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The Sheikh's Troublesome Bride

Page 2

by Leslie North

  Kale watched Shira with amusement as she ate, unused to women actually admitting to having an appetite. Most of the women who found themselves in the royal social circle were stick thin and thought a cracker and miniscule slice of meat was a meal.

  Shira felt Kale’s eyes upon her and glanced up, her face going red as she read the amusement in his eyes. “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. It is refreshing to see a woman eat because she is hungry.”

  Shira thought the comment odd, but picked up her glass of juice and drained it before answering, “Well, I don’t know what kind of women you’ve been hanging out with, but I kind of like food. Luckily, it hasn’t found my hips as of yet. Erin keeps telling me that one of these days my craving for carbs and sugar is going to catch up to me, but until then, I’m going to enjoy every bite.”

  At the mention of her cousin, she immediately sobered, looking at Kale, she asked, “Does Kam ever ask about Erin?”

  Kale nodded his head, “Yes, but not from me. Talib gives him daily reports on her activities.”

  “But that’s not the same as him talking to her directly. Why does he not just call her?”

  “Kamal is very busy dealing with a crisis in a neighboring country. He will call her when he can.”

  Shira wasn’t satisfied with his answer, but decided to wait and take the issue up with Kamal once she arrived in Jawhara. “When will we land?”

  Before Kale could answer, Rihana returned to the cabin and cleared away their dishes, speaking to Kale in Arabic before leaving to the front of the plane once again. “We are getting ready to make our approach to the airport. The captain would like us to buckle up. Come, sit with me on the couch.”

  Kale waited for Shira to settle on the couch and buckle her seatbelt before joining her and doing the same. Taking her hand in his, he began to trace the creases in her palms, pretending not to notice the shivers and goosebumps his touch elicited in her.

  Shira tried to pull her hand away from the teasing touch, but Kale held firmly to her wrist and continued his light caresses. Taking a deep breath, she lifted her head to tell him to stop, only to find herself caught in his gaze.

  “I am so glad you are here,” Kale told her softly, watching her green eyes darken to a deep green as he continued to trace his fingertips lightly over her palm.

  “Me..,” Shira began, clearing her throat when she heard the huskiness in it, “Me too. I can’t wait to see your Jawhara.”

  “I can’t wait to show it to you. Unfortunately, it is nighttime so we will have to wait until tomorrow to go sightseeing.”

  “Okay. I want to see the desert, and ride a camel, and…”

  Kale laughed, “And you shall do all of those things. But first, I want you to rest and get over your jetlag. If you are wanting to ride a camel, I want to be sure you will not fall asleep on its back. Camel’s can be very temperamental, and one must be on their guard when riding one.”

  Shira wasn’t sure she wanted to ride one by herself, “Couldn’t you ride with me? Like when they teach children to ride a horse?”

  “Is that how you learned to ride a horse, habibiti?”

  Shira shook her head, “I’ve never ridden a horse. They’re not exactly abundant in the city.”

  “Never ridden a horse? Oh, little one, riding a camel is going to be an adventure. We will need to start with a short ride.”

  “Why?” Shira questioned, not understanding the logic behind his comment.

  “You will understand once you have ridden one. We will schedule a lesson as soon as you are settled.”

  “Great! What else?”

  Kale told her of the other places and things he wanted to show her as the plane began its descent. When he felt the wheels touch down, he released her hand, composing himself for the interview with his brother he knew was coming.

  He had left Jawhara with the intentions of bringing back a team of six from the states; instead, he was returning with a single female, one his brother knew had Khalil’s undivided attention. His thoughts turned to the conversation he’d had with his brother several days ago.

  Kamal had asked his younger brother some tough questions about his intentions towards his little American. Khalil had shared with his brother how much he liked what he knew about Shira Malone and that he intended to make her his bride.

  Kamal had nodded and reminded him that according to protocols, Khalil was not able to marry until his brother had taken a bride. When Khalil had inquired about when that might happen, he had been informed that Kamal had every intention of marrying Shira’s cousin at his earliest opportunity. Khalil had been thrilled and set in place the plans that had led them to their current situation – Shira on a plane getting ready to land in Jawhara.

  Chapter 5

  Shira watched out the limousines windows as the car pulled away from the airport. It was nighttime, but she could see the palace as they approached, lit up like a diamond in the night sky.

  The tropical plants and palms trees gave her the feeling of being in a tropical paradise and she only hoped that on the morrow, in the brightness of the day, the images in her head were brought to life.

  As the car pulled up to the palace, Kale assisted her from the vehicle and she stood for a moment, breathing in the fragrant smells of the flowers that surrounded the lush gardens. She wished it were daylight so she could fully appreciate the sights, but there would be plenty of time for that later.

  “Come. I will show you to our rooms.”

  Our rooms? Shira was tired, but not too tired that she didn’t pick up on the significance of his verbal slip. She glanced at him quickly, only to see him turn and issue several orders in Arabic to those who had greeted them.

  Placing a hand low on her back, he escorted her into the palace, ushering her up the wide circular staircase and along a several hallways. She tried to take in the splendor of her surroundings, but everything went by too quickly.

