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Alice's Men (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Marla Monroe

  Alice moaned around the stiff cock in her mouth and was rewarded by another sharp hiss from Landon. He threaded his hands through her hair but didn’t hold her head and choke her with his shaft. Instead he dug his nails lightly through her scalp and threw his head back as she ran her tongue all around his length and squeezed his balls.

  “Fuck, honey. I’m going to come. Your bad little mouth is driving me crazy.”

  Ben lifted her legs over his arms then slowly pulled out of her throbbing pussy only to slowly enter her once more. It was too slow. She needed faster, but she needed some control over her mouth at the same time. God, she was so confused in what she needed. They were killing her.

  Alice gently raked her teeth over Landon’s cock as he pulled back from her mouth. She sucked hard on the mushroom head before taking as much of him as she could down her throat and swallowing hard while gently pulling on his balls. It was all it took to throw him over the edge.

  “Yes!” He hissed out the word as he erupted inside her mouth.

  Alice swallowed as fast as she could but still managed to lose some at the corner of her mouth. When he’d emptied himself, Landon fell against the headboard and gently pulled from her mouth. He wiped the cum from her chin with his thumb then fed it to her. She sucked on his thumb to the sound of Ben groaning.

  “That’s fucking hot, babe,” Ben said.

  She let it go with a pop then reached up and pinched at her nipples. “Fuck me, Ben. Fuck me like you mean it. Make me scream.”

  He took her for her word and pulled nearly all the way out before tunneling in again to tap out against her cervix. The little sting of pain dissolved into pleasure as his cock rubbed over the little part of her that sent chills of pleasure across her body. The angle with her legs over his arms was perfect as he thrust into her over and over, harder and harder. She screamed when he rubbed her clit with one finger, her climax washing through her like a swollen creek after a summer shower.

  Alice thrashed her head back and forth as pleasure tore through her in a death grip of bliss that put to shame anything she’d ever experienced in her past. Her two men were deadly when it came to making her feel good. They rocked at it. She wanted more, and it looked like Ben was going to deliver when he finally growled and came, pounding hard into her until he’d emptied himself. That last thrust poured her once more over the edge into pleasure and then darkness.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Saturday morning dawned cold and bright as Alice dressed for the day with the guys. They were picking her up at eight so that they could get to Austin by nine and hopefully beat some of the shopping traffic. Alice didn’t have the heart to tell them that it wouldn’t make that much difference. She was praying that Landon drove. Somehow Ben driving in Saturday traffic sounded more like a horror movie than a shopping trip.

  She’d decided on jeans with a long-sleeved sweater and her boots. She’d take a sleeveless jacket in case she got too cold. She knew the sweater would be plenty for her arms. It wasn’t supposed to get all that cold. They’d be in the truck most of the time once the sun went down.

  Alice was so excited she could barely be still. It wasn’t just that she was going shopping. She could do that on her own. It was that they were spending the entire day together. Nothing said more about a relationship than if they could spend that much time together without bickering or getting their feelings hurt. Add to that the fact that it was three of them and it meant so much more.

  The sound of the doorbell chimed up her spine as she grabbed her purse and checked on the kitten once more. The little squirt was playing happily with the felt mouse she’d bought her. She didn’t even look up when Alice looked in.

  Traitor. I’ll remember this when you want to sit in my lap while I’m supposed to be working.

  She walked to the front door, and after checking so as not to incur Ben’s wrath, she opened the door to let them in.

  “Hey, don’t you look pretty,” Landon said, pulling her into a warm hug.


  “Where’s the rat?” Ben looked around before stepping inside.

  Alice laughed. “She’s safely in the office so you don’t have to be afraid to come inside.”

  “I’m not afraid. I just don’t want to accidentally on purpose step on her,” Ben said.

  “Ben. Damn, man. Can’t you behave for one freaking second?” Landon popped the other man in the arm.

