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Death Or Fortune

Page 44

by James Chesney

  80. Party

  Even with the heavy curtains closed, I could tell the sun was coming up. Outside of my walls I could hear the city coming to life. This was my last full day at home as we would leave at noon on the following day to get on a ship. My first thought was to just spend the entire day in bed, had I been the only one going on that ship I may have done just that. Still there were others, more than just myself. We were looking at a good three months at sea and only the gods knew how much longer we were going to be on that island. If we even lived long after getting there. I thought to myself, if I was the captain of a ship heading out for a long voyage, what would I do for my crew? The idea came to me in slow steps but soon my mind was racing, I would have a lot to do before I could make it happen. By the time I knew for sure how to go forward I was slipping out of the bed and getting dressed. I didn’t bother with any armor on this day, I would not need that until later that night. I put on my heavy cloak and slipped out of the room.

  My first stop was down the hall in Pare's room. The door was cracked open and I could hear the sound of Pare snoring inside. I pushed the door open slowly. It was a rather strange sight to see. Miri was sleeping on the bed under the heavy blankets while Pare was curled up into a ball on top of a pillow sleeping on the floor. They could have shared a bed and been farther apart than they were. I softly said his name once and they both shot up, for some reason this made me smile. I told Pare to come down stairs with me. I waited for him to get up and moving before I turned away. 'Ummm, morning Darmot' Pare said to me when he found me waiting at the bottom of the stairs. 'It was real late and I didn't think you would mind if Miri stayed here.' I asked him how many times she had been here at night since he first met her. 'Oh pretty much every night except for one or two. We were out all night and didn't bother to sleep.' He looked at me like I had caught him with his hand on my coin pouch. I told him it was fine but he needed to have himself and her to the Red Dragon Inn just after the sun set. 'Are you kicking us out?' he asked me with a small quiet voice. I told him no but just to be there. I also told him to take her shopping for a fine dress, something formal. One eyebrow shot up as he looked at me. I told him we were going to have a party.

  As I walked down the hall to the servant’s quarters, I could still hear Pare yelling for Miri to wake up. I stopped at Charles door and before I could knock he said 'It is open my lord.' I told him what I had planned and to inform my wife so she could make sure that Miss Rivermyst was dressed correctly. 'A formal dinner for soldiers my lord?' I could hear the disapproval in his voice until I told him I planned on having it at the Red Dragon Inn. After that his tone changed. While I owned the inn, it was not part of the title of Arcadian Lord. There for he did not care about the place. He would not have to answer to the next lord about all the damage to the house should I turn up dead. Over the years I have grown to trust and depend on Charles, he is loyal to me beyond all doubt. That being said, if I was displaced or removed he would sweep me out into the street with the rest of the trash. I gave Charles one last order to follow. I could see the shock and horror in his eyes but I wasn't worried. I left Charles to his duties and was confident that he would complete them as ordered.

  From there I went to see Turk. When I arrived at his office there seemed to a flurry of activity going on. Sitting on my horse I saw three men enter and exit the office just as fast. Each one running faster on the way out than they were on the way in. I jumped down from Emily's back and made my way to the wide open door. Turk looked like he was about to pull the rest of his hair out. I asked him what was going on. 'Lord Warren got word of what is going on and went to the king. Warren is pushing for a full scale invasion of the island. The king is giving the man his due and now I have to put together another invasion plan. The King said he wants it by noon today. I have five hours to get everything together and present it to Lord Warren so he can take it to the king for consideration. Warren also wants whatever you have planned halted until all possible plans are brought up before the king and the thirty houses.' I asked him where Lord Warren was. 'He is in the war room in the castle.' I told Turk that he needed to think about what he was doing, he didn't want to underestimate what they would need to attack that island. 'What do you mean?' he asked me. I told him that whatever figures he came up with, he should multiply everything by ten.

