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Pulse (Collide)

Page 36

by Gail McHugh

  Time. Emily never looked at it the same way after her mother died. Her perception of what life should mean and how it could be taken at any second was forever changed the day she watched her mother’s cherry wood coffin slowly descend into the rain-soaked earth. With her mother gone, vanished like a swirling vapor, time held new meaning for Emily.

  As she closed the penthouse door behind her, Emily found herself wondering where the last seven months had gone. Time slipped through itself, a black hole sucking in memories, leaving behind Noah’s beautiful fingerprints. Like shooting stars in her sky, Noah left his beautiful mark on Emily’s life in so many magical ways. Emily’s loving gaze fell on Noah, sitting up like the big boy he was turning into, as he reached out his tiny hand to Gavin’s. After smothering a block with his sweet saliva, Noah chucked the block at Gavin’s head. Laying on the floor next to Noah, a chuckle belting from his mouth, Gavin mocked sadness as he looked at his son.

  Giggling, a few thoughts flew around Emily’s mind. One: Gavin was lucky he was wearing his Yankees hat. Two: Gavin was even luckier the alphabet-speckled block was made of cotton. Three: Surrounded by an array of toys from one end of the living room to the next, Gavin looked completely edible, wearing nothing but that Yankees hat and pajama pants on this fine, Sunday afternoon. Yeah. Though time was disappearing faster than Emily could blink, faster than she could catch her next breath, each second was nothing short of magnificent.

  “Look who’s home, Noah,” Gavin announced, sliding from the floor to the couch. He grinned at Emily and adjusted his baseball cap. “And she came bearing gifts for us. Will we be fed, Mommy?”

  Smiling at Gavin and Noah, Emily plopped two paper bags of groceries onto the counter. “That depends.” She pulled out a loaf of rye bread. “Is the laundry folded?”

  Gavin quirked a brow. “My brother was right. You’ve domesticated me beyond belief.”

  “I take that as a yes.” After shoving a head of lettuce into the refrigerator, Emily dug her hands into her hips. “And don’t lie. You love being domesticated.”

  Gavin chuckled, reaching for the newspaper on the end table. “Yes, boss. To be honest, Noah folded the whole pile.” He flipped open the paper, his teasing blue eyes peeking out from the sports section. “But we took a man vote. We’re in agreement we’re both tired of folding laundry. We want the housekeeper back.” Beaming a dimpled smile, Gavin looked at Noah. “Right, buddy?”

  With one hand wrapped around a musical clown rattle and the other shoved in his mouth, Noah gave a single nod.

  “That’s my boy,” Gavin laughed, swinging his eyes to Emily. “See? You’re outnumbered, doll. We win. I’m calling Leslie and hiring her back on fulltime. It’s a done deal.”

  Jaw dropped open, Emily giggled. “This is obviously a conspiracy. It’s bad enough you have my son decked out in a Yankees onesie. Now you have him turning on me? Evil. Pure evil.”

  Gavin cackled like a ghoul and flipped to the business section. He grinned that very same mouthwatering grin that’d snared her the first time she’d met him. “Hey. You’ve known this for a while,” he reminded her with a shrug and a wink. “And you love every evil inch of me.”

  Shaking her head, Emily continued to unpack the groceries. Every fiber in her being agreed. Without a doubt, she’d forever love every evil and un-evil inch of him.

  “Emily,” Gavin called, pulling her attention from a cooking magazine. In the checkout line, a recipe for creamy baked chicken had caught her eye. Unlike the last two times, she was determined to make this evening’s dinner work out without giving her or Gavin food poisoning. “What does Noah have in his hands?”

  Emily squinted, trying to see across the room. “I don’t know. A block?”

  “Can you get it from him?” Gavin stared over his newspaper. “He has it in his mouth.”

  Emily furrowed her brows. “Gavin, he’s teething. He’d chew on my shoe if I gave it to him.”

  “I know,” Gavin replied after clearing his throat, “but I don’t want him chewing on that block.” He smirked, his eyes lighting up with amusement. “Or your shoe for that matter. Can you just take it from him? It might be… dirty.”

  Tilting her head, Emily dropped her shoulders and rolled her eyes. “One: You’re a clean freak. Two: I’d rather him chew on my shoes than yours. Three: You’re right there. You take it from him, nutter.”