  “He doesn’t mean it, Landon. I know better. Deep down Ben’s just jealous that it sits in my lap and he can’t.”

  “Tease,” Ben said with a half-smile.

  “We better go before the traffic gets bad. Got everything?” Landon asked.

  “I’m ready.”

  She breathed out a sigh of relief when Landon went around to get into the driver’s seat and Ben helped her up in the truck and fastened her seatbelt for her. He climbed in the back of the cab.

  “All set?” Landon asked once he’d started the engine.

  “Ready. Let’s go already,” Ben said.

  “Wow, Ben. Didn’t know you got this excited about shopping. I need to take you with me all the time,” Alice teased.

  “What I should have done was put you in the back seat with me and we could have cuddled while Landon drove us there,” Ben said from the back.

  “We’ll do that on the way back,” Alice said. “I’ll probably need a shoulder to lean on so I can sleep. I have a feeling you guys are going to wear me out today.”

  “Um, honey, I hope you aren’t expecting us to shop like women.” Landon looked over at her with a worried expression tightening his features.

  Alice just shook her head. “No. I know better, but I already have trouble keeping up with you guys. A day of shopping is going to wear me out with both of you to watch out for. Remember, no shopping cart rage in the stores and no parking lot rage when we’re trying to find a parking space, Landon.”

  “I don’t get like that. Which is the reason I’m the one driving and not Mr. Smooth back there.”

  “Bite me, Landon.” Ben snarled.

  “I’d rather bite Alice.” Landon wiggled his eyebrows in her direction.

  She shook her head and smiled. Yeah, they were going to completely wear her out by the end of the day. She hoped she could last long enough to get the few things she wanted.

  They talked for the hour it took to make it to Austin’s city limits. She found out that they’d been friends since grammar school and had each gone to the local community college for two years. She could hear the pride in their voices as they talked about buying the garage from the previous owner who’d retired and moved out of town to be closer to his son and his family. She enjoyed learning those little tidbits about them.

  They were easy to listen to. When they asked about her, she’d told them all about growing up and how she’d fallen in love too early in life then out of love after realizing he was only interested in one thing. They laughed about her antics in college and the things she’d seen while working in one of Austin’s busy hospitals before moving to Rock Creek to get out of the rat race of Austin.

  “Don’t get me wrong. I love Austin and all the diversity there, but when you work from home and just want to run out for something, it takes at least thirty minutes to an hour to get anywhere. I decided that I wanted a slower pace. So, here I am living it up in Rock Creek and very happy at the moment.” Alice smiled over at Landon.

  “We’re pretty fucking happy you decided to move here,” Ben said from the back seat.

  “Sure are,” Landon said and reached over to squeeze her hand for the hundredth time during the drive.

  “Looks like we didn’t beat the shopping rush,” Landon mused as he pulled onto a busy street that held the first store Alice wanted to go to.

  “Park anywhere you see a place. We can walk. I’ve got my jacket and two hunky men to keep me warm if I get cold.”

  “Hate for you to have to walk. I’ll drop you and Ben off at the door and you can wait for me
inside,” Landon told her.

  “There’s no need for that. I can walk, Landon.”

  “I’ve got her, Landon.” Ben climbed out of the truck then opened her door and helped her down.

  She grumbled as he bustled her inside the store but didn’t say a word until they were safely out of the horrible cold and snow that he must have thought would make her catch pneumonia. Like it was even below fifty out there.

  “Might as well get used to it, babe. We’re not going to let you walk anywhere when one of us can park the truck while the other one of us watches out for you,” Ben said.

  “I don’t need watching out for. I’m a grown woman.”

  “Who’s beautiful. We don’t want someone getting the idea you’re free to take advantage of.”

  “Are you kidding me?” Alice shook her head.

  A few minutes later Landon walked in and the fun began.

  * * * *

  “Here are the Keurig’s. What kind do you want?” Alice asked as they stood in front of the entire line of machines.

  “Huh?” Ben asked. “What do you mean what kind? We want the kind you have.”

