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Edward (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 1)

Page 45

by Becca Fanning

  Hooking her fingers through the loops in his jeans, she tugged them down, exposing a pair of tight black boxers that accentuated the shape and strength in his legs gorgeously. She tentatively reached out, massaging his erection through the fabric, and looked up to take in his expression- his eyes were closed, his teeth resting ever-so-slightly on his bottom lip. Rosie felt suddenly powerful, and took her new surge of confidence a step further by pulling down his boxers and taking his bare cock in her hand.

  Wriggling herself flat out on the bed, she lay so that her head was at the same level as his cock. Slowly parting her lips, she stuck out her tongue and rolled it over the head of his erection. He groaned, loud enough that she could hear it, and she smiled to herself- she'd never realized she'd had this in her, but she was enjoying the new sex-kitten version of Rosie. Tossing her hair to one side, she opened her mouth a little further, and took him as far as she could into her throat. She just wanted to feel him inside her, to taste him, to have him. He wove his fingers into her hair, and guided her up and down his erection- his pace was slow, much to Rosie's relief, as he was bigger than she was used to and took a little acclimatization.

  Once she had grown used to the feeling, he flexed his hips a little, pushing himself further into her mouth, and she did her best to work the underside of his cock with her tongue, wriggling against his seam. Realizing she had hands to spare, she slid one down to cup his balls, and the other into her jeans- she was almost taken aback by how wet she was, by how much relief her touch gave her. It had been a while since she'd masturbated out of anything other than habit, and the feeling was revelatory- she circled her finger around her clit a few times, moaning slightly, and looked up to make eye contact with Win-he was staring down at her, almost delirious with desire. She ran her nails across his balls gently, satisfied with the gasp he let out, and slid two fingers on either side of her clit. Part of her wanted him to finish in her mouth, but she knew she wouldn't be satisfied until she'd felt him inside of her.

  She slowly slid her mouth off of him, licking her lips theatrically and glancing up at him with wide, as-innocent-as-she-could-muster-given-the-situation eyes.

  "Fuck me?"

  "God, yes," he growled, and in one motion, flipped her on to her back. He kicked off his jeans as she hurriedly wriggled out of her's, her body now aching with need for him. He reached into his bedside cabinet for a condom, and quickly sheathed himself.

  "Always be prepared," he quoted the boy scout's motto, and she giggled, unable to focus on anything other than his proximity and how much she wanted him. He pushed her leg back slightly, positioned himself at her slit, and eased himself into her.

  The feeling was exquisite- almost new, it had been so long, but strangely familiar. They both let out long, contended sighs as he pushed his way into her for the first time, stretching her, and she placed a hand on his chest, urging him to go slow. He obliged, moving with almost painful care in and out of her, until she raised her hips to meet him. Wrapping her legs around his waist, he pushed into her hard, and she let out a small cry- this was better than she could ever have imagined, feeling him in her, the relief it gave her, the pleasure. She sank her nails into his shoulder, pulling him closer, and their lips met once again, tongues frantic with passion against each other.

  "Good?" He breathed, gently biting on her lobe, and she squirmed beneath him.

  "God, yes," she murmured in response, repaying him in kind. "Harder."

  Win was quick to fulfill her request, sinking his fingers into her ass as leverage and fucking her hard. She could feel her orgasm building- it had been so long since she'd come with someone else, but now she wanted it more than anything in the world. She frenetically ground her hips up against his, trying to match his pace, craving more of him, as much as she could get. She reached down and slid her fingers against her clit once again, her own pleasure taking control of her every movement.

  And then it hit her- wave after wave of it, shuddering across her body like some kind of nuclear explosion. She let out a small cry, and her body went limp under his for a moment. He tilted her head towards his with his hand, and kissed her- kissed her as the waves of pleasure coursed through her body, as she came back down to earth. Moments later, she felt him finish inside her, their mouths still hard and hot against each other's.

  They lay there for a moment- still kissing, but otherwise still- before Win withdrew, sliding off her and lying next to her on the bed. Outside, the storm was still raging, and he reached over to place a hand on her stomach.

  "I really, really needed that," he smiled at her.

  "Me too," she grinned back. More than you could know.

  They lay there in silence a little longer-listening to the sound of the wind and rain battering the window outside. There were jolted from their post-coital reverie by the sound of a knock on the door. Rosie lazily pulled the covers across her naked body as Win draped himself in a robe and went to answer it.

  Rosie looked after him, admiring his form for a little longer- but as soon as he opened the door, something changed. He conferred quickly with whoever it was on the other side, and then turned back to her, closing the door and running a hand through his hair.

  "What is it?" She demanded, sitting up straight and tucking the covers around herself, even though she knew damn well what the news was. Win took a deep breath before he answered, and she could have sworn there was a little shake in his voice when he did.

