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Death Or Fortune

Page 39

by James Chesney

  "This is all you give me? How am I supposed to deal with this?" As Hans got to his feet he looked around the room once more, looking for some kind of sign, a puff of smoke, a talking animal, even something as silly as a mouse. "Fine, then I shall be ready for the worst." Walking to the door of his room, knowing he would see someone out there waiting for him he flung the door open. As he guessed there was one of them, the ones he could not make leave him alone. They all took turns; there were four of them all together. In his head Hans took to calling them the watchers. "You, go find Brother Michaels. Tell him it is time to fight and to be ready." The young priest stood and stared at him with his mouth hanging open. "GO NOW!" Hans shouted at him. He slammed the door closed and cursed the fool that let that one off his mother’s apron strings. Standing before his wardrobe he placed his hand over his medallion one last time, waiting for some kind of sign. "Very well then" he said to no one at all as he opened the doors to the wardrobe. Stripping off his night robe he stood there for one last moment, his hand outstretched yet not touching what he was looking at. As his hand closed over the top lip of his breastplate, he knew this was the only thing he could do.

  Hans took his time with the armor. He had done this hundreds of times. He knew where each and every strap was without looking. Soon he stood there looking at himself, nothing was lose, the armor fit him like a second skin. He reached inside again pulling out his travel robes, putting those on over the armor. Then came the belt, one side would hold healing potions, the other only had one single loop on it. This is where his hammer rested, he slid the shaft into the loop and a smile broke out on his face when it stopped. "I should wear this every day. Let’s see if those fools still follow me around with this thing on my hip." He reached inside for the last two objects. His helm that he put on his head right away and his shield that he strapped to his back. "I wonder if I should call for Darmot and Pare, I might need some help. No, I better not, Darmot is a Lord now and he has his own problems. Michaels and I will deal with this best we can, besides I don't even know what it is that is coming." Little did Hans know that right at that moment, Darmot was in fact dealing with problems of his own. None of which had to do with being a Lord.

  By the time Hans made it to his office, the temple was starting show signs of life. Young priest and those few war orphans left in the temple were headed to morning prayers. The sight of the Bishop striding through the temple in full armor left a wake of confusion in his trail. He strode into his office and checked the small pile of messages on his desk. All of it minor, none of it required any of his attention until this was handled. Turning away from his desk he left the office behind and set his mind to waiting for the unknown. When he exited the office he was shocked for a small moment. Every man and child who lived in the temple of Solarth was standing here, waiting for their Bishop, their leader. Well, every man except for one Hans thought to himself as he looked around for Michaels. They were all quiet at first, Hans was about to give thanks for that when they all started talking at once. Hans removed his helm and held up one hand hoping that they would listen. He tried talking to them, tried to get them to listen yet they seemed to be in a minor panic. None of them understood what he was doing. A couple of them thought the new Bishop had finally lost his mind. When the sound of a sword being drawn echoed about the chamber, all fell silent and moved aside. Michaels, Paladin of Solarth was moving past the gathered brothers.

  "Bishop Hans, may Solarth strengthen my sword arm today in your time of need. You have called, I am here." With this he dropped to one knee and laid his sword at the feet of the slightly amused Bishop.

  "Stand beside me Sir Michaels. The rest of you, I want to tell you this and listen well. I have been given a sign. Something is coming but I do not know what it is. I want you all to be prepared for the worst. Now, this could be nothing but I will not ignore what could very well be a warning. Brother Johnson, I want you to make sure that you have anything you may need to deal with wounded men, beyond even our ability to use the gifts of our god. Brother Thomas, you will make sure all the water barrels are filled. If there is a fire, this will be your task. To make sure any fires are put out. While these walls are made of stone, everything else will burn. Brother Timothy, you will take all the young ones. You are to take all the horses from the stables except for Sir Michaels mount. You will take them and the young ones out of the city, find the horses fresh fields to graze in. Return before sun sets, I am hoping that whatever happens will be over by then. Now, the rest of you will make yourselves ready to do as told, when told to. After morning prayers, go!" With this out of the way Hans turned back around and headed into his office with Michaels right behind him. He wanted to get out of their sight, he couldn't stand the eyes on him any longer.

  "Sir Michaels?" he asked the bishop when the door was closed.

  "I am sorry Michaels, when you put your sword on the floor like that it was the first thing to pop into my mind."

  "You do know I was never a knight? It is rather silly to all of a sudden call me Sir Michaels; most of the people here know I wasn't a knight." Michaels seemed content to continue this line of discussion but stopped when Hans held up his hand.

  "I know, you were never a knight. I am a bit unsettled at the moment, so you will have to forgive me." While Hans cared about Michaels, he was the one person who seemed even more absent minded than him. He started to wonder if Zender ever spoke to himself, somehow he doubted it. Not that Lomark left him alone long enough to pick up the habit. Hans placed both his hands over his face while letting out a long sigh. He started to tell Michaels about the vision he had, the more he spoke about it, the better he felt.

