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Death Or Fortune

Page 37

by James Chesney

  I tried to listen to all he said but after a while I couldn't understand all that he was blubbering about. I just held him up and let him go. I was so happy to see him again I didn't care that his tears were running down the back of my armor. I doubt halfling tears will cause it to rust. While he had me in a death grip, he made me promise to never leave home without him again. It is a promise I have kept to this day. I also told Charles to find Zackary a room and food for the night. All his screaming and crying did do one good thing, it gave Jasmin time to compose herself before coming down stairs. I watched as she came down the steps, she had a long flowing blue dress on, her hair was tied back and hanging down in a single tail. She had changed since I had left, she looked older. Yet there was something else, a subtle grace that she carried herself with hid her strength. I've never seen her look more beautiful. With no luck at all I tried to pry the near hysterical halfling off me. When I said her name he stopped and pulled his head out and looked around. 'Isn't it wonderful Jasmin, Darmot is home I am so happy!' She nodded at him without saying a word, when she smiled I felt as if this was the reason I left. Just so I could come home and see that smile.

  At last I managed to get Pare off of me and put him on the floor. I went forward to greet my wife, taking her hand in mine I bent over to kiss her hand. I told Pare that I would see him in the morning and started towards the stairs. Half way up the stairs he called out to me, I could hear something odd in his voice so I turned and looked back. He was holding up Hetarons flying carpet. 'If you have this, does that mean he is...' He knew the answer from the look on my face. I told him that it couldn't be avoided, in the end I think he knew that was the truth. He did not say another word to me that night. Not that I would have noticed if he did. I had other things on my mind and I had to deal with a wife that had missed me. Once she had given me a bath, checked me for new scars we went to bed. Though I don't think I got any sleep until the sun came up the next day. If not for my obligations to the kingdom I don't think we would have left the bedroom at all the next day.

  I had maybe three hours sleep before I was up and moving that first day back. I looked at my armor for a moment and considered putting it on. In the end I decided against it. I had to tell the king of Hetarons death, going armed wouldn't have gone over well. I did not want to give him the wrong idea. Black shirt, black pants and boots with my red dragon scale cloak. After a second bath and scraping months of growth off my face I looked like a new man. With one last stop into my office where Charles had everything I brought back with me I found the map I needed. There was a large circle around a forested area in southern Arcadia. I had more to report than just the death of an Arcadian lord. I had to tell him that I had found a clue as to where the Messiah might be found. Just before I left the house I found Charles and told him if Zackary was looking for drink to send him to the Red Dragon Inn. If he was going to spend all his money on ale, he might as well do it in a place I owned. For the first time in what seemed to be a life time I was standing in the open air, under a sun filled sky without my sword and armor. I felt so good I decided to walk to the castle.

  I had thought about stopping into the office of Captain Turk but figured it would wait until after I was done with the king. Odds are he already knew I was back in town. I was escorted to Roderick’s public office. Where he would meet with the other lords and anyone else that had issues he had to deal with. After I was announced and told to enter I saw that I wasn't going to be alone with the king. I never expected to be made an Arcadian Lord for my part in the war. I was doing what needed to be done. When I was first appointed, I was the seventh house. After directly saving the kings life, I was moved to the third house. That and the man who was the third house before me tried to kill the king. It all happened so fast, I do believe I have adjusted well. Of the thirty noble lords, only two out rank me. Both of them were here in the king’s office today. Lord Ward Warren, who was first house and Lord Anderson Floyd was second house. Lord Warren reminded me of my father and not in a good way. Just the way he looked at me set me on edge. It reminded me of how someone might look while wiping animal droppings off their boots. I often wondered what his agenda was, every other thing he did was for his own benefit, and if it helped the people in his fife it was more of an afterthought.

