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Her Cocky Firefighters

Page 5

by Tara Crescent

  Ironically, I’m the one who wants more. The once-a-week constraint seems ridiculous. We enjoy sleeping together, why not more often ?

  Then there’s her insistence that she doesn’t need our help fixing her cottage, which is insane. I’m a handyman, damn it. I’m happy to give her a hand, but she’s stubborn, and she won’t hear of it. “I can’t afford to pay you,” she keeps telling me. As if I’m going to charge her .

  Frustrating woman. I don’t understand why she won’t let us help her .

  I t’s Sunday afternoon. Petra’s got the flu, so I’m tending bar again. It’s pouring outside, and the weather has kept most of the customers away. We’re screening Four Weddings and a Funeral this week, and I can actually hear the dialog, which almost never happens .

  Unfortunately, the rain hasn’t stopped Reva Burris from showing up. She’s taken a seat at the bar, and she seems determined to hit on me. “Nick,” she purrs. “I never see you anymore .”

  Her perfume wafts over me in cloying waves, and I take a discreet step back so I can breathe. As annoying as I find Reva, I have no desire to hurt her feelings, but the woman cannot take a hint. No matter how many times I’ve explained that I’m not looking for something serious, Reva refuses to get the message .

  “You’re not dating someone, are you ?”

  I’m sleeping with Hailey Martell every Monday night, does that count as dating? I wish it did, but Hailey has good reasons for wanting to stay away from commitment. Her fiancé cheated on her. Given her history, I’m the worst person she should get involved with. As my parents demonstrated over and over again, the O’Sullivans cheat. That’s who we are .

  But if I tell Reva I’m seeing someone, it’ll get her off my back. I smile pleasantly at Reva. “Actually, I am. It’s new, and we’re not talking about it yet, but I really like her, and I can see it going the distance .”

  The funny thing is, I’m not lying. I really do like Hailey. I really can see it go the distance .

  Don’t fool yourself. It can’t go the distance, asshole .

  Reva’s lips tighten. “You are?” She gulps down the glass of wine and throws a ten-dollar bill down on the counter. “Good for you. I hope you’ll be very happy , Nick .”

  Sean walks in as Reva flounces out. “What’s with her?” he asks, his eyebrows raised .

  “I told her I was dating someone. And before you start making a big deal of it, I just needed a way to get Reva off my back .”

  His lips twitch. “Of course. I’m sure Hailey has nothing to do with it .”

  “She doesn’t,” I insist. Sean’s home life was pretty rough, yet somehow, he’s avoided becoming as cynical as I have. He still believes in love and happily-ever-afters. “What’s going on with you ?”

  He sighs. “Ms. Grantham called me an hour ago. The town council has some questions about the fire station finances. They want me at their meeting tomorrow .”

  “Hardy going on the offensive again?” I ask him, concerned .

  “No, I think she’d have warned me if it was going to be an ambush. I just have to go there and listen to a bunch of idiots tell me how to do my job with less money and fewer resources .”

  “I don’t envy you, buddy .”

  He sips the scotch I pour him. “I loathe making a scene, and I loathe losing my temper, and tomorrow, at the council meeting, I’m afraid I might do both those things. Fucking politicians, playing games with people’s lives .”

  “Elvira had better win,” Nick says grimly. “Because if Hardy manages to beat her …”

  He doesn’t finish that thought, and neither do I. Neither of us want to consider the possibility of Ed Hardy becoming the mayor of Goat .

  * * *


  Tempers are running high when I show up at the town hall the next day. “Come in, Sean,” Elvira Grantham says to me, her tone clipped. “Can you take a seat? We’re running a little behind schedule .”

  I sit down and watch the circus unfold. Hardy glares at Elvira. “Every day,” he starts, “this town becomes more and more ridiculous. Do you know what I saw on Saturday? I was taking my kids to the park when a woman walked by with three goats trailing after her on leashes .”

  “Yes, that’s Constance Baker,” Kim Nieves responds. Kim’s been on the town council for almost twenty years and knows every single person in town. “She doesn’t think her goats get enough exercise in her backyard, so she takes them for a walk every morning and evening .”

