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Saving My Submission BN

Page 22

by Jenna Jacob

  There were times it felt as if I were herding chickens, but by nightfall I’d convinced myself the job could be accomplished in time. Thoughts of Joshua popped in my head throughout the day. Even when I was up to my ass in alligators, I’d think about him and smile.

  Days passed into weeks, and my ache for the Dominant artist across the pond never waned. Neither did the messages from Davis. His texts grew vile and vindictive. He’d been livid that I’d “sic’d” Joshua on him, and Walker vowed to get even. I had no idea what delusional planet the man had taken up residence on, but his obsession with me sprouted an anxiety that grew stronger with each repulsive message.

  Joshua and I talked or texted almost daily, but still I didn’t bother to tell him about Davis’ persistent and threatening messages. Deep down, I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t want to sully what precious time I had with Joshua discussing a man who had no meaning in my life anymore. Besides, I was a big girl. I could take care of Davis on my own. Yes, his threats were unnerving, but deep down I knew he was nothing but a bully, gutless and spineless. Fueled by anger for giving him the power to control my life for eight fucking years, I planned to have a nice, long face-to-face with Walker. By the time I was through, I intended to have the bastard backed into a corner, sucking his thumb and crying.

  The nights were long and lonely, and my never-ending longing to be with Joshua stole my sleep. Running on fumes, fatigue morphed into frustration, and I became cranky, resenting my choice of taking the job over staying in Chicago. But I concealed my bitterness and kept my nose to the grindstone.

  It seemed like months, but the day finally came when I led Hayes and Dixie through the dining hall for a final walk-through. Mentally holding my breath, I crossed my fingers that the elegant room would meet their expectations. Hayes examined the craftsmanship, as always, while Dixie oohed and ahhed.

  “Oh Mellie, it’s all bright as a button.” She beamed before leaning in close. “This is going to knock their knickers off. They say that here, knickers… not panties. Crazy language they have here in this country. Oh, and don’t ever call your butt your fanny. It means something completely different in these parts. I found that out the hard way.” Dixie blushed then issued a wave of her hand.

  “I’ll be sure to call it my butt,” I laughed.

  “You and Hayes go tend to the bill. I’m going to check with cook. We’re having dinner right here in the dining hall tonight. I want to break this new prairie dog in, proper.” Dixie beamed.

  All through dinner I couldn’t wait to get back to my room. I was anxious to collapse into bed, not only because I was exhausted, but because it would bring me one day closer to Joshua. Barring any flight delays, I’d arrive back home in Phoenix late tomorrow night, which was actually that night. Time zones confused me, but jet lag was a bitch. If all went as planned I’d be in Chicago by Wednesday at the latest.

  Just as I settled into bed, my cell phone rang. I couldn’t help but smile, I knew Joshua had been counting the days too.

  I snatched it up, not bothering to look at the screen, and pressed the device to my ear. “Did you call to talk dirty to me?” I giggled.

  There was a long pause before the sound of a man clearing his throat wiped the smile from my face. Bolting upright in bed, my heart pounded in my chest. Oh god, please don’t let this be a client.

  “No, Ma’am, I didn’t.” I could tell the man was trying not to laugh, but his next words were delivered in a slow, somber tone. “This is Detective Pruett with the Phoenix Police Department. Am I speaking to Melinda Carson?”

  “Yes,” I replied in a small, worried voice.

  “Ma’am, I’m at your house—”

  “My house? Why?”

  “I’m sorry to inform you that you’ve been a victim of some rather extensive vandalism.”

  “Vandalism? What’s happened? How?” I screeched. My heart thundered in my ears as I tried to wrap my head around the news.

  “Someone spray painted the words, uh, ‘slut’ and ‘whore’ on your garage doors. The big picture window on the front of your house has been smashed. It’s strange, maybe the perp got scared away, but from what we can tell there’s no sign of entry. They cut your alarm system and umm…”

  “Um what?” I cried. “You mean there’s more?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The officer paused. “Someone hung a dead rabbit at your front door.”

  “A dead rabbit?”

