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Too Much: A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance (All or Nothing)

Page 14

by Lea Griffith

  “You just realized they might be able to see us, didn’t you, baby?”

  She nodded.

  “Speak your answers,” he commanded.


  Two thudding taps on her ass. “Yes, who?”

  She hated the thudding spanks. She craved the biting ones. Those sank deep and left a blazing heat that always took her so high. “Yes, Sir.”

  “There’s my little sub,” he said gutturally at her neck. “I had to watch you fawn over other men tonight. Do you know what that did to me, Daly?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Yes you do,” he said, and used the fingers on both hands to scissor at her nipples, squeezing and then releasing, tugging and then rubbing. “You know it drove me insane to see another man’s hands on what’s mine alone.”

  Anger pierced her then. How dare he? She’d had to watch him with Detective Cavanaugh. Even though her mind was foggy with lust, his words penetrated. “Maybe it isn’t yours.”

  He stilled behind her and she wanted to curse her mouth. She was soaking wet, had the man who held her dreams behind her, and her big damn mouth just had to go there. Her body was pissed while her heart was yelling “Hell yeah!”

  “Then whose is it, Daly?”

  A single tear fell and her voice thickened. Nothing to be done for it, she supposed. He’d hurt her again. No contact in three days and she had to walk into this tonight? She’d been ripped wide open seeing him with another woman—a woman he’d fucked before. Damn him!

  “It’s mine. To give to whom I find fit,” she said around her tears.

  He hadn’t moved a muscle behind her and her body wanted to curl into his, alleviate his tension while finding succor inside him. Crazy that the one who’d hurt her was the one she wanted to turn to.

  “You’re telling me again I have to earn it?” His voice was deep and full of something she didn’t want to consider. Not with his actions the last few days.

  No way did Jeremiah love her. Love didn’t hurt the way he’d hurt her.

  She had to reach down into the well of her strength. “That’s exactly what I’m saying,” she responded, and her voice was stronger now.

  “Keep your hands on the glass, sub,” he ground out.

  Just that quickly, the lust was back in force.

  “You see them, below us? I know you like to be watched, or you at least like the thought of being watched. What would it be like to have all of those people knowing I’m fucking this pussy—my pussy? Will it make you hotter? Wetter? Will it make you come harder on my cock if they hear you screaming?”

  She gave him silence because he’d taken her breath with his words.

  Jeremiah spanked her, hard taps that stung and then cooled off to smolder so sweetly.

  “Answer me, goddamn it.”


  It was still dark, but her eyes had adjusted and she knew his had too. Desire wracked her, stretching her skin tight. His words always scattered her wits but forced her desire to unmanageable levels.

  Her ass was bared to his gaze, skirt lifted high, and she was now bent slightly at the waist because her hands were on the glass in front of her. He had pushed her top down, freeing her breasts.

  Her breathing was shallow and loud in the enclosed space. She inhaled him with every breath she took and tried to taste him on her lips.

  He was quiet, making her wonder when his next command would come. Her Dom loved to play her this way.

  “Not mine,” she whispered on a sigh. He wasn’t hers.

  “Always yours,” he said in a gruff tone.

  She hadn’t meant for him to hear. His refutation of her words had her heart kicking into a staggering beat. Heat blossomed in her abdomen and her pussy clenched. She needed him.

  “Pick a person below and concentrate on them. Describe them to me,” he ordered.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Her gaze found Detective Cavanaugh and she wanted to curse.

  He swatted her ass just once and she arched back, silently demanding more.

  “Describe them to me.” His voice was so raspy she had to strain to understand him. It was sexy as hell.

  “Long brown hair. She’s taller than me but skinnier. Small breasts and hips, nice ass for all that. She’s wearing a dark blue dress,” she intoned.

  He laughed, and even that was hot. He’d known she’d pick the woman he’d come here with tonight.

