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Wolves of Black Pine (The Wolfkin Saga Book 1)

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by SJ Himes

  Another factor in controlling the populations of the clans was the regrettable nature of the wolfkin themselves—quick to anger and violence, clashes for dominance, mates and territory, all lending to countless early deaths of young wolves every year. If a Challenge was offered, and accepted, the loser could be healed by a shaman or their own wolfkin healing abilities, but as was usual in a Challenge, the victor rarely left the loser alive to have time to heal.

  With centuries to reproduce, many mated pairs had no more than one or two children and the majority of beta pairings had only one. It was the families of alphas and shamans that strove for larger numbers of children, so as to increase the odds of having offspring born with the traits and abilities of the two classes. The power was hereditary, and the more children a shaman or alpha had, the more likely it was for that power to be passed on. Not to mention that in these days, as ones before, the families of alphas and shamans had better means—wealth, food, land, and territory, and were able to support larger litters.

  Gray Shadow was wealthy, a long life spent frugally and wisely leaving him and his numerous descendants comfortable for many decades to come. Most wolves were the same as they grew older, with greed long considered a human failing.

  Their own Alpha, Caius McLennan, was a wealthy man who did business in Augusta, with his clan seat not too far out from the capital. He had a large family of his own, with many of his own cousins, aunts and uncles, and their children part of his family pack. Caius’ own heir, Kane, was young at thirty summers, but very powerful and highly gifted. He was the son of one of Caius’ distant female cousins, born with the Voice in full measure and a powerful wolf-form to match. Young Kane was the most dominant and powerful alpha Gray Shadow had seen in their clan in several generations, and if it weren’t for his own innate kind and respectful nature, Kane could have already wrested control of Black Pine Clan from Caius.

  The gathering of the Northern Clans took place in Baxter State Park in Maine, away from the curious eyes of humans. Black Pine Clan held all of Maine north of Augusta, and over the border into Canada, thousands of square miles, and the lesser clans and packs under McLennan’s rule resided throughout that area. Clans from the southern half of the state, from within New England, and regions of Canada came to the gather, which occurred every five years. This gathering was Luca’s first of many to come, and he would forge friendships and bonds with the children of the allied clans of the north.

  There were six major Clans here at this gather, and nearly three times that in lesser clans and small packs. Not every wolf came to a gather; wolves were left behind to guard territories, care for the old or very young, or those under punishment for crimes against their Laws.

  “Tomorrow we leave for home, Josiah. Make sure our pack is ready to go at first light,” Gray Shadow instructed his son, and Josiah nodded with a faint line of worry on his brow.

  “We expecting trouble, Dad? I know you said something about humans in the area, questions asked about the ‘massive family reunion’ taking place up here the last couple of weeks.”

  “It is better to be cautious than dead, my son. Humans always get curious about the clan gatherings, seeing as how there’s a few hundred of us coming to these things, with more every time. Gatherings were easier to hide before the human population got cars and phones. I’m not expecting trouble, just a desire to avoid the traffic jams and the snarling tempers. Most of the clans are leaving after lunch. I’d like to be gone before the mass exodus back to civilization occurs, and the roads out of here are deadlocked. The vans are ready to take us back to Augusta, and I’ll be here for you and the children before dawn.”

  “Yes, sir,” Josiah grinned at him, and his eyes drifted to the female beta who stood silently in the clearing, not yet released from attending to Gray Shadow as he executed his role as Shaman.

  “Thank you, Claire. You may go.”

  Gray Shadow waved to the shy female beta who still hovered behind him, and she nodded back, no longer needed now that his duties as Shaman were over for the evening. She drifted off into the night, and Gray Shadow breathed in deep. The air was cooling further, and the pines rustled in the faint breeze. He tasted the tangy pine sap and a hint of dark earth, and his skin itched, the urge to Change and run through the trees strong and seductive.

  “I’m going for a run, Josiah. Goodnight, son,” Gray Shadow said, and clasped his shoulder one last time before heading for the woods. Luca slept on, undisturbed by the talking, content in his father’s arms.