  The air left my lungs in a whoosh. My blood turned to ice as Davis Walker’s words echoed in my brain. ‘It’s been a long time, bunny. A phone call would have been nice, bunny. Don’t think I’m going to let you shut me out, bunny.’ Shades of ‘Fatal Attraction’ rolled through my brain. At least the son of a bitch didn’t put the poor rabbit in a pot on my stove and burn the damn house down.

  My entire body trembled and I blinked back the black splotches swimming behind my eyes. Sucking in a ragged breath, I exhaled in an attempt to calm myself. How did Davis find out where I lived? Why in the world would he fly all the way to Phoenix to fuck with my house? Was he trying to punish me for not giving him a second chance? Yes, Davis Walker had changed all right… into a raving madman.

  “Do you have any idea who might be responsible for this? Because I have to tell you, I’ve seen enough of these things... This was personal, ma’am.

  “That fucking bastard,” I railed. “Yes, I know exactly who did it.”

  “Good. I need to get a statement from you. How quickly can you get here?”

  Releasing a humorless chuckle, I closed my eyes. “About sixteen hours, give or take a few. I’m in the United Kingdom at the moment.”

  “Oh,” he replied, sounding both surprised and disgruntled. “Hell.”

  I convinced the detective to take my statement over the phone. I supplied him with as much information as I had on Davis Walker, but I kept his association to Genesis to myself. I needed to talk to Mika before spouting out details of his club to the police. Pruett asked when I’d last seen Davis. I fibbed a little and said that I’d run into him while visiting friends in Chicago. After reciting the contents of Davis’ text messages, Pruett promised to contact the Chicago PD. That was about the time my neighbor Chad showed up to see what the commotion was about. Using Pruett’s phone, Chad offered to clean up the mess and get my security system back up and running. I thanked him profusely, vowing to pay him back as soon as I got home, but Chad seemed far more concerned about the safety of his family and me than the money.

  Strung out, I paced, packed and tried to find other ways to deplete my nervous energy, but nothing worked. Trying to force sleep didn’t either. Staring at the clock, the minutes dragged into hours. Finally I sat up and reached for the phone. Joshua would be pissed that I’d kept him in the dark, but I wanted to hear his calm, reassuring voice. My need for his comfort outweighed the lecture I was sure to receive.

  “Mellie? It’s three in the morning there. What’s wrong?”

  The man didn’t even say hello. His first instinct was to find out why I was awake at the ass crack of dawn. Joshua’s unwavering concern was the perfect balm for my turmoil.

  “Please don’t be mad, I wasn’t trying to keep things from you. It’s just that… I didn’t want to waste what time we had… I mean, hearing your voice was more important than… Oh god, Joshua, never in a million did I ever think—”

  “Stop,” he commanded. Hearing the tenor of his potent Dom voice, I snapped my mouth shut, closed my eyes and winced. “Take a deep breath and relax. Tell me what you’ve been keeping from me, little one.”

  I followed his instructions and took several calming breaths. “Davis,” I stated flatly.

  “What about him? He hasn’t been back to the club since I told him to leave you alone. He said he didn’t know what I was talking about, but I didn’t believe him. He’s still bothering you?”

  “Yes. But it’s escalated. He’s gone from bullying, to threatening, and now he’s vandalized my house.” I exhaled a heavy breath
as panic began rising inside me again. “Joshua, he killed a bunny and hung him on my porch.”

  Cringing, I pulled the phone from my ear as Joshua erupted with a string of curses, damning Davis Walker like a well-seasoned sailor.

  “I want you to tell me every fucking detail, girl. Don’t you dare hold anything back, do you understand?”

  His bark was vicious and if he found Davis before the cops did, I was certain they’d never find the asshole’s body. Filling Joshua in on all the details only served to piss him off more. I felt like a kid caught feeding peas to the dog under the dinner table. I didn’t expect my confession would earn a tiara and a dozen roses, but I hadn’t envisioned Joshua turning into Rambo, either… but he did.

  “Give me your flight information from LaGuardia to Phoenix,” he instructed.

  “Wh…” I bit the question off. It was not the time to question the man. Pulling out my itinerary, I rattled off my arrival and departure times.

