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Shameless Surrender

Page 8

by Jaymie Holland

  “Oh. My. God.” Every single memory from last night sprung free and tumbled through her brain. “I spent the whole night with Nick.” Her words came out in a whisper, then stronger. “I fucked Nick. Or rather, Nick fucked me.”

  “That answers that question.”

  Chessie startled and dropped the chain on the bed. She picked up her pillow and flung it at Greg’s grinning face. She felt a moment’s satisfaction as she hit him with it, even though, no doubt, he’d let her. “Don’t do that!”

  The pillow throw didn’t even make his grin falter. “I knew it would be good.”

  “Go. Away.” She scooped the chain up from where she’d dropped it beside her. “Let me finish enjoying my memories before you ruin them.”

  “Ruin them?” Greg snorted. “You’ll be enjoying them all day long. Probably all week long. Or more likely, all your life.”

  She picked up a big round yellow emoji pillow with its tongue sticking out and threw that at him, too. This one he dodged.

  He plopped down on the edge of her bed. “So. Do tell all.”

  Chessie let out a breathless sigh as she brought her knees to her chest, then wrapped her arms around them. “I wouldn’t know where to start.”

  “How about there?” He pointed to her hand where the loop at one end of the chain peeked out of her grasp. “Sure doesn’t look like a necklace to me.”

  Her face heated. “It’s a chain. Nick gave it to me.”

  Greg smirked. “Oh, and what kind of chain might that be?”

  He knew exactly what kind it was. He totally knew, but he wanted to drag it from her.

  “Why don’t you tell me what it is?” She unfolded her fingers so it lay on her open palm. “You’re probably an expert.”

  “I wouldn’t say expert.” Greg gave a long whistle. “Look at the size of those diamonds and all that gold—it must have cost some serious dough.” He reached for it but she snatched it away. “Aw, come on, Chess. Let me see it.”

  “It’s been on my nipples.” She gripped it in her fist. “I don’t want your cooties on it.”

  He burst out laughing. “I haven’t had cooties since the second grade.”

  She sniffed. “Until now.”

  “Okay, okay.” He dropped his hand to his lap. “Did you lose your glass slipper?”

  “First you tell me how you know about this.” She held up the chain.

  “Ah, there’s your answer.” He nodded. “That’s the glass slipper.”

  “Tell me,” she demanded.

  “This is your story.” He shook his head. “So, what happened, Cinderella?”

  “I don’t even know how to answer that question.” She couldn’t help a happy sigh. “As far as what happened…what didn’t happen is the better question.”

  Greg shifted on the bed, as though he was getting ready for a great story. “Do tell.”

  Chessie found herself wanting to tell him everything while keeping it all to herself, which didn’t make a damned bit of sense. “We had a great time—”

  “I’ll say.”

  She glared at him. “Do you want me to tell you or not?”

  He held up his hands. “Okay, okay. I’ll shut my mouth.”

  “Good.” She wrapped both arms around her bent knees again. “It really was like a dream, from the moment I received that invitation until I got home and crawled into bed last night.”

  Greg looked like he wanted to tell her to hurry, but he kept his mouth shut.

  “It was a Cinderella night.”

  She smiled to herself. If Prince Charming put a nipple chain on Cinderella and fucked her the same evening.

  Chessie went on, “He picked me up in the limo, took me to dinner and dancing, and showed me a great time.”

  And teased me mercilessly before he fucked the hell out of me, she thought but didn’t say.

  He gave her a do-you-think-I’m-an-idiot look.

  “Yes, you are an idiot.” She grinned at him. “And yes, I had sex with Nick. Awesome, incredible, extraordinary, amazing sex.”

  He broke his silence. “All night long.”

  “Well, yeahhh.” Her silly grin broadened. “This is Nick Tarantino we’re talking about.”

  Greg laughed. “Now do tell about that nipple chain.”

  Her whole body heated. “That’s for me to know…”

  “Watch it, or I’ll tickle you, and you know I’ll find out then.” He gave her a mischievous look. “You’ll really get my cooties.”

