Lincoln and the Power of the Press The War for Public Opinion
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17 For cabinet endorsements, see Benjamin Bannen to Lincoln, and Dillen Luther to Lincoln, both December 7, 1864, ALPLC.
18 L. A. Gobright, Recollections of Men and Things at Washington, During the Third of the Century (Philadelphia: Claxton, Remsen, & Haffelfinger, 1869).
19 Noah Brooks, Washington in Lincoln’s Time (New York: The Century Co., 1895).
20 New York Times, December 8, 1885; Theodor Canisius, Abraham Lincoln. Historiches Charachterbild (Berlin: Christoph Reiber, 1967).
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Journal of Commerce
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New York Daily News
New York Evening Post
New York Herald
New York Illustrated News
New York Independent
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New York Times
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