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Wall of Spears

Page 28

by Duncan Lay

  ‘That’s all right,’ Sendatsu said, although he did not feel in the least bit right about it.

  ‘I was confused. I still am. But I was clear about one thing. If I left Dokuzen with his child, Gaibun would never rest until he found us. And I know the magic that Sumiko used on him. She would have awakened thoughts that were already there, not put fresh ones in his head. If he came to kill you, it was because he was already thinking that way. So it seems I made the right choice to send you away, to protect you.’

  ‘Well, Retsu has removed that fear now. He told me he wants to set aside all political marriages, to allow him to marry my mother.’

  ‘Is this another one of your jests?’ she asked accusingly.

  He looked into her eyes. ‘Do you really think I would joke about that?’

  ‘Well, I shall believe it when it happens. It is easy to make promises far away from the intrigues of Dokuzen. But Retsu will have to work hard to win over the people as it is. Abolishing every political marriage will throw the city into chaos. Can you imagine it? Old alliances will dissolve into dust, old loves be rekindled, old wounds reopened.’

  ‘It is exactly what Dokuzen needs! Everything will be shaken up, all will be new. It is the chance for rebirth we have longed for.’

  ‘How will your father react, first losing power and then losing his wife to his old rival? How can that end well?’

  ‘If my father is still alive,’ Sendatsu said softly. ‘I cannot see how he would allow Sumiko to take over so easily if he were alive.’

  ‘Well, he is but one of many. I can see no end of problems!’

  Sendatsu reached out and grabbed her hand. ‘Isn’t it true that the real problem you can see here is yours? If Retsu goes through with this, you will have the thing you have both wished and feared — the power to choose between Gaibun and myself. Whatever you choose, you will cause pain. I know that and I wish I could make it easier for you. But all I can say is I love you, I have always loved you and that will never change, no matter what you decide.’

  He saw his words strike deep into Asami, watched her face crumple at the thought.

  ‘You don’t have to choose now. You don’t even have to think about it. We have much bigger issues ahead of us,’ he said, patting her hand.

  ‘It is easy for you. You can just sit there and wait. I am the one with all the pressure. Maybe I should choose neither of you!’ Asami said.

  Sendatsu could see tears were close to the surface and let go of her hand. ‘Then that is your right. I just wanted to tell you that I have learned my lesson. If you need to take over the Magic-weavers again, devote yourself to your work, then I will travel with you, help you where I can. If you choose me, then I shall raise your child as if it were my own, as you would act with Mai and Cheijun.’

  ‘Why couldn’t you shout and rage at me for sleeping with Gaibun? That would make things easier.’ She smiled, but he could see it was a fragile thing.

  ‘Because you shamed me with the way you honoured our promise to be together for so many years. I did not love Kayiko but that did not stop me going to her bed. You were married to Gaibun. What right do I have to be angry? I could have run away with you, could have stood up and fought against my father. I did not, so anything after that is my fault.’ He had to reach out and touch her hand again, as he searched for the words within himself. He had made so many mistakes, said all the wrong things, nearly driven her away from him. Whatever her decision, he had to tell her what he really felt. ‘I suppose I was too thick-headed to understand that earlier. But when they told me you had been captured by the Forlish, it was all clear to me. I would do anything to make you happy. Including letting you walk away. I just want you to have the power to make that choice, rather than have it pushed on you.’

  Wordlessly she held out her arms and he embraced her, holding her close and hoping with all his heart he would have the chance to do so again. He meant every word he said but watching her walk away would be like cutting out his heart.

  ‘I can’t think now,’ she said, her voice muffled against his shoulder.

  He patted her back, wanting to do more, wanting to say more, but knowing there was nothing else.

  ‘Take your time. There is no rush,’ he said soothingly.


  He eased back from Asami to see Mai and Cheijun come bouncing in and hurl themselves on him.

  ‘Is it true you have to go away again?’ Mai accused.

  ‘One more time,’ Sendatsu admitted. ‘We have to go and rescue your grandfather.’

  ‘But you will need us. We saved you before,’ Mai pointed out.

