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Redeeming Light

Page 4

by Annette O'Hare

  The lighthouse beamed until the last of its rays faded into the distance. The comforting beacon guided ships safely to Galveston’s port. Mama told her it had been there long before Sarah was born and it would probably continue protecting the coast after she was gone.

  Sarah longed for something so reassuring and enduring in her own life. The ferry bobbed up and down. She wished the swells would abate before she lost her supper. Something tugged at her heart. God was trying to garner her attention. Yes, Father, I remember. Thou rulest the raging of the sea. When the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them.

  The words in the eighty-ninth Psalm had been emblazoned on her heart since childhood. God had always been the constant in her life. Even when Daddy died, He had been there to help her carry on. He had never left her or forsaken her. Now she had to trust in Him to complete the undertaking that was before her.


  Strand Street in Galveston bustled with activity. There was an air of pride in the townspeople, fitting for the largest city in Texas. The town boasted eighteen newspapers and the largest cotton port in the nation. Anything new or noteworthy in the field of technology was generally first reported in Galveston.

  Sarah and Grace moved through the crowd of people at a quick pace.

  Uncle Jeremiah’s law office was just up ahead.

  Sarah wished her sister wasn’t there watching her every move. But if she had to have an escort, she preferred Grace to Melvin…even if her sister had kept her up all night talking about her precious Guy. Sarah pushed the door open. A little bell tinkled. Uncle Jeremiah’s law office had a smell of paper and ink.

  Frederick was standing beside a large oak desk looking as handsome as ever. Seated behind the desk was a beautiful young woman with shoulder-length curls. They seemed to be talking about the papers she held in her hand.

  The look on Frederick’s face disheartened her. He didn’t recognize who she was. Her first instinct was to grab Grace by the hand and run back out the door. If he didn’t remember her, then she obviously hadn’t made the same impression on him as he had on her. Now was as good a time as any to cut and run. She backed up a step and bumped into Grace.

  “Miss McKinney, what a surprise. Whatever brings you to Galveston?” He walked toward her and smiled. “Mrs. Gilley and I were just wrapping things up here. What can I do for you two ladies?”

  Sarah offered her gloved hand to him.

  He shook it gently before shaking Grace’s outstretched hand.

  Mrs. Gilley loudly cleared her throat, commanding Frederick’s attention.

  Frederick turned to the young woman. “Oh, please forgive me. Miss McKinney, Miss Winnie, allow me to introduce Mrs. Gilley, our resident secretary, and bookkeeper.”

  Mrs. Gilley approached Sarah and Grace and shook their hands. “How do you do? So nice to meet you.”

  Sarah was happy for the interruption. It gave her just enough time to think of something to say since being in Frederick’s presence made it hard for her to form intelligible sentences. “Yes, Mr. Chessher, I’ve come to talk to Uncle Jeremiah about the cattle drive. Is he in his office?”

  Frederick dipped his head to the side, a pained look on his face. “Why no, I’m sorry, but your uncle has been called out of town on business. I’m afraid he won’t be back for a few days yet.”

  “Oh.” Sarah had hoped Uncle Jeremiah would be out of town, but never dreamed it would actually happen. She found herself at a loss for words. “Then I suppose…”

  “Mr. Chessher, would you care to join my sister and I for lunch?” Grace blurted out her question, cutting Sarah off mid-sentence. She caught Sarah off guard, but Frederick looked surprised too.

  “Uh…of course. I’d love to accompany you two ladies to lunch. It will be my treat.” His eyes began to twinkle. “Have you ever had German cuisine?” Frederick removed his hat from the rack and popped it down on his head. He offered his elbow to Grace, and she looped her arm through his. He then offered his other arm to Sarah, and she took hold of it.

  The trio made their way down Strand Street.

  Grace chattered away about every single thing she saw in the shop windows. Of course, everything she saw gave her a new idea for her wedding.

  Sarah was satisfied to hold onto Frederick’s strong arm and walk in silence by his side.