  No matter what Lord Warren said, there was no way the king was going to approve an army of one hundred thousand men. 'What do I say when Lord Warren sees this? He may be an ass but he is no fool, he will know I just tossed this together.' I told him that he was to say one thing and one thing only. It is the only way to ensure complete and total victory. Then remind him that it would leave most of Arcadia open to attack for close to a year. 'Darmot, what if Warren is right. What if a complete invasion is the only way to deal with this.' I was feeling sure of myself at that moment. Perhaps it was the interference of Lord Warren that made me that way. I asked Turk how long we had known each other. 'It will be three years in the spring I believe.' I asked him what he thought of me after that first day we had met. A smile started to cross his face. 'I thought for sure you were a con man after the kingdom's gold and that I would never see you alive again.' I told him that he had come up with a good plan and that it would work. 'Darmot...' I smacked my hand down on his desk and told him that I would make it work; if for no other reason than to stick a thorn into the side of Lord Warren.

  He started to laugh. 'Yer right, it is a good plan. Now, I assume you came here for a reason?' I asked him how many of the men going with me were married. 'Only Sgt. Bryce, why?' That was when I told him that he was to have himself and everyone that was going on the mission with me at the Red Dragon Inn just after sun set. I told him he could have Bryce bring his wife if he so desired. 'What do you have in mind?' I told him it was a final briefing and we were all going to sit down and have a good meal together. 'Should be good for moral, not a bad idea Lord Kromwell. I'll make sure they are all there on time.' I told him I would see him there and went on my way. The next stop was the temple of Solarth. Windfall was already in the Red Dragon and I assumed he had a way to find Ebbit. If he was going to allow him to join us that is. Of all the people going, Windfall was the one I worried about the most. I had never seen him display a wide range of emotions. I was worried about how having his father in the mix would affect him in the long run. Not that I was worried about what he would do in battle, it was him having to deal with his father that I worried about. I honestly had no idea how we were going to deal with a wizard that was well over a hundred years old.

  At the temple of Solarth there were a team of young men loading crates into a small wagon. Hans was on the front steps watching them work. As I walked up the steps to greet him I saw the look on his face. He looked like he had not slept in days. I asked him if he was feeling ok. 'I have been having a hard time sleeping. My god is not very happy with me I believe. I have been having visions, rampaging Orcs, slaughtering people. There is something at the core of the visions but I have not been able to see what it is. It is shrouded from me in a vale of darkness.' I asked him what he thought it meant. 'That the vision is not yet complete, that it is something that can be avoided. How, I do not know since it is hidden from me.' I felt helpless standing there, watching him. It was as if he was on the edge of a void, one missed step would send him over the edge. I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder. 'How can I help you my friend?' I told him he needed to have himself and Michaels at the Red Dragon Inn just after sunset. When he asked me why I told him the same thing I told Turk. 'I am not going Darmot, you sure I should be there. It is my fault that this is happening.'

  I told him that it was in no way his fault, that if anything he helped avoid something much worse. He started to argue with me again and told him it was an order; not that I had any right to order him about. He stood there with his mouth hanging open but it soon closed and broke out into a smile. It did not last long but it was a smile. I then told him, that the men could use all th
e blessings we could get. 'Very well my friend, I will be there.' I clapped him on the back one more time and started to leave. As I reached the bottom of the steps he called out to me. 'Darmot, I know where it is.' I looked at him and asked what he was talking about. 'The visions, I know where it is. The Orcs I see are on the streets of Eystlundtowne.' I felt a small chill crawl up my backside and settle in my brain. The Orc army would attack Eystlund if we failed to stop them. That was the only thing I could think. I asked him if he was sure. 'Aye my friend, I would know the kings castle, even if it was half destroyed.' The chill started to form around my heart. He said this was something we could avoid yet I felt as if I was about to dig my own grave. I smiled at the cleric one last time before I turned away.