  As was proper I bowed to my king before I acknowledged them at all. 'Lord Kromwell, it is good to see you have returned from your mission. I trust it was successful?' I told him it was but at great cost. I told him in the hunt to find the Rod of the Arcane my friend and companion Lord Hetaron had been killed. I told him that there had been a terrible battle and in the end Hetaron was killed. While I left out some of the facts, this was all true. Hetaron was my friend and I didn't see the point in dragging his name through the mud now that he was dead. By pointing out the fact that he had betrayed me and threatened to kill me. I then told him we made a narrow escape, just avoiding Xcavere and his horde. 'How was he killed Lord Kromwell?' I told them it was near the end of the battle, that Lord Hetaron had expended all of his magic and was near exhaustion. I told them that I saw the attack on him coming and tried to prevent it. In the end he fell to a blade in the neck, his death was quick and painless. King Roderick was strangely silent for a while, until Lord Warren decided it was his turn to speak.

  'Bah! So you have come here to admit your failure to protect your 'friend' to the king. How touching, I am sure you did your very best. Tell me Kromwell, what did you have to gain by letting your 'friend' die? Also where is this rod you went to find? Shouldn't you present it to your king as proof you were victorious?' The sarcasm was so thick you could almost feel it in the air. I could feel my anger starting to well up, I almost wished I had my sword. If I had a weapon and something to fight I could defend myself. This was almost beyond me in my current state of mind. I told him that I had nothing to gain by Hetarons death and that the Rod of the Arcane wasn't mine to claim. That it was the property of Eystlund. 'Well, who do you expect will be placed in the late Lord Hetarons house? Someone who backs you I assume? Is this your way of gaining support for the crown? Also, if an Arcadian Lord died trying to find that rod we should have a say in where it is kept. We should demand it be turned over to us.' I looked to Roderick but he was silent, as if he wanted to hear my answers.

  I told them that I didn’t care who would be picked to replace Lord Hetaron. I then reminded him that Lord Hetaron was a hero who risked his life to defend Arcadia side by side with me. I then told him again we had no say over the rod. Demanding that an item of power be turned over to us, when we had no claim on it could have been seen as an act of aggression. Arcadia could not afford to break the peace with our southern neighbor. I thought he was going to spit on me for a moment but he just called me one word, a coward. It was then that I lost my temper, he has no clue how close he came to getting knocked on his self-important ass. I asked Lord Warren where he was during the war? Where was he when an army of mercenaries was marching on the city? It was then that Roderick decided to speak up. 'That is quiet enough gentlemen. Do you have anything else to tell me Lord Kromwell?' It was then that I pulled out the map. I told him of what happened to Zender and his friends. How they had been captured by the Messiah somewhere in the circled area. I then asked Roderick if I could have the troops to try to find and capture the man who dared attack us. Before he could say anything Lord Warren once again spoke.

  'What a colossal waste of time and money. You are trying to deflect blame off yourself by bringing this supposed new fact to light. Once again trying to make yourself look like a hero. I demand that an investigation be made into the facts of Lord Hetarons death. We will find out the truth.' I told him he was welcome to travel into the mountains of Toryth Vol and find out for himself. When Roderick stood up and stared at us I started to feel like a child who was caught doing something I shouldn't have. 'I will take this matter under advisement Lord Kromwell. I am going to command you to stay in the city should I need to speak to you some more on what happened to Lord
Hetaron. If this is all you have, you are dismissed.' I could not wait to get out of there, had I stayed longer I might have done something foolish. I bowed to the king and told him I would do as he commanded. I nodded to Lord Floyd, who was silent the entire time I was in there. He just sat there watching and listening. When he returned the nod I turned on my heal and left the kings chambers. From there I returned to my home, having forgotten about going to visit Turk in my anger. Shortly after I proceeded to get roaring drunk with Zackary and Pare. It was the only fitting end to my day.