  She giggled. “There are a lot of different models like there are a lot of different truck models, Ben.”

  “Well, show us the one you have,” Landon suggested.

  “This one right here. Let’s see. It comes in all black, silver and black, and red.” Alice pointed out the same one she had.

  “Black. Definitely not red,” Ben said.

  “I kind of like the silver and black one,” Landon said, looking at the box.

  “What the fuck ever as long as it’s not red,” Ben said, thrusting his hands on his hips.

  Alice had to bite her lips to keep from laughing at the two of them. Ben glared at her then at Landon. Landon picked up the one that was silver and black. He set it in the cart and smiled

  “That’s done. What next?” he asked.

  “You need coffee. You can either buy the pods that fit the machine or a converter where you put your own coffee in it so you can use the machine with regular coffee.” Alice watched as their eyes grew wide.

  “Huh?” Ben and Landon asked at the same time.

  “Here, let me show you.” Alice grabbed a box of pods and showed them what they looked like. “These are what I use, but if you want your own type of coffee that you regularly buy, you can get an adapter so you can use that instead of buying these pods.”

  “We’ll get whatever you have. That’s what tasted so good,” Ben said, settling it.

  Alice showed them what she got. They counted how many were in a box and stacked four boxes in the cart. She grabbed a box of dark hot cocoa and added it to the stack.

  “Just so you know. You can get the coffee you like online and have it delivered to your door when you start to run out of what you’ve gotten,” she told them.

  “Good. You can show us how. We order parts online all the time, but you’ll have to show us the site and how to find what we want,” Logan said.

  “What next?” Ben asked, looking around them.

  “I need a new spatula for the kitchen and a new housecoat. Mine had gotten threadbare,” she told them.

  They meekly followed behind her as she walked deeper into the kitchen area away from the small appliances. Alice was picky about what she used, so it took her about ten minutes of perusing the wall of utensils until she found what she wanted.

  “Not that I want to start anything, but what’s the difference between what you got and all the others?” Landon asked.

  She laughed. “Mostly it’s preference, but some of them are flimsy and don’t hold up. The one I got will probably be the only one I need for another ten years.”

  “Oh, makes sense. I wouldn’t want to have to buy one of those things every year or so.” Landon shrugged. “Okay, housecoats.”

  Alice nearly bit her tongue in half at the sight of Ben’s face when they stopped in front of the lingerie area. Evidently, he thought housecoats would be in an area all by themselves. She rolled her bottom lip inward to quell the laugh forming inside and walked in among the sexy and the serviceable to find what she wanted.

  To their credit, they didn’t say a word, though Landon was the one who walked around with her while Ben guarded the cart. She was sure they’d wrestle over the issue later when she wasn’t around. She had pity on poor Landon and didn’t check out the more intimate ones and found the perfect emerald green terry cloth one that would keep her warm when she pattered around the house before getting dressed on cold mornings.

  “How do you like this one?” she asked, holding it up for Landon to see.

  “Looks great. That’s the one you need.” He grabbed it from her and steered her back toward the cart and a smirking Ben.

  “Looks good, right, Ben?” Landon asked as he held it up for the other man to see.

  “Yeah. I like it. That green looks good with your eyes, babe,” he said.

  “Now where?” Landon asked.

  “I need a new bra,” she teased.

  “I’ve got the cart this time. Your turn to help her, Ben.” Landon made sure to take the cart out of Ben’s reach.

  “I’m just teasing, guys. I’m finished, but if you need to look at anything, I’m game,” Alice said.

  “Look at something? Like what?” Ben asked with a frown.

  “Oh, like do you need new jeans or shirts or stuff like that?” she asked.

  “We get our clothes at home. No need to drive here for that.” Landon waited for Ben.

  “Do you think they’d have boot socks here?” Ben asked.

  Landon nodded. “Good point. The ones back in Rock Creek aren’t thick enough.”