  “Is she nuts?” Eric Hardy stares at Kim. “You think this is normal behavior? They’re not dogs. They’re goats. They stink .”

  “No, they don’t,” Kim interjects. “Constance shampoos them once a week .”

  I bite back my laugh. David Barlow, another long-time council member, shrugs his shoulders. “The tourists love Constance and her goats. She’s got quite a following on social media .”

  “Is everything in this town about tourist dollars?” he snaps, shooting Ms. Grantham a disgusted look. “Our mayor might worship at the altar of tourism, but I’m not going to tolerate this .”

  Elvira’s jaw tightens, and I can tell she’s close to losing her temper. “This isn’t about tourism,” she replies. “The town ordinances allow people to walk their pets as long as they are leashed and as long as the pet owners clean up after their animals. Mrs. Baker does both of those things .”

  “They’re goats. She’s making this town a laughing stock .”

  David Barlow turns to me. “What do you think, Keefer? Mrs. Baker’s route goes past the fire station. Do you think she should stop walking her goats ?”

  Damn it. I don’t want to make Hardy an enemy, but I also want no part of bullying an old lady. “No, I don’t. Mrs. Baker isn’t doing any harm .”

  “And is she making our town a laughing stock?” Barlow probes .

  I take a deep breath and ignore Hardy’s death glare. “I think she’s a part of what makes our town special .”

  “Good,” Annie Snider cuts in. “Let’s take a vote. All in favor of altering the ordinance to ban goats ?”

  Hardy’s the only hand that lifts in the air .

  “Denied,” Elvira says, her tone satisfied. “And Eric, since you went behind the town council and exceeded your authority when you wrote to Constance Baker forbidding her from walking her goats, you can craft her a letter of apology on behalf of the town .”

  Kim Nieves’ eyes go wide. “You did what ?”

  “Oh yes,” Elvira says grimly. “Hardy here sent Mrs. Baker an official notice from the town council telling her she couldn’t walk her pets anymore .”

  “Is the mayor right?” David Barlow sounds furious. “Did you do this ?”

  Eric Hardy doesn’t back down. “Yes,” he says defiantly. “ I did .”

  “Oh, it gets worse,” Elvira continues. “Not only did Hardy here tell her she couldn’t walk her goats, but he threatened to have them put down if Mrs. Baker continues to walk them in town .”

  Kim Nieves, who volunteers at the pet shelter, inhales sharply. “Why on Earth would you say something like that to an old woman?” she asks Hardy. “She dotes on her goats. Everyone knows that .”

  The other councillors are shaking their heads. I don’t think Hardy realizes he’s gone too far. The three of them might not agree with everything Elvira does, but they trust her to deal with them straightforwardly. By going behind their backs and exceeding his authority, Hardy just revealed his true colors to them .

  He gives me a poisonous look. Eric Hardy’s a petty man, and he’s not going to forget that I took Mrs. Baker’s side in this dispute .

  I’ve made an enemy today .



  I ’ve barely seen Lana since I moved to Goat. I’ve chatted with her a couple of times on the phone, but she’s stressing because of an aggressive book deadline and a plot that won’t cooperate. Monday morning, I finally hear from her. “I did it,” she announces happily. “The book’s done .”

>   “Sweet .”

  “I’ve been a terrible friend,” she continues. “If I buy you breakfast, will you forgive me ?”

  I laugh. “I’m never going to say no to free breakfast,” I tell her, “but there’s nothing to forgive. When do you want to eat ?”

  “Now?” she asks hopefully. “Blake and Declan are away for a conference, there’s no food at home, and I’m starving. See you at Goat Morning in half an hour ?”

  I get into my car and drive into town, parking around the corner from the diner. Lana’s already there, a cup of coffee in front of her. She gives me a hug when I get in. “It’s so good to see you,” she says. “Sorry about the deadline .”

  I wave off her apology. “I’ve been there. So the book’s done ?”

  “Yes, I sent it off last night to my editor, thank heavens. But enough about me. Tell me what’s going on with you .”

