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Vegas Bets: A MFM Romance (Nevada Bad Boys Book 5)

Page 11

by Kelli Callahan

  “No, I’d say what he did was a bit worse in my profession. He bought all my outstanding debt for pennies on the dollar—it wasn’t a negotiation.” Johnny sighed loudly.

  “Bought your debts? Why?” I held the phone against my shoulder and waited for him to answer.

  “I don’t know, but I wanted to give you a heads up because you had the biggest balance in my ledger. His guys asked a lot of questions about you—where you lived, if you had any family in Vegas, where you hung out.” Johnny voice echoed remorse. “I’m sorry, Cole.”

  “You didn’t tell him about my sister, did you?” I felt my stomach clench in a knot.

  “No, no fucking way, man. I wouldn’t do that to you, but one of my guys was quick to tell him that you hung out at the Bellagio. If you’re staying there, you might want to clear out. I don’t think it’s safe.” Johnny exhaled into the phone. “You might want to leave Vegas entirely until you have the money to pay him back.”


  “Thanks. I appreciate the heads up.” I ended the call and pushed my phone back into my pocket.

  “Is everything okay?” Ryker looked at me with concern as I walked back to the lobby.

  “No, I need to get out of here—now. Honestly, it might be best if you come with me.” I stared at Ryker and swallowed hard. “Thaddeus made a play for Johnny’s loan shark business—it’s only a matter of time and it might be tonight.”

  “What are you two talking about?” Aurora looked at Ryker and then to me. “Loan sharks?”

  “Long fucking story, but I’m afraid this is where we say goodbye.” I closed my eyes and sighed. “Meeting you—god damn it—it’s been amazing. I wish I had time to say more, but just know that I’ll never forget you.”

  “You two are just messing with me, right?” Aurora tilted her head. “You’re not really leaving, are you? This is our last night together. Ryker?”

  “This is a bad situation, Aurora.” Ryker sighed angrily. “Do you remember what we told you about in the Mafia museum, about all the kingpins that used to run Vegas?”

  “Yeah.” Aurora nodded quickly.

  “Well, Thaddeus is worse than any of them and it seems that Cole is now in debt to him. That story doesn’t end well. We’re going to have to lay low for a little bit.” Ryker pulled Aurora in for a hug. “Seriously, you mean so much to me—so much more than you should. We just can’t put you in danger.”

  We had a few more quick hugs and Aurora started to cry, but there was no other option on the table. If Thaddeus had purchased all of Johnny’s debts, then he intended to collect on them. He might even demand interest. He wasn’t the type of man to let me pay the debt weekly, which meant I would either end up dead or seriously fucked up when he found out I didn’t have the money. We watched until Aurora made it to the elevators and then we started walking towards the parking lot. The best plan of action was to just put a foot on the accelerator and not stop until we made it to Reno. We couldn’t even risk going home to get our things. The money in our pocket was all we would have to start over with. We were almost to my truck when I heard a voice behind me.

  “Cole! Ryker! Wait!” It was Aurora and when I turned around, I saw her running towards the parking lot.

  “What?” I walked towards her.

  “Let me give you my address. I know you probably won’t be in Tennessee anytime soon—if ever—but you should at least have a way to get in touch with me.” Aurora put her hands on her knees, clearly out of breath once she finally made it to us.

  “Here.” Ryker walked up and handed her his phone. “Type it in.”

  “Quickly…” I looked around. “Actually, type it while we walk. We’ll make sure you get back inside.”

  That was the last moment of peace that the three of us had. There was a loud squeal behind us and I spun around to see a black van come to halt. The side doors opened and several men stepped out, followed by an enormous, hulking figure. I didn’t need to ask his name or why he was there. We were too late. Our chance of escape had just been blocked by the man we never wanted to see face to face. I had heard rumors that Thaddeus looked like the Incredible Hulk, and that description barely did him justice. He had a rugged face with several scars along his jaw, a suit that was clearly tailored to fit his massive frame, and dark colored eyes that focused directly on me.

  “Cole.” Thaddeus’s voice was like concrete being shattered with a hammer. “You’re a hard man to find. I’ve been looking for hours now.”