  While I was riding to the Red Dragon Inn I thought about what Hans had just told me. I wasn't sure what to make of it. Hetaron during his life had been prone to visions, sometimes they would help. Other times they did nothing more than make him doubt himself. At some point I decided that I would only worry about what it is that I can see and worry about the future when it gets here. At the Red Dragon I found the men I wanted sitting down together. Windfall still in the thread bare black clothes was sitting with Ebbit and Mason was curled up in a ball under the table. Zackary however I wasn't looking for but it would seem he was looking for me. I was not two feet inside the door when I saw him coming towards me. He had a look on his face I had not seen in some time, 'So what, am I not good enough for yea anymore.' My brain was still trying to process his speech when he first hit me. I crashed back out of the door and into the street outside of the inn. I've seen Zackary clean knock out men before with one punch. I know his heart wasn't in it. 'I will show yea, I've not lost my way.' I stood there in the street as he approached me with his giant hands curled up into fist.

  'Goin off ta fight a bloody war and yea think yea can leave me behind, ova my dead body.' I stood there and watched him, I did not move I kept my hands down by my side. The big man yelled at me to put my hands up, I told him I would not fight him. I could smell the ale on his breath. 'Why did ya not ask me laddy? Tis an insult, I shood be thare with you.' I took a moment to look back at the inn, Windfall was standing in the door with an amused look on his face. He was holding back Linda who was trying to watch with both hands over her face. 'Why?' he asked me again. I told him that I had two very good reasons, one we were going to spend three months on a ship at the very least. I then told him that I owed someone a favor and this was it. He dropped his ham like fist and looked at me. I asked him if he loved Linda. 'Like a dwarf loves his ale. Aye laddy, more den life.' I walked forward and put my arms around him. I whispered in his ear, I have already killed one of her husbands, don't make me do it again. The longer I held him the more it sank in. 'Ok laddy, I understand yea now. But ya still should have bloody well asked me.' I clapped him on the back and told him that next time I would call on him.

  I tried not to laugh as Linda came running out to him, smacking him with her bar rag for doing something stupid. She then turned to me and told me how sorry she was. I told her she had nothing to worry about but I did have something to tell her. I told her that the inn was going to be closed for the night but we were going to have a private party. I told her to round up any of the girls that were not working and to get them in. Then to have the cook make a meal for thirty people. They were to have everything set up and ready to go at sun set that day. Once she had her orders she took off at a run, dragging Zackary behind her. I told myself that I would do my best to keep a sword out of his hand until the day he was married, that much I did do. I went back inside to speak with Windfall. As I sat down at the table it was all he could do to keep from laughing at me. 'So, why didn't you ask him to come along?' he asked me. I told him I didn't want to ask him to do something he would have felt honor bound to agree to after Linda had already asked me not to take him. I then asked him why he didn't ask Ebbit to come along.

  'This is personal, there won't be any pay in it for him. That is why.' The dwarf let out a long deep growl that could have come from the wolf under the table. 'You know that doesn't matter to me ya pointy eared bastard.' It was my turn to laugh at the half elf. 'I am going, he already agreed that you folks will need me. My clan has a blood debt against Orcs, where ever they may be for taking over our ancient homeland. So if I get a chance to gut me an Orc or ten, that is all the payment I need.' I had been told the story about how the Orcs took over the dwarven mountain kingdom. I've often thought about how someone should do something about that, if ever given the right chance I still might. I stood up from the table and told them that they were to be dressed and ready to have dinner just after sun set. 'I am sorry my lord but we are just humble servants, we are not equipped for such an event and must refuse.' Windfall said to me. I told him to wear his armor or to buy something else but I wanted them both there. I then told him that anyone that wasn't there would get left on the docks in Rohloff when we set sail. That seemed to end any arguments the half elf had.

