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The Sex Machine Rides Again (Taken By The Machine Book 2)

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by C J Edwards


  Copyright © 2014 by Charlotte J Edwards


  C J Edwards on Kindle

  Adult Reading Material

  All characters depicted are over the age of eighteen.

  A note from the author:

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  Kevin had devoted the best years of his life to developing and building the ultimate sex machine for his beloved wife, only for her to leave him just before he completed it. Not to be distracted from his mission, he completed it and then looked for a suitable test subject. His nosey teenage neighbour conveniently ticked that box and by the time Louise left the cellar, she had been fucked so completely she would never be the same again. Not much more than a virgin when she walked into the house, she walked out having experienced more sexual satisfaction than most women accumulate in a lifetime.

  A few days later, Kevin received another unexpected lady visitor. He knew she would turn up at some time but nevertheless tried to look surprised when he opened the door.

  Hillary had been Sara’s best friend for almost all of their lives. They lived next door to each other as toddlers, went to the same schools and when Sara’s family moved away, managed to reunite by getting into the same university. They took each other’s advice on everything and were always there for each other. When Sara decided it was time to move her stuff out of the family home, it was inevitable she would send Hillary to do the job for her.

  When the door swung open, Hillary did her best to put on a happy face and pretend she liked her Sara’s soon to be ex-husband. As usual, his eyes spent only a moment on her face before wandering over her body. As usual, she felt naked within seconds of being in his company.

  She had deliberately dressed conservatively that day in a flowery dress that came to her mid-thigh and a yellow cardigan but her shapely body was nigh on impossible to camouflage and the pervert’s eyes lingered for so long on her big, firm bosoms that she wondered if her nipples were visible.

  It was Hillary who broke the silence. “Hello Kevin. Sara asked me to pick up a few of her things.” She paused at his stony silence. “It’s just; you know…” she finished awkwardly.

  Kevin paused for a few more seconds before replying. “That’s okay Hillary,” he said brightly. “I completely understand and was expecting you at some time, just not quite so soon.” He saw her begin to relax and smile back in relief. “I’ve boxed and labelled all my wife’s stuff and piled it in the cellar,” he added.

  “That’s great Kevin,” Hillary chirped back. “Shall we get on with it?”

  Kevin led the way down the hall and the cellar stairs, stepping aside to let the woman enter the cellar first. “The boxes are at the far end,” he called as he picked up something from a table near the door.

  The big dark room was partly illuminated with blinking red lights and there was a steady hum. Hillary assumed there was some sort of electrical equipment running but she walked straight in any way.

  As soon as Hillary stepped over the threshold, the blinking red lights went mad, flashing so brightly that she was completely dazzled and stopped dead in her tracks. “What the heck…!” she began.

  Kevin’s voice came from over her shoulder. “My machine has just measured your dimensions and your location to within a micron or two. It will keep updating several times a second. It’s very, very good!”

  “Are you mad?” Hillary yelled back with a tremor in her voice. “What on earth is all this for?”

  “Oh, it’s for fucking women, Hillary,” Kevin laughed. “And today, you’re the lucky girl!”

  Hillary quickly turned to run out of the room and suddenly stopped dead in her tracks facing her tormentor as her arms and legs were gripped by strong rubbery straps which had whipped out from the walls at lightning speed. She opened her mouth to protest and another appendage shot down from the ceiling to fill it and cut her speech off at its source. “Nggug!”

  Kevin stood in front of the helpless woman and she felt his hand on her soft cheek. “Let me tell you all about my incredible machine,” he said, slowly stroking her face. “It took me the best years of my life to create, I built it just for Sara and the bitch decided to leave just before I finished it.” He turned away and began to boot up a laptop on a side table as he continued to talk to her. “The machine is measuring your heart rate, respiration and perspiration level and shortly it will be accurately monitoring your pussy secretions.”

