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Edward (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 1)

Page 125

by Becca Fanning

  It was a tale out of a story book. What had tipped Tyler off was Willow telling him that Aunt Vanessa had also been approved finance, and then been denied suddenly, out of the blue. It was strange that it had happened to him, but when the exact same thing happened to her as well. That set him thinking. So he’d called George, who was a genius with all things computer.

  “Well it was hard to get in at first, but since Ty gave me his account details, it made it easier,” George said. He had a breathless way of speaking, as though he didn’t like the sound of his voice and was constantly trying to whisper.

  “So I found this funky little virus sitting there on his account. And what it does, is the moment someone tries to load any kind of application or anything for him, it automatically throws out a rejection,” said George. “So Ms. Marsh, could I have your details and then I can check your account?”

  Aunt Vanessa looked at Willow and Tyler for confirmation.

  “It would help us prove our case,” Tyler said, “But I totally understand not wanting to give George your details. I mean he is a total stranger.”

  Aunt Vanessa sighed, “If we’ve been cheated I want to know.” And she gave him her details there and then.

  It took a few minutes for George to access her account, and there he found it, the same virus.

  Everyone was keen to jump into the car and race over to the Sawyer farm and speak to Sally-Anne. Except that they had to wait for Aunt Vanessa to get ready. By that time Willow had made them all breakfast, they’d eaten it and packed the dishwasher too.

  Aunt Vanessa appeared in a pair of jeans and a blouse, with her hair and makeup done to perfection.

  “You don’t go into a fight with people who know about money and such like, not looking like a million bucks yourself,” Aunt Vanessa said.

  In a flash all four of them were piled into Aunt Vanessa’s SUV and they were off to the Sawyer farm. It was after nine now and people were on the roads. This delayed them a little with Tyler driving, thumping the wheel in his impatience.

  “You know, I don’t mind not getting the farm,” he said, “I don’t like being cheated.”

  “I feel the same,” Aunt Vanessa said vehemently. “I’m sure Sally-Anne will see reason though.”

  They pulled up to the old farm house. It looked just the same as a few days ago. Willow was a little surprised. So much had happened that she felt nothing should look the same. But that was silly.

  Tyler ran up the steps and knocked on the door. After a while Sally-Anne opened it. She was dressed in a pair of slacks and a shirt. She smiled warmly at him.

  “Good Morning,” she said. “How can I help you?”

  “You can let us in, Sally-Anne,” Aunt Vanessa said from behind Tyler.

  “Vanessa! What are you doing here?” Sally-Anne asked looking shocked. “Oh didn’t that Malcolm give you a call, like I asked him?”

  ‘No,” Aunt Vanessa said, “He didn’t. What was he supposed to call me about?”

  “About the house of course, silly,” Sally-Anne said. “I sold the place. Last night to a lady and gentleman from the city.”

  “You what?” Tyler and Aunt Vanessa exclaimed. Willow felt the shock run through her. But how could this be happening?

  “Yes, well. Malcolm said that your finance had been denied, and I really can’t afford to stay here much longer. So I signed the papers last night.”

  Tyler and Aunt Vanessa looked at each other, and then Aunt Vanessa swore in a most unladylike fashion.

  “Well that’s that then,” Aunt Vanessa said. “Thanks for your time Sally-Anne. I’ll come visit in a couple of days if that’s okay?”

  “That’s perfect hon,” Sally-Anne Sawyer said. “Sure you don’t want to come in, have some coffee?”

  Tyler shook his head. “No thanks ma’am.”

  And they turned to go.

  “Excuse me, Mrs. Sawyer?” Tyler asked turning back on the top step. “Those people who bought your farm, were they the ones in the black SUV that were here the other day?”

  “Why yes,” Sally-Anne said. “To tell you the truth, they gave me the creeps the both of them. Come from Pritchard, but I’m not one to judge.”

  Willow thought she sounded exactly like one to judge, but she was more interested in Tyler’s response to this news. He was livid and she could see it. He growled under his breath and bunched his hands into fists.

  “You better drive,” he said giving Willow the keys.

  Back at the theatre Willow asked Tyler why he was so angry.

  “Sun Valley where I live, that’s bear country okay?” he said.

  “Sure,” Willow said.

  “And then Pritchard, that’s werewolf country,” Tyler said. “We’ve been having a problem with the wolves lately. They’re up to something I swear it! I mean what would they want with the Sawyer place? It just doesn’t make sense!”

