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Rivals (The Cross-Worlds Coven Series Book 3)

Page 18

by Phil Stern

  “Yes, I understand you offered Tiffany here that very same position.” With an arched eyebrow, Eleanor’s gaze remained steady. “What a shame that she was unable to accept. Of course, sometimes we all have to simply make do with our second choices, don’t we?”

  Drawing herself up, Synda stole a look at her own Coven Leader. Clearly, this was news to her.

  “Let’s get down to business,” Barbara interjected. “What are your terms?”

  “How blunt. Very well.” Holding up her palm, a folded sheet of paper magically appeared in Claire’s hand. “Here is a list of the dimensions we would need undisputed control of. Your own coven would withdraw from these worlds, and they would be declared off-limits to you forever.”

  Even as the ruby fire receded, Tiffany worriedly glanced about. Such an open display of magic in the crowded hotel, even within the confines of a nominally closed room, was very risky.

  “Relax.” Letting a slim hand come down on the table, Adrina waited a moment. “I personally swept this area. There are no cameras or recording devices.”

  “I am relaxed,” Tiffany sweetly responded. “Except when people get sloppy in mundane dimensions.”

  “Well, you know what?” Passing the list over to Eleanor, the ruby leader gave Tiffany a hard stare. “Soon Earth won’t be your concern anymore. So don’t worry about it.”

  “Really?” Betraying nothing, Tiffany made a point of studying Claire, then Adrina. “We’ll see about that.”

  “Watch yourself.” Leaning forward, Adrina slowly nodded. “If you’re not careful, we may see about a lot of things.”

  “Enough. Both of you.” Eleanor’s commanding tone demanded immediate compliance. “Give me a menlar here.” So saying she opened up the folded paper, quickly scanning it’s contents.

  Something about all this didn’t quite add up. With the upmost care, Tiffany ever-so-gently scanned the uptight blonde bitch opposite her. There, at the very edge of her perception, was the tiniest wisp of magical explosive residue. In fact, it exactly matched the bomb she’d fashioned and then left in Blake’s cabin a week before.

  So this witch had been stalking herself, or perhaps Blake and Valensa, and gotten her fingers burned. Well that must have been some surprise! Tiffany now made a point of jauntily raising an eyebrow, her lips barely hinting at a satisfied smile. Taking the bait, the blonde’s eyes narrowed, her furious ruby aura surging forth once more.

  Still reading the paper, Eleanor briefly looked up. “If your girl can’t control herself, maybe she should leave.”

  “Hmm. Indeed.” With studied nonchalance, Claire swept a hand along her left sleeve. “Speaking of leaving, Eleanor, what do you think? Do we have a deal?”

  “Absolutely not.” Letting the paper fall to the table top, the senior Haven witch slowly folded her hands. “This is completely unacceptable.”

  “May I see?” Without waiting for permission, Barbara slid the paper over and read its contents.

  “Why?” Synda asked. “Simply leaving those worlds will assure peace between our covens. Isn’t that what you want?”

  “You’re asking us to abandon Earth, Tethra, Dytha, Jain, Meda, and Burlain to your tender mercies.” Shaking her head, Eleanor sat back. “Unacceptable.”

  “Dytha?” Her jaw tightening noticeably, Tiffany leaned forward. “My home dimension is on your hit list?”

  “A good source of laser rifles,” Claire purred. “Anyway, we all know you don’t swing by Dytha very much. What’s the matter, Tiff? Mommy issues?”

  “Okay, laser rifles I get, but what do you want with Jain?” Frowning, Barbara looked up. “Or Meda, for that matter.”

  “Midate.” Deliberately drawing out the two syllables, Tiffany made the word seem almost obscene. “Those are dimensions were Gensrow scattered his black rocks around for other potential sorcerers to find.”

  “Speaking of which, I already have several samples of the wizard’s power source.” Holding herself very still, Claire slowly shook her head. “There’s no way you can beat me. I have many more witches, and now more powerful stones. Under the circumstances, these terms are very generous.”

  “We would also want you to hand over Valensa Smith to us,” Synda added.

  An even more uncomfortable pall settled over the room. Doing her best to seem nonchalant, Tiffany leaned back.