  ‘Yes, you did. But this time is different. You will need to stay with Grandmother.’

  Asami smiled at them and left the room.

  Sendatsu watched her go, wondering if he should say more, but then he was swamped again by his children.

  Asami pushed open the door and took a deep breath of fresh air. Of course, in a Velsh village, fresh was all relative. But it was cool and cleared her head a little, at least. Sendatsu was right. The choice was both exciting and terrifying. Whatever she did, she would lose — either the father of her child or the one she had loved since she was a girl.


  She swivelled, heart pounding, to see Gaibun rush up and embrace her. After a moment, she hugged him back, then he took a step away.

  ‘You look thin but, by Aroaril, so much better than you did in a Forlish jail,’ he said thickly. ‘I could not live if you and our child were locked in a Forlish prison. I would have torn the castle down with my hands to get you both out.’

  ‘Well, I am glad it did not come to that!’ She forced a smile. Gaibun seemed nervous, uneasy, his eyes darting in all directions and she reached out and took his hand.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked.

  He tugged at her hand, leading her away from Sendatsu’s hut.

  ‘Have you learned what happened while you were a prisoner?’ he asked awkwardly.

  She guessed what he was on about from the way he could not look at her. ‘You mean the part about Sumiko using magic on you to think this child was not yours, but Sendatsu’s, and we had been fooling you all these years?’

  ‘How did you …?’

  ‘I know the magic Sumiko used on you. I also know what it needs to work. She had to awaken your darkest thoughts first, then let her magic push you the rest of the way.’

  Gaibun nodded, his jaw set hard. ‘I feel so angry at myself. I have to repay you and Sendatsu.’

  ‘I can see what you want — some crazy act that you think will make Sendatsu forgive you and mean I tell our child you died a hero,’ she said angrily. ‘But you need to tell your child the truth about yourself, not some story.’

  Gaibun looked at her and she saw a small smile steal across his face.

  ‘You always see through to the heart of things,’ he said. ‘Sendatsu and I storm about, waving our arms and puffing out our chests and you cut through it with a few words.’

  ‘Of course. Imagine what trouble you two would get into without me!’

  Gaibun grinned, looking again like the boy he had once been.

  ‘Now,’ Asami continued, ‘is there anything else you need to tell me?’

  Gaibun sighed. ‘I spoke to my father. He apologised for risking my happiness but said his was more important. All this time he told me honour was everything and then he throws it aside for Sendatsu’s mother.’

  ‘It is hard to learn our parents can be as selfish as we are,’ she said wryly.

  He embraced her once more. ‘I am sorry about your father. Sumiko will pay for that!’

  ‘Yes, she will. But we were talking about Retsu.’

  Gaibun sighed and stepped back. ‘He wants to change everything about Dokuzen. The things Sendatsu and Huw have shown him have affected him deeply. He is determined to shake our people out of the lie they have been living for three hundred years and thinks this will be an ideal way.’

f they want to wake up from the lie they have been living,’ Asami said.

  ‘I know. I have been with this almost from the start and I can barely believe it. But if he does go through with it, I need to ask you something.’

  ‘I am not ready to make a decision yet,’ Asami said immediately.

  ‘Yes, I know that. But when you come to a decision, I just want one thing — to still be a part of my child’s life. I know you must choose Sendatsu but please do not shut me out of your lives completely. I want my child to know me.’

  ‘Do you think I would not let them know who their real father was?’ Asami asked.

  Gaibun shook his head. ‘No, but I need to let you know how I feel. I have made so many mistakes, and I want to show my child how to avoid making such a fool of themself. It is all I can think about. And if you were to choose me, I would devote my life to making you happy.’

  Asami turned away. Sendatsu and Gaibun might go on and on about how they wanted to make her happy but they were doing a great job of making things hard for her.

  ‘So, are we ready?’ Sendatsu asked, stepping out of the stone hut.

  ‘As we’ll ever be,’ Asami said briskly, delighted to be given the chance to do something easier, like risking her life.


  Contests are not always decided by who has the most skill. You don’t have to be the best archer or the best man with a blade to win. Sometimes you can use your enemy’s skills against them to make up for your own shortcomings. A good plan can cover up all sorts of weaknesses.

