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Prime Commander (Katieran Prime Series)

Page 13

by K. D. Jones

  She followed behind the large males as they easily carried Kyd’s immobile body. She hoped they weren’t too late with the transfusion. She didn’t know what she was going to do if something happened to him. He was the most important thing to her.

  They allowed her stay by Kyd’s side on the shuttle and all the way to the Medic Room on board the transport ship. It was there, while in the waiting area, Lieutenant RowAN took over the house arrest security detail. For a while she had forgotten that the Katierans were probably going to send her back to Earth.

  “Where’s Lieutenant SilAS?” She asks as she paces back and forth in the waiting room.

  Lieutenant RowAN gave her a regretful look. “My apologies that no one told you; Lieutenant SilAS’s ship was shot down during the battle.”

  Oh no! Not SilAS. She stood frozen in place. The ramifications of her actions hit her full force. If it wasn’t for her running off to join the battle, SilAS would still be alive. Jaxon was trembling and felt like she was going to pass out.

  “Here Captain, sit down.” Lieutenant RowAN grabs Jaxon’s arm and eases her into a chair.

  SilAS was dead. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around that. Sure, she fought in battles and lost crew members. Though they had their disagreements, she considered him a friend. The first she made on Katiera. She would be haunted by his loss the rest of her life. However, if they had not gone into battle, Kyd wouldn’t be alive.

  The transfusion took about 2 hours. The transport ship didn’t have everything Kat needed so they had to substitute with whatever they could find. When Kat finally came out, she was weary. She smiled at Jaxon and gave her two thumbs up. Jaxon threw herself at Kat wrapping her arms around the other woman.

  “Thank you, thank you, and thank you.” She told Kat.

  “Okay. I will need to monitor him for the next 24 hours. We have implanted Nanos to help with the internal damage. There should be improvement within the next few hours. I suggest that you go back to your quarters, change, and get some rest. We’ll update you on his status.” Kat heads back into the treatment room.

  “Come Captain let’s get you back to your sleeping quarters.” RowAN directs her out of the door.

  It had been two days since she was brought back to her sleeping quarters. She hadn’t been allowed to go back to check on Kyd at all. She was kept in her quarters except when she needed to eat. Lieutenant RowAN escorted her to the meal room and back.

  Kat visited a couple of times. All she was told about Kyd’s condition was that he was improving, but she wanted to see him with her own two eyes. Why did it seem like she was being kept from him? Maybe he didn’t want to see her.

  Being kept in isolation makes you do a lot of soul searching. She was consumed with guilt over what had happened to SilAS. She hadn’t cried yet, but she felt she was on the verge. What was wrong with her?

  Finally, she had enough of sitting around doing nothing. She went to the door, slid it open and told Lieutenant RowAN that she was going to the Medic Wing. He didn’t say a word, just followed her.

  She neared the door to the Medic Wing and noticed Kat and Prime Medic SydEL arguing about something. Kat stomped off in the opposite direction. She would have to find out from Kat what that was all about. As she neared the door to the Medic Wing, SydEL blocked the entrance.

  He looks at her regretfully. “I’m sorry Captain, Prime Commander KydEL is not seeing visitors at this time.”

  He is not seeing visitors at this time. What does that mean? “How is his condition? No one is telling me much of anything.” Jaxon complains feeling frustrated and hurt.

  “He’s improving. He’s just not … ready for visitors.” He feels bad for the female. It is obvious that she cares deeply for his stubborn, idiotic, older brother.

  “Will you let him know that I want to see him?” She asks sounding pathetic even to her own ears.

  “Of course, have a good day Captain.” SydEL says as he goes back inside the Medic Wing shutting the door behind him.

  Jaxon stood there staring at the closed door. That door was all that stood between her and the man she loved. Oh hell no. She opened the door and entered the Medic Wing. She heard raised voices coming from the right. She walked closer until she could hear what was being said.

  “Captain Malone has been asking to see you for two days. Why are you being difficult about this?” Syd asks.