  “Valensa Smith?” Barbara frowned. “She’s one of yours.”

  “Indeed. Though we’re well aware Valensa is now being held prisoner by your own people.” Claire coolly turned her light brown gaze to the sorceress at Eleanor’s right. “Isn’t she, Tiffany?”

  All five other witches now stared at Tiffany, the tension becoming almost palatable. Feeling the walls begin to crash in on her, she could only glance away.

  “What is she talking about?” Eleanor finally asked. “Tiffany, do you know anything about this?”

  Taking a deep breath, Tiffany looked first at Eleanor, then Claire. “Valensa is not my prisoner,” she tightly replied. “That I can assure you.”

  “How unfortunate, considering how dangerous she is.” Nearly laughing, Claire laid an elegant hand on the table. “Though your...shall we say custody, of her? obviously coming as quite the surprise to poor Eleanor.”

  “By the stone, Tiffany, is this true?” Barbara murmured. “You have Valensa stashed away somewhere, and haven’t told us?”

  “Oh, most certainly.” The ruby coven leader briefly removed her delicate rimless glasses, critically inspecting them against the light. “Adrina has been tracking Valensa on Earth. She would have gotten her, too, but for Tiffany’s rogue operation.”

  “Really?” Tiffany seethed, fully focusing on the magical thug opposite her. “Well, it sounds like Adrina is quite incompetent.”

  “Listen, you witch.” Once more, the blonde’s stone flared. “If you think...”

  “Stop it! Both of you!” Letting her gaze linger on Tiffany a moment longer, Eleanor then turned back to her ruby counterpart. “I have no patience for this. Regarding the matter at hand, we will not surrender control of those dimensions to you.”

  “That’s a pity.” The younger woman began pushing back her chair. “It seems we’ve all wasted our time...”

  “Instead, I propose that we work together,” Eleanor firmly persisted. “We would cover your supply lines, helping you funnel weapons and material into Zarth. We could even provide active assistance within Zarth itself. Then, once the totalitarian governments have been overthrown, we would help transition the entire dimension into a peaceful, democratic world.”

  “I see.” Drawing forward again, Claire considered the proposal. “Unfortunately, that’s not enough.”

  “And why is that?” Barbara demanded. “Isn’t the ultimate goal to free the people of Zarth from their oppressors? We can help you do that.”

  “Please! We’re not one of your charity cases, waiting to be saved!” Claire laughed. “Control of Zarth is only the first step!”

  An awkward moment went by. “The first step toward what?” Eleanor finally asked.

  “I want to rationalize the entire universe!” Clearly caught up within her own vision, now Claire’s eyes took on a hint of ruby. “You save women and children one by one. What a waste. I want to save whole worlds!”

  “My dear girl,” Eleanor cautiously began, almost at a loss for words. “What are you talking about?”

  “Take Peth, where Barbara here was rebuffed by the Pyrons so recently.” Smirking, the ruby coven leader now idly twirled a gold button on her designer sleeve. “Yes, we know all about that. We also know that those werewolves have been preying on humans for centuries. Despite your best efforts, they still snatch people away now and then.”

  “We do our best.” Feigning sadness, Barbara shook her head. “But if you joined us...”

  “Join you? In failure?” Openly incredulous, Claire’s voice rose a notch. “Absolutely not! I intend to first wipe out the werewolves, and then conquer the Pyrons! Once that�
��s done, I can just install a queen to run Peth on my behalf.”

  Tiffany’s eyes went wide. “A queen?”

  “Or goddess,” she thoughtfully added. “Frankly, using existing superstitions to gain legitimacy is sometimes easier. Of course, we might have to smash a few of the more highbrow human villages, just to keep everyone in line. In fact, I think...”

  “So it’s not just those few dimensions you mention there.” Eleanor curtly indicated the sheet of paper. “You want everything. The whole universe.”

  “Eventually.” Now Synda jumped in. “Maybe in a decade or so. After Zarth and Earth have been tamed.”

  “Well, then!” Barbara’s cheery, almost perverse, let’s-make-the-best-of-things tone was utterly inappropriate to the matter at hand. “We’ll take a look at all this, and get back to...”

