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Shameless Surrender

Page 13

by Jaymie Holland

  She’d felt claimed, like she was his, so totally his. He couldn’t have marked her more if he had painted her head to toe in glittering gold.

  He’d dropped her off at her home on Sunday and had given her an earth-shattering kiss at her doorstep. That kiss had been deep and possessive, and she’d waited for him to call about what time he’d pick her up Monday.

  But he hadn’t.

  She’d gone to the dance studio after work, she’d danced for hours—but in the end, he still hadn’t called, and she’d shut off the lights. She’d gone home and tucked the keys into her dresser drawer, and she’d lain awake most of the night, thinking.

  And hurting.

  She’d expected her mother’s voice to twist the knife deeper in her gut, but she’d finally shut her up and tucked her away in the back of her mind. At least she had that.

  Come Tuesday, hour after hour, she’d waited, like the biggest idiot in the world. Thank God, she didn’t hear the voice of her mother creeping back into her mind, listing her faults and scolding her for expecting the world instead of just appreciating the attention she received.

  Every day that passed, the weekend grew more and more distant. Like a memory she would treasure forever. She had that, too.

  While the low hum of voices hovered in the background, Chessie sighed. She watched clouds drift lazily by. She was wearing Nick’s chain and felt her tight nipples beneath her jacket. The chain kept her in a state of constant arousal and she wondered again why she had worn it to work every day this week.

  As if Prince Charming would ride his steed into her office, sweep her off her feet, and ride away with her in his arms.


  But…of course, she knew why. The nipple chain was a part of her wonderful weekend with Nick, his gift to her. It was part of the memories she would treasure for a lifetime. It helped her relive each sensual second.

  Clearly, it wasn’t the same for him, no matter how he had seemed to be so into her at the time. He had just been satisfying a sexual urge for two days, then had given her the gift of a day together.

  Her rational mind knew it had been a weekend fling for him, even if her heart didn’t want to accept it. He had left her, probably already moved on to whatever exotic place he was going, and she’d live a lifetime wanting him.

  Would she ever meet any man who would live up to Nick Tarantino?

  The answer came easily to her. “No,” she whispered.

  She moved out of her chair and walked to Nick’s former office. Derrick Macintyre would be moving in his personal belongings today, but for now, she swore she could still feel Nick’s presence, could smell his masculine scent.

  Chessie leaned against the doorframe of his office and crossed her arms beneath her breasts, hugging herself tight. His huge mahogany desk and shelves were bare, his expensive décor gone. All she had left were memories, but lord, those memories were a steaming hot mess.

  You knew better, her mother’s voice scolded in her mind, popping in out of nowhere.

  “Go back where you belong,” Chessie whispered. “And don’t come back.”

  The voice silenced.

  She sighed and thought about all the times Nick had come out of his office and came to her, leaning over her and letting his body touch hers. Every one of those moments had served to tighten his hold on her.

  He still had her, but it was clear he didn’t want her.

  “You really should stop embarrassing yourself like this,” Constance Baron’s haughty voice came from behind Chessie, grinding the words out just like Mother’s judgmental tone. She wished she could stomp Constance down, too.

  Chessie rolled her eyes. Enough of this shit, right? Straightening to her full height—which was about five inches shorter than Constance—Chessie turned to face the Bitch Queen. “Don’t you have throats to slit or something? Fuck off. I don’t need your opinions.”

  Constance narrowed her eyes. “You’re just a little nothing. A glorified secretary. Now that your lord and master is gone, I can get your ass fired.”

  Chessie opened her mouth to tell Constance exactly where she could shove her threat, when she felt a familiar presence. Hands gripped her shoulders, forcing her to turn around. Before she realized what was happening, she was facing Nick. He looked both angry and possessive all at once. He cupped the back of her head and brought her mouth roughly to his. He gave her such a soul-searing kiss that her whole body went weak and she melted against him. He pulled the clip from her hair and it all tumbled down in a mass around her shoulders while he worked his fingers through it.