  “I told you that I don’t want to see her right now!” Kyd yelled.

  Jaxon didn’t stay to hear the rest. What would be the point? He knew she wanted to see him and he refused. She didn’t speak with RowAN as she headed to the docking bay. She felt so alone.

  There had been many deaths from the battle. Katieran, Kiljorn and even human lives were taken. There were reports that a few of the human females were taken captive. For those who lost their lives, they would be remembered this day. She was told that there would be a type of service for all those lives lost. It was being held in the docking bay.

  There were a lot of people there. She saw Kat standing near the front. Jaxon stayed in the back of the crowd. She didn’t want to draw attention to herself. Lieutenant RowAN stood behind her. She listened to Commander TylOR as he gave a eulogy.

  She didn’t pay attention to what was said. She was lost in her own thoughts. She remembered meeting SilAS for the first time. How he had let her sit in the co-pilot’s seat. She smiled as she remembered the shuttle run he took her on where he attempted to make a pass at her. All the sparring sessions she had with him and the debates they had over Katieran warships. She was going to miss him. She turned to leave, but Commander TylOR approached her.

  “Captain, I believe you were close to Lieutenant SilAS?”

  Jaxon nodded, “We were kind of friends.”

  He handed her a small box. She opened it and saw that it contained war medals, SilAS’s war medals. She was confused. “Why …?”

  “Prime Leader RendEL said that the Lieutenant did not have any family remaining. Since you were close to him, we thought he would want you to have these.” Commander TylOR told her.

  “Thank you.” Her voice was scratchy. She needed to leave before she had an emotional breakdown. She left the docking bay carrying the small box of medals with Lieutenant RowAN shadowing her quietly the whole way.

  When they reached her quarters the Lieutenant asked if there was anything she needed. She shook her head and went into her quarters. She just needed some time alone. She didn’t eat Midday or Evening Meal. She stayed in her quarters the rest of the day.

  The next morning, she opens her door and asks the Lieutenant, “Would you see if Commander TylOR is available to speak with me?”

  RowAN stiffens. “I will make your request known.”

  Chapter 15

  “Come on Kyd, be reasonable.” He pleads with his brother.

  “I can’t let her see me like this, a weak, pathetic male. What female will want to mate me when I am like this?” Kyd asks waving his arm that is still hooked up to the transfusion tubes.

  “A female that went against orders to fight in a battle with a warship she was not trained in, fought bravely in a battle that was not her own to help protect both Kiljorns and Katierans alike, followed you when you were lured away from the main battle, helped land your sorry ass on the outer Luna, and protected you with her life. She defeated three Morins while wearing nothing but pants and a bra. The female paced the waiting area of the Medic Room for hours until your transfusion was complete and asked to see you for the past two days. You stubbornly turned away. Turned away your bond mate, the one female that was destined to be yours. You sent her away!” Syd’s voice rose more and more until he was yelling again.

  Kyd felt a tremendous amount of guilt. “I just wanted to see her when I was in better shape. I failed to protect her on the Luna. I laid defenseless, useless while my female had to protect us..”

  “You did protect her. You threw your body in front of hers and blocked the Morin from hitting her with his weapon
.” Syd needed to switch tactics. If his brother was worried about the female’s health, he might agree to see her. “I was told that she attended the Warrior Service. She suffered from Lieutenant SilAS’s death. Dr. Morris said she was not eating much at all.” Syd told him.

  “You need to make her eat something.” KydEL demands.

  “She is difficult. And I do not want to cause her more grief.” Syd says.

  Kyd didn’t like that she was hurting. He wanted to hold and comfort her. The thought that she would pine for another male, even one that was dead, brought out jealous and angry feelings in him.

  “I am not ready yet.” He replies stubbornly.

  “Don’t take too long Kyd. Other males have expressed interest in Jaxon.” Syd hopes that would rile his brother. Right now, he needs his brother to fight to get better.

  “Not as long as there is breath left in my body.” Kyd growls.

