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Switch Him Up & Turn Him On

Page 4

by Marie Medina

  Christian had never swallowed before. He’d always done this while in bed, hovering above and letting the cum run out of his mouth and down his lover’s cock. He closed his eyes and sighed as he felt Alec shoot. He swallowed quickly, amazed at the quantity of Alec’s load. Milking Alec’s cock, he lost himself in the act. Christian licked his lips when Alec stepped back and released him.

  Collapsing on the couch, Alec panted as he watched Christian try to catch his breath as well. He smiled and said, “You enjoyed that.”

  Christian’s cock ached. Another minute, and he would have come as well. “Yes.”

  “Touch yourself.”

  Christian did so, unbuttoning his boxers and freeing his cock. Would Alec always be like this now, aggressive and giving orders? Christian would do anything to keep him, to be forgiven. As he stroked his cock, he gazed into Alec’s eyes. He liked this dynamic, liked it more than he would ever have expected. Alec wasn’t a big guy at all, but right at that moment he could have done anything with Christian he wanted. Before Christian had always felt overwhelmed by his need for Alec, and now he was simply overwhelmed by Alec himself.

  Sliding off the couch, Alec knelt in front of him. He reached out and teased the head of Christian’s cock for a second, and then he pulled Christian into a harsh, devouring kiss. Christian had never wanted to be fucked so much in his life. When they parted, he knew Alec could see it in his eyes. Alec leaned back, reverting to only watching, and Christian couldn’t take it.

  “Fuck me, Alec. Please.” His desire to dominate and possess Alec had always overridden other desires before, but right now he wanted to feel Alec claim him.

  “You’re sure?”

  Christian nodded, changing positions to slide his boxers off and spread his legs around Alec in invitation. He gripped his cock again and said, “I want to be completely yours.”

  Alec jumped up and left the room, leaving Christian stunned and worried, but to his relief Alec soon returned with lube and a condom.

  “No condom. I want you to come inside me. I didn’t even look at another guy since I left, and I trust you.”

  Alec tossed the condom aside and popped open the lube. He took Christian’s hand and poured some into his palm. “Get me ready.”

  Christian’s hand shook as he caressed Alec’s cock to full hardness. Alec nipped at his ear, and then put some lube on his fingers and prepared Christian’s hole. The fit was tight at first, as no one had taken Christian that way since his first boyfriend six years before. Alec pushed him down onto his back and inserted another finger, leaning over him as he stretched and teased him.

  Christian’s heart pounded as Alec moved between his legs and entered him. Alec went deeper with each thrust, closing his eyes as he set the rhythm. Christian ran his hands all over Alec’s body, wishing Alec would touch him as well. Once he was fully seated, Alec leaned all the way over him and began to pound within him. Christian cried out at the jolts of pleasure, but Alec silenced him with an all-consuming kiss. Alec’s hand slipped between them, and with just three jerks Alec made Christian come. Christian clung to him as the pleasure exploded and swept him away. He was floating and falling at the same time, shivering even as his blood went molten.

  Alec broke the kiss as he came, and Christian gasped as he felt the cum filling him. They looked at each other for several long moments, their breaths commingling as Alec stroked Christian’s hair. They both trembled. Alec sat back and then stood, extending his hand. Neither of them spoke as Alec led Christian to the bathroom and turned the shower on. Christian wanted to say something, but he felt like nothing could live up to what had just passed between them. He went into Alec’s arms, enjoying the silence and the attention of the man he loved.

  Two Weeks Later

  Alec watched Christian from their booth in the sports bar. He’d headed over to another table briefly when they’d spotted a couple of their friends whom Christian hadn’t touched base with yet. The conversation seemed to be going well, even though everyone at the table kept throwing glances at Alec. He sighed, ready for things to go back to normal. While he and Christian still had some issues to work out in private, he wanted the rest of their life to settle down.

  “Hey, Alec. Buy you a drink?”