  He cleared his throat and settled his hands on her hips. They clenched and released on her flesh, as if he waged a war with himself to prevent grabbing her and pulling her to him. His hands began to rove up her body, skimming along her side until he came to her hair and sank them in deep.

  “Her hair is brown and long, but it doesn’t shine in the light and smell like roses. I’ve never felt her hair, never had it wrapped around my fists as I pumped into her body, so I don’t know if it’s as soft as yours.” He let his hands filter through her strands, and then he inhaled deeply.

  He smoothed her hair where he’d mussed it. And then once again his hands began to move, this time lingering on her shoulders and sides, stroking over her flesh and her dress, marking her with his touch.

  “I prefer my woman shorter and with curves that linger in my mind long after they’re covered and out of my sight. I like the way my woman fits like a puzzle piece against my body, settling her softness gently into my hardness and making me complete.”

  She almost choked on a sob but breathed through it. She was on fire. His touch and dialogue worked her desire, manipulating it to a crescendo.

  “Keep your hands on the glass, sub,” he demanded in her ear.

  She hadn’t even realized she’d dropped them and was reaching behind her. For him.

  She put them back, determined to win this battle of wills.

  He licked her neck and shifted behind her. Daly heard the whisper of his zipper lowering and prayed he’d take her soon.

  His hands curved over her breasts, cupping and teasing the peaks with light strokes. Each tug on her nipple rings sent lightning straight to her clit. He used his thumbs to caress the underside of her globes before he moved back to her hips, squeezing and plumping, demand in his grip.

  “Her breasts are caricatures, whereas my woman’s are perfection. Yours are round and pierced, with nipples that are a delicious raspberry color begging for my tongue. They are heavy in my palm and make me ache when they brush against me. Hers move me not at all. Her hips aren’t rounded like my woman’s and therefore have no hope of holding me in their cradle like yours do.”

  His hands molded her ass and then dipped between the crease, twisting and sliding down so that his fingers rubbed over her pussy, stealing the moisture and then retreating to tease her anus. That hot caress had her digging her fingers against the glass. His breath was hot at her ear, his body curving over hers, and she felt the brand of his cock against her lower back.

  “Her ass doesn’t make saints weep. It doesn’t make me want to watch it bouncing as I stroke into her body from behind. But your ass? Your ass makes me want to sink so far inside you I get lost and can’t find my way back.” He swatted both cheeks in rapid succession. “Your ass makes me want things that are illegal.”

  She moaned loud and long.

  “That woman down there, in her dark blue dress, has never held me in her palm. She’s never twisted my soul into knots so tight I can’t break free. That woman is no one you should worry about, little sub, because she is nothing compared to you.”

  Her breath hitched again and she sobbed out loud. He didn’t give her any surcease.

  “I see them down there and wonder if they’ve ever known anything like what’s between us.”

  He moved behind her and she felt the brush of his cock at her entrance.

  “I want to fuck you, Daly. I want to imprint myself on you. I don’t ever want you to forget me, forget what only I can give you. But you’ve doubted me time and time again and I think right here, right now, you should be punis

  She hissed in a breath as he stepped away from her.

  “What are you—”

  He grabbed her chin and forced her to face forward. His touch was gentle but firm and she ached inside. She had doubted him. But what was she supposed to do? Nothing in three damn days, and then he’d been here with another woman? The refrain repeated over and over in her mind. Discarded. He’d discarded her and now he sought to cement his ownership?

  “Fuck you,” she spit out.

  His fingers tightened and he inhaled slowly.

  “No,” he murmured. “Right here, right now, Daly, you’ll not be fucking anyone but yourself.”

  He dropped his hand, making sure to drift over a nipple before he stepped away again.

  “Do not look at me. Focus out there, on the crowd, how they just might hear you when you scream my name in a few minutes.”

  Jeremiah leaned a shoulder against the glass at her side. She had no idea if this was one-way mirrored glass or not. She’d paid no attention when she walked by initially. But his words were commanding and there was an inherent need to obey him. Instinctively she’d chosen this man at her side. Years ago when she’d not even known what being a submissive was, she’d picked the most dominant of men to be hers.

