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New York Hope

Page 8

by Rachel Wesson

  “What would they do in the event of a fire?” Mr. Prentice asked angrily.

  “I guess nobody cares about the answer to that question,” Officer Griffin answered.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Inspector. We care and we are going to make changes for those girls. Right Lily?”

  “Yes, Mr. Prentice.” Lily was convinced Mr. Prentice meant to do the best he could but even he couldn’t rehouse all the working girls in New York. That was an insurmountable task. She looked up to catch Robbie watching her closely.

  “We have to start somewhere Lily.” Robbie smiled at her sadly as though reading her thoughts. “Then people will take notice and they will help others. Acts of charity have a way of working like that. Like a snowball rolling down a mountain. By the time it gets to the bottom, it will be enormous.”

  Lily just smiled. She knew Robbie was trying to help but he had never experienced the hell those girls had, the hell she had. Getting them out of the hands of their pimps was only the start of a very long journey. Some would already have drink and drug problems while others would be ill, suffering from diseases that were currently untreatable. The amount of work required was staggering. Still, she had never been afraid of hard work and wasn’t about to become so now.

  “Have you sent officers around to the house? Some of the other girls were quite young too. All of them need help,” Lily said.

  “We did, Miss Green, but it was too late. By the time the men got there, the place was empty. Looked like everyone left in a hurry.”

  “How did they know so quickly? We alerted you as soon as we got Stella and Mattie out of there.”

  “Yes Miss but Ned Duffy, well, he has fingers in a lot of pies. He always seems to be one step ahead of us.”

  Why should she be surprised? Dickinson had been the same in the smaller towns. The first people he bribed or bought off or killed were the lawmakers. The honest ones were killed and replaced with his friends, the less honest were bribed not to take any attention of what Dickinson or his men did. New York was a much bigger playing field, but it seemed the same rules applied.

  “Corruption in the police department and across the city in general has been a problem for some years now. But the reforms have been implemented and progress has been made. We will get Ned Duffy, Miss Green. It’s just a matter of time.”

  Lily smiled graciously, although in her head she was thinking of how little time some of the girls had left. Mattie would be lucky to last another couple of days. Stella would never fully recover. How many other girls were there out there who needed help now. Girls whose time was running out?

  “Lily, why don’t you come for a walk? Clear the air a little?”

  Lily looked into the face of Charlie Doherty. He had kind eyes. She found herself saying yes, a walk would be nice. She allowed him to take her arm as they said goodbye to the other men.

  “There’s a small park near here, would you like to take a walk around it? Some residents have cleared a pathway. It’s quite pretty and the air is fresh.”

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “Well, fresh by New York standards. It might not be what you are used to out in Colorado.”

  She smiled. He was trying his best to be pleasant and he had helped today. She should try to relax more. She liked Nora so why shouldn’t she enjoy spending time with her brother too? Because he is the only man who has turned your head, Lily thought. Michael Byrne had a raw appeal but his nephew was even more dangerous to Lily’s heart. He was so attractive her stomach jumped any time he touched her hand. She also liked his sense of humor, his kindness and concern for others. He was a man about town, not some innocent boy who didn’t know what type of woman he was dealing with.

  They chatted about different things as they walked. Charlie told her stories of when he was younger, when his da was working and how much fun he’d been. He told her about his gran standing up to Ned Duffy and how he secretly believed Duffy admired his Gran and that’s why he hadn’t touched her.

  “I am glad they’re going to Clover Springs though. Some day Duffy may get fed up of Gran and hurt her. She ain’t getting any younger.”

  “What about you? Will you go to Clover Springs?” Lily tried to sound casual, as though her heart didn’t care about his answer.

  “Me, go to the country? Not likely. I wouldn’t know one end of a cow from the other. No, the city is where I belong. I might move in with my aunt and uncle, the Headfords. If Jamie goes, that is. Aunty Nancy is a great cook, almost as good as me own mam.”

