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Vegas Bets: A MFM Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 5)

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by Kelli Callahan

  “Okay, I think Aurora can get back to her room on her own from here. No reason to have that drink now that she tried to guzzle the whole bottle.” I tugged on his arm until he was facing me.

  “No, come on.” Aurora words were slurred as she spoke. “Don’t you want to hang out with me for a little while? I don’t want to be alone.”

  “Yeah.” Cole pulled his arm away from my grasp. “She doesn’t want to be alone.”

  Great—I can’t leave her alone with Cole tonight. He will definitely give her a night to remember and one she will likely regret.

  Chapter Seven


  The next day

  I woke up with an intense stabbing sensation behind my eyes that was amplified by the morning sun. My eyes were blurry and they ached. I searched my memories, trying to remember how I got back to my hotel room. The last thing I remembered was climbing out of the Uber outside the Bellagio. I shifted on the bed and I noticed a lump next to me. I wasn’t alone! I leaned to the side and my stomach did a somersault when I saw Ryker’s face underneath the folded sheet. My mouth fell open in shock and I swallowed hard as I scooted to the edge of the bed. I looked down. I was wearing my t-shirt from the day before, but my jeans were on the floor. I nervously lifted my t-shirt to look beneath it.

  I’m still wearing my panties. That’s a good sign. Right? Oh god, what the heck did I do last night?

  “Ryker.” I leaned back across the bed and shook him with my hand. “Ryker, wake up.”

  “What?” I heard a groan and he pushed away the sheet.

  He isn’t wearing a shirt. Where is his shirt?

  “What happened last night? We didn’t—please tell me we didn’t—do it.” I felt my lip trembling as a horrified expression spread across my face.

  “We didn’t do it?” Ryker chuckled and sat up in the bed, pushing away the sheet to reveal boxer shorts. “No, we didn’t fuck. Not that you would have complained if we did. I practically had to beat you off with a stick.”

  “Why are you in my bed?” I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my waist.

  “I needed somewhere to sleep and Cole was on the couch.” Ryker stood up and scratched his head. “Fuck, you really don’t remember?”

  “I did a few shots.” I squinted and tried to remember. “Then we were coming here to have another drink—oh gosh. I took the bottle from you…”

  “Yep.” Ryker exhaled sharply. “Then you tried to fuck Cole. When I pulled you off him, you tried to fuck me.”

  “No!” My fell open in shock. “I wouldn’t do that!”

  “Apparently alcohol makes you really, really horny.” Ryker chuckled and nodded. “Lucky for you, I’m not a fan of girls that pass out in my arms in the middle of a kiss.”

  “Wait—we kissed?” I blinked and felt my heart racing.

  I had my first kiss and I don’t even remember it?

  “Like I said—alcohol makes you horny.” Ryker nodded and smirked. “How’s your head?”

  “It freaking hurts!” I shook my head and grimaced. “I’m just losing my mind right now and I can’t think about that!”

  “Well, you’ll have all day to sleep it off. Let me wake up Cole and we’ll be on our way. I didn’t feel right leaving you here by yourself last night.” Ryker stood to his feet and reached for his jeans.

  Dang, he’s so gorgeous. I’m not surprised that drunk me tried to sleep with him, but Cole? Why would I go after him first instead of Ryker?

  “Wait—do you really have to go?” I swallowed hard and sighed. “I had a lot of fun yesterday.”

  “Okay, I’m going to level with you.” Ryker slid on his jeans and walked around the bed. “Cole and I haven’t been entirely honest. You have a right to know the truth.”

  “What?” I tilted my head to the side.

  “It was no accident that I sat down beside you at the slot machine yesterday…” Ryker looked down at the floor and sighed.