  And there had always been a freedom in her submission. Being tied, bound, told what to do all got her hot. She had no idea if she could feel this with any other man, but her heart told her no. It was Jeremiah who did this to her.

  Pain almost sliced her in two, but on the heels of it was bone-bending lust. What if they could see her? Hear her? Did she care?

  The answer blindsided her. No. She didn’t give a flying rat’s ass what anyone other than Jeremiah thought.

  “Touch your pussy, Daly. Just the lips first.”

  She tentatively lowered her hand, reaching under the skirt of her dress and drifting over her lace-covered flesh.

  “Move that thong aside and use your nails to scratch lightly along the inside of those soft-as-fucking-silk lips.”

  She did as he asked, biting her lip before she hissed at the pleasure of her own touch.

  “Doesn’t that feel good, little sub?”

  She couldn’t answer him and he grabbed her chin once again, forcing her to look at him.

  “You will answer me when I ask you a question. Do not lower your gaze from mine, do you understand?”

  Shock held her immobile. Then the volcanic heat in his gray eyes got through to her and she nodded. “It feels good …”


  “But not as good as your hand, Sir.”

  He smiled, just a kick up of one corner of his mouth, but it was enough that a tear beaded on her lashes and tracked down her face. She loved pleasing him.

  “We’ve been in here a while now, Daly. They’re missing us, I’m sure. We need to hurry, because there are people here who will take note of it and I don’t want that happening.”

  There was a message in his words but she couldn’t concentrate on that now.

  He stroked a finger down her cheek. “Rub your clit, Daly. Slow circles and gently.”

  She did, and a groan was torn from her chest. She was swollen in her need. He’d begun the fire in her and she needed release. Though no one could quench the appetite she had for this man.

  “How does that feel, little sub?”

  “Good …”


  “But it’s not you doing the rubbing, Sir.”

  “You’ve been so disobedient, Daly. You’ve earned a spanking, but here isn’t the place. I would take you over but again, there’s that disobedience that keeps rearing its head. You haven’t forgotten, Daly. I wonder where it’s coming from?”

  She lowered her head and he was behind her again just that fast. Her face was at the glass and his hand was on her hip, holding her still.

  “And there it is again. I can see your father down there, looking around everywhere for you while trying not to make it obvious. And there’s Detective Cavanaugh, looking for me, wondering where the hell I am, but she knows, Daly. She knows where I am.”

  “Where are you?” she asked, at once dreading but needing the answer.

  “Where I’m supposed to be,” he said in a gravelly voice. “Rub harder, Daly. I want to hear your breath break as your orgasm takes you over. Rub harder, little sub, but don’t you dare dip your fingers inside. Nobody goes inside you but me.”

  She did as he demanded, stroking over her clit with two fingers as she inhaled the combined scents of their lust. Her gaze began to go unfocused and he tsked.

  “Look at me in the glass, Daly. I’m right here, little sub, holding you. Harder, Daly, just a little harder.” He licked the shell of her ear. “So close, Daly, so fucking close I can taste it in the air. You want to come, don’t you?”

  She made a sound—yea or nay, she was unsure.

  “Tell. Me.”

  “Sir, please let me come,” she begged.

  “Tell. Me.”

  He pressured her for every last piece. She wanted to hold something back, but in the storm of his eyes she had no defenses.


  “Come, Daly,” he said firmly. “Come all over your hand and know that you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in your pleasure.”

  He held her close as she imploded. He gave her permission and she shot off like a rocket. The sights below her faded and her head fell back against his shoulder. He soothed her with nonsensical words and kisses on her neck.

  She didn’t know how long they stood here, but she finally roused when he began to push her skirt back down.

  “You have to go back out there. I’ll follow, but come in from a different entrance. Are you okay?”

  Was she? She just didn’t know.

  “I will be,” she said.