  “Sorry to keep you waiting.” I took a step forward. “Johnny called me, so I know why you’re here.”

  “Great! Then this transaction will be quick.” Thaddeus smiled and looked at the men beside him who started to chuckle. “I’ll collect what you owe me and we can be on our way.”

  “I’m sure you know I don’t have that kind of money in my pocket.” I narrowed my eyes and exhaled sharply. “But I’ll pay you—I swear. Johnny and I had an arrangement.”

  “Johnny’s not handling that debt anymore so any arrangement you made with him is void.” Thaddeus tilted his head to the side. “The new deal is that you pay me right now.”

  “He said he didn’t have it.” Ryker took a step forward and stood by my side, carefully positioning Aurora behind him. “We’ll get it, though.”

  “You must be Ryker.” Thaddeus chuckled and nodded. “What was it that guy at Johnny’s place said? Watch out for Ryker—he won’t let you lay a hand on Cole.”

  “That’s what he said, boss.” The man to the immediate left of Thaddeus chuckled.

  “And who is that pretty little thing hiding behind you with those terrified eyes?” Thaddeus leaned to the side.

  “Leave her out of this! She’s just a tourist.” I felt my jaw tighten.

  “Just a tourist.” Thaddeus chuckled again. “Well, if she’s in Sin City, she belongs to me.”

  “Like hell!” Ryker took a step forward and balled his fists.

  “Bring me the girl.” Thaddeus motioned to his guys.

  “Aurora, run!” I pushed her shoulders and rushed towards Thaddeus.

  There was no winning the fight. We didn’t even stand a chance. All I hoped to do was create enough chaos for Aurora to get back to the Bellagio. The parking lot was away from the street and we weren’t likely to draw much attention, but if she could get closer to the hotel, it would create too much of a scene for them to try and take her. I didn’t even care if it cost me my life. There was no fucking way Thaddeus was going to lay a hand on Aurora. Ryker was throwing punches when I got to Thaddeus, but I never got a chance to hit him. One of his guys tackled me and I was pinned to the ground. Ryker took down a couple of them, but the numbers were too much. I looked towards Aurora, and she was running, but two of Thaddeus’ thugs were in hot pursuit. She didn’t make it. They grabbed her by the waist and she kicked as hard as she could, but they dragged her back to Thaddeus.

  “Carlos used to have a very popular auction—selling beautiful things like you. I’ve been thinking of reviving it.” Thaddeus walked up to Aurora and put his hand on her chin. “I bet you’d fetch a very good price.”

  “You bastard!” Ryker struggled against the two men holding his arms. “Let her go!”

  “Do whatever you want to me! I owe you the money. She has nothing to do with this!” I tried to get to my feet, but was quickly yanked back down so hard my face hit the pavement.

  “Our debt is cleared.” Thaddeus looked at me and smiled. “She’s your payment.”

  “She is not!” I flailed and struggled, but I couldn’t move.

  “This is my city now, Cole. I make the rules. I think it’s time to revive the Sin City Auction, and she’s going to be the centerpiece of our opening night. As for you two…” Thaddeus looked at me and then over to Ryker. “Kill them both.”

  “No!” Aurora screamed and tried to rush towards Thaddeus, but the men held her arms.

  “You know what—” Thaddeus held up his hand. “Kill Ryker. I like to leave a witness—someo
ne that can serve as a reminder of what happens when I don’t get what I’m owed.”

  “You got it, boss.” One of the men walked towards Ryker and pulled out a switchblade.

  Blood pooled on the pavement. The knife went deep in Ryker’s chest. Aurora’s screams pierced the night air, but then they were silenced when one of the men put a hand over her mouth. She was dragged towards the van, and once she was inside, the man holding me took his hand off my neck. I immediately rushed towards the van, but got a fist in my jaw and a boot in my gut. I dropped to the pavement and the door slammed. The tires squealed and then there was silence. I crawled over towards Ryker. He was dying. Blood was gushing from the wound and his face was white. I tore a chunk off of my shirt and dug my cell phone out of my pocket. He was still breathing—I just needed him to hold on until the ambulance arrived. I pressed my hand on his wound and started to dial.