  Just then Rosemary arrived with Dave in tow. At first they didn’t see Tyler and Willow sitting on the back steps. But as they got closer Dave looked up. His grey eyes met Tyler’s golden ones, and Willow swore she could see the hairs on Tyler’s neck stand up.

  Dave turned and ran for his car. Tyler was on him in a flash. Willow and Rosemary followed both screaming.

  When Willow caught up with them, Tyler had Dave by the shirt front, his back against his car door.

  “You slimy shit!” he said. “You go tell your little friends in Pritchard I’m watching you. The whole Bear Clan are watching you.”

  “So what?” Dave drawled. “You bears ain’t gonna know what hit you.” And then he laughed.

  “Let go of my boyfriend!” Rosemary yelled at Tyler.

  Tyler shook his head.

  “Please Tyler,” Willow said gently placing a hand on his arm.

  Tyler let go of Dave. Dave fell to the ground and Rosemary went to his side to help him up, but he pushed her away roughly.

  “Get away from me you bitch!” he said.

  Rosemary’s hand went back and then slapped Dave in the face. She looked at Willow with her eyes brimming with tears.

  “You can do whatever you like to him Tyler,” she said and ran to the house.

  Willow left Tyler and Dave there and followed her sister.

  She never knew what happened to Dave, but later that night Tyler had looked very happy with himself.

  Rosemary took a little more work to get back to her happy self. But after a few days she pronounced that Dave was a lying shithead, and that she couldn’t believe she’d ever thought he was nice. The fact that he’d stolen Aunt Vanessa’s banking details from right under Rosemary’s nose, also contributed to his jerk status, as far as she was concerned. Willow was relieved. Sad about losing the farm, but then she’d gained so much more.

  They had spent the day together. The fall weather was turning dry and cold, but the weather service said there could be snow in a few weeks.

  Tyler had finally brought Willow back to his place in Sun Valley. It was a lovely log cabin, with a view onto a piece of woodland. There was another cabin on the other side of a hedge border and Willow was not at all surprised to find that Jesse and Jamie lived there.

  Tyler shrugged as he opened the door for her. “It’s cool to have my big bro next door,” he said. “Saves me having to cook most nights. And I always have someone to watch the game with.”

  “What game?” Willow asked walking into the cabin and looking around.

  Suddenly Tyler swept her up in his arms. “Any game,” he said and kissed her.

  It was a long kiss that drove everything from Willow’s mind. Everything but her hunger for him. She needed Tyler like a junkie needs a fix. Before she knew what was going on, she was pulling his Tee over his head. He grinned at her and began to kiss her neck his hands running over her skin under her shirt, her bra. She began to throb between her legs, wishing his hands would travel down her body.

  Her world contracted until it was just Tyler and her. All she could see was him, all she could feel w
as his skin on hers and all she could smell was the intense scent of him. He excited her so, that she wanted him now, all of him. She wanted to devour him whole, and come back for more.

  Suddenly she was on her back on the rug in the living room. It was soft and furry. Tyler pulled her shirt off and she removed her bra, tossing it away from her. Tyler grabbed her breasts in his hands and licked both her nipples, sucking first one and then the other. Willow moaned and ran her hands over his perfect body, up into his hair and down to the button on his jeans.

  With a fumble and a strain, she undid the button and then the zipper. He had to help pull them off and soon he was naked sitting in front of her.

  “Your turn,’ he said his voice husky.

  Willow smirked, sat up and coyly undid her jeans, pulling them off.

  Tyler stopped her at her underwear. He kissed her and gently pushed her backwards making her lie down again. His tongue ran along her neck, down in between her breasts, down over her stomach and when it reached her panties, he gripped them in his teeth and drew them off.

  Willow felt his hands run up her thighs. He squeezed them and ran his thumb through her pubic hair. In a moment he slipped two fingers inside her. She groaned and pushed down on his hand, wishing it was all of him. He worked her somehow knowing exactly what would drive her wild. Willow arched her back, and ran her fingers through his hair feeling him grow against her leg. After a while she couldn’t take it anymore and she reached down and took his penis in her hand. He was so hard and big. Willow longed to suck him. So she moved and withdrew his fingers, took him in her mouth and began to massage him. Tyler moaned and knotted his fingers in her hair, rocking gently with the pleasure of her touch.

  Gently he moved her, taking himself out of her mouth. He held Willow to him and kissed her neck. He sat up and drew her onto his lap. Willow straddled him and slowly sat down. As he slipped inside her Willow bit her lip. It was so intense just having him inside her, she thought she might climax right there and then. But then he shifted and she shifted and they were rocking to and fro, clinging to each other. His hands ran down her back and cupped her backside as she rode him.

