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Too Much: A Loveswept Contemporary Erotic Romance (All or Nothing)

Page 25

by Lea Griffith

  “Your skin is so soft. You’ll hold my marks tomorrow. I love knowing that. Now we forgot one thing. Do you know what that is?”

  “No, Sir,” she said breathlessly.

  Copeland smiled and adjusted his hard cock. He wanted inside her. “You didn’t count. So it looks like I’ll have to use the paddle now. You did that on purpose, didn’t you, little sub?”

  “No, Sir,” she responded, but there was a delicious shiver in her voice.

  He settled the twelve-inch black lacquer paddle on her ass and rubbed it over the redtinted ivory skin there. “You will count this time.”

  He swung, and the sound of the paddle meeting her flesh was punctuated by her indrawn breath. It was beautiful.

  “One!” she yelled.

  He dropped the paddle to her flesh again.


  “Good girl,” Copeland said. “But you’re forgetting a really important part of that.”

  He spanked her again, harder.

  “Three, Sir!”

  “Goddamn, that’s lovely,” he said reverently as he backed away and looked at his marks on her. The curve of her ass was delicious, and now it was red like a candied apple. “I’m going to fuck this ass soon, Day.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I didn’t need your permission. I already have it, sub.” He reached for her pussy, gathering the wetness there and rubbing it over her anus. The puckered hole called him. He’d rarely taken her there. He didn’t know that he would tonight. She needed preparation and he wouldn’t last long enough for that here, now.

  But he could play. Slowly, he played with her, stroking over the forbidden hole. Before too long she’d relaxed, and he was able to put in a single finger to the first knuckle. She squirmed, and he swatted her another time.

  “Four, Sir!”

  He removed his finger and rubbed it over the most recent mark.

  “I want your pussy wrapped around my cock, sub.” His heart was pounding. A combination of the last two weeks without her, the constant strain of thinking she didn’t believe him, and now this.

  “You showed what was mine to others, Daly. There will be punishment for that. Perhaps I’ll not let you come tonight,” he mused.

  “No, Sir, please let me come.”

  Two more hard spanks with the paddle and he threw it to the floor. She’d failed to count, but it didn’t matter. He licked over the marks, she moaned, and it was enough.

  He freed himself.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, little sub. I can’t wait,” he ground out.

  “I’m yours,” she said.

  He bent over her, placing his cock at her entrance, and knew there wasn’t another woman alive who could get him so out of control. “I need you.”

  “Everything,” she whispered.

  He dove deep and she screamed his name. His cock flexed in the warm recess of his woman’s body and Copeland knew bliss. It was the forgiveness he’d found tonight in his woman’s submission. It was her offer to pardon him when he’d been unable to absolve himself.

  “Always,” he said in her ear.

  Her ass was warm from his spanking, and he knew the feel of his body against those marks pushed her higher.

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “I love you.”

  “What will you give me?”

  She remained silent, and he wondered if he’d stolen her voice with his thrusts.

  “What will you give me, little sub?”

  “Everything, Jeremiah. It’s already yours!”

  He drove into her over and over, let his body have its way, and she loved it. She loved him.

  “Again,” he snarled.


  He felt her tighten on him and then she exploded in his arms, internal muscles gripping him so tight he wondered if he’d ever felt the like.

  “Always!” he shouted as his release rushed over and through him, cleansing and filling him up all at once.

  He stayed inside her until she groaned.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked cautiously.

  “Yes, Sir,” she answered. His heart stopped. “And I loved every second of it.”

  He let his breath go. “Imp.”

  “Untie me, Jeremiah. I need to hold you,” she said softly.

  He did, and when he picked her up, she curled into him. He strode to the elevator and took her upstairs. He removed her fire-engine-red corset, smiling at the lazy heat in her eyes, and then he washed her down, rubbed Tiger Balm into her skin, and laid her on the bed in their bedroom.