  “Nutter?” Gavin questioned, chuckling. He paused for a second, quite impressed at his new name. “My back hurts. You get it.”

  “Yes, nutter,” Emily sighed with a smile, placing the magazine on top of the table. “You’re just trying to get another massage out of me.” She rounded the island, completely convinced her OCD, massage-conniving boyfriend was losing it. Shoeless, she stepped onto the down comforter Noah was playing on.

  Though square, it wasn’t a block he was chewing on. Nope. Not even close. Emily flicked her gaze to Gavin, who was sporting a full, megawatt smile, and back to the black velvet box Noah was thoughtfully sinking his newly rooted tooth into. Before Emily could blink or take a much needed breath, Gavin slipped from the couch, depositing himself cross-legged onto the comforter. Scooping Noah into his lap, Gavin flipped his Yankees cap backward, eased the box from Noah’s hand, replaced it with a tiny book, and stared up into Emily’s unblinking green eyes.

  “Come sit with us,” Gavin said, his voice soft. “We have something for you.”

  Emily swallowed, her throat suddenly parched. Trembling, she slowly sank down onto the comforter, sitting cross-legged in front of Gavin. Knees touching his, she stared at his lazy grin, her heart racing as he leaned in to kiss her. He let the kiss linger until Noah started to fuss his displeasure about being smashed in between them. Pulling back, Emily let out a nervous giggle and swept her hand through Noah’s wavy hair.

  “He’s just jealous,” Gavin whispered, placing a kiss on Noah’s head. Bringing his gaze back to Emily’s, it was Gavin’s turn to swallow. For the second time in his life, he was about to propose to a woman. However, for the first time, not a shred of reservation ran through his body. Gavin knew she was the one created for him. With a shaky hand, he cupped Emily’s face, his heart pouncing.

  “I love you, Emily. You’ll always be my best friend. You’ll always be my… Molly.” Eyes wide, staring into hers, Gavin leaned in and brushed a gentle kiss upon her quivering lips. “You’re the mother of my child. You and Noah have brought color to my empty canvas, light into my darkened life.” With the pad of his thumb, he wiped a warm tear from Emily’s cheek and pulled in a deep breath. “Let’s paint the full picture together and light up the sky, sweets. I love you both more than anything.” He drew up a brow, his sexy smirk showing off his chiseled features. “Remember? You trump Valentine’s Day chocolates.” Sniffling, Emily giggled.

  Gavin smiled, but his face sobered quickly, his voice a gentle whisper. “I believe in forever, and that’s what you and I are. We define eternity. This may sound cheesy, but you make me go there. You give me butterflies, Emily Cooper. I’ve never had that before, and I don’t want to let that go for anything. Ever. I asked you once to crash with me, and you did. Now... I’m asking you to take the full ride. Walk with me the rest of the way until we’re old, sitting in our rocking chairs and watching our sugar-high grandchildren play in our yard. I’ve seen this world a million times over, but I’ve never seen it with you by my side. I want you, no, I need you to be my wife. I need to wake up every morning knowing you’re Mrs. Emily Michelle Blake.” He paused, and Emily could see his eyes misting over. “Please. Take this last step with me.” He cracked open both sides of the box. Cushioned in the middle of Harry Winston’s classic signature lay a round, brilliant diamond set in platinum with smaller diamonds encircling its base.

  Emily found her breath evaporating from her lungs. She froze under the gravity of his words, but her heart, filled with a riot of emotions, took off excitedly. Gavin’s declaration sang in her ears, musical notes of love reverberating through
her. “I love you,” she choked out, her eyes stinging with happy tears. She wrapped her hand around the back of Gavin’s neck and pulled his smiling lips into her mouth. “And, yes, I’ll take every last step with you, Gavin.”

  “Yeah?” he questioned with a chuckle between kisses. Once again, Noah squealed in displeasure, trying to squirm from Gavin’s hold by kicking his chunky legs in frustration. “You’re going to be my wife?”