  ‘How many of our dragons do you want to take?’ Huw asked.

  He could not resist a small smile of pride as he looked across the meeting hall. The Great Council of Vales and the Council of Elves were sitting side by side, talking and mingling. Even Griff had a big foolish grin on his face as he spoke to Lord Ichiro. This was exactly what Huw had dreamed of — a meeting of equals.

  Lord Retsu was quick to get to his feet.

  ‘Huw, we thank you for the offer. But I am afraid this is something that can be done by Elfarans only.’

  There was a ripple of applause and a few chuckles at the use of the name.

  ‘This is something we have to work out ourselves. Besides, Sumiko’s army is hunting for humans. The last thing we want is for our two people to come to blows. However, we would be delighted to have your Magic-weavers Rhiannon and Bevan with us, to aid our efforts in stopping Sumiko.’

  Huw bowed his head, acknowledging the point.

  Lord Ichiro stood next.

  ‘We must go now. But we shall return here, with a genuine treaty between our two nations. You will have the gratitude of the Elfaran people for saving us not once but twice from the Forlish. It will not be forgotten.’

  His words were almost drowned out in the applause this time.

  Huw smiled at them. All the risks had been worth it. The future would be golden with Lord Retsu ruling Dokuzen, just as they had hoped.

  ‘Farewell — for now. But we shall be back.’ Retsu bowed to the Velsh councillors, who clumsily bowed in return. ‘Look for us at the next full moon.’

  The villagers formed a line to escort the Elfarans out of the village, cheering them the whole way.

  Huw waved them off, then summoned Cadel and Bowen.

  ‘Where are the dragons now?’ he asked.

  ‘Down in Rheged, by the border, keeping an eye on things there, although both the Elfarans and Forlish are marching away from us as fast as they can,’ Cadel said.

  ‘Do you want us to keep them together or split them back up for more training?’ Bowen asked.

  Huw hesitated. ‘Keep them together,’ he decided. ‘There is still the question of the Forlish. We might be asked to fight with our new allies against Ward.’

  ‘That will be a pleasure,’ Cadel said. ‘We still have a few scores to settle there.’

  ‘That’s if they need us at all,’ Huw said with a smile.

  ‘The Forlish have not brought the prisoners forwards,’ Sumiko said. ‘That means what the birds saw in Cridianton must have been some sort of rescue by Sendatsu and Rhiannon.’

  Oroku nodded. ‘You were right, sensei. I am sorry, the birds were watching Cridianton to look for Ward killing the prisoners and removing a problem for us, not for anything else, so they did not come back with enough information for me to tell you for sure.’

  ‘Never mind.’ Sumiko waved it away. ‘As soon as you brought me word, I have been planning our response. We always knew there was a chance he would try to use them against us.’

  ‘But this time they will have that human Magic-weaver, as well as Asami.’

  ‘Yes, but we shall even the odds somewhat, give them something else to think about.’ Sumiko smiled and looked over to where Jaken sat helpless and furious.

  She saw the flare of hope in Jaken’s eyes and turned her back on him, walking out of the tent with Oroku a pace behind her. They stopped where Jaken could not hear them talk.

  ‘Sensei, we cannot remove the magical bonds from him. As soon as you do so, he will turn on us, like some sort of wild animal!’ Oroku gasped.

  She shook her head. ‘Do you think I will really give him a chance to turn the tables on me?’

  ‘No, but still,’ Oroku muttered.

  ‘Send a message to the clans. Hold in place. We don’t know when they are coming but we know they will come. During the day we keep a watch for ten miles around. Every night we shall lay the trap. Forget about chasing the Forlish for a day or so. They are not going anywhere.’

  ‘Your will, sensei.’ Oroku bowed deeply.

  Bevan opened the gateway for them, allowing Asami and Rhiannon to step through fresh and rested, their powers untapped. Huw had provided horses, Forlish ones, not the tough little pit ponies that would run all day but make the Council look foolish riding them. Rhiannon thanked Bevan awkwardly but he said nothing and Asami reached out to pat Rhiannon on the shoulder as they climbed into their saddles.