  It was theirs. She’d stamped her ownership all over it a couple of weeks ago. He hadn’t been able to sleep here since.

  “I’m here now, Jeremiah. Let’s sleep and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  She’d read his mind and he rubbed his chest. He was the luckiest son of a bitch in the world. He didn’t deserve this woman. But he’d never let her go again.

  He lay down behind her, pulling her close into the curve of his body as her breathing evened out, and he reaffirmed his vow. He’d never let her go again.


  Chapter 30

  Daly woke disoriented. The warm body at her back reminded her quickly that she wasn’t dreaming. The hard cock pressing into the crease of her ass told her that warm body was awake and very much ready to go.

  She smiled and turned over, ignoring the tenderness of her behind while at the same time relishing it. He’d spanked her and she’d come so hard she’d almost passed out.

  “Morning,” Jeremiah said as she opened her eyes.

  “Is it?”

  He lifted his head and glanced at the clock. “Three thirty, to be exact.”

  “Too early,” she whined.

  “I didn’t wake you up,” he said with a smile in his voice.

  She giggled. “You might not have, but that greedy cock of yours was poking me in the back.”

  “I’m sure if it was poking you, you would definitely not be complaining about waking up.”

  “Can we test the theory?”

  He brushed a wayward strand of hair from her face. “Not right now. I know how easily you capitulate. After all, this greedy cock of mine was made to be seated in that amazing pussy of yours.” Jeremiah kissed her lips, laved the seam of them with his tongue, and then pulled away.

  “You walked away from me,” she said quietly, and the wince that crossed over his features was a dagger to her heart.

  He stared into her eyes so long she wondered if he’d respond. Then he sighed. “I did.”


  “I’ve thought about nothing but that for the last two weeks. I’ve swung from rage to pain back to rage and ultimately, it all comes down to this: I didn’t give enough of myself to you. I didn’t trust you.”

  She smiled, and his eyebrow rose in surprise. “I know.”

  “Of course you do. But I didn’t until last night when I saw you tied to that fucking bench in my club in front of God and everybody.” Jeremiah ran a hand down his face, and then fisted that same hand in her hair. “You’re so strong, Daly. You humbled me last night. That the woman I loved and turned away from came to me that way? Do you know what that did to me?”

  “I hope it showed you I both love and trust you,” she said solemnly.

  “It showed me that out of everyone in my life, for the entirety of my life, you are the only one willing to hold on to me. And you’re the only one I will hold on to. I don’t know if you’re aware of what you did last night.”

  “I loved you, Jeremiah. Something I didn’t do right three years ago. Something I hope I get the opportunity to do forever.”

  His eyes burned. “You are my everything, Daly Edwards. Everything I am belongs to you. You took me apart last night and put me back together. For the rest of my life I’ll do whatever is needed to keep you safe inside my soul. Because I love you, though that word is so pale in comparison to how my heart burns for you.”

  The tears came then, and Daly knew
she’d won. She’d wrangled this dominant man who had a soft, tender heart. He was hers and she was his. They’d somehow managed to overcome her insane father, his brother, and each other.

  “I am yours,” she whispered at his lips.

  “Mine,” he affirmed.

  “We’re going to do this, you and me,” Daly said shyly.

  “Forever,” he responded in a gruff voice. “I have to apologize to your brother. I don’t know that he’ll come back to work for me.”

  Surprise filtered through her. “He left you?”

  “Just like you did. I can’t blame him. Another Edwards I have to make things right with.”

  “I didn’t leave you. You left me this time. That kinda makes us even now, right?”

  He shrugged. “We aren’t keeping score. I can safely say I don’t ever want this to happen again.”

  Daly snuggled against his chest, kissed his neck, and smiled. “I don’t know. I kinda dug that spanking you dished out last night.”

  He growled. “It wasn’t too much?” he asked as he palmed the ass he’d spanked so well.

  “Oh, baby, it’s not ever … could never be …” Daly met his gaze and put all of her heart into her eyes.

