail called. "The contractors are waiting in the office. What's going on, Daniel?"

  "I really don’t know. I'm trying to get Karina on the phone but she is not answering."

  "Don’t tell me she changed her mind." Mikhail replied in concern.

  "Maybe, but I won’t know until I can talk to her and check things out."

  "How do I go from here? What am I supposed to tell them?" Mikhail asked.

  "Apologize to them and tell them they will get the money next week."

  "But it's not sure."

  "I do not know, but if she will not answer me, I'll fly to Israel and see what happened. Stay in the office. It’s not good if everything is closed otherwise it will look like it’s not credible. It will arouse suspicion, even among to the subcontractors and even for the investors. Take responsibility for everything on my behalf until I get back."

  "Looks suspicious?" Mikhail asked, "Sir, if she changed her mind, it’s best for the two of us to run away to another country and never show our faces here in Romania again."

  "Mikhail, we will run away after I talk to her and find out what happened."

  "How convenient for you to leave me here with all the wolves?"

  "It'll be fine, Mikhail, I am already checking out the flights and within two to three days, we'll have all the answers."

  "Answers will n
ot pay the bills." Mikhail felt the time had come for something he had been afraid of, everything blew up in their faces. He struggled not to tell him 'I warned you.'

  Daniel was immersed up to his neck. Last week he spent a huge amount from Karina’s investment, and if she did not respect their agreement, he would not be able to find any other source of similar revenue to cover the expenses. He was left with no choice but to fly to Israel and check what was going on.


  Daniel landed in Israel and heard the Hebrew language around him. He felt a slight yearning for his past, but he knew he hadn’t come here for the nostalgia. He went to the border control to stamp his passport. He was aware of the strange looks a female officer was sending him while she picked up the phone and informed Mr. Daniel Montaigne entered the country. A minute later two policemen arrived to arrest him. "There is a complaint against you for fraud." Daniel did not understand what was happening. At first, he thought his grandfather had something to do with the arrest, but he was shocked when he learned Karina was the reason for his detention after claiming he had taken her money fraudulently, and he soon realized he was in serious trouble.

  Daniel lay in the bunk that was laid on the floor and stared at the ceiling. His hands were behind his head. He did not fear the arrest, but if he was delayed too much in Israel, he wouldn’t be able to save anything in Romania. If he fell now, he would never get up again. He thought about Mikhail, who was certainly trying to contact him but couldn’t get hold of him; something that should not happen under any circumstances. He tried to think what could cause Karina to do what she did. He suddenly felt a heat wave spreading in his body, and realized Karina had broken the trust he had given her and told Kowalski what he had told her. This was the only explanation, he concluded to himself. After all, Kowalski was involved in every bad thing had happened to him. Daniel was so angry. He hated her so much for bringing him into this situation. At that moment, he decided he would not trust this woman ever again.

  At ten o'clock the next morning, he was informed he had been released, the woman dropped the charges against him.

  "So nice of her," he said dryly to the prison guard. He was glad it was quickly over but he was worried about the money troubles fell on him.

  He called a taxi and headed to Karina's office. He entered despite of the secretary’s protests.

  Karina was shocked. She couldn’t believe he would come in an instant, but she also had a feeling of victory. If he tried to deceive her, he learned his lesson, she wouldn’t let anyone deceive her easily, but she thought he deserved appreciation for coming and somehow trying to work his charm on her. The brief look of victory in her face suddenly turned to fear when he grabbed her hands with flaring eyes. "Why did you do this to me?"

  "What have I done?" she tried to be indifferent.

  He looked at her angrily. "We have an agreement."

  "Then sue me," she snapped.

  He released her hand, shaking. "Okay, you win, you've ruined me, but if you feel bad about what you did, you can find me at the Sheraton Hotel."

  He turned and left her officeleaving her embarrassed. She wanted to believe him. She followed him but he already disappeared in the crowded streets. ‘Better that way’ she thought, and went back to her office.

  Daniel lay on the couch at the hotel. Two choices were in front of him, try to produce a loan from the bank to continue with the project or simply break down and give up. He took the former. He called several travel agencies and checked for the earliest flight to Romania. He didn’t want to stay in this country. Not even for one useless minute, and he was glad he found a seat on the next morning flight.

  He dialed Neta from his hotel room. He remembered her home phone number , and heard her voice, "Hello?"

  "Hi Neta, this is Daniel."

  "Who’s Daniel?"

  "Daniel Montaigne from the boarding school, do you know any other boy named Daniel?" He tried to start a conversation that would wash away the years that separated the two of them. There was silence across the line. "Hello, Neta are you with me?"

  "I'm with you," he heard her faint voice, "I have a boyfriend", she added in a serious tone.

  "I understand." He stayed a few seconds on the line. Her words were like a punch in the stomach. He understood she did not want any connection with him. "I'm in the country and I do not know anyone here except you," trying to save his ego.