  Frederick helped both ladies into their seats, and then sat down across from Miss McKinney. The restaurant wasn’t the nicest in town, but it was one of his favorites. He hoped the smell of freshly boiled German cabbage wouldn’t be an affront to their noses. He had developed a craving for the fare since coming to Galveston and trusted they would too.

  “Well then, isn’t this lovely?” Miss Winnie took her napkin from the table and slid it onto her lap. “The three of us having…German food. Should be quite an experience, I’m sure.”

  Frederick smiled. “I apologize for the strong smell, Miss Winnie, but I assure you, you’ll love the food here.”

  Miss McKinney picked up her napkin and looked at Frederick. “It’s really not so bad, Mr. Chessher. I love cabbage.”

  “Wonderful, but it’s sauerkraut. And please, call me Frederick.”

  “All right…Frederick.” He noticed color appearing to rise in Miss McKinney’s cheeks upon saying his name. It caused him to wonder, but he let it pass.

  The waiter approached the table and set glasses of water before them and left again.

  Frederick opened his mouth to speak.

  Miss Winnie suddenly gasped and drew her hand to her chest. “Oh, my stars and garters!”

  Miss McKinney grasped the table and looked at her sister with wide eyes. “What is the matter with you? You scared me half to death.”

  Miss Winnie raised her hand. “I’ve just remembered that I left my reticule in the hotel lobby.”

  “No, you…” Miss McKinney tried to speak, but was cut short by her sister.

  “Yes, yes. I must go directly and retrieve it.” She backed her chair away from the table, and Frederick stood. “I can’t believe what a silly nilly I am. I’m so sorry, Mr. Chessher. You will take good care of my little sister, won’t you?” She held her hand out to Frederick.

  Befuddled, he shook her hand. “Well…yes, of course.”

  “All right then, I’ll be going now, and don’t wait for me. There’s a shop we passed along the way that I simply must go in and browse. I’ll meet up with the two of you at the law office.”

  Frederick saw a strange look pass between the two sisters. He contemplated whether this had all been set up beforehand. Miss McKinney’s bewildered stare at her sister told him otherwise. Then Miss Winnie turned and breezed out the café door.

  The waiter returned with a pad and pencil in hand. “Youse two ready to order, or we gonna wait for the utha lady to get back?”

  Frederick winced at the waiter’s grinding New England accent. His parents wouldn’t dream of allowing their progeny to speak in such a manner. “No, I don’t believe she’s coming back.” He looked to his companion. “Miss McKinney, would you care to order?”

  “Would you mind ordering for me, Frederick? I haven’t a clue what to get.”

  He gave her a smile. “I’d be glad to.” He turned to the waiter. “Two specials, please.”

  “You got it.” The young man made a scribble on his tablet, tucked the pencil behind his ear, and walked to the kitchen.

  Frederick gave Miss McKinney his full attention. “I certainly hope you’ll like the food. It’s one of my favorites—so hearty and down-to-earth. So different from the food back home.”

  “So tell me, Frederick, where is home?”

  He leaned back in his chair. “Hartford, Connecticut…many miles from here, I’m afraid.”

  Miss McKinney bent her head to the side and one of the blonde pin curls she’d fastened to the top of her head carelessly fell. She put it back in place as she spoke. “Oh, do you miss your family?”

  Frederick became reflective. “Yes, I miss
Mother and Father, but mostly my two little sisters. And of course, my brothers at Phi Delta Phi.”

  “I don’t understand. You have what kind of brothers?”

  He chuckled. “Not real brothers, of course, although they are close as blood to me. They’re my fraternity brothers from Harvard Law School in Cambridge. A lively bunch they are!”

  Miss McKinney’s eyebrows rose as she challenged him. “Oh, I see. So can I assume that your sisters are real sisters?”

  Frederick enjoyed her forthright way of speaking. “Yes, of course they are. Elizabeth and Mary are their names.”

  “Your sisters both have biblical names. Why didn’t your mother name you after someone from the Bible?”

  He blinked, caught completely off guard by her question. It had never occurred to him that Elizabeth and Mary were Bible names. He furrowed his brow and shook his head. “To tell the truth, I’m not exactly sure. My father has never been much of a church-going man. Of course, Mother insisted we go on the high holy days. I suppose I don’t have an answer to your question.”