  His gaze widened as the beautiful gray lightened to a brilliant blue. “What?”

  “Too much.”


  “I hear you, Toby, but he needs you,” Daly said into the phone as she stepped out of the Town Car Jeremiah insisted she be driven around in. To the driver she said, “I shouldn’t be too long, Mr. Craft. Maybe ten minutes tops.”

  He nodded.

  “I understand, Toby, just go talk to him, okay? He thinks you hate him because he’s the one who told the cops about Heyward—” Daly took a deep breath. “Don’t cut me off, brother. Go see him. And I expect to see you at my house tonight for supper. No! Don’t give me any shit, Tobias Edwards. Eight o’clock. Oh, and Ruthie will be there—’bye,” she said quickly, and then hung up before her brother could voice a protest.

  Daly settled her phone in her purse and walked into Mick’s Restaurant. The hamburgers at Mick’s were always a draw for her, but she wasn’t here to eat today. She had another appetite to fill.

  “Excuse me,” she said to the server. “I’m here to meet a Detective Cavanaugh.”

  The server nodded. “Please follow me—she’s already here.”

  Daly took a deep breath. She hadn’t told Jeremiah she was coming here today. There’d been no need. Ruthie knew. Candace knew. That was enough. She was about to do something that had needed to be done weeks ago.

  Savannah Cavanaugh was watching for her and the knowing smirk on her face tried to worm its way into Daly’s confidence, but then she remembered how nasty the woman had been to her and she steeled her spine.

  Daly took a seat opposite Cavanaugh and raised an eyebrow. “I’m glad you showed.”

  Detective Cavanaugh laughed. “Oh, I’m looking forward to this.”

  “Your waiter will be here soon, ma’am,” the server said to her and then left.

  Daly smiled at Detective Cavanaugh. “I’ve got to get back to work, so this won’t take long.” The other woman inclined her head and Daly got right to business. “The first time I met you was at The Underground. It wasn’t pleasant, and I can honestly say each time I’ve seen you since has been less pleasant than the first.”

  “I don’t—”

  Daly held up her hand. “Oh, there’s no reason for you to talk. I don’t care to hear anything you have to say. I simply wanted to tell you that I know how you feel about Jeremiah.”

  The woman’s smirk faltered, mouth falling open. Daly smiled politely and pushed away from the table.

  Finally, Detective Cavanaugh sputtered, to which Daly smiled wider and leaned over the table.

  “Yeah, I know you. I see you and I want you to be aware of one thing. Are your ears wide open, Savvy?”

  The woman said nothing. Daly shrugged and continued on anyway.

  “That man is all mine. His heart, his trust, his soul—mine. You come after what’s mine in any way and there will be hell to pay. Enjoy your meal, Detective,” she said smartly and walked out of the restaurant.

  She stepped into the Town Car and met Mr. Craft’s gaze in the rearview mirror.

  “All settled now?” he asked with a secretive smile.

  “Absolutely. That was … refreshing.”

  “I’m sure Detective Cavanaugh disagrees,” Jeremiah’s voice came over the speakers in the car.

  “You told on me?” she exclaimed to Mr. Craft.

  His gaze skated away from hers but his smile was still in place.

  “What did you say to her, Day?”

  “Nothing that shouldn’t have been said that first night at The Underground,” she said with a smile of her own.

  “I guess I should tell you I had already taken care of that,” Jeremiah said gruffly.

  She nodded. “As you should have. But I have handled it once again, you know, just to drive the point home.”

  He growled, and Daly shifted on the seat.

  “Bring her to my office, Craft.”

  “What?” She gaped. “I have to go back to work.”

  “This won’t take long, Day,” Jeremiah responded, and in his voice was a promise.

  “Buckle up, Ms. Edwards,” Mr. Craft said.

  Daly sighed as she did just that. She was wet already. Wet and needy. She checked her watch. She had exactly forty minutes to meet her man and get back to work.

