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Everything I Need (The Everything Series Book 1)

Page 30

by A. K. Evans

  “That’s right. Wes asked me to decorate, which ultimately led to him asking me to move in with him. You had your chance with him. You decided to walk away from that. I’ll be damned if I sit by and watch you attempt to ruin what I have with him. Now, before you make yourself look like even more of an ass, I suggest you run along.”

  She waited a moment, looked to Wes who had his eyes on me, and then got up to walk away. I watched her as she left. As soon as she had gotten sufficiently far enough away, I took my focus off her. My eyes were pulled toward Emme who had stepped into my line of vision. She looked completely sobered up and sad.

  Shit. I just dropped major news on her via an altercation with Wes’ ex.

  Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  “Em, I’m sorry.”

  A tear slid down her cheek. Gosh, she broke my heart. Where was Greg when I needed him to lighten the mood?

  “Emme, please. I didn’t want you to find out this way. I’ve been struggling with how to tell you, but…”

  She cut me off by holding her hand out in front of her. Then, she spoke.

  “Wes asked you to decorate his house and move in?” she asked.

  I nodded. “I need you to know that it’s not happening immediately, and that…”

  She cut me off again.

  “This happened a week ago?”

  I nodded again.

  “And you didn’t think it was a good idea to tell your best friend?”

  “I’m sorry, Emme.”


  I stayed silent. I wasn’t sure how she’d react to my reasoning. I also knew that I would not lie to her. So, after a good minute I decided to tell her the truth.

  “Because I really want it. I really want to move in with him. I’ve started living life again and it feels really fucking good. And I didn’t know how to tell you. I don’t want to just up and abandon you. And, to be honest, it feels a lot like abandonment.”

  “Charley, I’m disappointed that you didn’t think I could handle this news. You’re my best friend. You are supposed to share things like this with me. We’re supposed to celebrate it. And you didn’t think I could handle this? You didn’t think I’d be happy for you?”

  “It’s not like that, Em. I am just worried about you.”

  “I get that, but Charley, come on. Don’t you think it would be finally fucking freeing for me to know that my life isn’t continuing to ruin yours? I’m the reason Taj is no longer here. You think I wouldn’t want this for you?”

  Oh. My. God. She thought she was a burden in my life.

  “You haven’t ruined my life, Emme. And Taj’s murder is not your fault. I don’t know how to make you see that.”

  “Are you kidding me? It was my psycho ex-boyfriend who decided to pull the trigger.”

  “Exactly. He’s the one responsible. Not you.”

  “I called Taj. I never should have called Taj that day. If I hadn’t called him he’d still be here,” she said, shaking her head back and forth as the tears streamed down her face.

  “And it’s very likely you wouldn’t be. You barely survived as it is, Em.”

  “What the fuck?” I heard Zane say from behind me somewhere.

  Shit. I forgot for a moment where we were and that we had an audience. I turned to look back at my friends and my boyfriend. Everyone had a look of concern on their face. My attention was turned back to Emme when she started speaking again.

  “That’s right, everyone. It was almost a year ago when Taj was murdered and I nearly died right next to him. My ex-boyfriend, Seth, beat the shit out of me for months, years actually. And that wasn’t even the worst of it. I decided to call Taj one night because it had gotten so bad I knew I wouldn’t make it out alive if I didn’t get to the hospital. He managed to get me out of there to safety, but he was ultimately shot and killed. So, you see, the problem is that Taj succeeded in saving me, but lost his own life in the process.”

  With that statement, Emme turned and walked away.

  Chapter 38


  “Motherfucker!” Zane roared as he pushed his chair back from the table.

  “Dude, chill out,” Stone said placing his hand on Zane’s shoulder.

  “Chill out? Did you just fucking hear the same thing I did? Emme was beaten by some asshole to the point she was hospitalized and nearly died. Not sure how the fuck I’m supposed to calm down right now.”

  Luke chimed in, “Just as fucking pissed about that shit as you are, but you need to calm down because the last thing that girl needs right now is someone with a short fuse around her. Chill the fuck out and go find her or I will.”