  From there I had nothing to do for the rest of the day but wait for the sun to set. I had set the plans in motion. Waiting was all I had left to do. Waiting and polishing my armor. I also pulled out something I had not used in sometime. Not since the last time I left home that is. I cleaned up my rank pins that I used on my cloak. I didn't have much use for them and most lords do not walk around with military rank on their clothing. That being said, I figured people needed to be reminded of who I was, that the stories were real. More than anything I needed their respect. While most of the men who were going with us fought in the war, none of them were among my rag tag bunch. None of them saw us as we defeated a force twice our size, then ran to bolster the ranks of those who marched under the standard of the king. Honestly, looking back I still don't believe what happened that day. From the very beginning to the bitter, bitter end when we came home that night in the pouring rain. Heroes we were called, I would almost trade it all to have Arturo here today. I hope to one day finish the fight that cost him his life. To find the Messiah and put him in the ground for taking the life of the most honorable man I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

  With my armor shining like a new mirror I retreated to my office to do some last minute work before getting ready. When the time was getting close I went upstairs where I was quickly locked out of my own bedroom. Jasmin was helping Miri get dressed in there, so I had to wait for them to finish. When the door was opened I was on the edge of shocked. Even with her short hair, there was no hiding that she was a female. She wore a very pretty green dress that matched her eyes. When I told her that she looked nice she smiled at me and said 'I feel like I was stuffed in a blasted sausage casing Mi'lord.' I returned to my room once she made her way down the hall, when I saw Jasmin my breath was taken away. She had on a blood red dress that matched the color of my cloak. She was perfect from head to toe. I came near her to give her a kiss and was told that if I messed up so much as single hair on her head she would banish me from the bedroom that night. As that was all I needed to hear, I began to put on my armor. When the four of us were dressed and ready we headed out, driven in a carriage by Charles.

  The entire ride over to the Red Dragon Inn Pare said nothing but from time to time looked at his halfling friend out of the corner of his eye. I somehow got the feeling he had never seen her like this before and wondered if he was going to sleep on the floor later that night. I never asked him, he never said. There are some things Pare and I do not talk about. As we entered the inn, we were the last of the guest to arrive. Turk was the only other one in armor, the rest were in formal uniform. There were twelve men in all including Sgt. Bryce. Each one of them the very best the Arcadian Army had to offer. Each one of them already heroes in my mind. The girls who worked in the inn pushed all the tables together to form one long table. On one side of the table was Turk and his men, on the other was my friends. Michaels and Hans both in clerical robes, Windfall and Ebbit both managed to find something to wear. I went to each man,
shook his hand and thanked them for coming. I sat at the head of the table, Turk on my right, Jasmin on my left. Outside of some minor whispering they were all quiet, unsure of what was to happen. I saw Linda by the bar waiting, I signaled to her to start bringing out the food. Soon, platters mounded with food filled the tables and ale filled every cup.

  I stood up and waited for them all to look at me before I started to speak. 'Ladies and gentlemen' I said to them. 'Each of you know what it is that we are headed for, we have taken all that we know and come up with the best possible plan we could. While you have all met me in the past few days, none of you know me that well. After tonight, you will have more than enough time to get to know me as we will be confined to a ship for the next three months. As Captain I will be your leader on this expedition and Lieutenant Michaels will once again be my second in command. Should anything happen to me, it will be his leadership that you will follow. You all know that once we hit the southern slave camps you all will be attacking the Orc ship yard under the command of Lieutenant Bryce. Congratulations sir, you have just been promoted. My companions and I will be hitting the north slave compound where we believe most of our people are being held. Mr. Eli will be with us as his assistance there will be most valuable.'

  Turk and I were the only ones who knew Eli was going back to the island with us. Each man at the table turned to look at him, none of them said a word but you could see the admiration in their eyes. 'I am not going to ignore that at any point between now and when we land on that island, that something might change. The whole plan could go up in smoke the moment we make land. We very well could be facing the impossible task. Each and every one of you must be committed to this, while I know you all volunteered for this, if anyone is not there when we move out tomorrow, it will not be held against you. It is very possible that none of us may come back alive. Each one of you comes highly recommended and as we go forward to die I am proud to stand beside you all. I am honored to call myself Arcadian not because of my position but because of people like all of you. Who go forward to face impossible odds not because of money, fame or fortune but because it is the right thing to do. I salute you, each and every single one of you.' I lifted my glass and waited, hoping that my poor speech had some effect on them. One by one they stood with glass in hand, drinking to those who stood beside them.


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