  Maybe not enough time.

  One thing she could be assured of, though: he’d make it worth her while.

  She practically sprinted to the elevators in his building and when she stepped off at his floor, she felt the atmosphere charge. Energy danced along her nerves, jumping from goose bump to goose bump and sliding down her spine.

  Jeremiah’s secretary had a smile on her face. It reminded her of her husband’s from moments ago.

  “Mrs. Craft, how are you?”

  “I’m really good, Ms. Edwards. Mr. Copeland asked me to escort you to his office,” she said as she gestured for Daly to follow her.

  Daly did and impatiently glanced at her watch. Thirty-five minutes. She walked into Jeremiah’s office, and that feeling of anticipation she’d acknowledged breaking over her skin in the elevator floated back up and made the hair on the back of her neck rise.

  “He’ll be in shortly,” Mrs. Craft said and closed the door behind her.

  Daly walked over to the windows and stared out over downtown Atlanta, loving that the trees still had some vibrantly colored leaves on them. One more look at her watch and she began tamping her foot.

  She heard the door open and close, and he was there. Her heart rose to her throat and she swallowed, love for her man clogging her lungs, making it difficult to breathe.

  “I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times … In life after life, in age after age, forever,” he said in a husky voice.

  Their eyes met in the glass in front of her. He was so tall behind her, shoulders wide enough to carry her world and everything in it. Her stomach rolled, a free fall she relished, and she turned to face him.

  “My spellbound heart has made and remade the necklace of songs, that you take as a gift, wear round your neck in your many forms, in life after life, in age after age, forever,” she responded.

  He raised her left hand to his lips and kissed the knuckles, soft, wicking kisses that made her joy bubble.

  “Rabindranath Tagore had the right of it, Day,” Jeremiah said. “Close your eyes.”

  She cocked her head, confusion moving through her in a great wave, but she did as he asked.

  Something cold and lightly weighted touched her neck. Her breath caught suddenly as his action became clear.

  “I want forever, Day. Yet instead of gifting you with a necklace, I would give my devotion to you in the form of this collar.” His voice was infinitely deep and full of all that he was. “Open y
our eyes.”

  She did, and their gazes clashed as knowledge rippled over and through her.

  “Do you accept me? All that I am, all that we can be together, forever?”

  “If you accept the same from me, I will wear this collar proudly, knowing that my heart gave it to me, along with your trust,” she responded solemnly.

  She moved to wrap her arms around him, but he shook his head and went to one knee. Her mouth gaped open, and she wondered if she looked like Savannah Cavanaugh had looked earlier.

  He smiled knowingly and she wanted to tackle him to the floor, take him over as surely as he was doing to her.

  “I have your submission and it is a beautiful gift. Now I would have your heart and your promise of forever. I grew up rough, you know this. I didn’t know what love was until I fell with you. Then you introduced me to possession. You’ve given me something precious and I want to be yours for the rest of my life. Dalia Grace Edwards, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” There was no hesitation and she went to her knees in front of him, reaching to bury herself against his body.

  He laughed and kissed her, endlessly, his vow already sealed in her soul. She felt him put the ring on her finger but she couldn’t be bothered to look at the ring, the collar, or anything other than his blue-gray eyes so beautifully shining with love for her.

  “Everything,” she whispered when he raised his head.

  “Always,” he affirmed.

  She made it to work with two minutes to spare and a great, big smile on her face. Not that she would have cared if she’d been late. For her man she had all the time in the world.

  Loving Jeremiah Copeland was never too much.

  To You.

  For all the reasons.

  And to Sue Grimshaw.

  You made my words shine and you took a chance.

  Thank you.


  This book wouldn’t have been possible without three very important people: Sidney Bristol, Becca Jameson, and Stacey Kennedy. Your dirty minds, unparalleled support, and willingness to listen to me whine allowed me to keep it together. Oh—and did I mention your dirty minds? Because … yeah …


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