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Edward (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 1)

Page 59

by Becca Fanning

  “Kurt Best,” the man beside her said, flicking through a notebook. “Owing seven thousand dollars, payment date was one month ago.”

  Kurt looked happy and cheerful, not the sort of guy who was hiding a considerable debt. Stacey watched him among the crowd, seeing how those campers seemed to idolize him. What did he even need seven grand for? Surely a ranger’s salary in a park as large as Fairhaven was damn good money. Stacey found herself drawn to his cheerful face, that playful grin with the dimples. His eyes might have sparkled, if she’d been close enough to make them out.

  “Hey, you listening to me?” the man beside her asked.

  He’d said something else, after the seven thousand, but she hadn’t heard it. Now, she tore her gaze away from the lakeside and the sunshine, back to the dark recesses of the car. Their windows were tinted to block the sun, and the AC was blasting a frozen stream of air straight at her legs. The man beside her put his hand on Stacey’s knee, and he was just as cold to touch.

  “Sorry Jack,” Stacey said with a stammer. “I was just thinking.”

  “Good,” Jack answered with a thin smile. “It’s going take strategy to get to this one. Best’s line is that he can’t pay, he doesn’t have the money, but I think it’s bull. You’re gonna get in there and find out if he’s got savings or possessions we can reclaim. A car, a property share, whatever. You got that?”

  Stacey nodded. She had to play the role Jack had made for her. It was her job, had been for a few years now, and it paid well. When she’d first met Jack, he was only a doorman throwing people out of nightclubs. Now, he was a collector, and she was too. It was their job to source money back from those who’d borrowed from Big Al Moschino. Once they had Kurt’s seven grand, they’d see a nice slice of commission. Jack took hold of Stacey’s hands, like he was thinking the same thing.

  “We do good work together,” he said. “Just focus on the task.”

  Stacey felt her stomach do a flip. Jack sometimes tried to cross a line in their partnership. She hated it but the money was too good to pass up.

  “I’d better get to work scouting this guy out,” Stacey said, breaking their contact to reach for the door.

  She was almost out of the car when Jack cleared his throat. Stacey looked back at him, seeing the hope in his dark eyes turn to grim seriousness. He got little lines on his pale face when he was serious, and there were shadows beneath his gaze.

  “One other thing I ought to mention,” he began.

  Stacey waited in silence.

  “This guy,” Jack continued, “I’ve got intel that says he’s a shifter. He can turn into a bear, Stacey. Be careful.”

  Stacey simply nodded, and walked towards the lakeside.

  Kurt Best was probably the easiest mark Stacey had ever had to find. She had watched him at the lakeside all afternoon, reclining in the Californian sun from a respectable distance, until the crowds seemed to be drawn away by an imaginary dinner bell. The sun was fading when Kurt got into his Land Rover and cruised away, but he soon popped up again at the grill-style restaurant where dinner service was beginning. Stacey had booked herself a table for one, and she was sitting alone in the corner when the maître-d’ approached her.

  “Excuse me, miss, but I wondered if you wouldn’t mind sharing your table?” he asked politely. “We’re almost at capacity.”

  When Stacey looked up and saw Kurt standing behind the waiter with a hopeful grin, she couldn’t believe her luck. She nodded, and the waiter vanished a moment later, leaving the bulky ranger to settle himself in a chair. He was still dressed in his uniform, though he’d dried out, and smoothed his blonde mop of hair back into an unruly wave. He had a shadow of pale fuzz growing about his jaw, and a sprinkling of chest hair visible in the v of his shirt.

  “I saw you today at the lake,” Kurt said. “I hope you don’t mind the intrusion.”

  Inside, Stacey let out a curse. She had meant to be inconspicuous at first, approach the guy slowly, but clearly he was alert. Whether that was to do with his shifter powers or not remained to be seen. When Stacey offered him a casual smile by way of a reply, she happened to catch his eye. His gaze was golden, shining like two perfect rings, reflecting the glorious lights of the restaurant. He dazzled her for a moment, and she lost her footing.

  “I, uh… No. I mean, of course not. I’m Stacey.”

  She hadn’t meant to give her real name, and when Kurt gave her his, she tried her best not to look like she already knew it. Stacey nodded and shook his hand, her fingers warm in his grip for the briefest moment.

  “I was out catching some sun today,” she explained, hearing the nerves in her own voice. “I’m just here to relax awhile, you know? I live in LA, and it’s pretty busy down there.”

  “It is,” Kurt agreed. “I go down to the city most weekends.”

  Stacey knew that too. Kurt had to be involved with something in LA, else he never would have met Big Al and borrowed so much money. She took a sip of her drink, hoping that the maître-d’ would be back soon to take their food order. But the grill was overflowing with customers and not very well staffed. She hadn’t had time to plan what she would say to Kurt, to wile her way into his confidence, but she couldn’t throw the opportunity away now that it had landed in her lap.