  Miss McKinney’s hand flew to her chest. He hoped it hadn’t been what he’d said about church. He knew her uncle was a church-going man. It simply hadn’t been of much importance to his family. He was quick to change the subject. “So now you know all about me…tell me about yourself.”


  Sarah had to collect herself before her countenance betrayed her feelings. She couldn’t imagine what kind of family didn’t attend regular Sunday services. That would have to change if she was to have anything to do with him.

  “Well, I suppose you already know about my two sisters. Grace is engaged to be married. And there’s my sister, Louise and her husband, Melvin Culp. They’re going to have a baby. It’s their first.” Sarah worked up the courage to look into those handsome green eyes. She had no idea where it came from, but she leaned her head to the side, gave a demure smile, and batted her lashes at him.

  “Are you all right, Miss McKinney? Is there something in your eye?” Frederick began digging in his pocket. “Here, use my handkerchief.”

  She snatched the hankie and put it to her eye before he realized what she had done. The heat rose in her cheeks. “Thank you. I’m fine, really.” She tried to hide the blazing inferno creeping up her face behind the small cloth.

  “Well isn’t that exciting. Your mother must be overjoyed.” Then Frederick did the worst possible thing. He touched her hand where it rested on the table.

  Sarah sucked in her breath, and her eyes grew wide.

  “About the baby, I mean. Your mother is ecstatic I’m sure.”

  Sarah‘s heart pounded wildly. The feel of his warm hand covering hers was simply delightful. Get hold of yourself, Sarah. He’s just a man, for heaven’s sake. A dreamy, handsome, eloquent speaking man with eyes the color of polished emeralds.

  “Are you sure you’re all right, Miss McKinney?” Frederick withdrew his hand “Your face is positively glowing.”

  Her hand went to her cheek. She had to think of something quick. “Oh, heavens, I just get so emotional when I think about that little baby coming into our lives. Don’t you think babies are such a blessing?”

  Frederick’s mouth turned down at the corners. “Well, I….” He stopped speaking when a steaming plate of German sauerkraut and sausages was placed before him. He picked up his fork. “Ah, here we go.”

  Sarah huffed out a breath as tension melted. She’d never been so happy to see a plateful of kraut and sausages.


  Miss McKinney hadn’t eaten much of her lunch. Frederick regretted bringing her to the small diner, and for sauerkraut, no less. Nothing was more of an offense to the senses than fermented cabbage. What would her uncle think of his choice? Frederick had the feeling Miss McKinney might have been flirting. It was imperative he not give her a reason to think he was interested. But gazing at the gorgeous, blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty proved difficult. Frederick made small talk while they ate. “I’m sorry I don’t know very much about cattle drives…or cattle, for that matter. I wish there were more I could do to help. What exactly had you planned to discuss with your uncle?”

  Miss McKinney looked up to the ceiling as though the answer to his question might be found there. “Oh, well I, uh…a trail boss. I need to hire a trail boss.”

  Frederick raised his brows. “A trail boss…I see. And how does one go about acquiring a trail boss?”

  “Yes, that’s the question of the hour, isn’t it? I was hoping Uncle Jeremiah would help me with an answer, but I suppose that won’t be happening.”

  “Oh, yes, well I’m quite sorry. I’m afraid I’ve been no help at all.”

  Miss McKinney’s eyes fluttered, and her hand moved toward Frederick.

  He wanted to fold his hands in his lap, but that would have been entirely too rude. Having no other choice, he allowed her to touch his hand. It was all he could do to suppress the feeling marching up and down his spine.

  “Don’t worry, Frederick. I’ll figure this out on my own. I can be very resourceful when the need arises.” She patted his hand. “And thank you so much for treating me to lunch.”

  Frederick wiped his hands on his napkin. “You’re very welcome. Your company was my pleasure.” He tossed the napkin on his half-eaten meal. “Are you ready to go, then?”

  Her head jerked back, and her shoulders slumped. “All right, we can go.”