  When he drew back, his expression was intense, as if he was telling her a thousand things with that one look. “Hello, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  So many words and questions danced through Chessie’s mind. When she opened her mouth, lips still tingling from his kiss, she whispered, “Where have you been? Why didn’t you call?”

  Nick appeared shocked.

  Then he looked furious.

  His gaze flashed from hers to Constance, and he murmured, “She didn’t give you my message.”

  Confusion washed over Chessie, then the hot-cold anger of understanding. Her eyes narrowed, and her jaw clenched. “No,” she said with an eerie calm she absolutely did not feel. “She didn’t.”

  Nick met her gaze again. “I’m sorry I couldn’t call you this week. I had a family emergency. I’ll tell you all about it, but for now I hope you can forgive me for not talking with you directly.”

  All Chessie could do was stare at Nick, the man who had stolen her heart so completely, and claimed her body and soul as his own.

  Nick’s attention moved to Constance again, and this time he stepped away from Chessie enough to drape a possessive arm around her shoulders, and turn them both to face Constance directly.

  “You,” Nick started to say to Constance. Then stopped. All the softness he had shown Chessie fled the lines of his face, and his tone turned ice-sharp. “You are barely worth my time, and I don’t know why I’ve tolerated you all these years.”

  Constance opened her mouth to speak, but Nick held up his free hand. “No. Not a word. And understand this. If you wish to remain employed here, or anywhere I still have business holdings, you will never speak to my future wife in such a manner again, Ms. Baron.”

  Chessie’s head started buzzing with what Nick had just said. My future wife. My future wife, kept going through her mind as she stared up at him.

  Constance’s mouth fell open, incredulity in her eyes.

  Nick turned his attention to the speechless Chessie. The next thing she knew, he eased down onto one knee and looked up at her. From his pocket, he withdrew a black velvet box and snapped it open. Inside was a sparkling marquis diamond—at least two-and-a-half carats—surrounded by sapphires.

  He took her hand in his and her head spun, unable to believe what was happening.

  “Chessie Lane, I fell in love with you long ago.” His aquamarine eyes sparked with fire. “And now it’s time to make you mine, for good. All I need is a yes. Say yes, Miss Lane. Say yes.”

  Her lower lip trembled and her entire body buzzed. “I’ve loved you forever, Nick.” She gave him a sudden smile as incredible joy filled her. “And you are mine for keeps. Yes. Yes.”

  Nick gave her that soul-melting smile she loved and he slid the ring on her finger. Like the clothing he had purchased for her, the ring was a perfect fit.

  He rose up, towering over her, and cupped her face in his palms. His mouth met hers, this time gentle and sweet. A long, deep kiss that made her heart pound and her knees weak. She clung to the lapels of his suit, barely able to stand on her own.

  When he finally drew back, she could only stare up at him in wonder and love. But then sudden applause broke out around them and Chessie flushed when she saw virtually the entire staff of Tarantino Investments smiling and applauding, including Andi, as well as Derrick Macintyre.

  The only one not smiling was Constance Baron who was still looking shel
l-shocked as though she’d swallowed a tarantula and it was crawling back up her throat.

  In one smooth, powerful movement, Nick scooped Chessie in his arms and she gave a little cry of surprise and clung to his neck.

  Derrick let out a long-suffering sigh and said, “Looks like I just lost my office assistant.”

  Nick grinned and looked down at Chessie. “Looks like I just gained a wife.”

  They rode in the limo to his home in Beverly Hills, and Nick couldn’t keep his hands off Chessie. He kissed her, touched her, held her tight. He had to restrain himself from stripping her bare and taking her right in the limo. Again and again.

  When they arrived at his mansion, Nick carried his future bride through the enormous home and upstairs to the master bedchamber. He carefully set her on her feet beside the bed. Her eyes were wide, her blonde hair tousled and her mouth red from his kisses.