  “You don’t like to eat at home?” she asked him. “I mean, if you’re a ranger here, you must live nearby.”

  “I do,” Kurt said with a nod. “Fairhaven’s family run. We all live in a huge lodge in the east sector. But to be honest, if I get dinner at home my Gram tries to make me eat sauerkraut. Like, every night. I’m not joking.”

  He made her laugh. It was a natural laugh, something Stacey hadn’t done in quite a while. Her life was so serious, and Kurt was so jolly. They didn’t match, not really, but Stacey could play her part well enough to make him think that they did. Jack had always been very specific about how she should lead the marks on. Give them giggles, be flirty, and she could kiss them if she needed to. Nothing more than kissing, though, not ever. Just enough to make them trust her, and answer her questions.

  “And you like eating out here, with everyone else?” Stacey pressed. “I thought you rangers would be sick of people after running around for them all day.”

  “I guess,” Kurt said, cocking his head to one side. “My brother, Hart, he likes his quiet time at the end of the day. And our cousin Reinicke, well, he hates people in general. He practically lives at the outpost where only a few hikers go by every day.”

  “But not you?” Stacey said, smiling.

  “I like to meet new faces,” Kurt replied. “Like yours.”

  Something flushed in Stacey’s chest. The smile on her face had come unbidden, and she knew at once that she was in trouble. Of all the men she’d beguiled for Jack over the last couple of years, Kurt was the first that she’d felt easy with. She had known from the moment she saw him that he was painstakingly gorgeous to view, but up close, there was something else about him. He gave off joy like it was a scent, with every movement and every flicker of his golden gaze.

  “Say,” Kurt began, a cheeky grin overcoming his lips. “Maybe this is a little bold, but if I pick up the tab, can we call this a date? I don’t meet a lot of heavenly brunettes out here.”

  The remark made Stacey toy with her hair, just for a moment. She felt like a schoolgirl trapped in a woman’s body. Kurt’s grin was unwavering as he waited for her answer. If he was bluffing, then he was good at it, the sweetest poker face she’d ever seen. But Stacey had built up her repertoire too, and she was damned if she was going to let some hunky ranger break it down in one fell swoop. She took a breath, and fluttered her lashes as she cast her gaze to the floor.

  “Well, since you called me heavenly,” she crooned.

  That was how they came to be at the campsite entrance a little after ten o’clock. The moon was almost full, bathing a range of little triangular tents in its silver light. A few people were still up, cooking on campfires or telling stories on the
lawn. Stacey stood at the path which wound among the tents, looking forlornly over her shoulder.

  “I didn’t have you down as a camper,” Kurt mused, apparently delighted. “I figured you’d be a hotel lady. Luxury, you know?”

  Stacey nodded. She would be, normally. It was Jack’s idea to rent a pair of separate tents, pitched on either side of his car. It would save them money, Jack had said. The thought of a night in the woods next to Jack gave Stacey a shiver, and Kurt reached out at once to hold her shoulders.

  “You shoulda told me you were cold,” he said apologetically. “I shoulda offered you my jacket. What a jackass.”

  “Hey, that’s for me to say,” Stacey replied with a grin. “I’m fine, really. Just tired. Looking forward to a rest, and maybe another date tomorrow?”

  Her voice rose with a hitch at the end. But that was the first time that she saw Kurt’s unstoppable grin fade. His face was half in shadow from the angle of the moonlight, and he looked away for a moment, his golden eyes flashing. He rubbed at the back of his neck for a moment before the smile climbed back into place.

  “Actually, I go into the city on Saturdays,” he explained, “it’s just something I have to do. But I’ll be back first thing Sunday. I’ll book the day off. We can go everywhere in Fairhaven. All the best sun spots and views. If you’d like that?”

  Stacey tried not to show the suspicion that was brimming in her mind.

  “I’d love that,” she replied.

  “You sure?” Kurt asked.

  One blonde brow had risen, and Stacey realized there must have been something showing in her nerves. She wanted to know exactly where he was going on Saturday, but there was no way to ask. Jack would need to know too. Kurt was studying her face closely, and there was only one thing Stacey could think of that would turn his mind off for a moment. Reaching gently for his cheek, she pulled him down into a kiss.

  His lips were soft, though she felt his stubble scratch beneath her fingertips, and the strong muscles of his jaw shifted as the kiss deepened. Kurt’s warm hands were still on her shoulders, and he let them slide down her bare arms until they rested at her waist. She leaned into his body a little, shifting the angle of the kiss so that her lips parted just a touch. He didn’t take the hint, so she slipped her tongue out to tease his lips.

  Kurt pulled back and broke the kiss. He touched his own lips for a moment, a little breathless.

  “Save some of that for Sunday,” he said in almost a whisper. “Goodnight Stacey.”