  “Well, Connor’s a great boss, but you already know that.” We both order the all-day breakfast special. “And Goat’s such a quirky town. We’re devoting three pages to the Great Bake-off in this week’s issue. In fact, I’m supposed to be interviewing Betty Beaumont at ten .”

  She laughs. “Yup, that’s life in a small town for you.” She gives me a concerned look. “It’s not too quiet for you, is it? I mean, I know it’s not great for dating, but you’ve never really seemed interested in meeting someone .”

  Ahem. It’s time to come clean. “Actually,” I clear my throat, “ about that …”

  Her eyes go wide. “Oh my God, did you meet someone? Tell me everything .”

  “Calm down, it’s not that exciting. Remember how you asked me once if I’d ever had a threesome and I said yes ?”

  She nods. “Well,” I continue, “the guys I had a threesome with live in Goat .”

  Her mouth falls open. “What? Who? How? I have so many questions .”

  I have to laugh at her expression. “It was a one-night stand,” I tell her. “Well, one night and the morning after. And it was six years ago, and we exchanged names, but I never looked them up. I didn’t know they lived in Goat .”

  “Hailey, before I die of curiosity, who are these mystery guys ?”

  Lana’s my best friend; I have no secrets from her. “Nick O’Sullivan and Sean Keefer,” I say in a rush .

  “Whoa. Nick, I can see. But Sean? The fire chief? He seems so straight-laced .”

  “I assure you , no .”

  She chuckles. “Every day, you learn something new. So you’re seeing them again ?”

  Lana used to be an investigative journalist. The woman is a bloodhound. “The three of us agreed to have no-strings-sex once a week. We’ve been doing it for the last month.” I fall silent as the waitress sets heaped plates of food in front of us. There’s enough here to feed an army, and I have no complaints .

  Once the waitress is out of earshot, Lana turns back to me. “ You are ?”

  I nod. “I’m not looking to date anyone,” I tell her. “But I like having sex, and I don’t want to live like a monk. This seemed like a good compromise .”

  She looks dubious as she nibbles on a piece of bacon. “If you say so. Just don’t get attached. Nick has a well-deserved reputation as a player, and Sean…” Her voice trails off. “Actually, I don’t know what Sean’s deal is. He’s pretty private .”

  “I’m not going to get attached.” I’m a little miffed at Lana’s reaction. She knows I don’t date. What’s with the warnings? I’m an adult. I can take care of myself .

  She takes a deep breath, a contrite expression on her face. “I’m sorry. I should be more supportive. If this is what you want, I’m happy for you, Hailey .”

  “It is what I want,” I tell her firmly .

  We talk about Girl Power’s recent columns for a few minutes, then the conversation returns to the Weekly Goat. “Sometimes I miss the work,” Lana confides. “Connor’s a super-nice guy. If only Elvira…” Her voice trails off .

  I’m not a huge gossip, but I’m as curious as the next person, and there have been many hints that Connor has a sweet spot for Elvira. “If only Elvira what ?”

  “Connor’s in love with Elvira Grantham,” she replies, confirming my suspicions. “I think he’s been in love with her for most of his life.” She drains the rest of her coffee. “You know that Elvira was the fifteen-year-old mistress of the guy that founded this town? Connor was his younger brother .”

  “That sounds like a soap opera .”

  “Tell me about it. Anyway, I’ve been able to piece together bits of the story, and I think Connor kept an eye on Elvira, made sure she was okay .”

  An older woman walks up to fill Lana’s coffee, and she overhears the tail end of the conversation. “It was more than that,” she says .

  Lana looks chagrined at being caught gossiping. “Mrs. Beaumont,” she stammers. “I didn’t see you there. This is my friend Hailey. She’s working at the Weekly Goat .”

  As many times as I’ve been to the Goat Morning, I’ve never run into the diner’s owner. Betty Beaumont is a tall, thin woman with waist-length salt-and-pepper hair, worn in a braid down her back. Her olive skin is unwrinkled except around her eyes. She’s beautiful in a striking sort of way, and she’s definitely not what I imagined her to look like. Somehow, when I thought of two women in a baking competition, I imagined them to be shorter, plumper versions of Julia Child .