  ‘As soon as we see them, we shall split up. Rhiannon and Asami, use your powers so everyone can hear our voices,’ Retsu said. ‘Sendatsu and Gaibun, you need to protect them both. They are the key to this. Sumiko may attack suddenly and will strike without mercy. No doubt she has a group of warriors to do her bidding, who will ignore anything we say.’

  ‘We’ve come across them before,’ Gaibun said grimly.

  Retsu had chosen the closest tree to the army of Dokuzen, a mere two miles from the tent of the Elder Elf, to reduce the time Sumiko would have to react. They emerged from it in darkness, planning to use that to their advantage, hoping to arrive at meal time, when everyone would be distracted.

  ‘While we go to confront her and Jaken, Lord Ichiro and the others will rally the clans. Speed will be our friend,’ Retsu said fiercely.

  ‘We will do this for Dokuzen, for the clans and for all of us.’ Ichiro nodded.

  They followed Retsu as he led the way forwards at the gallop, leaving Bevan behind at the tree to gather his energy.

  Sendatsu followed silently. He was worried about Retsu’s plan but did not want to contradict the Elder Elf-to-be.

  The elven camp swiftly came into view, firelight revealing twelve neat blocks of tents, one for each clan, and each with its own horse lines. They were obviously not worried about revealing their position, for fires were burning in all directions. A handful of guards rode slowly around the perimeter but there was little other activity.

  ‘Look there!’ Ichiro pointed out a huge tent set out alone, far from the rest of the camp and surrounded by torches thrust into the ground, revealing Jaken’s banner fluttering from the top. A pair of warriors stood out the front but there were no other guards.

  ‘The tent of the Elder Elf,’ Retsu agreed. ‘Sumiko must be keeping Jaken away from the people, so he cannot escape her control.’

  ‘It has to be a trap,’ Sendatsu said. ‘She had to know we were coming. It is too obvious.’

  Ichiro snorted. ‘How could she know we were
coming? We only stepped through the tree a short while ago and it is dark.’

  ‘Her magic,’ Sendatsu said.

  ‘Asami, did you feel anything? Did she detect our arrival, do you think?’ Retsu asked sharply.

  Asami glanced at Rhiannon before replying. ‘We could feel nothing.’

  ‘Then we go on. She is powerful but she is not invincible. You have spoilt her plans many times already. Now we finish them for good,’ Retsu declared.

  ‘Asami, tell them it is too dangerous. You know what Sumiko is like. She would not leave herself so open,’ Sendatsu said urgently.

  ‘She has made mistakes before. And if she is ruling through your father, then she has to pretend he is in charge, keep him out of sight,’ Rhiannon said. ‘This is our chance for revenge, our chance to finish her. We have to seize it!’

  Sendatsu looked at the two of them. They were friends again, having bonded over the death of Asami’s father and their desire to take revenge on Sumiko. But, like Retsu, they seemed too eager to attack.

  ‘This is not wise,’ Sendatsu warned.

  ‘Even if it is a trap, we shall turn it on her. She will not expect Rhiannon to be so powerful. Arrogance will be her undoing,’ Asami said.

  ‘Enough!’ Retsu said. ‘We’ll grab one of the patrols and speak to them.’

  That was almost too easy — the pairs of guards who rode slowly around the perimeter of the camp were out of sight of each other, and it was a simple matter for Sendatsu and Gaibun to leap out of the shadows, haul them down and drag the frightened warriors over to the clan leaders.

  ‘Why is Lord Jaken’s tent so far away from everyone else?’ Retsu demanded.

  ‘He always has it like this. Every night it is set up like this,’ one replied.

  ‘Have you seen him? Does he talk to you each day?’

  Both shook their heads wordlessly. ‘All orders arrive through the Magic-weavers,’ the first one said.

  ‘They could be lying,’ Sendatsu said.

  ‘It has the ring of truth. If she has a surprise planned, then we shall turn it on her. But I think she is just arrogant. I have spoken. Obey,’ Retsu said.


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