  “I’ll meet you in New York in a few hours, little one.”

  “But you can’t,” I blurted out.

  “I can and I will,” he challenged. “You are out of your pretty little mind if you think I’m going to let you waltz back into your house alone after what’s happened.”

  “But what if it wasn’t Davis?” I began.

  “Of course it was Davis… bunny,” Joshua spat the nickname Davis had pinned me. “He hung Thumper from a noose, for fuck sake. It’s as good as leaving his goddamn business card on the welcome mat. I’m meeting you in New York, and it’s not up for discussion. And I’m going to be stuck to you like glue twenty-four seven until you’re ready to come back to Chicago.”

  “But the airfare is going to cost you a small fortune,” I exhaled.

  Grateful for his chivalry, I didn’t see a need for him to shell out a ton of money or play bodyguard. Yes, I was desperate to see him, but it rankled that he thought me so weak and helpless that I needed protection to walk inside my own home.

  Joshua let out a snort rife with sarcasm.

  “Have you forgotten how we met, Mellie? Surely you don’t think I’m so strapped for cash that I can’t buy a couple of fucking airline tickets, do you? As I recall, you were the one who paid Christian over seven figures procuring my art for Abbas. I think I can manage a few thousand dollars for some fucking plane tickets.” He paused briefly and exhaled a heavy sigh. “Look, if I’ve flipped one of your independent triggers I’m sorry, but right now, I honestly don’t give a shit. I refuse to allow you to go home alone. If you don’t want my company, fine. I’ll call Dylan. He’s been like a fucking disapproving father since we hooked up. He, Nick, and Savannah can accompany you back home. But you are not going alone. Do I make myself clear?”

  Anger surged like a short fuse on a stick of dynamite.

  “If it were any clearer, I’d have your pig-headed declaration tattooed on my fucking forehead,” I snapped. Almost instantly, I regretted my outburst. “Shit.”

  I closed my eyes and bit back a scream. Joshua had gone silent on the other end of the line. He was either contemplating hanging up on me, or seething so vehemently he didn’t trust himself to speak.

  “I’m sorry, Joshua. I didn’t mean that…. Well, I did, but… not out loud. Yes, I want to see you. I’ve missed you so much it hurts. I’m so damn exhausted I don’t know which end is up. My head hurts. My eyes burn and instead of coming home to rush to you, I have to deal with the mess Davis left behind. I’m scared to death that he’s going to do something even more violent and stupid, but I gave that prick eight years of fear; I refuse to give him a second more.”

  Joshua didn’t utter a word. It rubbed me raw; so raw it burned.

  “Say something please?”

  “I want to take you to bed, wrap you in my arms, and stroke my fingers over your beautiful face while you sleep beside me for days.”

  His words were low… an alluring, sensual whisper. I quivered.

  “Then I’m going to slide you beneath me. Savor the feel of your sinful cunt as it ripples and milks my aching dick… bite those sensitive hard candy nipples of yours as you whimper beneath me. And I’m not going to stop until your screams are worn to nothing but strained cries of silence; then I’m going to take you again, and again.”

  “Oh, godddddd,” I moaned.

  “Spread your legs, bare your cunt, and stroke your clit for me, little one,” he purred into my ear.

  Wedging the phone against my shoulder, I slid my hands below the covers. Spreading my legs, I tugged my nightgown up over my hips. Jerking, I gasped as my cold fingertips fluttered over my wet, hot folds. I circled my clit while dipping deep inside my slick, soft center.

  “Tell me how my fingers feel on your tight little cunt, girl. They’re not your hands, they’re mine.”

  “Wet. Hot. Soft,” I murmured, finding it hard to concentrate on his question.

  “Yes, you’re burned into my brain. I can feel you, too. Smell your spicy, sweet scent… taste your tart nectar sliding over my tongue. Rub your fingers all around that pretty little cunt for me, girl. Imagine it’s my tongue gliding past your swollen folds, lapping up all that sweet cream spilling from you. You’re slick and oozing aren’t you, my pet?”

  “Yesssss,” I hissed.

  “Dip your fingers in deep. That’s my tongue fucking you, baby. Dragging in and out, so soft and slow… making those tingling nerve endings sing.”