  "The wolves. They're here."


  Grizzly Groomsmen IV


  Becca Fanning

  Iris looked over at the man sitting opposite her. Well, this wasn't exactly how she'd imagined spending this weekend.

  When Dina had announced that her wedding would be taking place on an island, Iris had imagined sun, sea, sand, sex, sangrias, the whole nine yards. Dina had asked Iris to be her bridesmaid almost as soon as she got engaged-they'd known each other for years, childhood best friends, and even though they'd drifted apart in the intervening decade, there was no way Iris was turning her down. When it turned out she'd get a tropical trip as part of the bargain, it was just a bonus.

  And, God, the island had looked so beautiful when she'd arrived, just as she'd imagined. Dina had shown her the brochures on the flight over, and Iris immediately pictured herself laid out on the beach in her bikini, maybe drinking some extra-strong cocktail out of a coconut or something appropriately tropical. It had been way too long since she'd travelled anywhere, and this trip had felt like a chance to start something fresh.

  Pressing her forehead up against the glass of the bedroom window, Iris closed her eyes. Even despite everything that had happened, she couldn't help but think this was better than what had come before. At least it was something. While Dina had gone to college and got a good job and met an awesome guy to marry, Iris…well, Iris had not. She'd gotten pregnant almost straight out of high school, she couldn't be sure, but she was pretty certain that she had been carrying her baby daughter when she graduated. She'd been planning on taking a year out to travel before she left for college, but, as it turned out, that never came to pass. She had sworn that she wouldn't let Abby, her daughter, get in the way of her fulfilling her dreams, but life had a way of slipping away from you, especially when you were working two jobs just to support you and your daughter because her father didn't want a thing to do with you.

  And she was proud of herself for that, for succeeding, at least this far. She knew it was a different kind of success to Dina's, but she had (so far, at least), successfully raised a daughter. And it had been hell at times, desperately trying to scrape together the money to pay rent and cover the cost of Abby's school uniform, but she didn't regret it. Abby was smart, sweet, and talented, and that was all that mattered to Iris. She loved her daughter, fiercely, and even as she thought about her now she felt a stab of sadness as she realized how far apart they were. She had a sudden urge to cradle her daughter in her arms, just like she did when Abby was
a toddler and had a bad dream, but she was too big for that now, even if she had been right there with her. Iris prayed that none of the news about what was happening on the island had travelled back to her sister, who was currently taking care of Abby, the last thing she wanted was for either of them to spend the next couple of days in a full-out panic, wondering if Iris was going to come back in a body bag.

  Iris shivered at the thought. All of this had been terrifying for everybody, of course it had, but every time Abby flashed through her mind, Iris felt a stab of resolution. She couldn't leave her daughter behind, not just because she wanted to take a few days out to sun herself at a tropical wedding. That wasn't how this was going to go down.

  Still, as she reminded herself, this was something. And she knew that was a terrible way to think of it. It's just that she had done nothing but work, work, raise Abby, and work some more for the last seven, eight years, she hadn't so much as strayed past the boundaries of her hometown in longer than she cared to remember. It was typical that the first time she did, she ended up stranded on an island in the middle of nowhere attempting to fight off a group of psycho shifters, but still. This was the first thing she'd done purely for herself in years, and it felt…special. Memorable. As long as she got out of it, of course. There would be no story to tell if she didn't make it off the island alive.

  She looked over at the man once again, he was staring grimly out the window, squinting through the rain as if trying to make out something on the distant horizon. Iris had only met him the day before, but she was glad he was here. Something about his presence loosened her tension a little, made her feel safer, even though she knew he was probably just as frightened as she was. What was his name again? Toby? Yes, that sounded about right.

  When Iris had woken up that morning, she'd heard the rain and wind battering against the window, and she'd known that she would probably have to be stuck on the island a little longer, the airstrip was the only way off, and it would be shut down in the bad weather. A quick trip to reception confirmed her suspicions, and she immediately got on the phone to her sister.

  "Iris? What's up?" Her sister's harried voice came down the line. "I saw the weather reports today, is everything-"

  "Ellie, I'm going to be stuck here for at least another couple of days," Iris cut across her, her tone apologetic. She knew this would be a pain for her sister, but there was no way out of it.

  "Seriously?" Her voice was tinged with fear. "Everything's okay, though, it's just the weather?"

  "Yeah," Iris screwed up her face with confusion and glanced out the window. "Why? Did you hear something?"

  "No, no," Ellie brushed off the question. "Just a feeling I got."

  "Are you okay to look after Abby for an extra day or so?" Iris replied, blinking at her reflection in the glass.

  "Of course, of course, don't worry," Ellie's voice notably relaxed. "I love having her here, it's no bother."