  “Enjoy the night, Dad.”

  KANE MOVED through the shadows, avoiding the fire in the square, heading for the cabin he shared with Burke. His best friend-cum-sometimes-lover was most likely reading, not a fan of parties either. Kane looked forward to a quiet night before returning to Augusta in the morning, and he was glad he took the time to attend the history lessons. He smiled, thinking of the magic he’d seen, and the sweet, charming cub who’d known all the answers.

  Luca was adorable, and smart, and his giggle was infectious. Kane sighed, catching a glimpse of his own cabin through the trees, glad to be going home in the morning. Maybe when he got back to Augusta he’d make a greater effort to know his clan mates better, and see if he couldn’t get Luca to laugh again.


  THE DAWN brought a cool breeze as Gray Shadow’s pack loaded into the two vans he’d rented for the round trip from their home territory to the gather. Cousins and some of Caius’ own family members were opting for an early departure, and would be leaving with Gray Shadow and his family pack. Laughing cubs, grouchy and snarling teens, and resigned and annoyed parents all made as much noise as possible while Gray Shadow watched indulgently from the porch of the Red Fern clan leader’s cabin, his great head resting on his paws. Gray Shadow was large for a shaman, nearly the size of the average alpha, as if his body reflected the level of spirit and earth magic that hummed under his skin. He was gray, the basis for his name, yet he was every shade of gray, from the dark dust of shaved metal to the vague wisps of fog that spun through the pines in the early dawn light. His age was merely hinted at in this form, a spattering of white furs lightly spread throughout the dark fur of his snout.

  He’d spent the night as a wolf, running through the pine forests of the park, enjoying the peace and quiet to be found under the fragrant boughs. He seldom slept anymore, his mate long dead now this past half-century, dying not long after giving birth to Josiah. So he had no one to return home to when the moon set each morning, his hours his own. His children were grown, his shamanic duties over for now, and he found himself at loose ends more and more. Usually he would run with Caius, but the Clan Leader of Black Pine was busy with the other Greater Clan Alphas, and he didn’t want to disturb his friend’s political maneuvering.

  His kind were not bound by the cycle of the moon as most legends spoken of by the humans taught, and they could Change whether it was day or night. A few legends spoke of monsters who could conquer the moon and walk as man or beasts regardless of the time of day or the moon’s phase. Those legends were very close to the truth, and tended to pop up in human populations near clan homes and territories.

  A tiny hand suddenly gripped one of his ears, and Grey Shadow held still while his grandson used it for balance as he climbed over his grandfather’s lupine form. Luca sat on his grandfather’s shoulders, and Gray Shadow hid his wince as Luca let go of his ear and grabbed the fur on the back of his head instead. Luca was small for a cub of five years, and his weight was slight, but like all young children, he tended to be unintentionally rough. He was taking after the stereotype that shamans were smaller, slighter than their beta or alpha counterparts, and Gray Shadow was glad for it as the little cub tugged on tufts of fur and his heels energetically kicked at his ribs.

  “C’mon Grandpa! One more ride?” Luca bent down and draped his slim arms over Gray Shadow’s muzzle, whispering loudly in his sensitive ears. Gray Shadow
let the wolf equivalent of a grin pull back his lips from his fangs, and he sneezed, making Luca squeal with giggles and sit back.

  *Hold tight, little cub.* Gray Shadow whispered softly in the mind of his grandson, the telepathy shared by all wolfkin strongest in their lupine forms. Luca giggled and squirmed as he grabbed another handful of fur.

  Gray Shadow carefully stood to all fours, and balanced the weight of his grandson on his shoulders. He waited to make sure Luca had a solid grip, then sauntered down the porch steps towards the vans. Everyone was seated, the side panel doors open as they waited for Josiah to double check everything before departure. Gray Shadow paced alongside the vans, and Luca blew a raspberry at his older siblings, who groaned in jealousy at the sight of their baby brother getting a ride wolf-back.