  "Where are you?"

  "At the Sheraton hotel, do you want to come for a visit?"

  She wanted to tell him she was still angry with him and she couldn’t forget the day he made her cry all night, but instead she found herself telling him she will come to see him at nine o'clock in the evening.

  Daniel was a little pleased, at least one thing had worked out for him that day. If she was ready to meet him despite having a boyfriend, he could be optimistic.

  In the evening, he went down for dinner and continued to the main hall. There was a show intended to entertain the guests. He sat at the bar and drank two glasses of vodka, one after another. At nine he went to his room and found Neta waiting for him at the door. I just got here," she said. He held her curls. "They are long," he smiled. They went inside. Neta sat on the couch and he sat down beside her.

  "Get you something to eat?"

  "Something to eat." She looked at him. He was more attractive and manly than what she remembered.

  He laid his eyes on her peaceful face. He stroked them with his fingers. "Come live with me in Romania. I have a beautiful house near the beach. I have a beautiful dog. You’re the only one missing there."

  "I have a boyfriend, I told you. How could you ever expect me to agree to come with you somewhere after you turned your back on me three years ago?"

  "You have a boyfriend and yet you allow yourself to be here, does it mean something?"

  "I just ..." She wanted to tell him she agreed to come in order to reject him just as he rejected her, but there was a knock at the door and dinner was on a stroller. Daniel sipped his coffee and looked at Neta with a smile as she ate with evident pleasure. "How are your parents, are they still shouting?"

  "Oh, you can’t even begin to imagine.

  He kept looking at her, busy eating all the while.

  "Don’t you want to eat?" she asked.

  Daniel shook his head.

  "What are you doing in Romania? It looks like you're living a good life if you are staying in hotels."

  "Yes, but I'm not even sure if I have the money to pay for this."

  "In short, typical Israeli… dreams and show off."

  Daniel smiled. He recognized the Israeli audacity, that he miss so much. Although he was educated in Israel, he was not able to become a typical Israeli. He always showed something strange and distant.

  "You know, eventually you still need to pay the bills." Neta continued.

  Daniel sipped his coffee, not taking his eyes off her. "Don’t worry about me."

  Neta's cell phone rang. Her boyfriend was on the line. Daniel looked at her as she spoke, "I can’t meet you now, I'm busy ... maybe in the next two hours ... Okay, pick me up at home in two hours." She closed the phone, informing Daniel they have one more hour to be together.

  "Yes, I heard," he replied.

  His short answer puzzled her. She couldn’t understand how he acquired his behavior... the silence no matter what was happening around him, he always remained confident. "I'd better go, so I won’t be pressured by time." She went to the door and opened it.

  "Neta, I need to talk to you. I have been through a lot over the past three years."

  "Me too."

  "Let me talk. I know you're upset with me, but you need to know I never did anything with bad intentions. I did what I thought was best for you." His voice was soft and she wanted to sit and listen to him all night long. "You have to understand I couldn’t take you with me three years ago, but what kind of life could I promise you? I understand you ran out of time. But I have to talk to you. I want you to know th
at I never made a plan for the last three years without you in it." He went on recounting his life story for the past three years. He saw how she melted in front of him. He took her body close to him and kissed her lips gently, feeling her responsiveness.

  "Come, live with me in Romania. I can’t think of anyone but you."

  "We can’t," she said painfully. "I’ve have a boyfriend for two years now, he’s serious. Besides, you will be going back to Romania anyway, there’s no future for us."

  "Why do you say there is no future for us? You can come with me to Romania. You'll be the happiest woman in the whole world."

  "I do not want to live in Romania."

  "Not even with me?"

  Neta thought she would like to wake up every morning beside him and see his face, even if it meant they lived in a tent in the north pole. But on the other hand, she couldn’t just give up the security her boyfriend gave her. On the very first day they met, he managed to get along with her parents, something no one had ever done before, and she appreciated him for it. She was not in love with him, but she preferred a secure life over love.

  "I love you Daniel, but my boyfriend is the right choice. Sorry, I need to be reasonable. We can’t….I just can’t dump everything I’ve built over two years just because of someone I knew when I was ten years old. I am scared to gamble my life. You know my life was not easy, but since I met my boyfriend my life became better. I don’t have the courage to change this now."

  They were busy with themselves and didn’t notice the presence of Karina who was standing near them, watching them hugging each other. She wanted to go back on her trail, but it was too late. "I'm sorry," Karina said, expressing embarrassment. Daniel released Neta, who quickly left.

  "Sorry to disturb you," Karina said.

  "You absolutely disturbed us," he said, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

  The fact Daniel hugged another woman hurt her deeply, though she didn’t have a reason to be hurt. She had no ownership over Daniel. "I wanted you to know I had nothing to do with your arrest, Gilad and Kowalski did it."


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