  "Interesting, how did it make you feel?" Michaels asked.

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well sometimes there is more to this than just what you see. How did it make you feel, where you filled with a sense of fear or anything like that?"

  "I am not sure. All I know is that this thing, it brings bad news for us. I wish I could tell you something more. So, for now I would just like you to stick around. Help when and where you can. I have a feeling you will know when to come." Hans sat down in his chair and felt it protest the extra weight of his armor. He thought for one small moment he would end up on the floor, yet in the end it held. He gave Michaels one last smile before he exited the Bishops office. Hans often thought of Michaels as his child, his one shot at continuing on what had been passed on to him. As Zender had done for him, he opened the door for Michaels. They traveled together for some time and when he was set in the right path, he went out on his own. Then he came back, Hans never questioned why Michaels had returned. Perhaps this was his place in the world. Yet somehow he doubted it. He saw so much potential in Michaels, yet he was here.

  As the day wore on, Hans had started to think he was wrong. "I've scared the hell out of every man in this temple for no reason at all. What could I have been thinking?" Yet he kept his armor on, he kept his weapon by his side. He did not tell anyone to stand down. Deep inside he knew in his heart that something terrible was coming. He started to pace around his office, looking out the windows. He could hear all the activity inside the temple, he could see them running around outside to make everything he said ready. "We must first protect the temple. When that is completed we will see to the people outside of the walls, help those who cannot help their selves. This temple must not fall, there is too much at risk. If anything we must protect the pool of knowledge." This was the name Hans had given the room where all the scrolls and books were hidden. Where every bit of knowledge and history of the order of Solarth was kept. Hans was the guardian of this and it was his job to protect it. "Is that why I was so worried about fire? I wonder what a fire would do down there. If the room has any protections of its own."

  Just about the time Hans told himself it would be foolish to start a small fire in the room he heard the first scream. "It is outside!" Hans ran from the room, leaving his helm behind on his desk. As he pulled open the office door he
saw Michaels rushing towards it. No words were spoken, only a knowing glance. The two men headed towards the front door of the temple. As the two exited the temple they saw the people in the streets. All of them looking up, pointing at something. When Michaels gripped his arm and pointed Hans saw it. A dragon was above the city. It made two slow twisting passes above the city; Hans thought he saw a hint of something. It was then that the beast started to come in for a landing. "It is going to land here, shut that door and be ready Michaels!" Hans could hear the whistles in the streets, the city guard had seen the beast and were getting their men together. "They are going to be too late." As the dragon came closer Hans braced himself for the natural fear that came from facing such beast. Yet something else came over him, something he had not expected at all. The silver dragon landed only feet away from the temple stairs. Hans and Michaels looked to each other then back to the dragon. Each man then took to one knee as they were sure this was a sign from their god.

  "Do not bow to me Guardian as I have done the fathers bidding in this task." Hans looked up at the dragon, unsure what to say. "Many days I have carried this one. He has a tale to tell when he can stand to tell it. Listen well Guardian, the destiny of many depend on this one." Hans watched as the dragon laid down a bundle on the ground. Hans was speechless as he watched the dragon nod to him and then as it looked to Michaels. Hans thought he saw a quick hint of something in those eyes but it was gone just as fast. "I will leave you now Guardian, I do not wish to harm the humans here." With a second nod to the cleric the beast spread his wings again and took off from the temple grounds. Hans watched as long as he could, the dragon was gone before he could blink twice.

  "Bishop, there is a man in here. He is in an Arcadian uniform." Hans looked around and saw Michaels down with the bundle the dragon had left behind. Hans rushed down the temple steps to join his friend. Hans put his hand to the man's neck, while his pulse was there but not very strong.

  "Help me carry him inside." Hans said to him. The two men carried the man inside as others were coming out of the temple. "Make way, he needs healing." Hans could hear the city guards running through the streets, they were too late but this man was one of their own. Hans had to get him inside before they saw him. Deep inside the temple they took the man to the room Brother Johnson had prepared earlier that day. As Hans started to pray for the man’s healing Michaels leaned over the body and placed his hands on the man’s chest. The healing surge was almost visible to his eyes. Hans took a good look at the man’s face and remembered watching him get on the ship that carried him away so many months ago. His screams filled the silent room when his eyes opened. "Easy now, you are home and safe." The man looked around and then stopped at the face of Hans.

  "I remember you Bishop." he said in a soft and hoarse voice.

  "What happened, where is the rest of your party? Where is the priestess Kandella?"

  "Captured, they were all captured. We found that island she was looking for, even found that temple. That is when we were taken."

  "Taken by who?" Hans asked trying to give the man some water to help soothe his throat.