  Alec looked up when he heard David’s voice. “Hey, man.” He extended his arm for a handshake and then gestured for David to sit across from him. “Actually, it’s confession time. I don’t drink, not really. Drunk driver killed my parents, so I just don’t. In general.”

  David’s face fell as he reached across the table to touch Alec’s arm. “Gosh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  Alec hesitated, but then he moved his arm away, hoping Christian hadn’t seen that. He had to guard his actions more now, as he never wanted to give Christian cause to feel jealous ever again. “There’s no way you could have known. That night in the grocery store, well … I was trying to deal with all the stuff with Christian. It’s all out of my system now.”

  “Hmph. Is that him?” David asked, pointing across the room.

  Alec looked up and saw Christian walking toward them, a neutral expression on his face.

  “Yeah.” Alec stood and let Christian slide in on his side. “Christian, this is David. David, Christian.”

  The two men shook hands and sized each other up as Alec sat back down. David’s countenance definitely changed in that instant. How had Alec not seen it before? He had to keep them apart because he just couldn’t be sure Christian was ready for this yet. He opened his mouth to speak, but Christian spoke first.

  “You wanna join us?” Christian asked. “Alec said you wanted to meet me.”

  David flicked his gaze over to Alec, who had no idea what to do. He wouldn’t be rude simply because he was worried, and he felt proud in a way that Christian had made the gesture. He’d never have done that a year ago.

  “Please do, man,” Alec said.

  “Great. Thanks,” David said.

  Their waitress arrived and saved them from the awkward silence that had immediately descended. She took their drink orders and told them about the specials before moving to another table, but then they were left with silence again.

  “So you work in the library?” Christian asked.

  “Yes, in reference,” David said. “I came from Belford. They had some budget cuts, and my job was one of the ones to go.”

  “Ah. Do you like it here?”

  David nodded, his eyes straying to Alec briefly. “Yeah, I like it a lot.” He folded his hands in front of him. “Are you going to teach again?”

  Christian hesitated, and Alec wished something would happen to distract them. Anything would do.

  “Maybe. There’s a job over at the high school, and I submitted my resume. And the little community college across town is going to start a new tutoring center at the beginning of next semester. I couldn’t work at the university again because I ran out on them before. But that’s my fault, of course, and I understand their point of view.”

  “Oh, yeah, I guess that makes sense. You’re a flight risk and all.” David glanced at Alec, who felt himself fuming at the rudeness of that last remark, and then David asked Christian, “So are you staying?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Really? Are you sure? Six months is a damn long time.”

  Alec slammed his hand on the table. “Hey, stop it.” He leveled a hard stare at David. “If you were spewing bullshit when you said you were happy Christian came back, tell me now because I do not need a fake friend in my life right now.” He touched Christian on the shoulder. “Don’t take offense, okay?”

  Christian nodded, his eyes wide but his face unreadable.

  Alec continued. “You’re meeting him for the first time, David. You have absolutely no fucking idea how out of character this is for him. You’re another man he suspected—it seems rightly—is interested in me, yet he invited you to join us and is trying to get to know you. A goddamn year ago, he would barely have glanced at you and w
ould’ve given you a limp handshake before turning to talk to me, completely ignoring you and pretty much trying to force you to leave. He’s being nice because I told him I consider you a friend and that talking to you helped me while he was gone. If you can’t be civil, please leave.”

  David remained silent for a moment, and the silence stretched as their waitress brought the drinks. She set a beer down in front of David, and he chugged half of it as she set down sodas for him and Christian.

  “Ready to order?”

  “We need a minute,” Christian said, his voice surprisingly even and polite.

  David glared at him and then turned an even more venomous look to Alec. “You’re a fucking cock tease.”

  The words sliced into Alec. “What?”

  “You heard me. You spent all this time teasing me, but now this guy’s come crawling back you don’t need me anymore.”

  Christian leaned forward, his voice and demeanor still calm. “Look, David, you obviously got the wrong idea. Alec would never lead anyone on. He cares too much about other people’s feelings. Maybe he’s a little too open and trusting, but he would never intentionally cause anyone pain, especially someone he considered a friend.”