  My aching head started to spin as I listened to Ryker’s confession. They saw me the moment I walked into the Bellagio. I thought I remembered Ryker from the lobby, but I only saw him for a second, so I wasn’t sure. Our meeting was far from happenstance. I was a bet. My stomach stopped doing somersaults and just felt sick. I was a fool—nothing more than a toy for their amusement. I should have known two hot guys wouldn’t spend a whole day with me unless they wanted something. It was worse than that—they wanted to share me. I really was the most naive girl in Vegas. My knees felt weak and I sat down on the edge of the bed, trying to process what Ryker had told me. My parents were right. I never should have come to Sin City on my own.

  “So, if you just wanted to sleep with me, why didn’t you? Obviously you had your chance last night. If I was trying to sleep with Cole—and trying to sleep with you—why not go through with it?” I looked over at Ryker.

  “Cole called off the bet when we stopped at the liquor store.” Ryker exhaled sharply and shook his head. “We realized that you weren’t exactly… experienced.”

  “You realized I was a virgin.” I nodded in understanding. “That’s why you wouldn’t touch me.”

  “It wouldn’t have been fair. Look, you’re beautiful. Fuck, you don’t even realize how hot you are. I like you. I won’t deny that. I just know that you deserve better than two guys like us.” Ryker reached for his shirt and slid it over his muscular frame as he stood.

  I should just let him go—especially after everything he told me. God, why does that make me want him more?

  “Wait.” I slowly stood. “You can’t leave yet.”

  “Why is that?” He narrowed his eyes and stared at me.

  “You were my first kiss and I don’t remember it.” I walked closer to him. “I want to remember the first man I kissed. You owe me that much.”

  The pounding in my head was numbed as I stared into Ryker’s eyes. He made me tingle so much I could feel it resonating through my whole body. I should have hated him after what he told me, but I didn’t. It made me like him even more. He was a good man—much better than I deserved. I was a stupid virgin running around Las Vegas and getting drunk with two guys that I barely knew. It very well could have ended with my panties on the floor and my innocence taken. Both of them could have used my body in every dirty way that they wanted. They could have shared me, just like they wanted. I wouldn’t have even remembered it. It would have just been another mistake—another moment of innocence shattered by Sin City.

  “I stared at you for at least an hour last night while you slept—remembering these lips—wanting them again.” Ryker brought his hand up to my face and pushed his thumb against my bottom lip. “You’re going to remember this one.”

  Ryker slipped his hand behind my neck, pulled me close, and crushed my lips beneath his. Fireworks exploded in my head. I didn’t just see stars—I saw constellations. Ryker forced his tongue into my mouth and I melted into his arms. My body was on fire and I felt my panties getting wet. I might have tasted him the night before, but it was buried beneath the liquor. As far as I was concerned, I was living my first kiss, and it was amazing. Our lips formed a seal and my head continued to spin. It was stronger than the buzz I felt after my first drink. I wanted more. My hands pressed against his muscular body, wishing it was pressed against me—skin on skin. When he finally pulled away, I was breathless.

  “Holy crap.” I looked up at him with my mouth still hanging open. “I definitely won’t forget that one.”

  “What’s going on in here?” I heard a voice and looked past Ryker to see Cole standing in the doorway. “I thought she was off limits.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to be.” I stepped past Ryker and stared at Cole. “Ryker told me about the bet.”

  “He—told you everything?” Cole blinked in surprise.

  “He told me how bad you wanted me—he told me that you two wanted to share me.” I walked closer to Cole. “I’ve heard him tell me the truth. Why don’t you try it?”

  Ryker’s kiss had done som
ething to me. It made me feel more confidence than I had ever felt in my life. I wasn’t sure what was coming over me completely, but I needed to hear the truth from Cole as well. He stared at me for a moment, but then he started to come clean. He admitted to seeing me in the lobby of the Bellagio. He wanted me. Despite his lust, his mortality had won out in the end. He realized I was in over my head and called it off. I couldn’t help but respect him for that.