  “No.” Clearly, Eleanor was out of patience. “This written offer is rejected. I would be very interested in continuing our discussions, but not on this basis.”

  “Unfortunately, then, I consider these negotiations over.” Standing, Claire coolly surveyed the whole table. “Our truce runs out in a few weeks. At that point, we’ll be at war.”

  “Why wait until then?” Now suddenly combative, Barbara jumped to her feet as the three ruby witches marched towards the door. “If you think we can be pushed...”

  Inwardly groaning, Eleanor tightened her grip on an armrest. Since the beginning of the ruby crisis Barbara had been wildly swinging back and forth, from almost craven meekness to wild aggression. It was all getting old. “Barbara, just shut up!” she snapped. “And sit down.”

  Slowly, the Deputy Coven Leader retook her seat, irritably looking away.

  Claire was the first to pass out of the room, followed by Synda. For her part, Adrina paused to look back at Tiffany. “Until the next time.”

  Purposefully lounging back in her chair, Tiffany confidently smiled. “I look forward to it.”

  With a final stare, Adrina then left as well, the door closing behind her.


  They all silently trooped back out to the limo, once more cruising out into the city streets. The three Haven sorceresses said nothing, each lost in their own thoughts.

  “Barbara, you will take our escort back to Haven immediately,” Eleanor finally instructed. “Send messages to everyone else to pull out as well.”

  “We’re abandoning Earth?” Gritting her teeth, Tiffany forced herself to relax. “Isn’t that exactly what Claire would...”

  “Damn it, Tiffany!” Barbara yelled. “What Claire would want is to drive a wedge between us! Which is exactly what you’ve allowed her to do!”

  “I’ve driven a wedge?” Within the limo’s passenger compartment, their voices nearly boomed back and forth. “You fraud! You’re the one who can’t...”

  “So you have Valensa then? Hidden away somewhere?” Angrily throwing herself back against the seat next to Eleanor, Barbara haughtily shook her head. “Your actions are completely unacceptable!”

  “My actions!” Tiffany burst out. “By the stone, you’ve been a fucking train wreck ever since these girls showed up! At least I’ve been trying...”

  “To what? Screw us over?”

  “Oh, like you just did in there?” she fired back. “Every time you opened your mouth, it was to undermine Eleanor!”

  “Stop this instant.” Holding up a firm hand, Eleanor herself was clearly fighting to maintain control. “Have the driver pull over. Barbara, get out and clear everyone from Earth immediately. Tiffany and I have much to discuss.”

  “Discuss, huh?” Barbara sneered. “I think she needs...”

  “Get out. Now.” Rapping on the partition herself, Eleanor waited for the limo to stop and Barbara to leave.

  Wearily rubbing her forehead, Tiffany waited until the door slammed shut and they were alone. “I can explain...”

  “Really?” As the limo picked up momentum once more, Eleanor sternly eyed her young sorceress. “So Claire was correct. You are holding Valensa somewhere.”

  “Well, I would say...”

  “And you lied to me about it.” Her face completely devoid of emotion, the Coven Leader’s eyes didn’t waver. “Barbara is correct. Your actions are completely unacceptable.”

  “She’s my sister!” Drawing herself up, Tiffany was at a loss. “They want to kill her!”

  “You should have come to me.”

  “Oh really? You just told me you would have given Valensa back to them! Was I really supposed to believe...

  “Did you give your unstable sister an earth stone?” Now Eleanor’s gaze seemed to bore into her very soul. “I need to know.”

  A long moment went by, a flustered hand brushing back Tiffany’s hair. “Yes,” she finally admitted. “But it’s working! Valensa is coming back...”

  “You fool! By the stone, must everyone work against me!” With uncharacteristic emotion, Eleanor looked away. “The entire Coven is coming apart at the seams!”

  Holding her breath, Tiffany waited a long moment. Outside, the rumble of the limo on the city streets seemed oddly comforting. “I’m not the problem,” she finally offered. “Barbara is the one working against us! You must see that.”

  “I see a lot of things,” the Coven Leader admitted. “None of them good!”

  “Look, I think Barbara is the traitor!” Tiffany continued. “In fact, that was just a show back there...”


  “ make it seem like she’s all tough! But really, she’s just a frightened old woman that wants to...”