  “It was a gift.” She shrugged. “Let’s leave it at that.”

  “You clearly had one hell of an evening.” He backed off, at least for now. “I’m betting you have some other friends who’ll want to hear every juicy detail.” He got to his feet. “But I got it first.”

  “That’s because you live with me and you’re nosy as hell,” she called after him as he headed through her open doorway.

  He cast a look over his shoulder and flashed an unrepentant grin. “It’s because I’m your favorite.”

  “Whatever,” she threw after him as he vanished from view.

  She swung her feet over the side of the bed when her cell phone rang near her alarm clock. Eight-oh-five a.m. Andi would be finished with Taekwondo by now, and she’d demanded a call at eight sharp.

  Chessie wanted to tell her friends everything, yet wanted to sit and enjoy the memories for a while first. But promises were promises.

  She snatched up her iPhone. Sure enough, Andi showed up on the caller ID. Chessie slid her finger across the screen to answer it.

  Chessie decided to feign ignorance. “Hi, Andi. What’s up?”

  “What’s up?” Andi had an incredulous note to her voice. “Hold on. I’m getting the whole team.”

  “Okay.” Chessie smirked to herself. She could draw this out as long as she wanted. She played with the nipple chain. Greg was right. Each of the three diamonds was at least one carat. And the chain, easily white gold. The whole thing had to be worth more than several months of her admin assistant’s salary.

  In moments, Bryn and Sydney were on the line with Andi.

  “What have I missed?” Sydney sounded intrigued. “Andi just said she thinks you have amazing news.”

  “No idea.” Chessie settled back in bed. “I think she’s stoned or something.”

  Bryn butted in. “Come on, Chess. You’ve had your fun. So, give.”

  Chessie thought she’d have some more fun teasing them, but truly wanted to tell them everything. “I had the most amazing night of my life with Nick Tarantino.”

  Andi shrieked her excitement, Bryn said, “I knew it,” and Sydney said, “Hold on, what?”

  “High fives, Bryn,” Andi said.

  “Right back atcha,” Bryn replied.

  “What?” Sydney repeated in a demanding voice. “Tell me everything. Or I will kill you all for keeping me in the dark.”

  “You would have known if you’d answered your phone.” Andi spoke gleefully. “You know how yesterday was Nick’s last day.”

  “Uh-huh…” Sydney said slowly.

  “Chessie got an invitation on her desk before she got off work,” Bryn added.

  “Go on…” Sydney said.

  Chessie kicked back and enjoyed herself, looking at the nipple chain as she listened, feeling completely wonderful in every way. Sated, blissfully sore, and absolutely satisfied.

  When Andi and Bryn had explained the invitation, Andi ended with, “And that’s all we know. So, tell us now, Chess.”

  Chessie thought about delaying her confession a little bit longer, but truthfully she couldn’t wait to tell-all. “Nick is amazing. Totally amazing.”

  A wild cacophony of cheers and an “Oh. My. God,” came over the line, the latter from Sydney.

  Chessie went on to tell them about the lingerie, the dress, and the limo, but left out the most important parts. She wasn’t ready to tell her friends, if ever, the depth of what happened sexually with Nick.

  “Then he took me to—” She he

  “Where?” Andi demanded.

  Chessie bit her lip for a moment before she shoved out, “Club Surrender.”

  “Whoa,” Andi said. “Did you just say what I thought you did?”

  “What is it?” Sydney said.

  Bryn threw in, “It sounds like something kinky.”

  “That’s because it is.” Andi sounded…concerned? “It’s a little-known, very little-known, exclusive BDSM dungeon for people above our social and income level.”

  Bryn and Sydney were quiet a moment before Sydney said, “Seriously? He took you to a kink-house where people spank one another?”

  Chessie cleared her throat. “It wasn’t like that.” Not exactly. “We had dinner and danced, and…” She stared at the nipple chain.

  “What’s the ‘and’, Chess?” Andi demanded. “Did he whip you or something?”

  “No, nooooo,” Chessie rushed her words. “We just…sort of…”

  “Spit it out,” Bryn said.