  “I see.” Someone who had plans to move in with his aunt wasn’t looking for romance. She stopped suddenly. When did she start thinking about stuff like that?

  “Lily, are you alright? You look like you saw a ghost.”

  “No, I’m fine,” she lied. “Just a little chilled. Maybe we should head back.”

  He took her hands in his and turned her to face him. “Can I tell you how much I admire your bravery? When you went off with those ladies today, I didn’t know what to think. I was so worried about you.”

  “You shouldn’t be. I’m able to look after myself.”

  “Yes, I know but you, well I know we just met but there is something about you Lily. Something that makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.”

  She tried to pull her hand away. “Go away with you. I’ve heard the stories. You and your uncle—both womanizers.”

  “I used to be. I’m not going to lie, but the events of the last few days…Well they’ve changed my outlook. I …you…we—could we be more than friends?”

  She stared up into his face, looking into his eyes trying to read his thoughts. Did he just want a quick roll in the hay or did he want more than that? Could she believe what she thought he was saying? Her heart was fragile, she was only just getting her life on track and he could very easily destroy everything. If he discarded her. But he knew about her. Surely, he had to have seen she was just like Mattie, Stella and the other girls.

  He mistook her silence for agreement and brought his head down to meet hers. When she didn’t move, he lay his lips to hers, tasting her gently. She let him pull her closer until their bodies were melded together and he deepened the kiss. Lily had never experienced anything like it. Her stomach danced, her breath grew ragged. She pushed against him wanting more. He broke their kiss to rain kisses all over her face, to her ear and back to her mouth.

  He was the first to withdraw.

  “Forgive me, darling. You’re just so adorable. I couldn’t control myself,” he said, smiling.

  She grew hot. He was apologizing when she had been the one who’d moved closer, who wanted more. She tried to still her rapid breathing and withdrew further.

  “You’re shivering. If you caught a chill Doc Erin will murder me. Come on let’s get back.”

  She didn’t talk the whole way back but let him take her arm and walk her back to the hotel as one would a respectable lady. Except she was anything but…

  Chapter 28

  The next day Charlie asked Lily to take another walk with him. He saw she was devastated by Mattie’s diagnosis. He’d heard the Doc thought she would only live for a few hours. She seemed very upset over someone she had just met, but he just assumed her heart was softer than he first imagined. It made him even more protective.

  They walked down the street away from the hotel, toward the same park. The snow had melted quite a bit, thanks, in part, to the efforts of Tommy and his friends. They passed some children making snowmen, their childish laughter making both Lily and himself smile.

  “You look very lovely today, Lily.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Did you make snowmen when you were younger?”

  Lily paused to watch a younger child try to hit another one with a snowball and laughed as he kept missing. She gave him a funny look.

  “No. There wasn’t much time for playing.”

  For some reason she didn’t want to talk about her childhood. He decided not to pry. They con
tinued walking a little bit before taking a seat.

  “I am so glad you’ve decided to stay in New York,” he said.

  “Charlie, I…”

  “Found you, you little swine. Boss wants a word with you. Looks like we got lucky today lads. Two for the price of one.”

  Charlie pulled Lily to her feet then pushed her behind him. He looked around for the copper they had seen leaving the hotel, but he was nowhere. In fact, there appeared to be just them and Duffy’s henchmen.

  “Leave Miss Green out of it. I’ll go with you but first let her walk back to the hotel.”

  “Yeah, sure we will. Off you go little lady,” Duffy’s man said.

  Charlie gave Lily a reassuring smile just as a brick came down on his head. The darkness started closing in and the look of horror on her face was the last thing he saw.

  Lily screamed just before the short man who the other one called Paulie, put his disgusting hand over her mouth. The smell of him nearly made her pass out. She kicked and kicked but to no avail. What he lacked in height he made up in muscle. She made her body go limp hoping to trick him into releasing his hold, but it didn’t work.