  “Yes. I’m going to be your wife,” Emily cried, lifting Noah onto her lap. He settled down when she handed him a bottle, his little body relaxing with instant gratification. Emily’s limbs went weak as Gavin reached for her hand and slipped the engagement ring onto her finger. Her soul warmed from everything it represented.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, staring into Gavin’s eyes. “I have no words that could possibly describe what you do to me every day.” And she didn’t. He’d found her broken, withering away into nothing. He’d mended her heart, bandaging her soul with his presence. Through it all, he showed her what true love was. He was a dream. The only thing she could do was pray she never awoke from this bliss. His bliss. Gavin dowsed her lips with more intoxicating kisses as she ran her hand down his bare chest. Time was of the essence, but now time would always be filled with everything Emily could’ve ever imagined, everything she could’ve ever hoped for.

  “You already gave me the only word I needed to hear,” Gavin said softly. He kissed her again, massaging his fingers into her hair. “Now, you need to get up, and go get ready. There’s a gift for you on the bed.”

  “Get ready?” she asked. She laid Noah, out cold, onto the comforter. Smiling, she stared at him a moment and soaked in his tiny, exhausted body. “Where are we going?”

  Standing and bringing Emily along with him, Gavin stretched, his hard, rigid physique catching Emily’s attention in an instant. She bit her lip, her gaze roaming over his golden skin, needing to follow the glorious dragon’s descent below Gavin’s pajama pants. It was all good, though. Every inch of her had a lifetime to worship the beautiful work of art on her fiancé’s extraordinary body.

  “I’m taking you out to celebrate.” He leaned into her ear, his tongue stroking the lobe. Chills shot, prickling over Emily’s flesh. He kissed her lips one, last glorious time, soft and gentle. Gavin stepped back, leaving her body aching from his absence. “Olivia will be here in fifteen to watch Noah for us. I’m spoiling my lady tonight.” Eyes locked on hers, Gavin jerked his head toward their bedroom. “Go ahead. I’ll see you soon, future Mrs. Blake.”

  Gavin always came up with the sweetest things to say, but those particular words rolled from his tongue like chocolate. Breathless, Emily nodded and made her way down the hall, her head fuzzy with joy, excitement, and love.

  Upon entering their suite, Emily’s eyes fell upon a large rectangular box lying on the bed with a red bow crisscrossing around it. Emily wondered what the certified-wiseass love of her life had in store for her. A horrid, pink Yankees sweat suit came to mind, but since he’d said they were celebrating, she figured he probably skipped that idea. On second thought, she wouldn’t put it past him. He loved putting his stamp on things. She sank onto the bed reaching for the box, her curiosity more than piqued. After sliding off the bow, she lifted the top. A laugh escaped her lips when she spotted silver, blue, and white Yankees tissue paper hugging whatever gift was hiding inside. She shook her head, praying he wasn’t going to make her endure a night out on the town swathed in his favorite team’s gear. Hands itching to find out, she tore the paper away with the velocity of a rocket shooting into the air. On a gasp, mixed with a sigh of relief, she was thrilled to find her man wasn’t going there.

  No. Instead, the attire he’d chosen for her was a single shoulder, glossy black silk wrap dress with elegant ruching above and under the bust. Standing, Emily held the breathtaking cocktail dress against her chest as she stared at her full-length mirror. Hitting just above the knee, with a stunning jewel appliqué cinching the waist, there was no doubt the dress would accentuate her newfound mommy curves. To top off her surprise, Gavin had picked out a pair of the season’s newest black, strappy Manolo Blahnik’s. With giddiness flowing through her, Emily turned to get ready for the evening and spotted Gavin leaned casually against the doorframe.

  “Have you been watching me the whole time?” Emily asked, feeling a flush run up her cheeks.

  “I have, and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.” Arms crossed, he gave her a lazy smile. “Did I do well?”

  Emily strolled across the bedroom, her eyes feasting on his chiseled face. She tangled her fingers in his soft, dark hair and brought him down for a kiss. “Do you ever not do well?”

  “Mmm”—he smirked, running his lips across her jaw—”now that you mention it, I guess I’m pretty on point all the time.”

  Emily giggled, nuzzling against his bare chest. “So confident.”

  “I am.”

  “Well, Mr. Confident, where’s our child then?”

  “Asleep in his crib.” He popped a brow, looking at her. “Now kiss me for the good daddy deed.”

  Without hesitation, Emily did as he asked. Before she could devour his lips with the intensity her body screamed for, the doorbell sounded. “Olivia,” Emily breathed, attempting to regain her bearings as she backed away.