  Alec couldn’t speak. Nothing made sense as he sat there staring at the table.

  David laughed, but the sound held no humor. “You weren’t here. How the fuck do you know what did or did not go on between us?”

  “Nothing happened,” Alec said as he found his voice. “Nothing at all. I thought I’d made a friend, but that wasn’t real, it seems.” He looked into David’s eyes. “So, nothing happened between us.”

  David finished his beer and slid the glass across the table, and Christian reached over and caught it before it hit the wall.

  “Hey,” Christian said, “Don’t start anything. Just leave.”

  “Well, your little catcher shouldn’t have started something he wasn’t planning on finishing. A blowjob at least would have made it easier to listen to his brokenhearted whining.”

  “Let me out, Alec. I promise I won’t cause a scene.” Christian looked into his eyes. “Please trust me.” Please give me this chance.

  Alec gave a slight nod and moved out of the booth, and Christian slid out and grabbed David by the arm, pulling him to the exit quickly. Once they were outside, Christian pushed him up against the wall and held him there firmly.

  “You listen to me. I will make you pay if you ever come near him again. Yes, I hurt him, and my motives were highly questionable, but what you’re doing is very cruel and very deliberate. You have no other motivation besides malice to excuse you here. I’m sorry you want someone who doesn’t want you, but that is no reason to hurt him. Just walk away. There is no need to lash out at him or take away what comfort you gave him while you were pretending to be his friend. I messed up, and I am going to do everything in my power to make it right because I love him. I had, and still do have, some issues, and it was wrong to bottle them up and let them hurt Alec. I can’t do many things right or well most of the time, as I’m sure you learned from him, but I can and will protect him.”

  David scowled. “From yourself, too, fucker?”

  “Yes. He was right earlier. A year ago, they’d have already called the cops because I would have beaten you senseless as soon as you called him a cock tease. I will not let you say such things about such a kind and gentle man.”

  “Let me go then. I’ll walk away.”

  “You better,” Christian said as he eased back and released the guy.

  David threw him one last dirty look, then glared over his shoulder and walked away. Christian turned and saw Alec standing there. Would Alec be mad? He’d kept his voice down, and only a few people had taken notice of them as they walked by.

  Alec rushed to him and kissed him full on the mouth, causing a couple of people passing by to whistle and cheer.

  “What was that for?” Christian asked as Alec pulled away.

  “For doing such an amazing job. I said I wanted you to change, and I believed you would try, but I didn’t expect such great results.”

  “I have something pretty amazing motivating me.” He took Alec’s hand. “Now come back inside. I’m not going home just because that guy acted like an ass. It’s been too damn long since we went out on a date, and he’s not going to spoil it.”

  Alec smiled and squeezed Christian’s hand. “Damn right he’s not.” Then he leaned in close. “You just wait ‘til I get you home.”

  “Looking forward to it,” Christian whispered back, warmed by the love he saw in Alec’s eyes.

  Chapter 4

  Christian smiled in anticipation as he stumbled forward over the threshold. Alec had unlocked his apartment door and then spun around to yank Christian inside by the collar of his shirt. Christian could hardly catch his breath as Alec ravaged his mouth. The buttons flew off Christian’s shirt as Alec ripped it open and pushed him up against the wall. Alec swept him away with another hungry, searching kiss as he tweaked his nipples, causing Christian to squirm under his touch. Drawing in a sharp breath, Christian groaned as Alec worked his mouth lower and grazed his teeth all across his neck and chest.


  Laughing low in his throat, Alec cupped Christian’s balls through his pants but didn’t touch his cock. Christian raked his fingers down Alec’s arms. His need had hit a fever pitch in the car, and now he needed Alec to take him. Christian bent to kiss his neck and breathe in his musky scent. Please say you forgive me. Say everything is okay now. Tell me you love me. He had to grit his teeth to keep the words in. They’d talked and laughed over dinner the way they used to, and Alec had reiterated how happy Christian’s show of control had made him. Yet, Alec still hadn’t said anything concrete about the progress they were making. It had been two weeks, but Christian knew he had to be far more patient than that.

