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Four Horsemen Cometh, And Hell Followed

Page 16

by William Swafford

  Chapter Sixteen


  Terry was sitting on the edge of the tube in the bathroom. It had been a week since Trevor had spent the night. She was still confused about it.

  They were spending a lot more time together. She still didn’t know how he felt about her. She wanted to believe that he was falling in love with her.

  It didn’t matter how he felt about her anymore. Once he found out the news, he wouldn’t want anything to do with her.

  She was late on getting her period. She had gone into town to get a pregnancy test. She had feared the worse.

  Terry had gone straight to the bathroom once she had gotten home. Time slowed down as she waited for the results. Her life would never be the same.

  She was pregnant with Robert’s baby. Trevor or any man would want anything to do with her.

  “I can’t tell anyone,” Terry said. There was no one in the house. “Not yet, anyways.”


  Trevor found himself somewhere he hadn’t been for years, the Anderson Public Library. He wasn’t in the mood for reading any novels. He hadn’t read a book besides the Bible for awhile.

  He was directed to the town’s record department. He felt like he needed to learn the town’s history. The reason why was unclear to him. He needed something to set his mind at ease.

  He spent hours looking through books. He just found the basic information. Then he came across an old book that he hadn’t remembered picking up.

  When he flipped through the pages, it was like looking through a horror picture book. The town of Anderson had a secret dark past. He had never seen such a book.

  The town had a history of Satan worshiping. There were several cults back in the late 1890’s. They were accused of many murders that had gone unsolved. The town of Anderson did what they could to cover things up.

  He knew that he couldn’t take the book from the library. Books weren’t allowed to be checked out of the record department. He spent as long as he could with the book. He took pictures with his cell phone of things that caught his attention.


  Jack had been trying to hide out at his mom’s house. It had taken him several days to find the right time to go. He had tried to visit his old apartment, but it had been rented out to new tenants.

  His mom would have never let him in if she had known that he was coming. It turned out that Jack didn’t have to worry about what she thought of him stopping by. She didn’t even answer the door.

  After knocking for awhile, he had busted the glass out of the backdoor and unlocked it. He had searched the house till he found her in the bathroom. She lay dead in the tube. She had slipped and hit her head on the tube.

  He didn’t cry when he had found her. He imagined her falling and then busting her skull. He laughed at thought of her staying there till her heart finally stopped. Jack was as sick as they come.

  He didn’t even move her body. The body still remained in the tube. He just used the other bathroom when he needed to.

  It wasn’t that Jack was freaked out and couldn’t move the body. After the childhood that she had caused him to have, he figured he just let her stay in there a little while. He knew that he would end up digging her hole in the backyard sooner or later.

  Jack couldn’t concentrate on anything for a long period of time. His mind kept going to the black robe man. He thought of the man named Robert. After he took care of his mom, he might go and at least find out who Robert is.

  As the time passed, he needed something to do. He couldn’t sit and the house hiding doing nothing. That would be too much like jail. He went to the garage to get the shovel.

  The garage was a mess. His mom didn’t throw anything out. He was surprised to see boxes that had his name on them. He was sure that his mom had thrown his stuff out. That’s what she had told him anyways.

  He didn’t bother with going down memory lane. He got the shovel and headed to the backyard. She had to be in the ground before the sunrises.

  There hadn’t been any stars since the earthquake. It was like the earthquake had shaken them out of the sky. The moon was the only thing that could be seen. The moon was the only thing that could be seen.

  Jack found a good spot by his mom’s rose bushes. The ground was soft which made it easy.

  After an hour of digging, he had to stop and take a break. The hole still wasn’t deep enough. There were still several more feet to go.

  When he lit up a cigarette, he noticed something move by the house. He watched the house for a moment, didn’t see anything. It had to be his eyes messing with him. His body was sleep deprived.

  It took another hour of digging till Jack was satisfied with the hole that he had dug. He dreaded the next step. It was time to go in and get the body.