  “Perfect but imperfect timing,” Gavin sighed as he turned toward the hall. “You get ready, and I’ll get the door. Right after I calm myself… down.” Semi-hard, Gavin tried to think of something, anything that would take his mind off Emily’s luscious lips. However, nothing was working. As he opened the door, he hoped Olivia wouldn’t notice his very awake, very enthusiastic response to Emily’s touch.

  “Eeek!” Olivia all but yelled as she darted into the penthouse. “Where’s my godson?”

  Running his hand through his hair, Gavin smiled and closed the door. “He’s asleep.”

  “Oh, come on already.” Olivia frowned and chucked her purse onto the foyer table. Continuing to pout, she marched into the living room and sank onto the couch with a huff. “Every time I come over he’s sleeping.”

  With a look of confusion laced with amusement, Gavin shook his head. “Liv, that’s what babies do best. They sleep.” She rolled her eyes as dramatically as Sarah Bernhardt. Gavin lounged into a soft, leather wingback chair. “Aren’t you curious if Emily accepted my proposal? I’m surprised that wasn’t your first question.”

  Olivia rolled her eyes again. “Pfft. I don’t ask questions I already know the answer to. There was no way she would’ve not accepted, and had she, I would’ve beat her ass down, ran off and eloped with you, and legally adopted that precious baby who seems to be in a permanent state of sleep. Are you two drugging him?”

  Gavin’s mouth dropped open, though he wasn’t quite sure why. The things Olivia said would shock a serial killer before entering a gas chamber to his death.

  Rising to her feet, Olivia tapped her cheek, her expression showing she was deep in thought. “Speaking of drugged-up, sleeping babies, I’m going to wake him up. Aunty Liv needs some Noah lovin’.”

  Gavin shrugged. “That’s on you. I’m warning you now, no matter how much he likes you, you’ll become his worst enemy if you fuck with his nap.”

  “I’ll take my chances,” Olivia quipped, hurrying toward Noah’s room.

  Before long, Gavin heard Noah wailing along with Olivia attempting to calm him down. Gavin chuckled and decided that was the perfect time to get himself ready for the evening. Yeah, Olivia had it coming to her, and Gavin was pretty sure Noah would deliver a clean, solid blow.

  “So where exactly are you taking me?” Emily took in the scenery as Gavin eased onto the Taconic Parkway. Even though the cold skies of March anchored the air, and trees had yet to bloom, it never ceased to amaze Emily at the way the city seemed to melt away into a spectacular pallet of nature. With Manhattan’s skyline long vanished from view, the harshness bled into nothing but peace. Mountainous boulders hugging the road were a
glorious difference from the chaotic jungle they lived in. In a way, this part of New York reminded Emily of Colorado. Different in many ways, yet it held the same warmth home always would.

  “It’s a surprise,” Gavin answered, flipping on his right blinker. He glanced in the rearview mirror before he pulled off onto the side of the road. He popped the vehicle into park, grinned, and leaned over, placing a soft kiss on Emily’s lips. “One you need to be blindfolded for.” Without another word, he opened his door and stepped from the car.

  Curiosity coiled deep in Emily’s belly as she watched his lean, toned frame gracefully move around to her side of the car. God, he looked amazing decked out in a tailored black Armani suit, a crisp, white button-down peeking out from underneath, and his effortlessly sexy “just fucked” hair. He opened her door and pulled said blindfold from the back pocket of his pants. Reaching for her hand, he helped Emily out, his smile playfully dotted with mischievousness. He gathered her in his strong arms, shielding her from the cold, as Boyce Avenue’s live acoustic version of “Find Me” spilled from the speakers. For a moment, Gavin stared into her eyes and swayed with the music.

  “Déjà vu,” Emily said dreamily. She recalled the last time they’d danced like this on the side of the road in Mexico. “You’re very smooth, Mr. Blake.” Gavin shot her a lazy smile, and Emily drew up a brow, her curiosity growing by the second. “What are you up to?”

  Before she could blink, Gavin slipped the silk blindfold over Emily’s eyes. He pressed his lips to her ear. A small gasp left Emily as Gavin lightly traced his fingers along her jaw, his voice soft, causing heat to slither over her skin. “We’re about to play a game. And, no, it’s not twenty questions, doll.”


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