  70. Fire Heart

  I awoke the next morning with a pounding headache. I should know better than to try to keep up with Zackary, even Pare was in rough shape that morning. It was an odd night, Pare kept talking about patrols and how he should be out. I never even thought to ask about it the next morning when I saw him trying to eat his breakfast. I had the cook make me a little something, I needed something solid in me or the day and maybe my life might have ended right then I felt so bad. Zackary was the same as he was the night before. I swear the man could drink a bucket of poison and shrug it off the next day. When I asked him what he had planned for the day he said he might try to see a bit of the city. I told him I would show him around as soon as I was dressed. I had plans on running some errands and I told him he was welcome to come with me. When he asked what I just told him that he would see.

  I took two things with me that morning. The roll of blue dragon hide and the coins I was going to give to the temple of Solarth. Charles told me I was foolish for giving them that much coin but he always argued with me over how much I gave away. Zackary and I set out and headed first for the merchant's district, I wanted that hide turned into a cloak and Zackary didn't have much in the way of good clothing. I soon learned that the later was because he really didn't care about it. I then took him to the temple of Solarth with me. He gave me an odd look and asked why we were going there. I asked him if he had forgotten already, he just shook his head at me and asked the same question over and over again, 'Fergot wat?' As we walked up to the front entrance to the temple Hans came out the door having seen us coming from his office window. He gave the cleric a big grin and said something about at last finding someone that could drink with him. In the time I had known Hans I had never seen him touch a drop, from the look on his face I could tell this wasn't always true. 'It is good to see you two. I trust Zender and Lomark are still alive?' I told him that they were still both well when we left Eystlund. He told us to follow him inside where we could speak in private.

  There was something different about Hans, he had changed since I had left him last. I couldn't put my finger on it but it was something more than just being Bishop of the temple. As we moved through the temple, he issued orders, sent younger priest running off to do his commands. Perhaps it was just that he had grown into his role as Bishop but I know there was something more. It would just take him some time to tell me, if he told me at all. He asked us what all had happened, we told him everything from beginning to end. From Zackary refusing to get on the first ship we found to the death of Ramanthus. 'I wish I could have been there my friends. Hetaron did not go easy did he?' I told him how the woman Cynthia had killed Hetaron when he had his back turned. 'Solarth forgive me but there is a small amount of justice in this I believe.' It was then that I told him and Zackary about what happened the day before in the king's office with Lord Warren. How he accused me of letting Hetaron die in order to gain support for the crown. 'What?' Hans was slightly confused about this. 'Did you tell them that he tried to kill you and your family? I am sure if Zender's father was still here he could vouch for you.'

  It was my turn to question him as no one had told me that Windfall had been around. 'Oh he was coming to see you but you left just before he arrived. He heard about some kind of contract on Jasmin when he got to town, between him and Pare they made quite a bit of noise. The two of them got a lot of folks tossed in jail and ran more than a few out of town. Pare told me most of the story, so you would have to question him about most of it. What are you going to tell them Darmot?' I told them I didn't want to tarnish the reputation of Hetaron, as we were appointed at the same time and we were known to be friends I didn't want that reflecting on me. 'Ahhh so you don't want it known that he was planning on killing you then coming back to destroy all of Arcadia. I am not sure I understand your reason behind this but should it come to it I will back you, you know that my friend.' Truth be told I didn't understand it myself yet it felt like the right thing to do. It was more than protecting myself, I was protecting my king who appointed the evil wizard in the first place. Lord Warren has a thirst for the crown which is no secret, this would have just been one more thing he could have used to fight Roderick with.

  'Have no worries Darmot. You told them as much of the truth as you could. Hetaron was far too dangerous for his own good. Even if you didn't kill him, it was the right thing to do. What about his body, I hate to say it but sometimes wizards have a bad habit of coming back from the dead?' I then told him about the wards Ramanthus had placed in the White Spire. When Ramanthus was killed for his crimes, if he was telling us the truth, it should have all been destroyed. If his body wasn't ash, it should be buried under several tons of rock. 'Still, you never know with a wizard. I hope he is gone for good, I would hate to have had to face him as an enemy. If you get a chance to tell King Roderick the whole story, you might want to do so and tell him your reasons for withholding. I am sure he would understand. He may even thank you.' Zackary told me that I had nothing to worry about, that he would back me the entire way. Not that I could understand half of what he said, I got most of it. At the age of twenty one I was worried about kings and entire nations when other men my age only worried about who they would take to bed next.