  There was a problem with moving any other bodies that he had dealt with in the past. He didn’t want to touch his mom’s body. He had decided years ago that he had never wanted to see her again.

  He grabbed a beer from the refrigerator before going to the bathroom. Beer was the only thing that his mom had always kept stocked in there. That was one of the few things about her that had never changed.

  Jack went to the bathroom after guzzling the beer. A fowl odor hit him when the door opened. Her body had started to rot.

  There was a pair of cleaning gloves underneath the sink that he put on. He wasn’t going to touch her body with his bare hands. He didn’t know what made him feel the sickest, the smell of her rotting her body or the thought of putting his arms around her.

  The body had stiffened up which made it difficult to move. He practically dragged her through the house. He was happy about the fact that most of her blood had stayed in the bathtub. His problems only got worse when he got her outside.

  The hole was deep enough, but her body was in an awkward position. He was going to have to break her arms and legs. This was something that he really didn’t want to have to do.

  The bones breaking sent chills up Jack’s spine. He kept getting the feeling that he wasn’t alone. He was happy to finally get her in the ground.

  He picked up his shovel and got ready to finish it all off. He stood over her looking down. It was time to finish her off. He had waited so long to do so. He thought that he would have been happier now that he had done it, but he just felt satisfied.

  “Finally…,” he started. He got some dirt on the shovel. “I don’t have to see your face anymore.”

  He threw dirt over her face. He kept throwing dirt till her head was covered.

  “Oh, but you will,” a voice said.

  Jack didn’t turn around. He knew who the voice belonged to. It was the man who wore the black robe. Jack didn’t know that the man wasn’t alone. He had a white shepherd with him.

  Jack hadn’t done what he was supposed to do. He had only cared about the fact that he wasn’t in jail anymore.

  “I told you that I would be watching,” the man said. “You were supposed to have a special place with me, but not your place is with your mother.”

  Jack turned to face the man with the black robe. His eyes went down to the huge white shepherd. Their eyes glowed red.

  “I had to take care of this,” Jack said. “I was about to go find Robert.”

  “Too late,” the man said. The white shepherd growled showing all of its teeth. “It’s time for you to go be with your mom in hell.”

  The white shepherd jumped and hit Jack hard. Jack had stumbled and fell into the grave that he had dug for his mom. He had landed on her body with a thud.

  The whit shepherd jumped into the grave with Jack. The massive shepherd slowly crept onto Jack’s chest. The demon dog didn’t waste time biting into Jack’s throat.

  The shepherd twisted and bit down harder. Jack was no match for the dog’s size. He was helpless laying on top of his mother.

  After Jack let out his last breath, the white shepherd final
ly let go. The black robed man walked up to the grave. The shepherd had found its way out.

  “I’m tired of looking at your face.”

  The man kicked dirt over Jack’s face. The man and shepherd walked away. Dirt completely covered Jack’s face and torn throat.


  Robert was outside sitting on the front porch. The night air was refreshing. He knew that he was about to get a visitor. The approaching visitor had never been a friend of Robert’s.

  The dark robed man had told Robert about his visitor. People were coming because the dark robed man had instructed them on what to do. It was like he was recruiting an army.

  The person Robert was waiting on was important. He was waiting on the person who was going to be his second in command. Robert wasn’t pleased about it.

  Four sheriff deputy cruisers had come down the drive. They all had stopped in front of the house. The sheriff and six deputies got out.

  Robert stood up and walked to the edge of the porch. He took out a cigarette. “I hate this bastard.”

  The sheriff walked up to the porch alone. The deputies stood ready by the cruisers.

  “Hello, there,” the sheriff said. He took off his hat. He was unmarked. He put his hand out to shake. “It looks like we’ll be working together.”

  Robert didn’t take the sheriff’s hand. The sheriff always treated him like he was nothing but a criminal. He wasn’t surprised that the sheriff was unmarked.

  “Yeah, that’s what I hear,” Robert said. He took a puff off his cigarette and then flicked it. The cigarette landed in front of the sheriff. Robert walked over to the door. “We got a room ready for you.”


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