  “I’m sure they do. Let’s look.” Alice led the way to where she knew the men’s items would be.

  They looked at socks for a few minutes then made their decision and added four pairs each to the cart. Then they followed her to the checkout. She took out her purchases first and had to argue with the men when they wanted to buy them for her.

  “Either I buy them, or we won’t do this again,” she finally told them.

  The checkout clerk just shook her head. “Honey, if a man wanted to buy something for me, I’d let him.”

  “Thanks, but I buy my own things. They won’t let me buy them anything.” She stuck her tongue out at them.

  “They your brothers?” the clerk asked, eyeing them up and down with a frown. “Sure don’t look like each other, or you for that matter.”

  “No, they’re my boyfriends,” Alice said, waiting for the woman’s jaw to drop.

  When it didn’t, she smiled. This was Austin. She’d forgotten having lived in Rock Creek for so long now. Nothing was too wild for the city of color and creation.

  “Damn. You’ve got two good-looking men, and I can’t get one that doesn’t complain about everything I do. Oh, and they shop with you. You hit the mother lode, hon. Hang on to them.”

  Alice thanked her then waited for the guys to buy their things. She was surprised when Landon paid for all of it at once instead of them dividing it up between them. They probably didn’t see where it mattered since the machine was for work. Ben would get the most use out of it, though, because she knew he lived in the apartment over the garage.

  Once again, Landon made her wait inside the store with Ben while he got the truck. As soon as it pulled up outside, Ben ushered her out and helped her into the cab before climbing in behind her.

  The next stop they made was at the office supply store where she stocked up on supplies for the office. The guys dragged her around to the computers and printers, talking to one of the clerks about the values of each before they called it quits and Alice checked out. They didn’t try to buy her things this time. No doubt they’d learned their lesson.

  “How about lunch now?” Landon suggested.

  “Sounds good. Do you have a place in mind?” she asked.

  “Actually, there’s a deli we normally go to when we’re here. That�
��s not often, but it’s always been good,” Landon said.

  “Then let’s go.”

  Alice was interested to see which one it was. It would be funny if it were one of the ones she’d frequented when she’d lived there. To her surprise, it wasn’t. In fact, she’d never even known the place existed. It was quirky in that Austin city way but was clean and smelled delicious. They each placed their order and talked about the computers the men had looked at.

  Neither man had any intention of getting a new one at the moment but seemed to enjoy looking like most guys did. Despite being mechanics, they were still a little geeky in that way.

  Once they’d finished eating, Landon asked where to next. Alice wondered if she were asking too much but decided to ask anyway.

  “Can we go to the pet store? I want to see what they have for Sassy.”

  “The pet store?” Ben asked. “You want to get that monster you have a present?”

  She laughed. “She’s not a monster. She’s a little kitten. Yeah. I want to find a toy or a new bed for her. The things they have back home aren’t really all that good.”

  “Sure. Do you know where it is? I can honestly say we’ve never gone to one before,” Landon said as they walked out to the truck.

  “I know. It’s actually not very far from here,” she told him.

  The trip into the store proved to be funnier than she’d ever imagined. The fact that they let people’s pets in the store was unbelievable to the guys. She enjoyed watching them even more than shopping for Sassy.

  One tiny woman walked by with a Great Dane. Ben gaped at her. The dog stopped and walked over to him sniffing then gave him a long lick up his arm before walking the little woman down the next aisle.

  “Did you see that horse of a dog?” Ben asked. “How does that lady keep him from dragging her all over the store on her face?”

  Alice shook her head. “He’s a well-behaved dog. She wouldn’t have him here if he weren’t.”

  They stopped in front of the aquariums of snakes, spiders, and lizards. Both Ben and Landon shook their heads then followed her to where the cat toys were. She and Landon played with a few of them before she made her selections. She hadn’t noticed when Ben had disappeared until he returned with a harness and leash in black and orange with the Harley Davidson emblem on it.


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