  “Stop this instant!” Suddenly seeming very old, the Coven Leader irritably fingered her stone.

  “Eleanor, please!” she implored. “I know Barbara was lying and scheming back in Peth! Why, just ask Marissa...”

  “I should have never sent you there with her.” Sighing, Eleanor looked away. “What a mistake.”

  “But you have to see how Barbara...

  “Tiffany, please! You’ve always hated her!” With barely concealed disdain, Eleanor wearily shook her head. “Ever since you allowed that werewolf to maul you nearly a decade ago.”

  “Allowed? By the stone, how can you say such a thing?” Shocked, the younger woman couldn’t believe her ears. “But yes, Barbara completely fucked that up! With better leadership...”

  “You’re wrong, Tiffany! Stop being such a baby.”

  “What!” The young operative seethed. “How dare you!”

  “That werewolf attack was a horrible situation that Barbara made the best of,” the Elder announced. “And if you weren’t such an emotional mess, you’d see that!”

  “Emotional mess?” Drawing herself up, Tiffany began to shake. “You still don’t understand! Barbara’s tactics were completely inept...”

  “Really? Actually, my dear, I would have done the same thing.” Tiredly, the Coven Leader nodded. “If Barbara had stopped to consolidate her force, or endlessly scout around, the werewolves would have been left free to just slaughter people. As it was you had the advantage of surprise. She used it, even if that meant setting up a series of one-on-one battles. It was a hard choice, but the right one.”

  “Please! She put herself in the safest position!”

  “Nonsense. Barbara killed two wolves herself, not to mention driving off the one that had just beaten you.” Slipping an expensive bracelet off of her wrist, Eleanor casually studied the gleaming gold band. “That’s only one of the things that I should have set you straight on a long time ago.”

  Immensely frustrated, Tiffany flopped back in her seat. “You asked me to watch Barbara for you in Peth,” she sullenly offered. “And I’m telling you that...”

  “Shut up, Tiffany. By the stone, I’m out of patience with you.”

  Folding her arms, Tiffany’s gaze didn’t waver. “I don’t know what else you want.”

  “I want judgment, tact, honesty, and discipline,” was Eleanor’s brisk reply. “Qualities you’ve shown precious little off lately. Frankly,
I see now that our Coven-mates are correct. I’ve been too lax with you.”

  “Eleanor, please...”

  “As of this moment, you are under arrest.” Briefly recovering her customary equanimity, Eleanor returned her a hard stare. “We will return to Haven together, where you will remain until further notice.”

  “What? No!” Desperately, Tiffany slid forward. “Valensa is out there, with Blake! Now that we know Claire’s people are closing in on them, I have to...”

  “Enough!” Smashing her fist against the door, the entire vehicle did indeed shake. “You imbecile! Giving Valensa an earth stone was a dreadful mistake! Now who knows what she’ll do?”

  Never had Tiffany seen the senior sorceress in such a state. “I’m sorry I lied to you. That was wrong.” Taking a deep breath, she plunged on. “But I can’t just leave them out there to die! Can’t you see...”

  “Do not press me, young lady.” The very air within the cabin pulsed with her fury. “Not now!”

  “So I’m just going to sit around in Haven, while my sister and boyfriend are murdered?” Tiffany shot back. “Oh, and let’s not forget abandoning Earth, which will only make it easier for Barbara to sell us all out! Is that the grand plan?”

  “You have no proof of Barbara’s supposed treachery.”

  “Oh, please! You told me yourself someone was a traitor!”

  “That is none of your concern anymore.”

  “She was undermining you in there!” The younger woman pointed her finger at the door Barbara had so recently exited. “Don’t tell me you didn’t see that!”

  “Tiffany, what I see is a great deal of incompetence. On everyone’s part.”


  “Enough! And I mean it!” Now the Coven Leader’s finger came up to point straight at the younger sorceress. “You are under arrest. Forget about Valensa. Let Claire find and deal with her. It shouldn’t take long.”

  “But Blake is with her,” Tiffany whispered, a tear streaming down one cheek. “You know what will happen.”

  “And whose fault is that?” Grimly, Eleanor shook her head. “You chose to put him in that situation, not me.”


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