  I moaned softly.

  “That’s it. Feel that sizzling arc of fire slide up your spine? The sexy kitten noises you make when I touch you still echo in my ears. Fuck. The moaning music you make has my dick so hard. Deeper, little one, roll your fingers as you slide all the way in. Can you feel my tongue rasping over your walls? Feel me drinking down your silky syrup as it slides over my taste buds?”

  I had no trouble imagining my fingers being his persuasive tongue. Strangled whimpers of need burned in the back of my throat.

  “Harder, little one. My tongue is fucking you so deeply. Feel me… feel me stabbing inside you. The width flicking side to side against your velvety walls… Snaking deeper, so much deeper inside your fluttering cunt.”

  With each coaxing phrase, his voice grew rougher; harsher. I envisioned his fist wrapped around his turgid cock, stroking ruthlessly as he fed my fantasy.

  “Faster, little one. Fuck that juicy little cunt for me.”

  With a whimper, I did as he instructed. Soaring to the cusp of bliss, I clung to the edge, waiting for his permission to plummet over and shatter.

  “Now pull your fingers out. Now!” he bellowed.

  “Noooo,” I wailed.

  “Do it. Pull them out.”

  Begrudgingly, I drew my hands from beneath the covers and exhaled a huge sigh of frustration.

  “Good girl. Now paint your lips with your juices, baby. Coat them nice and thick. Breathe in deep. Can you smell your essence?”

  “Yes,” I groaned as I coated my lips with my own warm cream.

  “I can too. My lips and chin are covered in your glossy warmth. Now lick your lips, let my tongue inside your mouth as I kiss the heady spice from you. Can you taste yourself on my tongue, precious?”

  “Yes,” I hissed. “Please, I need more.”

  “Drive three fingers into your cunt. Stretch yourself for me. Rub your clit with your other hand,” he demanded with a bellicose growl. “That’s my cock filling you... my fingers strumming your swollen little nub. Go to the edge, little one. Ride my dick hard and fast.”

  Whimpering and moaning, I did as he commanded. I could hear his heavy breathing in the phone, practically feel his warm breath upon my neck.

  “Louder,” he bellowed. “I want to hear your hunger, girl.”

  Zipped to the crest, I cried out. “Pleaseee.”

  “Stop,” he thundered. “Remove your fingers and place your hands above the covers.”

  “What?” I wailed. “Nooooo.”

  “I said stop, girl. Put your hands on the outside of your b
lankets this instant.”

  Howling in frustration, I withdrew my fingers. My whole body quaked with need.

  “Please, let me come,” I begged.

  “No. You don’t get to come tonight, little one. You may not get to come tomorrow night either.”

  “Why are you doing this to me?” Sounding like a petulant child, I clenched my jaw in anger.

  “You tell me why,” Joshua whispered.

  Frustration bubbled into a cauldron of fury. “Oh, I get it. You’re punishing me.”

  “You bet your sweet ass I am,” he chuckled.

  “You can’t do this. I told you the reason why I kept Davis’ threats from you. But I guess that doesn’t count for anything when you’ve got your big, bad Dom pants on, does it?”

  “Careful, little one. Watch your tone.”

  Joshua’s warning dripped with such a patronizing tone I balled my hands into fists. So infuriated, I wished he was in the room so I could punch him… hard.

  “Fuck my tone and fuck you. Don’t bother coming to New York. I’ll call Sanna. Dylan can pick me up and escort me back to Phoenix. With all the shit I’ve got to deal with, the last thing I need is some son of a bitch trying to mind fuck me. Good-bye.”

  I disconnected the call, covered my face with the pillow, and screamed long and hard.


  Disembarking the plane at LaGuardia, my heart ached. Sanna and her Masters would be waiting for me. After I’d calmed down from my furious explosion with Joshua, I called Dylan and asked for their help. I should have felt a spark of excitement to see my sister and feel her loving arms around me again… but there wasn’t. The only arms I wanted wrapped around me, giving me comfort, were Joshua’s. But he wouldn’t be there. No, I’d let my pride and temper fuck that up royally.


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