  "Can I call later? Talk to her then?" Iris felt a pang of longing for a daughter, but knew she would be out at her soccer training for another couple of hours. Every minute of Abby's schedule was imprinted on to her memory, she always knew what her daughter was up to at any given minute of the day.

  "For sure!" Ellie chirped brightly. "I'll text you when she's back."

  "Thanks, honey," Iris sighed with relief. She knew that Abby was in good hands with her sister, even if Ellie could be a little flaky with everyone else, she was fiercely good with her niece.

  "Talk soon."

  The phone went dead in Iris' hand, and she stared vacantly out the window for a few moments longer. Ellie was right, there was something off. It wasn't just her mad, faux-psychic powers coming into play, Iris could feel it too. Maybe it was the storm closing in, maybe it was something else, but something felt severely out of place.

  It wasn't until later, when she went for breakfast with the rest of the bridal party to try and figure out how to deal with the storm, that Iris put her finger on what was wrong. As soon as she sat down at the table, she could sense something. She knew it would be ridiculous to take a guess, after all, her and Ellie did their best to keep their sixth sense, and the source of it, completely quiet, but she would be damned if she wasn't right. Inching towards the groomsmen's side of the table, she twisted her head towards the five guys crowding the bench, all of them exchanging looks or talking quietly. The tingle of the back of her neck grew stronger, what, all of them? Were all of them like that? Was this deliberate, and did Dina know about it? Before she had a chance to think about any of those questions in greater detail, Iris found herself face-to-face with one of the groomsmen she had been trying so hard not to catch the attention of.

  "Can I help you?" He raised his eyebrows at her, glancing down at the limited space between them as if to draw attention to it.

  "Oh," Iris suddenly realized just how close she was. Their scent, whatever it was, had drawn her nearer than she intended. "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

  "Don't worry," the man shook his head. "There's plenty more going on to worry about just now."

  "The storm?" Iris nodded outside, and the guy observed her for a moment before responding.

  "Yeah, the storm," he agreed. "I'm Ian, by the way. You?"

  "Iris," she stuck her hand out. "You think there's something else going on here?"

  He glanced over at the rest of the groomsmen, and, before he had a chance to respond, a few of them jumped to their feet.

  "Wait, wait, what's going on?" Iris demanded, watching with a stab of fear as they glanced around the room, taking in their surroundings. It was clear they had sensed something, though if Iris was right about them, that wasn't much of a surprise.

  "I'm not sure…" Ian got to his feet and strode over to them. Iris tried to place him, she knew she'd seen him last night, but she'd been pretty heavy into the champagne by the time he drifted on to her radar. Who could blame her, it had been months since she'd last had a proper drink. Had they danced? It felt like they'd at least interacted. He was very much drunk-Iris' type. And sober-Iris, if she was admitting it to herself now, he was tall and built, with thick shoulders and long legs that looked as if they'd spent hours in the gym. She had always been a sucker for a guy with a good body, even if there was something about him that was prickling her senses and keeping her guard up.

  She glanced over at the breakfast buffet, it was too early for her to be hungry. Besides, something was going on, and she'd be damned if she wasn't going to find out what it was. She looked up to find Dina, and saw that one of the other bridesmaids was hustling her out of the room. Wait, what was that about? Everyone seemed suddenly to be on edge, and Iris was still trying to put her finger on why.

  Suddenly, it hit her. The sense that something was off, that not everyone in the immediate vicinity was entirely human. She usually only picked up on stuff like that if the shifters in question were a potential danger, and none of these groomsmen looked like much trouble at all. There was something else at play, other shifters. Nearby. And ones with hostile intentions. She felt her stomach drop, and hurried up to the door to find Dina, but she had already come back in, her face white as a sheet. She knew. They all knew.

  Before she had a chance to think any further, Iris sped past the crowds of guests milling in the lobby and back to her room. Her heart was slamming against her chest-it felt as if her blood was bubbling under her skin. That was one of the bad things about the senses she'd inherited, when adrenalin hit, it was hard, fast, and threw her into hardcore panic mode. When she had been giving birth to Abby, she'd almost ripped one of the monitors out of the wall and scared the shit out of all the nurses in the room. As she barrelled up towards her room, taking the stairs two at a time, she slammed straight into a figure she half-recognised. She looked up, and immediately felt her heart rate begin to drop.

  "Ian?" She wrinkled her nose up. Now that she had him by himself, she could tell that the bad vibes she had been getting down in the breakfast room were for sure not coming off of him. />
  "Yeah, Iris, right?" He smiled. "Sorry I was so short before, it's all panic stations here."

  "Yeah, I think I figured that out," Iris blinked up at him, and saw that he had speckles of gold in his eyes, much like heir's. Ian cocked his head at her.

  "What do you thinks' going on?" He asked, as if trying to test her. Iris wasn't sure whether to play dumb or not, but quickly settled on being honest, if she was right, then everyone else needed to know too.


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