  It was some sort of chivalry that flourished in what was originally nothing but misogyny. I should have hated him or felt disdain, but in the end, it was my loneliness that pushed me forward. I had so much fun with Ryker and Cole. I also knew they would take care of me. They didn’t push for more when I was a drunken mess. I couldn’t imagine seeing the rest of Las Vegas with anyone else.

  “So, will the two of you spend another day with me?” I looked back and forth between them.

  “I guess my schedule is clear.” Ryker shrugged and smiled. “Cole?”

  “Uh—well. Shit.” Cole exhaled sharply. “I actually have something I need to take care of today, but I might be able to catch up with you later tonight.”

  “Huh? What’s going on?” Ryker tilted his head in confusion. “Is there a poker game I don’t know about?”

  “No, nothing like that.” Cold shook his head back and forth. “It shouldn’t take me too long though, so keep your cell phone on.”

  “All right, man.” Ryker still seemed confused, but he let it go. “Call me when you’re done?”

  “Definitely.” Cole nodded and walked towards the front door of my hotel room.

  “What was that about?” I looked at Ryker with concern on my face. “Do you think he’s upset because he saw our kiss?”

  “No, he’d tell me if that was the case. We don’t do jealousy. He might have a lead on a job or something—who knows.” Ryker sighed and turned back towards me. “I guess it’s just the two of us today. Is that okay?”

  “Sure.” I shrugged and nodded. “Let me get a shower and then you can show me the rest of Las Vegas.”

  And I sure as hell won’t turn down another kiss if we get the chance.

  I climbed into the shower and let the water run through my hair. It was relaxing and nice, especially when the water massaged my scalp, easing my pounding headache. Even the bitterness of my first hangover wasn’t enough to completely erase the excitement I felt. My mind spun as the kiss with Ryker replayed in my head. I was afraid to admit how much I liked it. It made me want more. Ryker’s lips had set my world on fire. In a way, I was kind of happy that Cole was busy. Spending the day alone with Ryker intrigued me a lot more. I hoped I hadn’t felt his lips on mine for the last time.

  What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas—right?

  Chapter Eight


  Ryker decided to shower once I was done. Cole was already gone so we weren’t in a huge hurry. I ordered room service and by the time he walked back into the main part of the hotel room, it had arrived. The food quickly quelled the lingering sickness in my stomach, and I took the edge off my headache with a few Tylenol. I checked in with my parents and confirmed I was still alive before leaving for the day with Ryker. I wanted to hold his hand. I wanted him to put his arm around me. I wanted to do all of the things people in a relationship did, even if I wasn’t going to see Ryker again after I left Sin City.

  I couldn’t get the kiss out of my head. I didn’t remember much of anything from the night before, but I would never forget the one we shared that morning. We left the hotel and when we climbed into the back of our Uber, I reached over and took his hand. I wasn’t sure how he would react. I knew what I was feeling, even if it was something new that I had never felt before. Ryker looked down at my hand for a moment, and then he extended his fingers, folding them into mine. A slight smile spread across his face and he turned towards the window. When we got to our first destination and the Uber rolled to a stop, he opened the door and helped me out, still holding my hand firmly in his grasp.

  “So, where are you taking me?” I looked around and saw a building ahead of us.

  “You mentioned that you wanted to see the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam, right? How about by helicopter?” Ryker squeezed my hand and started walking towards the building.

  “Wait, you did this?” I blinked in surprise. “I looked into it—it’s really expensive.”

  “I have a friend who does these tours. He gave me a discount.” He chuckled. “But you can’t sue him if the helicopter crashes.”

  “What?” I stopped in my tracks. “Seriously?”

  “No. He’s a great pilot.” Ryker pulled me forward.

  The view was majestic. The only thing better than seeing the sights in person was seeing them with Ryker. We did some hiking at the Grand Canyon, stopped for lunch, and then made our way back to the helicopter. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him. I was amazed by what he had done for me. We did a quick stop at the Hoover Dam, which was awesome to see as well. We got back to Vegas and I quickly ordered us an Uber. There was only one place I wanted to go with Ryker—back to my hotel room in the Bellagio. I didn’t care if our time together was nothing more than a vacation fling. I wanted another memory that would last a lifetime, and I wanted it to be with Ryker.