  “Dad, you spoil him,” Josiah said without heat, peering into the first van, securing a pup’s seatbelt. He grinned down at his father and son, and went to take Luca from Gray Shadow’s back.

  *As is my prerogative, whelp. Grandfathers are meant to spoil their grandchildren.* Gray Shadow archly informed his son, a short wave of his tail taking any sting from his words. He pranced back from Josiah, and Luca squealed again at the movement, laughing. *I’ll take him for one last run through the woods. I should be able to beat the vans to the park gates.*

  “You sure, old man? That’s a long run, and you were running all night.”

  Gray Shadow narrowed his eyes at his son at the old man comment, and Josiah grinned, holding up his hands and tilting his head to the side, playfully exposing the arch of his neck in a show of submission. “No offense meant, Dad. Have fun.”

  Josiah checked the remaining van, and Gray Shadow waited while his son got in the driver’s seat of the first one and the Alpha’s daughter the second, before both vans pulled away from the rented cabin.

  “Let’s go, Grandpa! I wanna run!” Luca begged, and Gray Shadow obliged. He ran lightly across the clearing, reassuring himself Luca wasn’t going to fall, before diving in a headlong rush past the tree line.

  The shadows were cool under the great pines, and the sound of his passage was nonexistent as Gray Shadow ran around the towering ancients. In this form, he could see the life force of everything in the woods, a slow trickle of liquid lights colored yellow and green, with vibrant hues of red and blue intermingled. The life force seeped from the cells of every living organism, and evaporated into a fine mist that was invisible to him, even with his shamanic Spiritsight in use. There were no shamans alive today who could see the life force once it joined the great rivers of energy that traversed the globe. Shamans could see the energies of the natural world, where the life force of all living things mixed with the radiant energy from the sun, moon and stars. The elements were tangible things, and the strongest of shamans could not only reach out and touch the variant energies of the world, but manipulate them as well.

  Gray Shadow raced through the trees effortlessly, leaping streams and small hallows, stricken trunks and tumbles of rocks. Luca was laughing and howling, his voice shrill in the old wolf’s sensitive ears, but urging him on as he kicked up speed. Gray Shadow reached out with his mind, casting his awareness ahead. He saw as multi-hued sparks of light the life forms of deer and bear, and the deep red of a catamount at the farthest reach of his awareness. Tiny little flickers of light for the vermin in the ground and the flittering birds in the boughs, the green slinking glow of snakes in the bushes. Within his mind and the overlay of his Spiritsight, Gray Shadow could see and feel the vibrant miniature suns that burned within the beloved members of his family pack, not too far away as he followed the vague direction of the road out of the park. There were similar beacons of light miles out, other wolves enjoying the fine weather for one last run before returning to familiar territory. His family pack were to the east and south, and he adjusted his course through the trees to beat the vans to the park entrance.

  Luca’s heart was beating fast with excitement, a thrumming sound like that of a hummingbird’s wings. Gray Shadow could see in his mind the powerful radiance that burned in his grandson’s soul. Its light was so similar to Gray Shadow’s own, a silvery, liquid-like tumble of life energy and a hint of something more—Gray Shadow laughed with pleasant surprise in his mind, now certain that Luca would grow to be a shaman once he hit puberty. He’d never thought to examine Luca with Spiritsight, and it was like looking in a mirror. The lights that burned in his spirit and soul were too familiar, too close to Gray Shadow’s own power signature that he could see no other future for Luca. His grandson would be neither beta, nor alpha; the shaman’s path was waiting for him. He was already powerful, and his shamanic talents grew in his young heart, just waiting for his body to mature enough to be able to use them. Once Luca hit his majority, he just might outstrip Gray Shadow in ability and strength.

  Gray Shadow exulted in his discovery, and his muscles burned with exertion and joy, the companionship and promise of the cub clinging to his back and the comforting love of his pack just ahead through the trees giving him an extra bounce in each leap. Luca wrapped his little arms as tightly as he could around Gray Shadow’s neck, and the elder wolf spurred himself on, hearing the rumble of engines ahead through the trees, the scent of asphalt and humans at the park gates riding on the wind. His ears pricked forward, and he could hear voices, the off-tonal quality of humans glaring against the smooth tone of his son’s ever-steady timbre.