  “I can’t believe this is happening.” Chessie’s throat worked and she laid her hand on his chest. “I had no idea you felt the same way I do. Friday and Saturday…I thought you just wanted sex.”

  “How could you not know?” He brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. “Didn’t you notice how often I made it a point to call you into my office to go over files I could have reviewed alone? Or the times I leaned over your shoulder while you worked and breathed in the scent of you? It was torture having you near, but it didn’t matter. I had to be close to you.”

  He sat with her on the bed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I think pink suits you.”

  She blinked then looked in the direction he was. Her eyes widened. An entire set of the Louis Vuitton luggage in pink crouched on the floor in front of her. On top of the luggage was the cream and tan handbag she’d been staring at while he’d made his purchases—only he’d been buying her fuchsia luggage when she’d thought he was getting the blue for himself. Shopping bags with designer names surrounded the luggage—probably the things he’d liked that he’d made her try on.

  “It’s wonderful,” she said.

  He slid both hands into her hair. “What do you think about a honeymoon cruise in Asia? Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok?”

  “I don’t even know what to say.” She shook her head. “This is like a dream.”

  “We can choose to go anywhere you want, princess.” He smiled. “If not Asia, perhaps the Netherlands or Australia, or the South Pacific. Hell, we can take a cruise around the world.”

  “Asia is perfect.” She flung her arms around his neck. “Anywhere with you is the place I want to be.”

  He skimmed his lips over hers. “That’s exactly where you’ll be. With me.”

  Chessie shivered as Nick took her jacket from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. She saw his wicked smile when he looked at her taut nipples through the fine fabric of her blouse, which also showed the rough outline of the gold and diamond chain.

  “You wore it,” he said, his tone one of pleasure and surprise as he unbuttoned her blouse and reached the nipple chain. He lightly tugged on it and she gasped at the exquisite sensation.

  Here she was, in his bedroom, after he’d proposed to her.

  She was going to be Nick’s wife.

  Slowly, he undressed her as if cherishing every curve of her body. When she stood naked before him she burned even hotter for him. “I need to see you, Nick.”

  He kicked off his shoes, then let her undress him. She liked how he couldn’t take his eyes off her as she pushed his jacket from his shoulders and to the floor, then unbuttoned his shirt and discarded it just as easily. But when her hands reached his waistband, she trailed her fingers over the taut outline of his cock.

  “You’d better hurry, sweetheart.” His aquamarine eyes burned with clear desire. “I’m about to take you just as I am.”

  Chessie smiled and unfastened his trousers, enjoying the power she had over him.

  When they were both naked, Nick carried her to the bed, his body hot against hers. He gently set her on the burgundy satin comforter and eased onto the bed beside her so they were facing one another, his hard cock pressed against her belly and her nipples brushing his chest.

  “You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed of this,” he murmured as he lightly skimmed his fingers along her curves.

  “I think I might.” Chessie raised her hand to trace his lower lip with her thumb. “You have been the subject of every fantasy I’ve had since I met you.”

  “It killed me knowing I had to wait for the right time.” With a self-deprecating smile, he shook his head. “So many times, I wanted to break the rules, to say to hell with it and bend you over my desk and fuck you. To mark you as mine.”

  Tingles skittered through Chessie’s belly and she gave him a little grin. “That was one of my favorite fantasies. The spanking part, too. I loved those spankings you gave me.”

  He rolled her onto her back and moved between her thighs. “I have a feeling you’re going to be naughty and need lots of spankings.”

  She gave him a wicked grin. “I can be a very, very bad girl.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Nick dipped his head and flicked his tongue over her nipple. “But now I intend to make love to you.”

  A moan escaped Chessie’s lips and she arched her breasts higher, wanting more from him. He seemed to read her mind, latching on to one nipple and sucking it and the loop that kept swollen and hard.

  “You taste so damn good,” he murmured as he began easing down her body, lightly lapping at her skin and erotically tormenting her.