  Alec pulled him away from the wall and led him back to the bedroom. He pulled Christian’s shirt off and pushed him onto the bed. As Christian reached up for him, Alec pulled his belt off and seized Christian’s hands. Once he’d secured Christian to the bars of the headboard, Alec trailed kisses over his chest, occasionally switching up and raking his teeth over particularly sensitive spots.

  Christian arched repeatedly beneath him, wishing he could touch him and guide him. His cock throbbed with need, and his heavy balls ached. Christian held his breath when Alec finally caressed Christian’s cock through his pants and then slowly unbuckled his belt and began to slide his trousers down. Alec looked into Christian’s eyes as he stripped Christian completely, getting his pants down to his ankles and then averting his gaze only briefly to remove Christian’s shoes and get his pants all the way off.

  Alec rose off the bed and got undressed, taking his time as though he were alone and a long day had exhausted him. He actually hung all of his clothes in the closet and put his socks and boxers in the laundry hamper in the bathroom. Alec didn’t look at Christian as he did this, but the way he moved was so sensual it had to be calculated to tease Christian. When Alec walked back to the bed and stroked himself, Christian’s cock began to weep pre-cum. Alec spied the drops of moisture and dipped his head to lick them away. He straddled Christian on the bed and held his chin between two fingers.

  “Say it,” Alec whispered.

  Say what? Christian’s mind raced. “I’m … sorry.” Alec had told him to stop apologizing a week ago, but he couldn’t think of anything else Alec might want him to say.

  Alec shook his head, a shy smile coming over his face before the passion returned. “Say it, and I’ll believe you.”

  Christian almost couldn’t believe he’d heard right, but quickly he said, “I love you. I never stopped loving you. I don’t deserve your love, but it’s the only thing I’ve ever truly wanted.”

  “No, you probably don’t deserve it, but you’ve had it from that first kiss.” He paused several seconds before adding, “I love you.”

  Christian expected a fiery kiss as Alec
lowered his head, but instead he received only a soft brush of Alec’s lips.

  “Will you forgive me one day?” Christian asked, searching Alec’s eyes.

  Alec brushed another kiss over his mouth. “I’m pretty sure I forgave you when I found you sleeping outside my door.” Another kiss. “That’s why I got so damn angry.”

  Christian laughed. “I love you.” He couldn’t help whispering it again. “Take me. I love being fucked by you.”

  Alec kissed him soundly as he positioned himself between Christian’s legs. He undulated just enough for their cocks to rub against each other, and Christian moaned into the kiss. When Christian felt on the verge of exploding, Alec sat back and reached for the lube in the drawer by the bed. Alec lubed his own cock first, and Christian had to bite his lip to keep from coming. The smile on Alec’s face told Christian he knew how close to the edge Christian was. Alec slid one finger against Christian’s pucker and slowly penetrated. He moved that one digit in and out for what felt like ages, and then he added another. Christian had closed his eyes, and he nearly came off the bed when he felt Alec’s lips brush the tip of his penis. He braced himself and opened his eyes.

  “I love seeing you like this, making you feel this way,” Alec said. He withdrew his fingers and slid into Christian. Bending over him as far as he could, he gathered Christian into his arms, and they rocked together slowly. Alec gave him a searching kiss before rising, and then he thrust deep and hard.

  “Yes, please,” Christian said.

  Alec smiled, and then Christian watched him surge forward and find a new rhythm, giving him the fucking of his life. Christian cried out as he came, the cum exploding from his head and bringing him sweet and much needed relief. Alec continued to thrust, caressing Christian’s thighs, and he finally stilled and threw his head back in a silent cry.

  Alec moved off of Christian and untied him, rubbing his wrists and hands. “You okay?”


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