  “Stay with me, Ryker. Please stay with me.” I looked down at him and felt tears trying to force their way out.

  “Cole…” Ryker’s voice was weak, but he got enough strength to lift his arm and grab my shirt. “Get her back—don’t let those monsters hurt her.”

  “I won’t.” I swallowed hard and gritted my teeth. “Just stay with me—please don’t die.”

  The ambulance arrived, along with the police. They asked a lot of questions, but I didn’t tell them the truth. I figured an attempted robbery would make the most sense, and they seemed to buy it. Once the detective questioning me found out we were both former Marines, he stopped treating me like a suspect. I wanted to go to the hospital and stay with Ryker, but I had to stay focused on the task at hand. Getting Aurora back was all that mattered.

  It was time for me to go to war. Thaddeus had no idea what kind of hell he had invited to his doorstep. There would be no mercy for anyone that stood between me and the woman I was going to save. I would have ran from Thaddeus if it was just about me. War had no winners. I learned that in the Marines. I didn’t need to win. I just needed to survive long enough to put a bullet in Thaddeus’ skull.

  I already made one desert run red with blood when I was in Afghanistan. Time for Las Vegas to be painted the same fucking color.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My mind was in turmoil. I was on my way to my room, looking forward to another incredible night with Ryker and Cole, but then everything spiraled out of control. The men that took me tied my hands behind my back and stuffed a gag in my mouth. My body bounced against the floorboard of the van as it drove away from the Bellagio parking lot. The only image in my head was Ryker, laying on the ground with blood pouring from his wound. There was no way he survived. Cole was alive, but what could he do? Thaddeus had an army. Even if he called the police, I wasn’t sure they could find me. I laid on the floorboard for what felt like an hour before it finally stopped. Two of the men in the van dragged me out and carried me into what appeared to be a warehouse. They tied me to a chair and then I saw Thaddeus’ huge, hulking figure approaching.

  “What was your name? Oh yes, Aurora.” Thaddeus had a rough voice that sounded like he was gargling gravel as he spoke. “You’re very pretty—almost enough to even tempt a man like me.”

  “Should we clean her up and take her to your room, boss?” One of the men chuckled and looked at me.

  “No, leave us.” Thaddeus motioned with his hand.

  “Yes sir.” The man nodded and walked towards the exit of the warehouse.

  “I’m sorry we had to meet under these circumstances.” Thaddeus walked up and pulled the gag out of my mouth. “I’m normally not this cruel.”

  “You killed Ryker!” I snarled once the gag was released.

  “Yes, a necessity I’m afraid.” Thaddeus pulled a chair over and took a seat in front of me. “Have you ever wanted control?”

  “Control?” I spat at him. “You’re a fucking monster.”

  “Another necessity.” Thaddeus reached inside his jacket and pulled out a cigar. “For many years, I’ve wanted to own Sin City. This city is my birthright. I was born here, raised in the fire, and taught to be a leader—yet when the time came, the king didn’t want to give up his crown.”

  “So, what? You’re just some wannabe Mafia asshole?” I glared and felt my lip quivering.

  “The Mafia.” Thaddeus laughed and lit his cigar. “I’m sure you’ve heard all the stories, but the part they don’t tell you—the reality of Las Vegas—is that there always has to be a king. If someone doesn’t sit on the throne, it just goes to shit.”

  “You don’t look like a king.” I continued to glare and blew the smoke out of my face when it drifted my way.

  “Not yet.” Thaddeus shook his head back and forth. “But I’m going to wear the crown very soon. I’m going to protect Sin City and establish order. You see, there was a man named Carlos who did that for many years. He was my mentor and my friend. I wanted everything he promised, but he wanted to keep wearing the crown on his weary brow.”

  “So let me guess.” I snarled angrily. “You killed him.”

  “No. Maybe I should have, but I walked away. I waited for the right time, and once his sins were too many to count, he was dethroned.” Thaddeus took a drag off of his cigar. “So, now Las Vegas is mine for the taking.”