  “Had sex,” Chessie blurted.

  “In front of other people?” Andi might have kicked Nick’s ass from the tone of her voice.

  “Oh, no. No, no, no.” Chessie swallowed. “Alone. We were alone. And it was amazing.” It was a whole incredible night of amazing.

  “I don’t know whether to congratulate you or ask you ‘What the hell were you thinking?’” Sydney said.

  Bryn and Andi made sounds of agreement.

  Chessie sighed. “I promise you. I had the time of my life.”

  “There’s a song about that,” Bryn said and the others laughed, tension broken.

  Encouraged, Chessie continued, “It was all beautiful and magical. I felt like Cinderella the entire evening.”

  And well into the wee hours of the morning.

  “A Cinderella who was laid by Prince Charming the first night and got spanked,” Andi said and the others laughed.

  Chessie’s cheeks warmed and she was glad no one was there to see her flush. “It wasn’t exactly like that.”

  It was exactly like that.

  “Are you going to see him again?” Sydney asked.

  “Yes.” Chessie felt breathless. “He’s picking me up at eight.”

  Chessie could imagine Bryn’s smile. “That’s ultra-incredible, Chess.”

  Sydney and Andi pitched in their agreements.

  “I’m happy for you,” Sydney said.

  “Just tell him I’ll kick his ass if he treats you wrong,” Andi said. “I don’t work for him anymore, not that it wouldn’t have stopped me.”

  Chessie giggled, picturing Andi attempting to land one of her martial arts kicks on Nick’s gorgeous backside. “I think he’s far too tall, Andi.”

  “Try me.” It was easy to picture the stubborn tilt to Andi’s chin.

  “If nothing else, you can take him out at the knees,” Sydney said and the others giggled.

  “There is that,” Andi agreed.

  Chessie spent the next ten minutes chatting with her friends, yet fending off some of their more direct questions. Some things were better kept personal, even from the closest people in her life.

  She promised to tell them tomorrow morning about tonight and they all said their goodbyes. She disconnected the call, plopped back on her pillow and smiled to herself as she played with the chain, each diamond sparkling in the light peeking through her bedroom blinds.

  “Club Surrender?” came Greg’s voice from the doorway.

  She startled and shot her gaze to him. “You listened.”

  He gave an unapologetic shrug. “I knew you wouldn’t tell me everything. Especially where that chain makes its appearance.”

  She frowned. “You were there the entire time?”

  “God, no.” The corner of his mouth quirked. “Listen to you giggle with three other silly women?” He shook his head. “I waited to hear the best part—I didn’t think you’d wait too long to spill it, and you didn’t disappoint.”

  Chessie groaned. “Next time I’ll lock the door.”

  “Nah.” He leaned up against the doorframe, arms crossed over his athletic chest. “So, Chess. What’s this about you going to a BDSM club?” He didn’t sound teasing like he normally did.

  “It was nice, Greg.” She pushed strands of her messy hair behind her ear. “We had dinner there, and we did dance, too.”

  “You did more than that,” Greg stated.

  Greg was one of her closest friends. “We had sex.” She hurried to add, “In private. It was wonderful sex.” She flashed him an impish grin. “Best. Sex. Ever.”

  “Women.” Greg looked up at the ceiling then returned his gaze to hers. “All you want is sex-sex-sex.”

  Chessie laughed. “That’s because we see you all as sex objects.”

  He shook his hair and struck a dramatic pose. “That’s because we are.”

  She giggled at the sight of Greg in a not-so-flattering position. “You’re a dork.”

  He pointed his finger at her. “And you’re too innocent to be going to a dungeon.”

  “For cripe’s sake.” She slid out of bed and gathered clothes. “You sound like the girls.” She rounded up jeans, a T-shirt, panties, and a bra. “I am going to take a shower, so go on.”

  He just stared at her.

  “Jeez, Greg.” She sighed. “Trust me, okay?”

  He walked closer and ruffled her hair. “Maybe I should just say, ‘be good’, the next time you go out with him.”