  Hillary began to struggle and protest as far as the infernal gag would allow. “Mmmm! Nggug! Mbbub!” She tried to kick out at him but her leg lifted no more than a centimetre before being pulled back down.

  Kevin laughed and continued his lecture. “This machine can work completely automatically and keep you at the height of pleasure all by itself, for as long as I tell it to, or…” he held up a box that looked a lot like a hi-tech TV remote. “Or, I can give it commands.” He pressed a red button and a whirring noise started. “First of all I’m going to tell it to strip you naked and then we’ll take it from there, shall we?” he stepped back and an arm with a spinning silver disc at the end dropped down from the ceiling to fill the space where he was just standing. “Oh and it won’t just be the machine fucking you, Hillary darling,” he chuckled as the deadly looking disc closed in on the terrified woman. “But you’ll have to beg me for it,” he added.

  Hillary could do nothing but watch as the razor sharp disc made contact with her cardigan and sliced through it like a knife through butter. It moved across her body and woollen strands fell to the floor. Once that garment was history, it cut closer. Her summer dress was sliced and diced and she felt the chill of the damp cellar on her bare skin as it fell away from her to pool at her feet. She stood only in bra and panties as the disc moved away and Kevin stepped closer again.

  “You really are a magnificent woman Hillary,” Kevin spoke in a low voice as his hands came up to cup her heavy breasts. “What are these puppies, 40E?” He squeezed her tits as he spoke and then stepped back again. “I’ve waited a long time for this moment and I’m going to savour it, you horny little slut. You have no idea how many wanks I’ve had over you,” he added as the disc span up again.

  It took less than five seconds for Hillary’s tits to be out and another ten for the disc to delicately shred her knickers. Hillary heard Kevin take a deep breath before sliding a middle finger straight into her moist pussy. “You seem to be ready for action, you horny slut,” he chuckled, moving the finger around. He lowered his head to lick one of her big pink nipples before removing his finger and sucking it clean in front of her face. “I’m going to put it on automatic now,” he smiled. “I’ll be back for you to beg for my cock.”

  Kevin left the room and the machine began whirring. Hillary felt pressure behind her knees and then suddenly her legs were pulled from under her. She was on her back, suspended in mid-air with her legs spread obscenely wide. The thick gag dropped from her lips but she no longer felt the need to shout. Instead, her lips curled in a moan as the machine connected itself to her clitoris and began to buzz and the rubbery pads on her nipples pulled gently on them as though milking her. She thought about the inadequate sex she got from her husband and trie
d to remember the last time she felt as good as this. The fact is, she told herself frankly, sex had never felt this good. It had never even come close for her.

  In a matter of only a few minutes, Hillary was losing her mind with passion. Her nipples and clitoris were being suckled as though a thousand soft lips were upon them all at once. The buzz in her pussy began to spread around her body and was joined by the butterflies in her stomach. Her orgasm signalled its arrival with intent but the helpless housewife still had no inkling of just how powerful it was going to be when it hit her. Her breasts began to throb and her whole body tingled in anticipation. And then she felt her pussy begin to ache and pulse, just before – wham! Hillary’s back arched in mid-air as though she was being tortured and she let out a long erotic scream. “Oooooohhhh!”

  When the stars had cleared from her eyes and she could breathe again, Hillary realised her position had changed a little. Looking up she saw a fat tentacle, which looked like the biggest cock in the world, slowly making its way between her legs. She realised she had been lifted up to ensure she could see her own penetration. The suction had started again on her big tits and she could feel something like a tongue, rimming around her tight bottom hole. This was something she had never experienced before and she found it strangely erotic and distracting as the beast began to part her moist pussy lips.

  There was no getting away from it, the big cock-like thing hurt as it screwed its way into her but Hillary was content to take the pain as the feelings that went hand in hand with it were amazing. Little explosions were going off inside her and her whole body felt sensitive to touch as the fat phallus opened her cunt to dimensions it hadn’t known since childbirth.