  Coming to a halt in front of a set of double doors, Kale issued more orders in Arabic to the servants and bodyguards who had accompanied them, and then pushed the doors open to reveal a palatial suite.

  Shira stepped over the threshold and stood for several minutes taking it all in. A large fountain took center place amongst the white marble tiles and pillars. Large potted palms was scattered around the foyer and she could see a number of doorways leading to other rooms.

  “What is this?” she asked, turning to see Kale leaning against a pillar watching her with hooded eyes.

  “This is the family wing of the palace.” Gesturing towards the rooms to the east, he said, “Those doors lead to the Sheikh’s private rooms. The doors on the other side lead to my rooms.”

  Shira noticed there was one door directly in front of her, “Where does that door lead?”

  “That door leads to the family sitting area and dining area. Kamal and I enjoy eating together as a family. When my parents were still alive, we would eat together every morning and then again each evening. We continue the tradition still.”

  “That’s lovely. After my parents died, Uncle Tom and Aunt Patty always made a point to have at least one meal with all of us around the table each day. I missed that after Erin went away to college.”

  Shira pulled herself from her sad thoughts and then asked, “I’m starting to feel a little sleepy, would you mind saving the rest of the tour until tomorrow?”

  “Not at all. This way.” Kale turned towards his own rooms, stopping when Shira didn’t immediately follow him. “Is there a problem?”

  “I thought you had just misspoken when you said our rooms. “

  Kale retraced his steps to her, stopping a few inches away from her to take her face between her hands and placing a carefully controlled kiss upon her lips. When Shira instinctively parted her lips to deepen this kiss, he pulled away with a sigh, “No. I made you a promise; one I intend to keep. There are several bedrooms through that doorway. While I want nothing more than to take you to my bed, for tonight, you may
choose one of the other rooms.”

  “And tomorrow?” Shira couldn’t help asking.

  “Tomorrow – tomorrow you most definitely will be joining me in my bedroom. So, do not become too comfortable in whichever room you choose to spend the rest of this night. It will only be temporary.”

  The knowledge that Kale didn’t intend to make them wait to consummate their union was a relief to her. Shira followed him, choosing the first room he showed her as it didn’t matter in the long run. She wanted to insist that he take her to his bed, now, but also realized the amount of self-control he was exercising on her behalf. She’d never had a man treat her thus and while she yearned for more of his kisses and caresses, she knew that the wait would be well worth it come tomorrow.

  Kale showed her where everything was located as three maids brought in her luggage. When they started to unpack her belongings, he stopped them with a few words in Arabic which sent them scurrying from the room.

  Shira looked at him and questioned, “What did you tell them?”

  “The truth. That you would not be staying in this room past tomorrow so there was no need to unpack your suitcases.”

  Shira felt a blush stain her cheeks, and asked, “You didn’t tell them I was moving into your rooms, did you?”

  Coming to her side, he touched her arm and replied, “Shira, the first thing you must learn about palace life, is that nothing is a secret. That does not mean that rumors or information floats freely around the kingdom, but the palace staff knows most everything that occurs in the palace. They must in order to carry out their duties.”

  Sensing a presence at her back, she turned to see one of Kale’s bodyguards standing just outside the doorway, “Why is he there?”

  “That is another thing you must get used to. From now on, you will always have at least one bodyguard with you.”

  “Is your country so dangerous then?” Shira asked, perplexed as to why she would need to be guarded while she slept.

  “Danger is everywhere. In the past, there have been attempts by our enemies to sneak into the palace. I do not believe they would be successful at this time, but I will take no precautions with your person.”

  Shira digested this news before asking, “Why would anyone want to harm me?”

  “You became a target the minute I let it be known that I was interested in you.”

  “So, these enemies try to harm all of your girlfriends?”

  Kale shook his head, leaning down to whisper in her ear, “You are much more than a mere girlfriend. Do not pretend you do not know where our relationship is headed.” Licking the side of her neck, he nipped her earlobe before withdrawing his head to look into her eyes. “My girlfriends have never been invited to live in the palace. By morning, news will have travelled throughout the kingdom.”

  Shira listened as he continued to talk, speaking in Arabic in words that sounded tender, but she couldn’t understand. First thing tomorrow she needed to find an interpreter and a linguist to teach her Arabic!

  Kale could tell that his use of his native tongue had confused her, but there were no words to express the depth of his feelings for her in her language. “Shira, turn off that lovely mind of yours, and get some sleep. Tomorrow, I will show you my Jawhara.”

  Shira smiled at him and nodded her head, hiding a yawn behind her hand. She had slept for hours on the flight over, how could she still be tired?

  Kale hid his grin as she tried to cover up her yawn, pushing her towards the bed, he turned and pulled the bedroom door shut behind him. Speaking to the guard, he gave orders that she was to be escorted wherever she went and he was to be notified immediately if she awoke and needed anything.

  Chapter 6

  Shira gazed around her in wonder at the colorful people who came out of their shops and houses to meet them. Kale had wanted to take her through the village by car, but she had insisted they walk. Shira was used to spending several hours a day in the local gym, or running along the track at the National Mall, and after the long flight, she was feeling restless and cooped up.