  “We can wait a little while and see some of the lights on the Strip if you want. There are plenty of places we didn’t visit last night.” Ryker looked over at me as the Uber drove down the Strip.

  “No.” I shook my head back and forth, leaning over until my lips were against his ear. “I want you.”

  “Did you sneak a drink when I wasn’t looking?” Ryker turned his head until our lips were almost touching.

  “I’m not drunk—although if you kiss me again, you probably won’t be able to tell a difference.” I exhaled sharply and looked into his eyes.

  Ryker didn’t ask any more questions. His lips crushed mine and he started to kiss me with even more passion than I felt earlier that morning. I quickly tipped the Uber driver and when we got to the elevators, we started kissing as soon as the doors closed. I knew exactly what I wanted, even if I didn’t really know Ryker. I knew enough—he was hot-as-sin. He was unbelievably kind—he was exactly what I needed. We barely made it to the hotel room with our clothes still on. The instant the door closed and we were alone, I didn’t hold back. I pulled on his t-shirt until was over his head and then he kissed me again. It took my breath away and when our lips finally separated, I was gasping for air.

  “I’m going to do things to you that you’ll never forget.” Ryker grabbed the front of my jeans and pulled me close.

  “What are you waiting for?” I continued breathing hard as my lips curled into a devious smile.

  I had never truly desired sex before. I enjoyed the fantasy, a few moments of pleasure on my own, but nobody had ever made me want to feel the fury of true passion like Ryker. Our bodies continued to tangle together as our clothes came off until nothing was left except our underwear. Ryker squeezed my breasts through my bra and moved his hands around to the back. A quick snap made my bra loose on my shoulders and it slowly sank down my arms. He pulled it off and then pushed me back against the bed. His hands wrapped around my panties and I felt them peeling away from my wetness. Once they were on the floor, he started kissing down my thighs, licking and swirling his tongue as he got close to my pussy.

  “I’m going to make you cum so fucking hard.” He pushed a finger against my clit and then his tongue started to swirl around the tight bundle of nerves.

  “Oh god!” I grabbed the sides of my head as pleasure surged through my veins.

  Ryker’s tongue was glorious. It danced against my clit, getting faster as it moved in a quick rotation. I squirmed on the bed as bliss filled my entire body. I knew it would feel good, but I had no idea that it would rock my world the instant his tongue started to pleasure me. The fire inside me was so hot my skin felt like it was sizzling. A pressure built up inside me that was strong—so intense I thought I was going
to burst. Ryker pushed a finger inside my pussy and it clenched on him. He went a little deeper and I felt my hymen being stretched. It wasn’t going to last very long. I knew he would destroy it once he was inside me.

  “God, you’re so fucking tight. It’s going to feel amazing when I’m inside you.” He leaned up and smiled.

  “How long are you going to make me wait?” I bit down on my lip and grinned.

  “Just as soon as you cum—then this tight little pussy will belong to me.” His tongue started to swirl around my clit even faster.

  As soon as his tongue started moving again, I knew it wasn’t going to take long. The pressure got even more intense. It was almost painful, but it mixed with euphoria. I wrapped my hands around the back of his head and moaned. My body writhed against the mattress, consumed with pleasure. The pressure got so intense my muscles tightened against my bones. My fingernails dug into his scalp and my toes curled. My heart was beating so hard in my chest I thought it was going to explode. Just when I thought my muscles were going to cramp, I felt a sudden release. The orgasm was so intense it made my vision go dark for a moment as the pleasure surged through my veins. I moaned so loud that gasps roared from my throat. My body shook as his tongue continued to move.

  “That feels amazing!” I arched my back and started choking on my own breath.

  “Just wait until you feel what’s next.” Ryker rose up between my thighs as soon as my orgasm subsided.


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