  Lieutenant RowAN escorted Commander TylOR inside Jaxon’s sleeping quarters. He took a corner close to the door. She wasn’t sure if he was guarding her or the Commander.

  “Thanks for coming to see me Commander.” She reaches out to clasp his forearm which is the Katieran and Kiljorn custom of shaking hands.

  “It is no problem. What can I do for you Captain?” TylOR still thinks the female warrior is beautiful, but he no longer feels desire for her.

  Those feelings changed almost immediately. The moment he had boarded the Katieran transport ship during the breach and literally ran into a small mouthy human female. He was not likely to forget her anytime soon. He had no idea that eyes could be that blue.

  “Would it be possible to contact my planet Earth, specifically the EWG Military?” Jaxon asks not sure of the response she would get.

  TylOR is shocked by the request. The female claims that she has not betrayed the Katierans, yet she now asks to contact her superiors on Earth. Why?

  She sees his hesitation and tries to reassure him. “I will not be giving out any information about the Katierans, the Kiljorns, or even the Morins. What I have to say to the EWG Military is in regards to me.”

  “I will have to ask both Prime Leaders KadEN and RendEL for their approval.” TylOR tells her.

  “Okay. Thank you again for coming Commander.” Jaxon says respectfully. The commander leaves to go to the Operations Room.

  RowAN remains in the room. “Why would you do this?”

  “No offense Lieutenant, but it’s my business not yours. Please leave.” She doesn’t look at him. She misses SilAS and her heart is full of hurt from Kyd’s rejection. She doesn’t feel like defending herself right now.

  There is a lot of damage to the Katieran’s transport ship from Earth. They won’t be able to continue on to Katiera until the repairs have been made. Prime Leader RendEL is sending another ship to collect the human females while the damaged ship is being repaired. Until the new transport ship arrives, the Kiljorn transport ship will remain as escort and for protection.

  The two alien leaders agreed to allow Jaxon to make the call to the EWG while waiting for the new transport ship. The Kiljorns were setting up a room for her with viewing screenings so that she could have her conference call. There were stipulations to granting her request. The first was that a Kiljorn and a Katieran representative would remain with her throughout her call. Second, if she divulged any information during the call that the representatives deemed unfit, the conference call would be cut short.

  It was nerve racking. She stood in the room they set up for her. There was no chair to sit in. Lieutenant RowAN was standing in the corner, he was the Katieran representative. Guess Kyd didn’t want to do it. Commander TylOR was walking through the door. He was the Kiljorn representative. There were 5 viewing monitors set up. When they announced the connection was ready, three viewing screens turned on showing the three Generals she met with on Earth. The fourth and the fifth viewing screens were too dark to tell who it was.

  “Captain, it is good to see you again.” General Campbell greets her. The other two Generals also offer pleasantries.

  “Thanks for agreeing to this conference call.” Jaxon replies.

  “Captain, how goes your mission?” General Millian asks.

  “I regret to inform you that I cannot complete the mission that you assigned me.” She shifts from one foot to the other.

  General Clarkson leans forward and asks carefully. “You cannot complete the training that the Katierans are putting you through?”

  “The other mission you sent me on General. Operation Eagle Star, the intelligence-gathering operation.” Jaxon said.

  “Captain, what are you talking about?” General Millian says while shifting in his seat.

  “A transmission was detected by the Katierans. They were extremely upset over the invasion.” Jaxon informed them. “Even before that, I found that I could not carry out this mission. It was not right. However, the Katierans believed that I was the one that sent the transmission.”

  “Are they sending you back to Earth?” General Clarkson asks.

  “I sincerely hope not. I feel that I have served the EWG military to the best of my abilities. This mission has made me rethink a lot of things.” Jaxon continues, “I respectfully request a formal dismissal … from my service with the EWG Military.”

  Chapter 16

  “I do not understand.” General Campbell leans forward towards his viewing screen.