  “What’s the fun in that?” She squeezed the nipple chain in her hand. “Now beat it.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll have a serious talk with my man tonight. No spanking, flogging, whipping, paddling, or any other butt-swatting.”

  “Don’t you dare say a word to him about a single thing.” She playfully pushed him away. “Go.”

  He headed toward her bedroom door, tossing back a, “I’ll have my shotgun ready,” before he vanished through the doorway.

  “Between Greg and Andi,” Chessie said aloud to herself, “if Nick doesn’t behave, he won’t stand a chance.”

  She grinned as she recognized the truth. Oh, yes, that man would.

  * * * *

  Sunlight bathed the floor’s open design, showing the light grain of the wood and the soft whites and creams of the crafted molding. Nick crossed his arms and studied the space, letting himself imagine her in it.

  His woman.

  His Chessie.

  “You know, Tarantino, you surprise me,” Luc Jones said, giving him that famous Aussie grin that had made him the male equivalent of Mata Hari during his years in the Intelligence Community. “I never took you for the ballet sort.”

  “It’s athletic,” Nick said. “Keeps you fit. You should try it.”

  “I’ll pass.”

  “It’s real estate. And I’ve got a use for it.”

  “You planning to flip it to a club?”

  “Nah, not this place. I’ve got some others in mind for things like that.” He held out the papers he’d taken from Jones’ sales portfolio. “These three.”

  But not because they’d make good clubs. Their high vantage points, the locations, the building security—all made them perfect for what his old SAS boss had requested.

  His former commander had asked him to get some properties for their surveillance work. Nick agreed, even as he’d thought, You never really get out of the business.

  But this dance studio he planned to fix up for Chessie—to use, to teach, or whatever else she wanted.

  To just be herself.

  Chapter Eleven

  Once again, Chessie found herself feeling on edge and ready for so much more as she got into the back of the limo, but this time knowing exactly who and having an idea of what lay before her.

  Another outfit had arrived that afternoon, one made of silk in a dramatic shade of red with a daring neckline. The high-low hem showed off her thighs in the front and the material draped to heel length in the back. Black accessories accompanied the dres
s, including an evening bag and strappy black heels, along with black lingerie.

  To die for, all of it, Chessie had thought as she dressed. Simply to die for.

  Now, she sat a few inches from Nick as the chauffer closed the door behind her.

  “Hi.” The word came out breathlessly.

  Nick gave her a slow, sensual appraisal as he moved his hands up her bare arms. He grasped her by her shoulders and drew her to him before claiming her mouth with his.

  His kiss scorched her from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes. She gasped and he slid his tongue into her mouth. He searched and explored, commanding her to give him all she had. When she drew her head back, stars sparkled in her mind, set off by his kiss.

  He traced his thumb around one of her silk-covered nipples and she caught her breath. “You wore your nipple chain.” His eyes darkened with approval.

  Chessie swallowed. The loops at either end of the chain kept her nipples hard, but they grew impossibly harder at his touch.

  A low rumble came from his chest as clenched his fingers in her hair. “God, I want to take you now. But I have too much planned for tonight.”

  An electric sensation bounced around her midsection. “What do you have planned?”

  He had the sexiest grin that melted her down to her very high heels. “That is for me to reveal to you as I am ready.”

  She thought of all the times she’d rested her elbow on her desktop and her chin in her hand, daydreaming about Nick as he worked behind his closed door. Those dreams couldn’t begin to come close to her current reality.

  “The restaurant is nearby, so I don’t have enough time to kiss you properly.” He slid his fingers up her thigh and pushed the hem nearly to her panties. “Everywhere.”

  His deep voice reverberated through her, straight to her core.

  On the way to the restaurant, Nick stroked the inside of her thigh, near her pussy, keeping her on edge the entire drive. She didn’t think her heart would ever stop thrumming so fast when she was around him. Everything about him kept her senses on fire and her body ready and willing.

  She was almost relieved when they arrived at Caruso’s, an exclusive LA restaurant. Another place the elite went to see and be seen. Chessie couldn’t believe Nick had taken her someplace so public, as if he wanted everyone to know she was with him.


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