  “Nice try little lady, but I’ve been around a few years. I know all the tricks. The boss is going to have fun with you and then when he’s finished, you and me…Ouch you little —”

  Her cheek seared with hot-red pain as he back-handed her.

  “Paulie, we got to move. The coppers will be back soon,” the other goon said nervously.

  “Right, where’s the cab? Push him in first and I’ll bring her.”

  Lily tried to see where they were going but she didn’t recognize any of the streets. They seemed to be heading for the river, judging by the smells invading the cab.

  Paulie had released her but stuffed a gag in her mouth so she couldn’t speak. He kept a gun trained on her at all times. The other guy kept one on Charlie even though he was still out cold. Was he dead?

  Paul Headford climbed out from behind the bush he had dived into when he first saw Duffy’s men move toward his cousin Charlie. He hadn’t had a chance to warn his cousin and now Charlie was dead. At least he thought he was. The man had hit him hard and he went down fast. Until the fella had lifted him into the cab, Charlie hadn’t moved.

  He had flinched seeing Paulie backhand Lily. His parents had brought him up not to hit a woman and he couldn’t bear seeing anyone else do it. Paulie had a reputation almost as bad as Ned Duffy.

  Paul had to get help, he didn’t know why Duffy’s boys had grabbed his cousin and the woman but it wasn’t for anything good. He had to see what direction the cab took. He ran for a couple of blocks before he found some policemen. They didn’t take him seriously at first.

  “What were you doing lad?”

  Paul’s face heated up. Could he admit he wanted to see if Charlie really did have the gift with women. Would he get to kiss the girl?

  “I don’t got all day,” the policeman growled.

  “Sorry, it’s Charlie. He’s my cousin and I think he’s dead.”

  “Go on,” the policeman said.

  “He always has a lady on his arm. I thought if I followed him I might learn some of his tricks. If he saw me, he’d tell me to go home and stop being a nuisance. But then I saw Paulie, he’s one of Ned Duffy’s boys.” Paul stopped as the light of interest sparked in the copper’s eyes. “The other guy with him hit Charlie and Paulie hit Lily, she works at a hotel near here and then they bundled them into a cab.”

  “Why would they want your cousin and his friend?”

  “I don’t know sir but I know it ain’t for a good reason. Charlie’s grandma, Carmel Doherty, she is always fighting with Ned Duffy.”

  “Come on lad, I need you to come down to the station. We have to get to the bottom of this. I’ve heard of Carmel Doherty and her attempts to clear the streets of that Ned Duffy. You did well, lad.”

  Paul couldn’t respond. He was shaking too much to speak properly. So much for being brave. He wished he was at home with his ma although he would never admit to that out loud.

  Chapter 29

  The cab finally drew to a stop outside a run down building. It looked like an abandoned factory of some sort. Lily fought hard when Paulie picked her up, but he didn’t even flinch despite her best efforts. He threw her down on the ground, winding her. Opening her eyes, she saw another man’s shoes.

  “Nice of you to join us, Sandra. Or should I call you Lily? ”

  Lily tried not to show her fear. She knew Ned Duffy’s sort. The more pain he could inflict the better.

  “Lost your voice? That’s alright darling, as I like my women quiet. Not submissive though.”

  “She fought like an alley cat, boss,” Paulie chimed in.

  “I like you even better, Lily. I cannot wait to see the delights you have in store for me even if you are a bit older than my usual tastes. But first we have to dispose of this idiot.”

  He booted Charlie in the side, causing Lily to flinch. Charlie still didn’t move. “Care about him do ya?” Duffy was right in her face as he spoke. She itched to drag her nails down his face but Paulie had her arms secured behind her back.

  Duffy’s hands moved to the top of her dress. She tried to move away, but he yanked the top of it. The fabric tore easily.

  “Hmmm, this day just got better, Paulie. Nice job. Take her to my office. Make sure you tie her up tight. I don’t want her running again.”