  “Good to meet you, Hailey,” she says to me. “You’re interviewing me today, aren’t you? Anytime you want.” She pulls up a chair at our table. “Connor begged Elvira to leave his brother,” she says, her voice lowered to a hush. “But Elvira’s family was dirt-poor, and Arnold’s money made their life more comfortable. Connor bought Elvira the cottage so if she ever needed a place to stay, she would have it .”

  “My cottage?” My voice is shrill with astonishment .

  “Yes, I’d heard you were living there now. She’s never been able to sell it, you know.” She shakes her head with a sigh. “I always hoped that it meant that Connor had a chance. But now that she’s rented it out… maybe she’s made up her mind that it’ll never happen .”

  Wow. Connor and Elvira are in their seventies. If I’m doing my math right, he’s been in love with her for more than forty years. What a heart-wrenching story .

  “No,” Lana says softly. “I know Elvira, and I know Connor. The story’s not over until it’s over .”

  Lana’s horribly in love with Blake and Declan, and it’s made her sappy. Yes, it would be a fairy-tale ending if Elvira Grantham and Connor Perkins were to finally get together, but I live in the real world, and I know the odds are low .

  I don’t believe in fairy tales anymore. I don’t believe in Prince Charmings, and I certainly don’t believe in happily-ever-afters. On the other hand, the no-strings casual relationship I have with Nick and Sean is exactly what I want .



  F or a month, we’ve spent every Monday evening at Hailey’s cottage. This week, it’s time to mix things up .

  I haven’t forgotten Hailey’s confession: she has a thing for firefighters. The moment she said it, my imagination had gone haywire, and I wanted to drag her to the fire station and fuck her six ways from Sunday .

  Of course, I can’t be quite that impulsive. Sean and I have had to wait for a day when we’ll have the station to ourselves. It’s taken a few weeks to arrange, but this Monday, things have finally fallen into place .

  I can’t wait .

  I pull up outside Hailey’s front door, almost thirty minutes earlier than usual. She looks surprised to see me. “ Where’s Sean ?”

  I answer her question with one of my own. “Do you trust me, Hailey ?”

  “Yes,” she responds without hesitation .

  “Good.” I pull a black scarf from my pocket. “Enough to get blindfolded ?”

  She takes it from me, her smile widening. “Nothing public, right ?”

  Holy shit, she’s incredible. I’m the luckiest guy in the
world. “I promise you, it’ll be just the three of us .”

  “Then I’m in your hands, Mr. O’Sullivan .”

  My cock is rock hard. This woman is a fucking dream come true. “Come here,” I growl, spinning her around so her ass is pressed against my groin. “Close your eyes , baby .”

  I inhale the fragrance of her lotion as I tie the blindfold over her eyes. “I’m going to carry you into my truck,” I whisper into her ear . “Okay ?”

  “You’re the boss .”

  She’ll be the death of me, this beautiful, passionate woman. I sweep her into my arms and carry her to my truck, setting her down to open the passenger door and buckling her into the seat. “Can I ask where we’re going?” Her voice is husky and coated with lust .

  “You can ask.” My lips twitch. “But I’m not going to tell you .”

  She chuckles. “I’m not sure I like this game .”

  I start the engine. The sooner I get her to the fire station, the sooner I can rip the clothes off her body and fuck her senseless. “Give it time,” I reply. “I’m pretty sure I can get you to change your mind in about fifteen minutes .”

  T welve minutes later—yes, I was speeding, can you blame me?—I pull up at my destination. The station occupies a corner lot in downtown Goat, and I carry Hailey through the side door .

  Sean’s already there. He’s got the lights in our rec room set to low, and the table, usually covered in clutter, is cleared off .

  I set Hailey down. “Ready to see where we are ?”

  “So ready .”

  I chuckle and undo her blindfold. She looks around the room, and a wide smile breaks out on her face. “I’m at the fire station? This is so awesome. Of course …”

  “Of course what ?”


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