  Gray Shadow mentally chided himself on being distracted by his Spiritsight, Josiah having used that time he spent admiring the world to beat his father to the park gates. Gray Shadow raced up a small incline, paws digging into the fragrant dark earth, when he heard the first sharp report of a gun firing. He instinctively ducked and held still, wondering where the hunter was and how close he was to being shot by some idiot human.

  *DAD!* Josiah’s mental scream raced out into the early morning air, and slammed into Gray Shadow’s mind, full of pain and shock. Something was wrong. His cub was hurt, and Gray Shadow got a hazy image from his son, of blood running from his shoulder, his arm useless as a human dressed all in black and armed with a large gun dragged him from the van. Not hunters then, but humans attacking in force.

  *I’m coming!* Gray Shadow screamed back, mentally clutching at the tenuous connection to his son. He could hear more guns firing, and screams from the children. Men were shouting, and it sounded like a war was breaking out just over the rise. Shrieking howls and deep throated growls erupted from Changing bodies, and the scent of blood and angry werewolves filled the breeze.

  *NO!* Josiah’s mental scream was so sharp Gray Shadow halted at the edge of the rise, his muzzle seconds from breaking free from the cover of the tree line and entering the large clearing where the park gates were located. *Get help! Protect Luca!*

  His son was right; he had a cub crying, clinging to his back, and he couldn’t run headlong into danger with Luca depending on him.

  *CAIUS!* Gray Shadow spun his mind out far to the north, seeking his clan Alpha. He quivered with the urge to run into the clearing, but his son’s warning was prudent. He had a cub on his back, his soft whimpers of fear reminding Gray Shadow to stay still, and hidden. He pushed his mental call out to its limits, and tried again, screaming for his dearest friend and Clan Alpha. *CAIUS!*

  Gray Shadow felt it, when the connection was made, locking in place with his Alpha’s strength augmenting the link. *I hear you, mo ghra. What is it?* Caius’ solid and fortifying presence filled the distance between them, and Grey Shadow sent his Alpha every rioting emotion he could through the link.

  *Ambush at the gates, humans with guns, attacking our cubs! HURRY!* Gray Shadow called, and he felt Caius’ answering mental roar of anger and fear. Caius’ rage was a heady thing to experience, but Gray Shadow welcomed it, knowing Caius would come for him and his family.

  Suddenly other minds entered the pack link, pulled in by the Alpha, and Gray Shadow felt the mind tou
ch of Kane, Caius’ heir, and other alphas he didn’t know. They traced the link back to Gray Shadow, and he let them in, letting them see through his eyes and hear through his ears. Gray Shadow crept forward a step, and he could see the park gates.

  The vans were stopped, the doors thrown wide, and his heart shattered under grief and rage as he saw the blood running from the limp forms littering the asphalt of the park entrance. Human men dressed in black combat gear and large guns dragged uninjured wolves still trapped in human form towards the park gates. One of his kin was in wolf form, collapsed unmoving on the pavement, as if caught mid-leap by a bullet. A large vehicle was parked on the other side of the gate, rear doors open wide, and human men were trying to force several of his family members into the vehicle.

  Howls lifted from the trees in the far distance, Caius having alerted wolves in the area to what was happening at the gate. Through the link to Caius, he could feel the Change rolling over the alphas, and their headlong rush into the woods and down the roads to the gates. The wolves of the gathered clans would be here in mere minutes.

  The humans all turned toward the howls from the north, and Gray Shadow’s heart leapt in his chest as he saw Josiah start to Change, his body rippling as he fell to the ground. The human standing over him screamed as Josiah latched his warped, half-formed jaws around the man’s calf, and the rest of the humans milled about in confused terror. Chaos erupted as more of his family began to Change, adrenaline forcing it on them faster than usual. Humans began to fire randomly, and Gray Shadow’s restraint snapped.


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