  Zane held Luke’s eyes for a moment, took in a breath, and stalked off in the direction Emme had gone.

  “Oh God,” I said as the tears started streaming down my face.

  Wes took me in his arms and held me.

  Moments later I heard Greg, Hannah, Elle, and Tony surrounding me.

  “Charley, girl, I’m so sorry,” Greg said. “I had no idea.”

  Hannah’s hands wrapped around my shoulders while Wes continued to hold me. “So sorry about Taj, babe.”

  I pulled out of Wes’ hold and looked to my friends.

  “Thanks, guys. Sorry I ruined the night.”

  “Ruined?” Elle stated. “Girl, that whole showdown with Dana earlier was pure entertainment. Sorry about the situation with Emme, but you two will work it out.”

  “Thanks, El.”

  Wes’ voice filtered in. “Did you drive your car here or did Emme drive hers?”

  “I drove,” I answered.

  Luke walked up and said, “Give me your keys, babe, I’ll get your car home. You ride with Wes.”

  “Oh, Luke, you don’t have to do that. I’ll be fine.”

  Holding his hand out to me Luke said, “Babe. Keys.”

  I reached over to my purse at the table and dug out my keys. I handed them to Luke and he said, “You verbally kicked Dana’s ass tonight. Fucking awesome to see that shit.”

  “Seriously fucking awesome, Charley,” Stone added. “I’ll follow Luke and give him a ride from your place to his.”

  “Thank you, guys.”

  “No problem, babe. Wes, catch you later,” Luke said.

  “Later,” Wes said and did a chin lift to Luke and Stone.

  “Can I catch a ride home with you guys?” Elle asked Greg, Tony, and Hannah.

  “Girl, you are a superstar. Of course you can ride with us,” Greg answered.

  “Elle, I can take you,” Wes said.

  “Wes, you need to be with Charley right now. I’m a big girl,” Elle responded.

  Tony chimed in, “It’s ok, Wes. I’ll get her home safely. You take care of our Charley girl.”

  Wes nodded to Tony.

  Everyone said their good-byes as we made our way to the parking lot. Wes hauled me up into his truck and we took off.

  “You good with going to my place?” he asked.

  Trying to swallow past the lump forming in my throat, I barely got out, “I’m worried about her.”

  Wes pulled out his phone, tapped on the screen a few times, and held it up to his ear.

  “You with her?” he asked.

  He paused for a moment.

  “Was going to take Charley to my place, but she’s worried about Emme.”

  He waited again while I assumed Zane was responding.

  “Right. Keep me posted.” Another pause. “Ok, man. Later.”

  “Zane is with her. He will take care of her, Charley. Swear that to you. He knows what he’s dealing with and would never hurt her. Says she’s really out of sorts now and pretty upset, but he’s handling it. Zane knows she is fragile. He said for you to come with me to my place and to give him the time to help her now. He’ll call if he needs us.”

  I nodded.

  Wes and I sat in silence the rest of the way back to his place. When we got there, I walked through the house to his bedroom. I could feel him following behind me. Once I entered
the bedroom I stripped out of my dress, pulled on one of Wes’ t-shirts, and climbed into his bed. He stripped out of his clothes and joined me. Wes wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my body towards his, my back to his front. He had left the bedside lamp on.

  “You’ve got to know, gorgeous, we’ll do whatever we have to to get her through this. All of us — not just me, you, and Zane. Also want you to know that even though the night ended this way I was pleased as fuck to hear you say what you did. First, what you said to Dana because that shit was hilarious. And second, when you told Emme that you really wanted to move in with me. Made my fucking year, baby.”

  “I really do, Wes. I love you and want to start making a life together with you. I just don’t want to hurt her in the process. I don’t want to leave her alone.”

  “My thoughts? She loves you, Charley. She wants you happy. We all know that what happened to her and to Taj is not at all her fault, but it’s no surprise she blames herself. She is feeling responsible for you experiencing the pain you have over the last year and finally seeing something good happening in your life will help how she’s feeling. She might begin to realize that despite what happened there can still be good to come of it.”