  “Sure thing, boss,” Paulie replied with a lewd look in Lily’s direction. She was under no illusion over what they had planned for her. But they’d underestimated her. She wasn’t going to be anyone’s plaything. Not again. Catching Paulie by surprise, she stamped on his ankle and hit him with her elbow in the stomach, making him gasp for breath. It was all she needed. He loosened his grip and she was free. Before Duffy could react, she pulled the gun out of the concealed pocket in her skirt and aimed it at his head.

  “You should have known better. I ain’t afraid of a little man like you.” Lily sent a prayer up that she had taken Robbie’s advice about the gun. She thought her hands would shake, but they didn’t.

  “You should be. I will have you for this.”

  “In your dreams, darling. Now you, drop your weapon now. And then check Charlie. See if he’s breathing. And he better be, or your boss gets it.”

  Paulie dropped his gun before looking to his boss who nodded slightly giving his permission. He bent down to check Charlie. Or so Lily thought. As he stooped down, he twirled around knocking the gun from her hand. It went off, but nobody seemed to notice. Ned had her in a vice-like grip in seconds. She was losing consciousness as his hands tightened around her neck.

  “You got spirit, I’ll give you that. Normally I would enjoy breaking you, but I ain’t got time for playing games. So say goodbye to your fella. You will both rot in…”

  Lily didn’t hear anything else as the blackness flooded in on top of her.

  Ned gripped tighter as he felt the life drain out of the girl. Pity really, all that spirit and bravery in a woman. He had a moment of regret as he squeezed, up close she was even prettier than she’d first appeared, and she smelled good too. He would have had fun with her. But business came first. Once she was gone, he would send Charlie Doherty the same way. Only with him, he would take his time. Make Doherty feel every minute of the torture awaiting him. The girl went limp, he just needed to crack her…

  “What the he…”

  A shot rang out and echoed across the empty warehouse, deafening him. He watched as if dreaming as Paulie fell to the floor, his hands at his chest, blood everywhere.

  His gun was on the floor. Could he reach it?

  “You dirty varmint,” a female voice broke through the ringing in his ears. “You couldn’t be satisfied with the girls you had. You had to take mine. She was my daughter and you killed her. Now you’ll die too.”

  Ned turned his head to see none other than Mrs. Clark, his former mistress and the woman he trusted to run
his houses. She’d been good at dealing with the girls and easy to manipulate with a little bit of attention and the odd trinket or two. Or at least he had thought she was.

  “What are you talking about? I ain’t killed no one.”

  “Keep telling yourself that when you meet the Devil himself. I hope it’s as hot down there as they say.”

  “I didn’t know she was your daughter. I didn’t break her neck, you could still save her,” Ned moved to touch Lily but the next shot hit his foot.

  “Not her. My daughter, Leanne, she was only 14. You are sick.”

  “But I didn’t know. I swear to you,” he was whimpering now, the pain in his foot was incredible. “I wouldn’t have touched her, if I’d known she was yours.”

  “Liar. You don’t even remember her. She died six months ago. You knew she was under age. You didn’t care. You never cared. After all these years and broken promises, it took me long enough to work it out. All you care about is yourself.”

  Despite the pain in his foot, Ned knew he had to keep her talking. One of his boys would be back soon. They would have her dead in seconds.

  “Say goodbye, Ned Duffy.”

  “Wait, I’ll give you anything you want. You name it,” he groveled.

  “I have what I want. I’ve waited years for this. I’ll see you in Hell.”

  The last thing Ned saw was the hint of smoke as the bullet left the chamber. She didn’t miss.

  Chapter 30

  Light trickled into her eyes as she regained consciousness. The pain was incredible, but it meant she was alive. Lily crawled to a sitting position as she looked around her. Ned Duffy was dead, his eyes staring into the distance. A woman lay on the floor not far from where Ned lay. The man called Paulie was also dead, or dying, if the pool of blood was anything to go by. But what about Charlie?


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