  “Very good.” Frederick bounded from his seat and moved to help with her chair. “Here we go.” He left coins on the table and rushed her out the door. He hated to be rude, but he needed to distance himself from the vexing vixen before his mind wrote a check that his heart couldn’t cash.


  Sarah considered herself somewhat perceptive, but she couldn’t understand what was going on inside this man’s head. He obviously couldn’t tell when a young lady was interested in him. And why did he rush her out of the diner so quickly? And if he didn’t slow his pace she would have to run to keep up. “Frederick, Frederick, can we please slow down?”

  Frederick stopped and turned. “I do apologize, Miss McKinney. I sometimes forget how briskly I walk. Must be a carryover from my days on the Harvard track and field team.”

  Sarah caught up. “If that’s your walk I’d hate to see you in a hurry!”

  Frederick chuckled. “The office is just up ahead.” He pointed up Strand Street.

  Sarah offered her arm. He acted as though he didn’t know what to do. OK, Mr. Frederick Chessher. This is your last chance. Take it or leave it.

  With what appeared to be trepidation, Frederick hooked arms with Sarah, and they walked much slower down the street. Upon reaching her uncle’s law office, he opened the door and ushered her to the group of overstuffed chairs in the lobby. Sarah sat in the cozy loveseat and folded her hands in her lap.

  Tension melted from Frederick’s shoulders when Mrs. Gilley stepped out and walked toward her desk holding a cup of steaming liquid. “Oh, Mrs. Gilley, thank goodness you’re here.”

  “But I’ve been here all day, Mr. Chessher. Is there something you need?” She set the cup on her desk, her expression puzzled.

  “Um…yes, would you mind pulling the um, the um…the Garner file? Yes, that’s it.” He snapped his fingers as if he’d just remembered.

  Mrs. Gilley’s brow furrowed. “The Garner case was closed over a year ago. Has something come up?”

  Frederick looked befuddled. He spoke curtly to the woman. “Not yet, but I’m certain it will. Now please retrieve the file for me.”

  “Yes, sir.” Mrs. Gilley huffed out a breath and left the room.

  “Won’t you come sit?” Sarah patted the chair.

  “Um, yes, of course.” Frederick sat next to her, but didn’t make eye contact. He fidgeted with a button on his coat.

  Sarah reached over and held his hand still. “What on earth is the matter with you, Frederick?”

  He slumped back and pulled his hand away. “I must be honest with you
, Miss McKinney. I have a lady friend in Beaumont, Texas and I beg your pardon, but she would interpret our hand holding as entirely inappropriate.” Frederick averted his gaze and straightened his tie. “And…in all honesty, you have become quite the distraction to me.”

  A flood of heat rose up Sarah’s neck. Had she been at home, a statement like that would have brought about a flurry of condemnation. Sarah rose from her chair. “Excuse me, Mr. Chessher, I’ll be going now. I, I need to find out what’s happened to my…”

  Frederick leaped from his seat nearly knocking Sarah off her feet. “Please, Miss McKinney, don’t be offended by what I said. What I meant is that…”

  The bell tinkled, and Grace pushed open the office door.

  “Oh, look, Grace has found her way back.” Sarah grabbed her sister in a bear hug. “I’m so glad to see you. I was worried something terrible had happened to you.”

  Grace squinted at Sarah as if a complete stranger had embraced her. “Um, no, I’m fine, except for feeling addle minded for forgetting my reticule.” She held up the small bag. “But I have it now. Shall we sit?”

  Sarah quickly cut her off. “Oh, Grace, you aren’t addled, you’re just confused.”

  Frederick’s scrutiny landed on Grace. “What is it you’re confused about, Miss Winnie?”

  Grace, in turn, tented her eyebrows and looked directly at Sarah. “Why I’m not exactly sure, Mr. Chessher. Sister, can you apprise the rest of us about what it is exactly that I’m confused about?”

  Sarah patted Grace’s arm. “Now, sister, you said yourself that we have a lot to do to get ready for your wedding. We can’t stay here all day dilly-dallying.”

  Sarah took Grace’s elbow and gently nudged her. “Come on now, let’s go.”

  Grace yanked her arm from Sarah’s grip. “But I just got here!”


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