  Finally the cockhead bumped up against her cervix and Hillary braced herself for what she knew was going to be the fucking of her life. But the thing just stayed still inside her. Hillary wriggled with frustration around the object wedged inside her. She desperately needed this and if the tentacle withdrew without fucking her to an orgasm, she knew she would lose her mind.

  “Is there something you want Hillary?” Kevin’s voice was right in front of her. She opened her eyes to see him leering over her.

  “You know what I want you bastard. Stop teasing me!”

  “Teasing you?” Kevin asked playfully. “Do you mean like this?” He pressed a button on the console in his hand and the cups on Hillary’s breasts withdrew. Leaning over, her took one of the nipples into his mouth and sucked hard.

  “Yelp!” Hillary yapped like a dog. Her tits were so sensitive; the slightest touch now set her off. “Pleeease,” she begged.

  “Please what Hillary?”

  “Please just let this perverted machine of yours have sex with me.”

  “Have sex with you,” Kevin laughed. “No Hillary, this machine is designed to fuck you senseless. Ask properly!”

  “Please let it fuck me!”

  Kevin laughed again. “Sorry, not convincing enough.” He pressed another button and the tentacle withdrew almost all the way out of the desperate woman. Hillary moaned with desire and frustration. “Oh no, please. I’ll do anything.”

  There was a glint in Kevin’s eye. “Are you sure about that Hillary? Would you really do anything?”

  “What do you want?”

  “Why you of course, my darling.” Kevin squeezed both of her soft tits for emphasis.

  “You can have me however you want,” Hillary whined. “Just please let that thing fuck me first.”

  “Your wish is my command,” Kevin chuckled, pressing another button. The thick tentacle moved from side to side very gradually to re-position itself and then, without warning, surged forward to fill Hillary’s cunt in one go.

  “Yowwwwwl!” Hillary’s cry was a mix of ecstasy and agony but there was no respite, the machine began to hump her faster and harder than the young woman had ever experienced. Her hips tilted upwards and the robotic cock brutally slammed into her. As the machine fucked her through one orgasm after another, Hillary was vaguely aware of her position changing again as the device rotated her body right the way over so she was on her front. A musky smell filled her nose and Hillary opened her eyes just as Kevin’s cock bumped up against her lips. She opened her mouth without even thinking about it and began to suck on the rubbery flesh.

  “That’s a good girl,” Kevin sighed as he patted her on the head. “You and I are going to be good friends, Hillary.” He held her head tightly and began to thrust into her throat. “When we’ve finished here today, there’s a little favour you’re going to do for me, if you don’t want the video we’re making to be posted all over the internet.”

  Kevin pointed up to the far top corner of the cellar and Hillary’s eyes followed on. Seeing a blinking red light she realised, with an inward groan that her submission to the machine and then Kevin had been filmed. The bastard had her in the palm of his hand.


  Sara was a little nervous. She hadn’t been back to the marital home in some five weeks. All the same, she had Hillary with her and her best friend had assured her that Kevin was out and had stacked all of her stuff in the cellar. He had wanted her to come and get it herself, Hillary had explained, so she could be sure nothing had been left behind. She put her key into the lock and turned it, relieved that the locks hadn’t been changed. Then, with a quick look around her old home, she made straight for the cellar, with her friend in tow.

  As Sara pushed the cellar door open and started down the steps, she realised she hadn’t actually been down there for about twenty years. Kevin had completely taken the damp, musty room over in pursuit of his hobby; that ridiculous machine he was supposed have built but never got beyond a crazy idea in his head. As she stepped over the threshold, she turned to ask Hillary if she knew exactly where the boxes were and stopped dead in her tracks at her expression. The poor woman looked terrified.

  Before Sara could open her mouth to ask what was wrong, something happened. First she was dazzled by a bright red light and then, almost at exactly the same time, she felt something very strong gripping her upper arms and legs, holding her firmly in place. Bewildered, she looked around to see Hillary stood opposite her, also bound. There were thick rubbery straps or something wrapped around her upper arms and thighs, over her the old tracksuit she had thrown on to move the boxes. “What the hell is going on?” Sara exclaimed.