  I started to stand up and tell Hans good bye when he jumped up. 'Oh my, I almost forgot! I have something for you if you will come with me.' Hans took off at a near run. For a moment, one small moment I felt my heart skip a beat. He reminded me of Ramanthus and how he would carry on from one moment to the next. He stopped once he got to the door of his office and waited for us. It was there that the reminder stopped and my heart continued to go on. Maybe it was just the pressures of the job getting to him. It wasn't until much later that I learned that he had a lot on his mind. More than any one man should have to worry about when his scope is four walls and the word of a god. Zackary and I followed Hans to the rear of the temple where they had a modest stable, once he opened the door I saw her standing there, just as beautiful as I remembered. I walked over to Emily and put my hand on her nose, giving it a good rub. I asked Hans where Michaels was. 'Oh he is around somewhere. I think he went to visit with Captain Myers, he is the head of the city watch now. It took them awhile but they found someone to replace Nikle. He was in the army with Michaels, they seem to be friends.'

  I thanked Hans for taking such good care of my horse. I told him that if Michaels needed a mount to come by my home and I would give him one. I had Emily for far too long to leave her there. Zackary and I told Hans goodbye and headed out. I had one more stop in mind before heading back to my home. I took Emily into the stable of the Red Dragon Inn. I thought about going in the back way into the kitchen but I wanted to give Zackary a good impression of the place. 'Bloody hell!' was about all he said when we first walked in. His eyes were fixed on the dragon head mounted in the common room. 'Still looks alive!' I always enjoyed seeing a person's first reaction to it. It almost made the big bitch landing on me worth it. More than anything else I wanted Zackary to like the place, I was going to offer him one of our private rooms to live out of so he had a bit more freedom to be himself. I never expected him to fall in love, not with the inn but with someone in it. We both watched as the serving girl came over to us. I had only met Linda a few times before. Pare seemed to like her and Jasmin said she worked hard. 'Lord Kromwell!' her red hair seemed to blaze with life in the dark room. 'It is a pleasure to see you again. How may we serve you?'

p; I told her we would need a table and some food. I looked at Zackary to ask if he wanted a drink but he just stood there in stunned silence, lost in some kind of red haired fantasy. When he came out of it he ordered ale with his meal. While we were eating I asked him if he would like a room in the Inn. I told him it would be his, free of charge with meals included. That being said I told him he had to pay for his drink. I couldn't afford to give the man free ale. He would drink the inn dry in a month. He accepted right away, I don't even think it was a question for him. Once he had eaten and we were alone he asked about Linda. I told him that she was one of my girls and he about spit out his drink. I then had to explain to him about what the help will say when they think I am not listening. They call their selves 'Kromwell's Women'. Most of the help I had hired for both the inn and my home were all widows of the war. Some of their husbands were in my command; others were just on the street due to the riots. If we had a job for someone, I tried to help those who lost everything they had in order to keep our freedom.

  Zackary came home with me that afternoon but only to get his gear. He still lives there today and Linda has him wrapped around her little finger. I've never seen the man so happy. Jasmin tells me that the two are planning on getting married, yet the man has never said a word to me about it. I see him about once a week at the inn. He helps out in the kitchen and I have not had to replace a single stool or mug because they were broken in a fight in over a year. No one dares to start a fight when Zackary Red Beard is in the bar. He has been known to drag more than a few folks out into the streets and pummel them until they give up. He once took four men outside at once, beat them all silly and had the four of them buying his ale by the end of the night. He is a good man, a good friend and I am proud to have known him all this time. I owe the man my life and for that he will not only have a place in my heart until the day I die. He will have a place in my home, no matter where it might be.


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