  I wiggled and turned my body so that I was on my back. I looked to him and asked, “You sure you aren’t just saying this to get me to move in with you sooner?”

  He grinned at me. “If it helps my cause, then I’m going to use it. That said, I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t honestly believe it were true.”

  I smiled up at him. “Thank you, honey.”

  “For what?”

  “You always make it better. No matter what it is, you always make it better for me. Thank you.”

  His face warmed as he looked down at me.

  “So, what room are you going to start with?” he asked.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Decorating. What room are you going to start with?”

  “Oh, see? You do care about it more than you like to admit.”

  “Not a chance. But, I’m amazed at how you can say decorate to a woman and she finally understands some deeper meaning.”

  I smiled at him. “Women think differently than men. I knew Dana would get the significance of that statement and realize she no longer had a shot with you. I don’t regret saying it. To answer your question, though, I think the bedroom would be the first place to start.”

  “Really?” he asked. “I thought the bedroom was the one place that was half decent as far as decor goes.”

  “It’s missing something, though, and I need to rectify that. It needs a little more me next to, on top of, underneath, and beside you,” I said as I gently pushed his shoulder so he was on his back. Then, I climbed on top of him to kiss him.

  “Works for me,” he replied. “I have a feeling I’m going to love what you do with the space.”

  He barely got out the last word when I captured his mouth with mine. He grabbed my ass and squeezed as our tongues tasted each other. I straddled his hips and worked my hips feeling the evidence of his excitement pressing into me through his boxer briefs and my panties. He groaned as his hands left my bottom and pulled the shirt up over my head. After tossing it aside his mouth was on mine again and I was rolled to my back while Wes settled between my legs.

  “Fucking love you, Charley,” he said, his voice hoarse.

  Wes pulled back from me, dropped his boxer briefs, and went for my panties. Once he removed them he stared down at me. I found my eyes roaming his body, starting at his broad shoulders, his muscled chest and arms, and his lean abs all the way down to the prize.

  I licked my lips.

  “This mouth,” he said as he leaned back over my body, his thumb pressed to my bottom lip.

  “Wes, please.”

  “Tell me what you need, gorgeous. Tell me, and I’ll give you everything — everything you need.”

  “I need you to love me good, honey.”

  Wes growled and pushed inside me as he took my mouth.

  I moaned at the pleasure I felt being filled by Wes. I was convinced there was nothing better in life. Wes altered his pace between slow and fast bringing me to the brink of orgasm several times. Each time he brought me there and didn’t push me over the edge I whimpered.

  “Say it, Charley,” he demanded as he drove his hips into mine.

  I was right on the edge again as I rasped out, “Wes.”

  “There she is. Take it, baby.”

  I cried out his name again as I came. Wes worked me through my orgasm and as soon as I came down pulled out of me and flipped me over to my hands and knees. He gripped my hips and entered me from behind. I arched my back and pushed back into each thrust. The grunts and groans coming from Wes only encouraged me more. I eventually felt him growing slightly inside me and knew he was where I had been not long before.

  “Come on, gorgeous. Get there with me again,” he said.

  “Don’t stop, Wes. Please. Don’t stop. Oh, God. You feel so good.”

  “Charley, get there, baby.”

  Three more strokes and I got there.

  “Wes,” I rasped out.

  “Fuck, Charley,” Wes growled as he came.

  Wes pulled out of me collapsed to the bed pulling my body on top of his. We were a tangled mess of limbs and it felt absolutely, deliciously wonderful.

  After a few moments of silence, I said, “I love you, too, Wes.”

  He chuckled and said, “I got that, gorgeous.”

  He held me for a while before I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. When I returned to the bed he pulled me to him, my front to his, and started tracing the skin at my hip.

  “Get some sleep,” he said. “We’ll check on Emme in the morning.”

  “Ok, Wes. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Within minutes, I was asleep.