  When he reached her core, he placed two fingers inside her, working them in and out as he licked and sucked her clit. Just as her body began to tremble with an oncoming orgasm, Nick rose and placed his cock at her center. For a long moment, his gaze met hers and she read his love as clearly as she felt her own.

  He slid into her with one slow thrust and stopped, his arms braced to either side of her shoulders. Chessie whimpered at the feel of him and she squirmed, wanting him to fuck her. But he kept his intense gaze on her, his powerful body still between her thighs.

  “You’re mine,” he said, his voice filled with possession and power as he slowly began thrusting in and out of her. “All mine. Say it, Chessie.”

  “Yes.” She could barely speak as she lightly scraped her fingernails over his back. “I’m yours, Nick. Forever.”

  He gave her a look of extreme satisfaction and began moving in and out of her, harder and faster. Chessie met his every thrust, her passion building and building until she shook with the effort not to come.

  “Now,” she said, “come with me now, Nick.”

  He shuddered and cried out, “Chessie!” and she felt his hot fluid pumping inside her channel.

  Her own orgasm soared through her, a maelstrom of sensation intensified by knowing Nick returned her love. She felt his hard body pressed tight to hers, but her orgasm seemed as though it might never stop. As if it might rip her apart. Her core clenched and unclenched around his cock and waves of feeling kept coursing through her body.

  Nick rolled onto his side and brought her with him so they were face to face, her leg over his hip so his cock was still inside her. Gradually their breathing slowed and the corner of his mouth turned up in a sexy smile. Sweat dripped from his hair and she smelled the scent of her juices mixed with his cum. Nothing had ever smelled so good, and no one had ever looked so wonderful as Nick did at that very moment.

  “You’re hired, Miss Lane,” he said in a teasing tone.

  Chessie laughed. “I gladly accept this position, Mr. Tarantino. Forever.”

  Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

  Deadly Intent: Hidden Prey

  Cheyenne McCray


  Chapter One

  The nightmare had been so damned real. Landon Walker sat on the edge of his bed, his eyes bleary and his head aching like a mother. He had to stop trying to find peace at the bottom of a bottle of Jack D, because it only made him feel like hell the ne
xt morning. Didn’t matter what he did, because he didn’t think he’d ever have peace again.

  His dream had replayed every last detail of that night when a hit-and-run drunk driver had sideswiped Landon’s motorcycle, sending Stacy flying and pinning him beneath the wreckage. A helmet and protective gear hadn’t been enough to save her. After he’d managed to get out from beneath the motorcycle, he’d crawled to her, dragging his shattered leg. He could still feel her broken body in his arms.

  He ran his hand down his face, the stubble and scar along one cheekbone rough against his callused palm. Fourteen months to the day Stacy had died in the accident, an accident that had been his fault.

  Would he ever stop marking time by the date of his fiancée’s death?

  He turned his head to look at the alarm clock and winced from the pain the sudden movement caused. Damn. He’d be late if he didn’t get his ass out of bed. He didn’t work some punch-the-clock forty-hour workweek. But Mondays still sucked.

  Early Monday mornings he used to play basketball with a bunch of guys who were in law enforcement. On Friday nights, those who weren’t working usually played poker. But after the accident, Landon had pulled away from everything but his job. He still worked out—sometimes excessively—in the fitness room in his home. Not only to stay fit but because the strenuous activity burned off excess anger at himself and sometimes at the world.

  With his head still aching, he stepped under ice-cold water in the shower in an attempt to wake up. He braced his hand against the smooth white tiles, his head lowered, goosebumps prickling his skin when he let the water flow over him. He kept the water cold as he washed his hair and soaped his body. When he’d finished, he shut off the water and shook his head, droplets flying before he toweled himself off.

  The cold shower had done its job and he felt marginally better by the time he pushed open the shower stall’s glass door. He might just make it through today after all. Last month had been the first month he hadn’t taken flowers to Stacy’s grave. For the first year, he’d visited once a month on the date of her death, but after a year, he’d made the decision to move on to save his sanity. Damned if he knew how.


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