  "Orcs; thousands of them. They were under the command of some human. Mage in black robes, they called him Argon the Dark. They had a bunch of slaves, I assume they were the people who lived on the island. I managed to get away, Kandella said to warn you. They are coming, they are going to attack. I saw the ships Bishop, at least a hundred of them. Some they built using the slaves, others they took. They captured us and that ship’s crew by the time it was all done. When I escaped I headed south looking for some kind of help. I found an elf living in a cave and she told me she could get me home. That is the last thing I remember until I woke up here. I have to warn the king, I have to tell him that they are coming."

  "Do you think you are strong enough to report now? You may rest here, you are safe here." Hans watched as he took another long drink of water.

  "I must, we don't have time. They will sail in the spring."

  "That is almost six months away son. How long did it take you to reach the island by boat?"

  "Three months Bishop. I was on the island for another three. What day is it? How did I get here." When Hans told him the story the man went white in the face and laid his head back down on the small cot. All things considered, Hans thought he took the news well. His head started to ache, things were moving too fast. Yet, he had a room full of people looking at him, expecting an answer on what to do next. He wished they would look somewhere else yet he knew that wasn't going to happen.

  "Brother Johnson, I want you to take this man directly to Captain Turk of the royal guard. Stay with him the whole way, no matter how much he protests. You can explain to Captain Turk how we found him. Then tell Turk I will be to see him tomorrow." Hans then looked towards Michaels. He could see the question on his face. It was the same question he had in his own heart. "Michaels I need you to go see Darmot, ask Lord Kromwell if he could come to the temple. I would like to speak with him. Tell him it is rather important."

  74. Small Shadows

  The little halfling stood by his bedroom window, looking out at the city below. He was, to say the least, depressed. He never wanted to hurt anyone with his night time fun. That is all it really was to him. He never expected to keep doing it after Darmot got home from his adventure. He always figured there would be something else around the corner. Something new to be seen, some place new to go. Yet he came home and stayed in place. Pare didn't mind too much, his best friend is a big important lord or at least that is what Pare thinks. So the little halfling kept going out, kept doing his thing. Until that horrible morning that he came home to find Darmot waiting for him, angry at him. He gave Darmot his word that he wouldn't go out as the Demon again. So he sat in his window, looking out at the sky wishing he could once again hit the streets. It would be dark in a few more hours. Lost in thought he sniffed the air, feeling the cool breeze on his lean white face. When he saw the armored figure running in the street towards the house, he wondered what was going on.

  "That’s Michaels, what is he doing here?" While Pare wasn't the smartest halfling in the world, he knew this was a bad sign. While he knew about the dragon in the city, he didn't know why and it was gone before he got his boots on that afternoon. "There must be trouble, Hans sent Michaels to Darmot for help." Pare's little mind started to run wild, it all came back to one thing. Darmot was going to be hitting the road for an adventure. "YES!" Pare shouted to the rooftops while doing a little dance. It was then that the world came into focus for him. "Oh, when did I get up here?" Try as he might Pare could not remember crawling out the window and up onto the roof of Darmot's house. Looking down at the street Pare noticed more than one person watching him. "I wonder if they think I am going to do some tricks or something." While he stood there watching the folks on the ground below, contemplating doing a hand stand on the peak of the house he saw a second figure approaching. A large hooded man on a horse, as the wind blew back one side of his cloak, Pare saw a weapon and a flash of blue armor. Pare ran to the edge of the roof to get a better look at the hooded rider. Oblivious to the cries of the folks down below who thought they were going to see a halfling jump to his death, he stopped right at the edge.

  "Windfall!" he shouted to the hooded man below. The rider looked up and shook his head. Pare thought he said something but he could not hear over the sound of the wind in his ears. "I'll be right down." He shouted again running back along the roof to where he could drop down into his window. Before long he was running across his room and out the door. Bounding down the steps two at a time he beat Charles to the front door by a good ten paces. Pare tossed the door open shouting his name again.

  "Quiet little thief, do you want the entire city to know I am here?" While the bounty hunter had a serious tone in his voice, he had an amused look on his face. "Where is Darmot?"

  "Michaels is here so I am guessing he is in his office come on, I will show you." Pare turned and started skipping down the
hall. Windfall closed the door behind him, giving Charles a slight nod. He watched as the halfling skipped down the hall and tumbled into a half open door. As he did not come out again Windfall assumed this was where he was headed. As he entered the room he saw his young friend and former student sitting behind a large oak desk, piles of paper were set out in an orderly fashion. He had a strange look on his face, the fact that he did not react to seeing him right away did not bode well. In front of the desk was Michaels, Paladin of Solarth. Windfall had met him briefly when he was in town last but knew little of the man. He was telling Darmot some story that Windfall had not picked up on, after a moment or two the young lord held up his hand.

  "Go back to the temple. Tell Hans I will be there as soon as I can. I don't know what is going on but we will figure it out." At the time Darmot did not seemed too concerned. He then got up from his desk and went around to greet his old friend. "I am glad to see you my friend, I understand I owe you a bit of thanks." Darmot then took his old teacher into his arms as a son would his father. By the time he let him go, Michaels was out of Darmot's home and headed back to the temple.


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