  Kale had shook his head, but quickly given orders for the car to be returned to the garage and he had taken her hand and headed down the cobblestone driveway towards the village.

  As they neared the village, everyone they met stopped and bowed low in greeting. “Is that how your people greet one another, by bowing?”

  When Shira made a move as if she were going to bow back, Kale pulled her up and held her while he explained, “Never bow to anyone! They bow as a sign of respect for my position and lineage. You, do not bow back. Merely incline your head if you feel the need to acknowledge their show of respect.”

  “But, I thought you said they were bowing to you, not me?” Shira asked, puzzled.

  “Today, they are bowing to us both because you are my guest.” Soon, they would be bowing to her because she was his wife. Kale kept that thought to himself. He wasn’t sure how Shira would handle her future being planned out for her so quickly. It was inevitable, but he would give her a few days to become accustomed to his country before filling her in.

  After spending several hours walking around the village and visiting several historic buildings, Shira was ready to return to the palace. Kale had promised to take her to the beach right after lunch, and she was glad she had let the girls from the office convince her to purchase a new suit. She couldn’t wait to see Kale’s response to it.

  Lunch was an entertaining affair filled with Shira watching Kale interact with his brother in Arabic. They both had a habit of speaking with their hands, and she marveled that the glasses and dishes weren’t knocked from the table several times as they discussion was heated at times.

  “Shira,” Kamal asked her at one point, “how do you like my country so far?”

  “Your Majesty, what I’ve seen of it so far is stunning. And the people are so friendly and warm. I’m enjoying myself immensely. Thank you for having me.”

  Kamal said something to Khalil in Arabic as he watched her and then nodded at the response. Keeping her gaze, he told her, “I am glad. Please, if you need anything at all, let Khalil know and he will see to it. I hope your visit here will be long and prosperous.”

  “Thank you,” Shira told him, inclining her head and wondering at the odd wording he had used. Long? Prosperous? Certainly strange words to apply to the reason for her visit. She was only here for a few weeks before she would be heading back to the States.

  Thinking about home, she realized that she really needed to contact Erin and let her know she had arrived safely. Turning to Kale, she asked, “Is there a phone I can use to call home? I promised Erin I would let her know I had arrived safely. She doesn’t even know the rest of the team stayed behind.”

  Kamal spoke up, “Erin is fine. It is the middle of the night in the States. She needs her rest; maybe you should wait until this evening to contact her.”

  Something in Kamal’s voice gave Shira pause, “What’s happened to Erin? Why would you tell me she’s fine? Have you spoken to her?”

  “There was a small incident at her office with a disgruntled husband. Talib took care of it and she is home, sleeping.”

  Shira shook her head, “I told her one of these days something bad was going to happen over there. You can’t hide women and children from angry men and expect them not to react. Why, last year…,” she trailed off, seeing the thunderstorms gathering on Kamal’s face. So, maybe telling him about the other times Erin’s life had been in danger wasn’t such a good thing right now.

  “Last year…” Kamal prompted her.

  “Oh, nothing. I was just rambling.” Directing her attention to Kale, she asked, “Maybe I’ll just send her a quick email before we head out. She always checks her email when she first gets up.”

  Khalil inclined his head, “You will find everything you need, including the password for the network, lying next to your computer. Take your time and return here when you are ready to go.”

  Shira smiled at him and just
before the exited the room, she turned back, “Do I need to change into my suit before we leave?”

  While Kale couldn’t wait to see her in a bathing suit, parading her through the palace in one wasn’t his idea of fun. No, the palace had a private beach, complete with cabana and she would change there, where only he would see her body revealed. “No. Bring what you need with you and you can change when we arrive.”

  Giving him a big grin, she hurried out of the room. She found her computer and the required passwords sitting on a desk in the large sitting room she had only caught a glimpse of the night before. The walls were lined to with books of every kind, many written in English and she smiled upon seeing some of her all-time favorites.

  She quickly sent out an email to her bosses and to Erin, letting them know she had arrived safely and everything was going well. She promised Erin she would call later that night and closed down her computer. She quickly gathered her beach gear from her suitcases and half an hour later, found herself back in the dining room where Kale awaited her.

  Chapter 7

  The beach was covered in white sand, and the contrast between that and the bright blue water was a visual feast. A gentle breeze was blowing, keeping the oppressive humidity at bay and Shira breathed deeply of the ocean air, tainted with a slight saltiness.

  Kale led her to the large cabana structure and invited her to join him after changing. He waited impatiently outside for her to return, images of what she would look like in a bathing suit consuming his mind.

  His mind had failed him! When Shira stepped back out of the cabana, he felt the breath stall in his lungs. She was more than gorgeous! She was more than beautiful! She was nothing short of a Goddess come to earth to tempt man!

  Shira saw the heat flare in Kale’s eyes and felt her confidence take a huge jump up the scale. She had been hesitant to wear this suit after seeing herself in the changing room mirror. The sleek gold two-piece suit was cut more daringly than any suit she had ever worn before. The cups of the top barely covered the important parts, the push-up bra giving her mediocre cleavage and significant boost in both size and elevation.


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