  “What are you going to do with me? What do I have to do with any of this?” I struggled against the ropes, but they were too tight to budge.

  “In order to establish control in a city like this, people have to fear you. It has to be real. People have to know what happens when they don’t pay their debts. Cole will be my witness. He’ll tell everyone how I killed his best friend and took the girl he was with as payment. That kind of notoriety is worth more than money. It makes people think twice about doing something that could land them in the same position. That’s control. Fear is a great motivator.” Thaddeus nodded and puffed on his cigar. “As for you? I meant what I said. You’ll make a great centerpiece when I relaunch the Sin City Auction.”

  “You’re just going to sell me to the highest bidder? Is that how it works?” I felt a twinge of panic, but I stifled it because I needed to understand what he had planned for me.

  “Basically. The Sin City Auction used to cater to weekend fantasies, but I see the potential for so much more. I want to help people connect with the person they’ll spend the rest of their lives with.” Thaddeus’ lips formed a sinister smile.

  “There aren’t enough human traffickers in the world already?” I narrowed my eyes and tugged on my restraints again.

  “Not in Las Vegas.” He chuckled behind his smile and lifted his cigar to his lips. “Which is a shame, because this is the perfect place to do it. We have an unlimited supply of tourists—if a few of them go missing every year, it’ll barely make headlines.”

  “My family will look for me, especially when my plane lands without me on it.” I nodded and tilted my head to the side. “Do you really want that kind of attention when you’re still trying to establish—what was it you said? Control?”

  “I’m sure they will, but who will be the prime suspects? My guess is they’ll focus all of their attention on Cole. I’m sure they’re already asking him a lot of questions about the dead body in the parking lot.” Thaddeus slowly stood to his feet. “Enjoy your stay, Ms. Aurora. I’ll have you moved to a more secure location tomorrow morning.”

  “Let me go! Damn it! Let me go, you bastard!” I started yelling when he walked away, but he ignored me.

  The lights were turned off and the warehouse was plunged into darkness. I held back the tears as long as I could, but the darkness ate away at my resolve. It made me face the reality of my situation. Ryker died trying to protect me. Would Cole meet the same fate if he tried to save me? Would he even try? Thaddeus had an army and I saw the fear in Cole’s eyes when he thought Thaddeus was coming for him. That wasn’t the look of a man that would eagerly charge into battle, regardless of what Thaddeus did. Still, Ryker and Cole were close. That kind of friendship
would make someone do stupid things. I was afraid to have hope in such a hopeless situation, but it was all I could cling to.

  I didn’t sleep at all while I was tied to the chair. When daylight finally started to illuminate the warehouse, two men came in and untied me. I tried to run the second my feet were free, but I didn’t get far. They took me to a different van than the one I was in the night before and drove me to a large mansion in the desert. It was swarming with guys holding guns, and looked more like a fortress than a house. I still tried to fight, but they carried me upstairs and locked me in one of the bedrooms. My first thought was the window, but it was covered with bars. I was no longer tied up, but I was still a prisoner. A clock on the wall confirmed that I had missed my flight. I wanted to have hope, but I felt it draining away as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

  I need sleep, even if I don’t want it. If an opportunity to escape presents itself, I will need all of the energy I can get.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Grit!” I held up my hand and walked towards the leader of the Vegas Scourge MC as soon as he stepped off his motorcycle outside the bar his club operated out of. “I need your help.”

  “My help?” He scoffed and shook his head. “You don’t have the right to ask for that unless you’re wearing a cut.”

  “Thaddeus made his move on Johnny Ciampa.” I put my hands on my hips.

  “Not my problem.” Grit shrugged. “You should have paid your debt before he did.”

  “Ryker’s in the fucking hospital.” I felt my jaw tighten. “He might not make it. Thaddeus did it just to send a fucking message to anyone that owed him money.”

  “Look, I respect you, but that’s a you problem.” Grit started walking towards the door of the bar. “When you owe money to a man like Thaddeus, anyone you’re associated with is in danger.”

  “What if I joined the Vegas Scourge? Would that make it our problem?” I walked in front of Grit and blocked his path.


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