  As he walked away, it seemed to Stacey that she’d been split in half. One part of her was pleased to tell Jack that she’d reached the mark on day one, even got close to him already. But the other part wanted something else from the strong, broad ranger now walking into the darkness. There was a possibility about Kurt that she couldn’t deny, and it sparked something in her chest that she hadn’t felt for years.

  “I want to come with you,” Stacey had insisted.

  But Jack had shaken his head.

  “You can’t risk being seen with me in LA.”

  It was true, and he was right, but Stacey had still protested. They had argued about it all morning on Saturday, right up until Jack had taken the car and left. Stacey had wanted to follow Kurt, to find out what he was up to in the city, but instead she found herself alone in the woods. It was late on Saturday afternoon, and she felt as though she’d walked all the way around the earth. Her skin tingled from the warmth of the sun, but inside she was churning up cold water like a winter storm.

  Despite the idyllic setting, these thoughts kept Stacey from enjoying her book. She was sitting on a bench a little ways up the hiker’s trail, which overlooked a gorgeous set of hills. The sun was bright in the azure sky, and if she’d been able to relax, Stacey would probably have been half way through the latest of her mystery books by now. She adored a good mystery, figuring out who the real good and bad guys were, being misled but secretly always knowing how things would turn out. It would have been a great read on any other day.

  “Phew!” said a voice somewhere nearby. “These old gams ain’t what they used to be!”

  A little old lady was trudging her way up the hill. She was hunched over a tad and her wrinkled face was glowing crimson from the effort. Even as she took the next step, she hung her head to sigh and her glasses fell off, tumbling into the dirt. Stacey got up at once and set about retrieving them. The old lady watched her, squinting with interest.

  “Well, aren’t you a well-mannered young lady?” the woman asked in a bright voice. “Don’t get many of those in their twenties nowadays.”

  “Thank you, Ma’am,” Stacey said politely.

  She handed the glasses over, and the old woman met her gaze with a wide smile. She had milky, amber colored eyes that had a peculiar glow, and when Stacey went back to the bench, the woman followed. She settled herself beside Stacey and gave a long, wistful sort of sigh.

  “Thank you so much for that, dear,” the old lady said. “You really are kind and sweet. Not single, are you? Only I have a couple of grandsons that could use a lesson or two in manners.”

  Stacey chuckled, but the words struck something true inside her.

  “Um, well things are complicated,” she said.

  “Hmm,” said the woman. “That sounds like what we used to call an unenviable position.”

  The old lady gave a chuckle. She reached out and took hold of Stacey’s hand, holding it between hers for a moment.

  “Courage, dear,” she professed. “You only have one life. Why lead a complicated one?”

  It made sense. It even made her feel a little better.

  “Thank you,” Stacey replied, “Mrs.…?”

  “Call me Anina,” the old lady answered.

  Stacey gave her own name, and a comfortable, contemplative silence fell between them. They both looked out into the mountains, and Stacey was about to make one of those stock-comments about the weather, but Anina cut in with a whole new conversation. All credit to her, she was not shy.

  “I keep telling my boy about courage,” she revealed. “One of my grandsons has a… well…” She dropped her voice to a hoarse whisper for a moment. “A gambling problem.”

  “Oh?” Stacey remarked.

  “He thinks we don’t know, but we do,” Anina added. “It’s a terrible shame. All he needs to do is stop.”

  “Sometimes, it isn’t that simple,” Stacey replied. “From what I know, gamblers get into this cycle where they have to win. The house takes their money away and it makes them feel small. They have to keep going back, keep trying to beat the system, and they can’t see that it doesn’t work that way. The greater victory would be to get out and never go back.”

  “You sound like you know what you’re talking about, honey,” Anina said, her expression one of fascination.

  Stacey gave a little nod, but no explanation. In her work with Jack, a great deal of the marks she’d led on before were gamblers. It was a dangerously easy way to get into huge debt real quick. She’d seen the hard-nosed types who assured her that they’d win big next time, and the nervous wrecks that had burst into tears once they realized who she was, and what she knew about them.

  “I guess I have a little experience,” Stacey offered.

  “Couldn’t talk to my grandson for me, could you?” Anina said.

  Stacey grinned a little. She couldn’t be sure if the old lady was joking or not. When Anina hung her head, her glasses slipping again, Stacey realized that the question was genuine.

  “It’s just that Kurt’s got a lot to lose,” Anina continued, “what with being a park ranger and all…”

  Despite his best efforts, Jack had not discovered what Kurt was in LA for on Saturday, but Stacey was now pretty sure that she knew. She’d not divulged to Anina that she and Kurt had already gone on an accidental date together, and she hadn’t told Jack that she’d found out how Kurt had managed to rack up seven grand’s worth of debt. Keeping secrets from Jack didn’t make Stacey feel as gu
ilty as it ought to have, and she put that down to being very well-practiced at it. The thing that did bother her was Kurt. She wanted to tell him something at least. Keeping so much from the guy didn’t feel right.


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