  “I can’t complete my mission because my loyalties have changed. I will not betray the Katieran Nation in any way.” Jaxon tells them.

  “Captain, you do realize that if the Katierans return you to Earth, you will no longer have a military career? You will be a civilian.” General Clarkson asks while running a hand through his thinning hair.

  Jaxon tries to keep her emotions under control. Her whole career … gone. Everything she has worked ten years to accomplish … will be wiped out. “Yes Sir I understand.”

  “Maybe you’re being a bit hasty Captain. What if we offer you a promotion in return for any information you have already obtained. You can pick any assignment you want. This could be a great opportunity and quite a challenge for you.” General Millian offers giving her a disingenuous smile.

  A promotion? A new challenge? They were pretty much offering her everything that she wanted to get from her career. Correction, everything she had wanted. It wasn’t what she wanted now. And she wasn’t the same person either.

  All the tribulations she had gone through brought her to this moment. She realized that she belonged with the Katierans. She hoped that they will give her the opportunity to make amends.

  “I appreciate the offer Sirs. I respectfully decline. I ask that you give Prime Leader RendEL and Prime Commander KydEL the name of the person or persons that you have sent besides me to acquire the Intel.” Jaxon doesn’t have anything to bargain with to get that information, but she know how to bluff.

  “There are no others.” General Millian shifts uncomfortably in his seat. He is sweating profusely.

  She doesn’t say anything for several minutes. She stares into the beady eyes of the Generals through the viewing screens. She makes the Generals more discomfited. “You know, the Katierans don’t have to relocate any more people from Earth at this time if they don’t want to. They can wait 5 -10 more years before returning to Earth.”

  There was another long silent pause. “We sent two civilians and one member from your team.” General Campbell finally admitted.

  “And their names?” She was upset that someone on her team would go behind her back. Not only that, they obviously followed her when she had confiscated the digital tablet and retrieved it from where Jaxon had buried it.

  General Campbell nods at General Clarkson who glances down at a piece of paper. “The civilians are: Daniela Deaton and Shanna Levenson. The team member is … Sergeant First Class Taylor.”

  Taylor? She actually liked Taylor. “Anyone else?” Jaxon asked. The Generals shook their heads no. “And my request for dismissal

  A red faced General Clarkson responded, “Granted.”

  Jaxon nods her head. She doesn’t have anything else to say. “I appreciate you taking my call Sirs.”

  General Campbell gives her a slight smile. “Good luck Captain.”

  The transmission ended. The viewing screens went black. Jaxon sagged with relief. She had not realized how much pressure she had been under trying to undertake this Intel mission. Now that she was no longer tied to the EWG Military, she felt lighter. She felt … free.

  She turns to Commander TylOR. “Thank you for allowing me to call. Will you pass on the names to Prime Leader RendEL and Prime Commander KydEL?”

  “Of course. It was impressive how you handled your Generals.” TylOR complimented her.

  “They are no longer my Generals. Currently, I belong to no one.” Jaxon states forlornly as she walks out of the room. Lieutenant RowAN follows behind her at a respectable pace.

  “Was that what you were expecting?” TylOR asked images on the 4th and 5th viewing screens. The blurry images cleared showing Prime Leader RendEL and Commander KydEL.

  Prime Leader RendEL shook his head. “I did not know what to expect, but am greatly relieved. This should go a long way to help smooth things over with the High Council.”

  “What about you Commander?” TylOR asks.

  “I … excuse me I have somewhere I need to be.” He gets up and leaves the Medic room he was in.

  TylOR smiles at RendEL, “We will see you later Prime Leader.”

  RendEL returns his smile. “Very good Commander, transmission out.”

  Beep … beep … beep. Lieutenant RowAN’s Comm link goes off. “Lieutenant RowAN here. But I am on security detail at this moment. Very good Sir, give me 5 minutes.” He ends his communications and stops Jaxon from walking further. “I am needed in the Operations Room.”

  “Should I go with you or are they sending a replacement to watch me?” Jaxon asks.


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