  It was all coming too fast. Willow wanted it to last and last, so she pulled him out of her and moved away from him panting. She looked at him longingly and crooked a finger at him. Tyler crawled to her and as he reached her she turned around. She looked at him over her shoulder. Tyler smiled. He took her from behind, sliding in with ease. It was a rush. He was so deep, so in her that Willow could only gasp. The pleasure threatened to come and break the spell, letting the world back in again, so once again, Willow moved away. This time she lay down in the soft fibres of the mat and Tyler crawled over her. He started at her toes and licked and kissed his way up her legs. Then he inserted a finger into her vagina and licked and sucked his way around it, working her until Willow pulled him up to her and kissed him deeply.

  Now the game began in earnest. They started slow, the rhythm taking time to build. With each thrust Willow felt herself losing control more and more. Soon there would be nothing left of her, just a whisper on his lips. But Tyler thrust again and again, and soon Willow was a screaming animal, pulling him further and further into her.

  Her orgasm was so intense that she couldn’t do more than make the smallest of sounds, lest she take her attention away from the warm delight that spread through her. Tyler groaned and stiffened and in a moment he was lying next to her. He held her close, nestled his face in her hair and kissed her neck.

  “I think I’ll have to keep you around,” he said.

  “What?” Willow asked breathless and laughing.

  “Well, then we can do that over, and over, and over,” Tyler said.

  “Speaking of doing it over, let me know when you’re up for seconds,” Willow smiled.

  Tyler kissed her then, and the world melted away.

  Spurred Bearback

  Bear Ranchers Book IV


  Becca Fanning

  Valerie Rousseau drove the rental car along the road that would eventually lead out to Sun Valley. It was a pleasant day in fall, with a mild sun trying to break through some lacy cirrus clouds high in the deep blue sky. To say that her job took her all over the country was an understatement. Valerie owned an apartment in New York but spent so little time there that even her cactus had managed to die of dehydration, while things left in her fridge had become sentient and walked out on their own.

  And here she was, away again.

  This time to a small corner in a rather picturesque part of the country. And there was the problem in itself. Picturesque. Born in New Orleans she had a weakness for beauty. After all she had been raised in an old plantation house, with its columns out front and massive windows to let in the wonderful New Orleans sun. It was picturesque and Valerie loved the word and everything it conjured in her mind. It was the reason she had chosen property assessment as her profession.

  New York was a lot of things, but picturesque wasn’t one of them. How she missed the simple beauty of old areas, not marred by commercialism and human madness. Clean, simple, open. You missed things like that in the cities where everything was loud, run by money and no matter what anyone said about going green, cities were primarily dirty.

  Perhaps she had just been on the road too much lately. Perhaps all this thought of home, of Mama’s cooking, of the place she grew up, was just her tired mind and body telling Valerie that it was time to recharge. She should complete this job and then put in for leave. She had vacation days so why not take them? She could go home. Home. The word hung in her mind and ached in her heart.

  Valerie came to realize that she was lost. Google Maps had been telling her this fact for the last how long? She didn’t know, she’d tuned out the noise of the robotic, annoying voice telling her it was recalculating.

  “Shit!” she said and pulled the car over onto the verge.

  The road ahead was heading into trees, a lot of them and then up into the mountains. Was this the right way to Sun Valley? All the signs so far had insisted that she was going the right way. She looked at her phone and sighed. Google was completely lost. It suddenly thought she was in California and not Colorado. She turned the GPS off, what was the point of keeping it on?

  So the last sign had been about a mile back? Maybe more?

  “Dammit Val, why the hell were you daydreaming?” she berated herself, loudly thumping the wheel.

  Maybe she should drive a little way down the road. There was bound to be another sign soon, right? There had to be. Surely people came to Sun Valley all the time. Right?

  Valerie slowly depressed the accelerator and the rental eased back onto the road. She drove along for another twenty minutes as the trees grew up around her. Suddenly the road just ended in a wall of green branches and leaves. To her right she could see something that looked like a little dirt track that was cleared of branches, and to her left nothing but forest.

  On the right a very small, hand painted sign proclaimed that it was the way to Sun Valley.

  “Oh, but of course it is,” Valerie said aloud to herself and sighed. It was clearly going to be one of those days. The vampire pool at HQ, Valerie’s pet name for the sisterhood of personal assistants and secretaries, that stood guard on all the floors of the massive skyscraper Petersen-Snow called home, had rented her a sedan, not an SUV. So this was going to be a bumpy ride the car would never forget.


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