  Suddenly her attention was grabbed by a whirring noise as several long arms dropped from the ceiling and went to work on her friend. Steel claws gripped the material of her sweatshirt, as the disc sliced through it like a hot knife through butter. She watched agog as her friend’s clothes were shredded and pulled from her body until, before long, Hillary was stood in front of her completely naked. Sara had never seen her best friend in the buff before and she was impressed, despite the situation. Her big tits had no sag in them at all; nipples pointing up to the ceiling. Her eyes traced the line of her flat belly and flared hips. She had never realised quite how desirable this married mother of two was, despite knowing her practically all her life. Sara felt odd looking at her friend in that way and forced her eyes away.

  Her attention was then seized by the machine arms. Having finished with Hillary, they turned towards her and it was quite clear what was about to happen. Sara went rigid with embarrassment as the machine efficiently sliced up her blouse, bra and long skirt, leaving her slim body and pert tits on display to her friend. She felt Hillary’s eyes upon her as her last bastion of dignity was ripped away and her cute little blonde muff was displayed.

  She looked across to her friend and saw her body was now being manipulated by the machine. Long tentacles were waving around her body and cup-like devices were now attached to her breasts and pudenda. “I’m so sorry about this,” Sara whined. “This is all about my perverted husband and I’m so sorry you’ve been dragged into his sordid little scheme.”

  Hillary whimpered as the cups on her tits tightened hard enough to hurt her. “I have been told to tell you something
Sara,” she sniffled. Sara said nothing in return but just stared at her friend in disbelief as she continued. “I was told to bring you here and I knew exactly what was going to happen.”

  Sara jumped in to interrupt. “How did you know exactly what was going to happen, Hillary?”

  Hillary paused before replying. “…because it’s already happened to me,” she whispered. “And Kevin has it all on film.”

  Sara looked up at the ceiling and saw the cameras pointing at her. “Don’t worry Hillary,” she said soothingly. “I know you’ve been coerced into this and I forgive you.” She sighed loudly. “What else did he tell you to say?”

  “He told me to tell you that you caused him great pain and he is going to punish you in return.” That was all she said before her mouth was suddenly filled with a tentacle. Sara watched with a mix of horror and fascination as her best friend was raised off her feet and on to her back in mid-air. A thick tentacle began worming its way into her pussy and a much smaller one probed her bottom. As Sara watched, her friend’s body began to buck as the machine started to fuck her.

  If she thought this was to be her punishment though, Sara has underestimated her husband. She felt her own bonds tightening and she was suddenly swept off her own feet. Pushed on to her front, her knees were drawn up to her chest and she was tilted slightly so her naked arse was pointed upwards.

  Thwack! Without any warning at all, a leather belt or something very similar struck Sara across her naked bottom. She jumped with the shock and pain and barely stifled a scream, the blow was completely unexpected and hard! She braced herself for another one but it didn’t come. Her eyes and ears were now full of the sights and sounds of her closest friend being fucked ridiculously hard only a few inches away from her face. She felt tingling in her breasts and clitoris and realised that the machine was now stimulating her. The combined sensations were overpowering and she felt herself quickly building towards an orgasm, when, thack!” It hit her again and this time Sara couldn’t contain a scream. It hurt like hell. Sara bit her lip as the machine alternated between stimulating and spanking her while her friend was taken through one loud orgasm after the other right next to her. And then, all of a sudden, something changed. Sara was turned over by the machine and was aware of her friend moving across her. Suddenly Hillary was dropped on to her face and Sara found herself looking into her best friend’s open twat. She tried to stabilise her breath as her nose was full of a pungent pussy smell. She wasn’t actually touching but was so close that she only had to put her tongue out to be licking Hillary’s most sensitive area and no doubt that was the intention.


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