  “Good girl. Straighten up and go out this door behind me. This is a security room, Daly. No one saw us,” he said at her back.

  There was a tone in his voice now that spoke of business. Gone was the Dom who’d just made her come with his voice and instructions. Here was the man who hadn’t contacted her in three days.

  Misery wound its way around her heart and sank its fangs in deep. But she straightened her spine and did as he said. She smoothed her hair, refreshed her makeup, and took a deep breath.

  “I’m ready,” Daly said with a sigh.

  She’d just stepped to the door at the back of the small room when Copeland reached for her hand. She glanced at him, a question on her lips when he raised her hand to his mouth. It was the hand she’d used to bring herself over.

  He captured her gaze. Daly’s breath hovered in her lungs, waiting to discover the intent in his stare. So slowly that she wondered if she’d die from anticipation, he sucked her two fingers into his mouth and used his tongue to lick over every inch.

  “Now you’re ready,” he said with a grin that stopped her heart.

  She turned and put her hand on the doorknob. “I need answers, Jeremiah. When?”

  “Soon. We will talk, but not yet,” he said quietly.

  Her shoulders drooped and she blinked away tears.

  “Wait for me, Daly. Trust me this time.”

  It was a plea. She recognized the notes of it and could no more deny this man than she could stop breathing.

  “Waiting will be nothing new, Jeremiah,” she said and left the room.

  Chapter 16

  “Got to see Father Dearest tonight, huh?”

  Daly threw her purse and keys as hard as she could and ran for the door.

  “Damn it, Day-day—it’s me!”

  She stopped on the threshold and turned around slowly. “You jerk! How’d you get in here?”

  Toby held up a key and grinned.

  “I’m sick of my house being broken into,” she grumbled as she picked up her purse and keys and set them on the coffee table.

  “You ran like a little chicken shit. I know now why you couldn’t cut it as a cop,” he said wi
th a laugh.

  “Yuck it up, Chuckles. You won’t think it’s so damn funny when y’all are calling somebody to bail your asses out of jail for B and E,” she spit out.

  “It’s not breaking and entering if—”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, if you have a key,” she returned in frustration. “Assholes. So now everybody has a key to my house? And why are you here, anyway?”

  He sat down in her recliner and raised an eyebrow. “Really?”

  Daly crossed her arms over her chest and took a deep breath. “Yeah, really.”

  “Copeland sent me,” he responded and shrugged.

  “Figures. I guess it would kill you to visit me on your own. How long’s it been, Toby? Three years?”

  “Actually, it’s only been about three days,” he said with that patented Toby grin.

  “You know what I’m talking about,” she said firmly. It seemed that all the men in her life did was leave. Her father, Jeremiah, Toby. Okay, she’d actually left her father and Jeremiah, but wasn’t there a law somewhere that said big brothers should never abandon their little sisters? On the heels of that thought was another about Jeremiah. He’d never left his sister.

  Something had happened to her brother. Something really bad that involved more than the damage to his face. She missed him so much. He’d been the most important person in her world after their mother died. Toby had watched over her as she grew up, taking the brunt of their father’s constant displeasure and always making sure she was kept far from the ugliness of his tirades.

  His expression changed to a sheepish one. “You know I was always watching, Day-day.”

  She grabbed a pillow and threw it this time. He caught it, laughed, and threw it back.

  “Sit down, Daly. We need to talk.”

  She sighed but remained standing. “ ‘We’? Wrong pronoun. If you have something to say though, feel free.”

  “Someone is following you,” he informed her in a hard voice.

  Daly snorted. “Yeah, you. And you aren’t very good at it. I see that ostentatious car everywhere I go.”

  He snorted. “You’re vocabulary is still frou-frou, I see.” He sighed and his face sobered. “It’s not one of ours, Daly.”

  She ignored the comment about her vocabulary and pounced on the second half of his statement. “You act as if you have an entire team of special security agents at your beck and call, Toby.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Her hands were cold and she fisted them.


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