  The next morning, I woke to an empty spot next to me in the bed. I frowned. I sat up in the bed. The door to the bedroom opened. Wes came in carrying two cups of coffee and a frown.

  “Damn. Sorry, baby. I thought I’d be back before you woke up,” he said.

  “You come bearing gifts. You are forgiven,” I replied taking one of the mugs out of his hand.

  I took a sip, closed my eyes, and swallowed.

  “Good?” he asked.

  I nodded.

  “Talked to Zane a few minutes ago,” he said.

  My eyes shot to his.

  “How is she?” I asked.

  “She’s still asleep. Took a while for her to settle last night. Zane said she’s only been sleeping about two hours,” Wes told me.

  I closed my eyes at the news.

  “She’s going to be ok, Charley. Promise you — whatever it takes. Zane is understandably pissed about the situation and the role he played in any distress in her life over the last few weeks, but he’s hoping he can make up for that now. He really cares a lot for her.”

  “I know she is attracted to him. And, I know that she has enjoyed being around him. Prior to the X Games, the time she had been spending with him was good for her. She was the happiest she had been in years. I hope he can get through to her and she allows him to help her through this.”

  “If there’s anything I know about Zane it’s that he doesn’t quit. He won’t give up on her, especially now. Give it time. He’ll get her there.”

  I smiled meekly at him and took another sip of my coffee.

  “So, I figure since Emme is probably going to be asleep for a bit and my parents are hankering to see you again, I thought maybe we could stop over there this morning and visit with them if you are up to it.”

  I thought about it for a moment and said, “Yeah, I think I’d really like to do that.”

  “Ok. I’ll call Ma and let her know. Go ahead, get showered and ready,” he said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

  Forty-five minutes later I was ready. I was thankful that I made the decision a few weeks ago to bring over some clothes to Wes’ place. Of
course, he had already stocked the place with a ton of Blackman Boards apparel for me, but sometimes a girl needed a few familiar pieces from her wardrobe. Wes didn’t seem to mind that I brought them over. In fact, he encouraged me to bring more. Today, I decided to put on a pair of skinny leg, light wash jeans, a heather grey camisole, my faux leather motorcycle jacket, and a pair of knee high, flat heel motorcycle boots.

  “Ready?” he asked as I walked out into the kitchen.

  I nodded.

  He wrapped his arms around me and bent down to press a kiss to my lips. Because I was feeling extra loving and frisky this morning I decided to give him a little more than just a peck back. I gave him my tongue and then ran my hand along the front of his pants.

  He groaned into my mouth.

  I pulled my mouth away briefly and said, “What time do we have to be at your parents’ house?”

  “Fifteen minutes,” he answered.

  “Damn. I had the urge to play a little. I was hoping to take you in my mouth before we left.”

  “Christ, Charley. You are going to make me get into the habit of being late to my parents and not giving one single fuck either.”

  “We can’t make a habit of it, Wes.”

  “Ok, well, we can worry about being on time the next time we visit. Today, we are going to be late. I’m not waiting until later today to have fun with you.”

  Wes picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He walked us over to the couch in the great room and sat down with me in his lap.

  I pulled his black, waffle knit shirt over his head and worked my way down his body. I ran my hands and my lips all over his chest and abdomen. With every touch of my lips to his body his breathing quickened. He was seriously turned on and I was feeling extraordinarily powerful. I brought my hands to the waistband of his grey cargo pants and undid the belt, button, and zipper. I freed his cock from his boxer briefs and wrapped my hand around the top of the shaft. I traced my tongue up the underside from root to tip before taking just the head into my mouth and gently sucking.

  “This fucking mouth,” Wes said, his voice husky.

  I took that statement as words of encouragement and took all of him that I could into my mouth. I worked him in a slow rhythm first before I picked up the pace. I then alternated between sucking him into my mouth and licking up and down his shaft. I was so turned on I began moaning. I reached my other hand up to massage his balls. Between the moaning and massaging, I’m not sure which did him in, but he was soon tapping me on the shoulder and saying, “Charley — fuck, baby, you’ve got to stop or I’m going to come.”


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